HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-29, Page 8I
Page 0,Clioton Nuws.Rpoord- '' hu,1,, ..June 29, 1961
Mr; and Mrs:. W. Thain, Pres-
toon, erre Occup ri g their .cottage
this week.
Mrs, Lyle Norris and son Bill,
Detroit, were at their cottage
the past weekend.
Mrs. George l<Ieideln an, Tor-
onto, has opened her cottage,
and expel to spend the nine
tner there, this year..
• Mai. and MrS, Gilbert I:i~aoight,
Toronto, occupied their "Geri,
e n iardt" home on Louisa
reet for a f'ew days this week,
Mrs: Walter Soott of Lon-
don, spent the weekerhd' of June
17 with .her sister Mrs, Harold
Penhale, ,
Mss. Carl Diehl who entered
Victoria Hospital, London, on
April 19, is expected to return
home on Friday,
The first movie of :the season
in Pioneer Park will be .held on
Monday evening, July 3, spon-
sored by the Lions Club.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foys+tort
and son John, Byron, are oc-
cupying their cottage in the
Jowett area
Mr. sand Mrs. Leo Martelle,
London, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Ken. Mackie over the
Mrs. G, Heidelman has as
her guest this week, Miss Wal-
ker, Toronto. Her daughter
Miss Isabel, spent the weekend
at their cottage.
The executive committee of
the Woman's Association of Si.
Andrew's United Chureh, met
on Tuesday, to arrange plans
for their annual July 1 sup-
per, served from five to 'seven.
Mrs. Bruce Menerey visited
for a few days' in London this
week, and was 'able to see and
visit Mrs, Jean Ferguson, Sr.,
at the Pariuwood home, one af-
Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert MacVean, spent
Friday in the Clinton' Public
Hospital undergoing a tonsilec-
tomy. .
Lorne Sparks, accompanied
by his father Alex Sparks, re-
turned on .Saturday from a
week's trip to Rouyn, Quebec.
Mrs, Jack Fraser, who has
been a patient in the Clinton
Public Hospital for the past
ten days was able to return
home on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. R. A. Simons, "Shan-
gri-La" entertained at tea on
Tuesday afternoon, in honour
of her guest, Mals. Cora Casey,
Ottawa, who is visiting her
this week.
-yrs E4D..
Mr, au1! i Mrs, J, Harvey ?his
ney, Detroit, with their .ebil;d-
rent' Priscilla end jimmy, visit.
ed !thein aunt, Mrs, Jas. Itleh-
erdSon, And their uncle John
MacKenzieOver the weekend,
Dr, Annie Ross and Mrs. Cl-
are McGowan', Gadericlh, incl
Miss lira McGowan, London,
have rented the George Hopson
cottage on Bayfield Terrace, fox
the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fere
guson and Della Lou, with Mr.
and Mns, Donald Ferguson,
visited at Monkton on Sunday,
Mrs. L. A. Duggan and
daughter Patsy, Stratford, have
opened their summer home and
are here for the season,
David Archer, Ottawa, grand-
son of Mr. and :l\frr. A. W. Hay-
man arrived on Friday even.
ing, eta spend a short holiday
With them at their cottage.
Thomas Fox, Sr., and Thom-
as Fox, Jr., with Sally Fox,
Clark Point, Lake Huron, vis-
ited the Russell Kerr's on Sat-
Katherine, Roddy and Clark
with :their parents., Dr. and Mrs.
Manley Thompson, Chicago, ,ar-
rived. Wednesday evening to
visit their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. John MacKenzie,
Mrs. W. H, Robinson had
with her over the weekend, her
twin .granddaughters, Judy and
Suzy Sohfei+tlin; Toronto, Her
son -Walter, Toronto, also visit-
ed his mother, Saturday and
Mrs. Raymond W. Bristol,
Washington, D.C., whose cot-
tage, "The House by the side of
the Riad" which draws her
here for almost sic months of
each year, arrived on Saturday,
a week ago.
