HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-22, Page 14LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone Blyth 37 r t5) Mr,, and Mrs„ Ed. Youngblut spent Sunday with .their son Stanley and family in Goderic'h, The Sacrament of the Lord's sapper will Ibe observed in the United Church on Sunday, .June 25. Miss Gloria Adams was the guest of her aunt, Miss Lillian Adams, Clilncton, for the week- end. Mrs, Bentham, Oshawa, is visiting at present with her sisf, ters, Mrs. Townsend and Mm's. Frank. Little. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town- send attended the wedding of a brother, Walter Townsend, an Brantford, on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Livin!g- ate 'v ...Ser- vices vices held'. at Momu ie f OnnySwi- dAY. )14rs, X4vings+tone partied-• pated an the ohair plumbers, Mrs. Harvey Wells went to Viictoria HosPitii1,. London, On Saturday. Her many friends hope s+he will benefit by treat - Will Govier motored with friends to Chatham on Friday evening to visit with his dau- ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Mcaven. He also at- tended a ball game in Petrgit on Saturday. Mrs. Alex Walls accompanied by Mrs. Peter McDonald, Wal- ton, visited over the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Mc- Call in Stratford, also attending the Shakespearean Festival. Friends of Mss. Jennie Lyon who has been living with her daughter in Hamilton -through- ogit the whiter, will be saw te bear that she'is in • fading health, haVing. suffered a sttrake recently. Mr. and Mrs. Motels,. Toronn to, visited ever tine weekend with the latter's gather, Mr, and Mrs. John Snell, Sr., hay- ing attended the Snell reunion on Saturday. A good:'attendance honored Farther's Day last Sunday, at Londesboro UnitedChurch. The junior • choir of 26 voices .oe cnupied the 'choir loft, and sang two cfinc anthems, "God's Love" and "Loving Hearts to Jesus Bringing".. Rev, Henry T lunge gave a flaae discourse an The Measure of a Man, ' o About the only thing on TV nowadays, that hasn't been played before, is a football game. And a .good many of them are replays. N fAubir,Nev.,s � Correspondent; MRS., W. BRADNOCK PHONE AUBURN 53W Mrs, George Hamilton left ion Monday to visit .her sister, Mrs.. A. Rutledge at Seaforth. Mrs. Betty Wilkin, Robert, Patsy, Mary and Margaret, moved last week to Clayton Gross' farm home, Mrs, .Robert Arthur was.44-- led to Granton on Monday as her brother-in-law, John Oat - worthy was very i11, Thomas Johnston 'and Miss ,Laura Phillips visited last Smith day with Mrs, Johnston who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Loindon, Mr ,atnd Mrs. Forrest Carter, Underwood, !attended the fun- eral of the late William Hag- Ar1NOUNCI Bali - Macaulay limited CLINTON • SEAFORTH • have been appointed dealers for The Glidden Company MAKERS OF QUALITY PAINTS under such famous names as • SPRED SATIN • SPRED LUSTRE • ROCKSPAR • RIPOLIN ENAMEL • SPRED HOUSE and ENDURANCE EXTERIOR PAINTS NEW LATEX HOU$E PAINT OOES ON OVER DAMP SURFACES! rie5s bug -free jin .20 minutes !, • Fast dry means you prime and paint the same day Get a brighter, cleaner jobin less time • Resists fading, mildew... reduces chalking • Brushes wash clean in soapy water .r,. • Ideal for wood, masonry, stucco. • asbestos -shingle siding • No blistering when applied according to directions ... see test below SPECTACULAR TESTS PROVE PAINT AND PRIMER. "BREATHE"; VAPOR GETS OUT... WATER CAN'T GET IN! Test #1 proves that SPRED HOUSE PAINT keeps rain and water out. Test was made by pouring water over painted cardboard sealed inside empty beaker. Water did not penetrate down through the paint. GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT SYSTEM New latex SPRED PRIMECOAT for maximum bond to previously painted surfaces. May also be used on galvanized metal gutters and downspouts. New Glidden latex SPRED HOUSE PAINT now makes exterior painting as easy as using famous SPRED SATIN. Test #2 shows that SPRED HOUSE PAINT "breathes" to let moisture vapor out. Painted cardboard was used to seal water in beaker which was placed on hot- plate. The water level fell steadily as heat caused water to vaporize and escape through panel. A I 02:::;=g EE DEI��I TRA By Factory Representatives, who will be Present at Both CLINTON and SEAFORTH Friday and Saturday JUNE 23 - 24 This is your opportunity to discuss your painting problems with experts. Come in and save on our INTRODUCTORY SPECIALS ! L -MA !lumber CLINTON Builders' Supplies LTD. Millwork Hardware SEAFORTH Ott 'and Galled on friends, in the. :Village. M. and Mrs. Ted Mills and Miss June. were London visitors last Sunday with their son James, un Viotorla Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Maic- ii'iay, aariama and John, spent lastweekend.with Mr, and Mrs. Jahn :R. Weir, Joan and Bob, at London. Mrs.. Percy Vincent is a. pa- tient in Clinton Public Magpi- tal, Her eldeest daughter, Mets. James A gis, Ottawa, is visit- ing with her father on the 3.3+th concession of Hullett. Mr, and Mrs. James Robin- so►nI, Essex, England; Miss Edna Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Rod'. Laokhaalt, Roddie and Chrisrtine, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Steep, Carol and John, Clinton, and John Juok, Goderich, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. !Orville McPhee and Ranl- aid. - The Craig trio composed of Mrs. George Welkin, Mrs. Harry Worsell, Goderich, 'and William S. Craig were guest singers last Sunday at Clinton. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ray Vin- cent, Blyth. Rev, -Hugh C. Wilson, Thames Road, a former minister here, was the guest speaker at the Auburn United Church. Nurse Graduates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur entertained nearly 50 relatives and !friends of her daughter's, Miss Margaret E. Wright, last Saturday evening, in honor of her graduation as a nurse from the Brantford School of Nurs- ing. Baskets of blue iris and white spirea -decorated the livingroom in their new home on Turnberry Street and in the dining room where the buffet supper was served, the Brantford Hospital nursing calors of blue and gold were used in the prettily dec- orated cake. This cake (ex- tending congratulations to Miss Margaret) encircled with roses in the same color had a minia- ture nurse's cap in the corner of the cake. The same color scheme was carried out in the tapers held by silver :candelabra with a bou- quet of blue cornflowers and golden shaded daisies. The guests present hon, Stratford, Goderieb, Exeter, Hamilton, Woodstock, London and the surroundlifng district, were ent- ertained with Scottish dancing by Jannett Dobie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur were as- sisted by Miss Margaret's two brothers, George, Exeter and John, Auburn. The convener of the :buffet supper was Mrs. Raymond Redmond, assisted by Mrs. Stanley Taylor and her daughter, Miss Gloria, Hamil- ton. Miss Margaret received many pretty •gifts on this occas- ion and she is now enjoying a three week's vacation before re- turning to Brantford. • Honour Bride -Elect Baskets of summer flowers .adorned the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Sunday