Mrs.. R. C. Reynolds, Avon,
N.Y., is a guest this week of
Mr and Mas. E. W. Oddleufson,
her husband, General Reynd1ld's,
is one of the judges at the
famous Pony Club Rally, being
held in London this week
Sunday visitors on June 18th
with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Penhale
were, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
McCullough sed family, Mr. and
Mrs. Menin Bennett and :fani-
Ey, God'er- ih; Mr. and! Mrs.
Walter Scott, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harrold Penhale, Bron-
son Line. The occasion was the
birthday of Mrs. Scott.
Mrs. Fred Potter, London,
and son Garry, who was grad-
grad-c ranted from Windsor College,
with ,honours, in June, in En-
gineering, spent the weekend
at their home, "Shore Acres".
Mr's. Potter, who suffered a
serious injury to her knee, two
days before Christmas, le just
beginning to walk again.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser
returned last week from a visit
to Windsor, and their grandson
Garry (Fraser) Fellows, re-
turned with them,. to spend the
summer in ;Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans Camer-
on, and their children Scott
and Bonnie, Toronto, visited
Mr. and Mrs, James Caemron
over the weekend. They have
rented a cottage to be here
for the season.
George Little, who has been
in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, this past week, in an
oxygen tent, is, we hope, im-
proving a little each day. But
.he is missed on the Main St-
reet, Bayfield, at mail time.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ander-
son, Jr., of Science Hill, and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Sturgeon sp-
ent their wedding anniversaries
together on Sunday, June 25.
Mrs. Andersons is (Jean) the
youngest daughter. of .Mr. and
Mrs. Ed ,Sturgeon. •
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender-
son and their ,two daughters,
spent this . week at the C. C.
Baker's cottage, in the Beatty
subdivision, Bayfield. M r s .
Henderson is an active and at-
traetive• member of CFPL. Pane
orama :Staff,
Vicky C1utf, seeoxid 4ah't-
er Mrs John G1uff,. i t pPv..
She has finished her year's Ir-
earning at the London T'ea'chers'
Colleges ,aeld has ,ivat received
word that she .has been assign-
ed to teach et the leyer+sen
$eboel, Leedlan, cite •Septern-
The Rev, E, J, B. Harrison
was in W'o'odatock last •Tues-
day evening; to attend' the Irl-
ductianr :service of the .Rev, len
Williams, new rector of the
Church of the Good• Shepherd,
the former" parish. of Mr. H'ae-
rison, before coming to B.aye
fie'ld. four years ago, May 1.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Arkell,
with Joanne and Kenny, Port
Credit, visited their parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Arkell, over
the weekend, Mrs. Tom (Mar
ion) Aiken played in the Mi-
nluai Bridge Tournament for
Master players, in the Bedford
Hotel, God'eriah, ori Saturday
afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs+. J, W. Brown,
Detroit, with ;the. son, D.
Brown, Mrs, Brown ,and grand-
sons Bibby and Davy,were at
their cottage this weekend. A11
returned to Detroit on Sun,
dray, except Mrs. Brown, who
will remain for the simmer.
Mrs,. Percy Weston received
word on Tuesday of the death
of her brother, John Keipper,
Kamloops, B.C, He is surviv-
ed by one son, -Francis Keipper,
Zurich, and four sisters. Our
sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Weston and her family.
Mr. and Mrs. "Jerry" Chur-
(Alward, Leaden long visitors to
Bayfield in the summertime,
have rented the cottage of MTs'.
J. H. Cobb, until the end of
July. They 'expect to have their
four grandehtl en with them
next Week.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Moore,
Detroit are et their home on
Main Street this week, land bad
as guests over the weekend
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. 'and Mrs, Richard Moore,
Jr., also from Detroit.
Jim Heard, who has been vis-
iting his uncle in London, re-
turned home on Tuesday im
'time to help celebrate the 24th
wedding anniversary of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Heard, and his sister's birth-
day, Mrs, Leonard (Beverly)
Pounder, on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park-
er, Toronto, with their daugh-
ter Bonnie, spent the weekend
with Mrs. Jack Pecker, return-
ing to their home on Sunday.
Mrs. Parker and her grand-
daughter,. Jacqueline Weston,
accompanied them to visit in
Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sarre Candela,
Detroit, with their three chin-
dren, Karen, Larry and Mari-
anne, are at the Brisson home
here .this week. Lawrence lov-
es Bayfield. He spent last week
with his grandparents here,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bris-
son. He returned to Detroit
on Friday with them and came
back with his parents again
on Sunday.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison,
was ixn Owen Sound on Thurs-
day, to.attend a reception: giv-
en by the Rt, Rev. and Mrs.
Harold F. App'leyard. Bishop
Appleyard is the second Suf-
fragan Bishop of Huron, Dio-
cese, :and! as Bishop of Georg-
ian Bay is in charge of the
five counties in the northern
area of Huron' Diocese, which.
incudes Grey, Bruce, Huron,
Perth and Waterloo Counties
Bayfield's sympathy is ex-
tended to Mrs. Reg Francis, her
sister's seal, Wayne Martin,
Tharnesford, was one of the
young men killed in the tragic
accident on Sunday, when a
N.Y. Central train cut into four
pieces, the car he and two oth-
ers were driving ire All three
lost their lives.
Mir. and Mrs, Douglas Hag -
gins, Toronto spent a recent
weekend in one of the Jowett
area cottages - this week. Their
daughter, (Peggy) and family
from Montreal, Mr. and Mats.
Edward Stamp and four child-
ren are here and will remain
for the sinner. Susan Hig-
gins, Toronto, with a party of
guests spent Saturday and Sun-
to drive a
NOW ONLY $1670
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Planting Done
At the Cairn
(Reynold iereespendeant)
Beyfiekl does rot forget.
Last week, qL ietly axed
with. no publicity, Merton
Merner, •and Mrs. Merner,
With. Fred Weston and Mrs
.George Hopson, planted ft-
awers around the Cairn, in
Clan Gregor Square. The
flowers were derated by G,
Galbraith, Hani$itoa>; .and
Bayfield, ,and Mrs George:
Man each year since the'
last war, When the Victory •
flower bell Was started at
the Square near .the Maiia
Street, A. )1, Westlake, has
reverently and 'watch'fuliy
lookedafter this garden.
No child going to the sw-
etas, dares walk in it, Mr.
Westlake fives nearby.
does indeed add a bright
spot to the entrance into
day here ,too,.
Good Surprise
Mrs, I, Bodenham, had a
most unusual surprise, in the
waiting room of Victoria Hos-
Intel last week, ,and so did her
Their daughter Ivy (Mrs.
David Toms, Owen Sound) had
come down in her capacity as
nurse, to be with her farther,
the Rev. I, Bodenhani, who was
to undergo surgery on Satur-
day morning. Everything was
ready in the operating room,
so was the good man.
A needle sedative had been
given, when the doctor special-
ist came in and announced
there would be no operation,
and Mr. Bodenhanz could re-
turn home.
Indeed, surprised was Mrs.
Bodenham, when she saw her
husband, dressed and anxious
to return to Bayfield (when
she thought she might have
had a long day in London).
The Rev, Mr. Bodenham is
resting and his many friends
hope he will soon be better.
Picnic Today
Very original and varied pos-
ter iinr<'itations of the school
children, in every store window
in the village, r e rn i n d all
who wish to attend their school
picnic on Thursday afternoon,
in Clan Gregor Square, they
will be made most welcome.
"Take a basket with sand-
wiches, cookies and cake." Sup-
plied will be plates, tea and
coffee. Sports and games start
at 3 p.m. and supper will be
served at 6 p.m.
Tuesday afternoon, Brian Ma-
kins, Mary Elizabeth M'oFad-
den, Lorelie McClinchey, Shar-
on Brandon, Karen Mote, and
Lea Ann MacLeod, all visited
School, to become a little ace
quainted with school ways.
They will be the new first gr-
aders in September, and from
ane was heard, "I wishit was
September now."
Bible Society
The annual 'm ieeting of`? •1
Bayfield Bible Society v; as held
Wednesday evening, June .21.
in the Trinity parish hall. The
new slate of officers are: Don-
ald McKenzie, president; Mrs.
R. J. Larson, vice-president;
Mrs. Fred Watson, secretary
and treasurer; .honorary direc-
tors, the Rev. E. J. B. Harris-
on, the Rev. J. Smith, and the
Rev. I. Bodenham; lay repre-
sentatives from each church,
S. Cann, Baptist; Mrs. Robert
Seotchmer, United; Mrs. Bruce
Menerey, Presbyterian and
Mrs. Percy Weston, Anglican.
The chadamran expressed are
preciation to the retiring of-
ficers, to James Cameron who
for two years had been presi-
dent, and to Mrs. John Mc-
Kenzie, for her ten years of
faithful and laving service,
who wished to thank all the
canvassers for their help In
carrying on this important
work. It is hoped, if possible
the canvass for 1961 can begin
the first of October.
Lions Carnival
People are noticing and talk-
ing about the window on the
Main Street, brightly lit up
each night, to exhibit the priz-
es to be won. et the Bayfield
Limns Carnival on July 26.
There is the caricature draw-
ing of president Fred Ariceil,
sketched and autographed by
the famous cartoonist, "Ting"
(Merle Tingley of the London
Free Press), when he was a
guest speaker lai,bhe Liars Ban-
quet this spring. There is a
large Lions Club flag and priz-
es especially attractive. Stop
your car at the corner of Main
and Susan Streets; don't miss
seeing this display.
One of the Lion Clubs good
deedsthis week was the raking
up ane burning of +the dead
fish on the beach. They clean
the .beach each year, but tram
Sarnia to Kincardine, and other
places too, this year, a fish
known; by the common mate
of "Gizzard Shad!" (no good for
enything) has piled up hi great
quantities, all eking the shore.
ComplainlEs had been coining
in about the awful stench from
these dead fish, for some time
but on Tuesday evening, with
rakes and burning fires, the
Liens Clulb's 4nemberscleaned
up the Bayfield Beach,
Trinity Guild
Trinity Church Guild held
their June meeting at the
home en Mrs, Fred Arkell, with
14 members present, including
one guest, Mrs. P. C. Parker,
N'ekorna, S.D.. With Mrs.
Percy Weston, president, prey
siding, the rector opened the
meeting with prayers and .a
scripture reading, from St,
Luke 6.
Mrs. Akita Bassett, secretary,'
read the minutes and Mrs,
Merton Merner's treasurer's
report showed e, goodly bal.
ante. Plans ward made for the
Guild's bake sale on July 8,
and attention was drawn to
the kreportsrnce of a, July meet.
rig to be held to organize
dinnnner for
August 11. d's'annual
After closing .prayers, the
Married in Zurich
RR 1, Varna, were married on Saturday, June 17
in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, by the Rev.
Albert Datars, Brampton, uncle of the bride, as-
sisted by the Rev. Paul Fischer, Zurich. Following
a wedding trip the young couple is living at RR 1,
Varna. (Photo by Jervis
Bayfield Lions
Install Officers
For 1961-62 Year
(Bayfield Correspondent)
Bayfield Lions met June 27
under the chairmanship of Lion
Les Elliott. Lion Russ Grain-
ger, Zurich, past deputy dist-
rict governor presided over tele
installation of the following of-
President, Fred Arkell; first
vice-president, Cliff Utter; sec-
ond vice-president, Harvey
Coleman; third vice-president,
Spencer Irvine.
Secretary, Leroy Poth; treas-
urer, Lloyd Makins; tail twine
ter, Russ Kerr; lion tanner,
Rick Simons. Directors, one
year, Charlie Scatchmer and
Adam Flowers; two years, W.
Franck and Walt Pierson.
During the meeting a one Min-
ute silence was observed in
memory of Melvin Jones, foun-
der of Zionism.
Westlake Picnic.
`-•, (Bayfield Correspondent) •
On• Saturday, June 24, the
Penhale, Snowden and Westlake
families gathered in Clan Greg-
or Square, Bayfield, for their
36th annual picnic with 45
persons in attendance. Due to
the .rain, the supper was held
MI the arena.
Russell Grainger, president,
took charge and after a bount-
eous supper, a one minute sil-
ence was observed in remem-
brance of .all those who had
passed 'away in the last year.
Helen Grainger was appoint-
ed secretary of the day in the
absence of the secretary Mrs.
Gordon Westlake.
The ,following officers were
elected for the year 1961-62:
president, M'ltom: Pollock; vice-
president, Clayton Merner; sec-
retary,treasurer, Mrs. Milton
(Susy) Pollock; sports commit-
tee: Helen Grainger, Bonnie
Pollock, Ann Westlake and
Sandra Westlake.
It was decided to hold next
year's picnic on, the same spec-
ial day, namely the last Sat-
urday in June, with a picnic
supper inClan Gregor Square
at 6 p.m. It was also noted,
that written invitations would
not be sent out, and that each
one would be responsible for
inviting their own relatives .acrid
Youngest baby present, Ran-
dy Robinson; oldest lady, Mrs.
Thomas Westlake; oldest man,
E. A. Westlake.
hostess, assisted by her sis-
ter, Mrs. J, Cluff, served de-
lightful refreshments and a
general social hour followed,
Mrs. M. Toevs returned to
Bayfield en Wednesday from
Kansas City, Missouri, where
she had been called a month
ago owing tee the critical con-
dilion of her youngest son,
William '1'. Knowles. He died
before she could reach him,
and .her many friends in the
village extend their sympathy
at this time. Mrs. J. W. Hal),
who Spent the toast month
(during Mgrs. Voevs' ' absence)
in the COlintonl. Nursing Tome,
returned to her home on Sat-
Fred McClymont
Phone HU 2-321.4)
James Reid and daughter
Mrs. Gorill, Weston, visited
with relatives in the community
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cole-
muann' and family, Walkerton',
spent the weekend with rela-
tives here.
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be adininistered
next Sunday do the United
Church, also an induction ser-
vice for elders.
Barry Taylor and Mac Web-
ster were in Guelph last Satur-
day playing with the Clinton
Junior Farmers ball team.
The local softball team came
out of their losing streak last
Saturday when they defeated
the Bayfield team in a good
game played here.
Bible School
The United Church will hold
its annual Vacation Bible School
next week beginning on Mon-
day, July 3 with the pastor,
Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. Ses-
sions are from 9 am to 12 noon.
dilly in the church and Orange
LOL Church Service
The District Loyal Orange
Longe held its annual service
in the United Churoh on Sunday
evening last when the pastor,
Rev. T. J. Pitt gave an inspir-
ing sermon on "Brotherhood".
Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, Bay-
field, assisted with the service.
The choir, under the direction
of organist Mrs. Robert Stirl-
ing sang an anthema "F.aith and
The parade was led by the
Bannockburn Band before and
after the service. Ronald) Den-
ham, Woodham, is Worshipful.
Master of the •district. Visitors
were present, from Greenway,
Woodham, Exeter, Bayfield,
Clinton, Seaforth, also a, num-
ber of ladies from the LOBA.
Bayfield Ob'itury
Harald N. Brandon:
(Bayfield Correspondent)
Death came +suddenly in Vic
toric Hospital, London, an
,Xi!Grne 19, 1961. to Harold Noble
Brandon a eaaniliar figure in
Bayfield, following 4 brief ni-
Born in Bayfierld, April 10,
1897, he was the third soil of
the late William and Catherine
He received his education et
Bayfield Public and' Continua-
tion school. He enlisted with
the 162sit Huron Regiment and
new active service overseas' in
World War T.
Returning to the village he
and his Jbrdlther, A, C, Brandon
took the mail from Brucefield
Railway statai xi to Varna earl
Bayfield Post Offices.
Later he was the sole con-
tractor. Tx. his 42 year of
service, this genial mailman
became widely , and favourably
known. For Mann years "the
stage" was the only .means of
transportation; and travel be-
tween the train and the village.
He saw the service change fr-
om four trains a day to two,
and then the mail truck at Br-
ucefield Post Office; from the
days when a team of horses
ploughed through the snow ion
winter, to the snowploughed
roads of today,
In his devotion to duty, he
had been known to leave his
car stuck in a snowdrift and
walk the last 114 miles, carry-
ing the mail bags, to eatch the
train, This was typical of the
quiet efficient ,manner in which
he walked through Iife.
"Barley" as he was affection-
ately known from his early
school days to many friendSi'
also engaged in farming ,and he
was known as a good tneigh-
He took an interest in af-
ffairs of the village.
The deceased man was, a
member of Trinity Anglican
His wife, the former Miss
Lola E. Blair, predeceased him
some years ago.
Surviving are four sons and
four daughters; Kenneth and
Glenn, Bayfield'; Keith, Strat-
ford; Bobbie, Beeton• and' Mrs.
Gordon (Jean) Heard, London;
Mr's. Warner (Audrey) Payne,
Bayfield; Mrs. Wendell (Barb-
ara) Plrhblado, Oakville; Miss
Shirley ;Brandon, Essex; two
brothers, Abe C. Brandon, Cl-
inton .and William, Toronto, ,and
17 grandchnld'ren.
The funeral service (which
was largely :attended) was held
on June 21, from Trinity An-
glican Church and was ,in ch-
arge of the rector, the Rev.
E. J., B. Harrison. Interment
was made iaV Bayfield Ceme-
Pail -bearers were: Mallcolmn
Toms, Walter Westlake, Wil -
50 ',Pupils Visit
seewelland Locks
(Arndt ld Correspondent)
About 50 pupils of Grades b,
6, 7, and 6 from Bayfield and
Varna schools •enjoyed a has
trip to the Niagara peninsula
last Friday,
The children were taken on
guided tours of the Sir Adam
Beck hydro plant at Qeeenston,
where they'descended the equi-
valent of 22 stories and saw
the giant penstocks and, tur-
bines. and the •autonvatic control
room • with its nia.ny meters.
At Old Fort George, a couple
hours were spent visiting bar-
racks and +buildings similar +too
ones used in the war of 1812-
14. As always, Brock's monu-
ment, the whirlpool and the
falls proved interesting.
Oa the way home, the bus
stopped at the Welland Canal,
near S. Catherines, •and there
the operation of the Inglis was
watched as the John A, France,
a 722 -foot freighter carrying
23,000 long tons of iron ore, ,
passed through them. Five
other freighters were waiting
their turn.
It is worths noting that strarr-
gers remarked about this gr-
oup's orderly and well-manner-
ed .conduct. The trip can be
remembered as one of the hap-
py days in the school year.
liar Elliott, Lindsay Smith,
William Parker and Russell
Davison. Flower bearers were:
Lyle Davison, William Mc-
Dool, Jack MeAsh, Hugh Me-
l -Lan, Charles Guest, Irvin
Pease, Emerson Heard, Melvin
NU,Z'9013 227 t1iN0oIN ST
Your co-operation in payments for garbage
collections between May 11, 1960 and April
30, 1961, would be appreciated.
Phone HU 2-9496 Box 10, Clinton
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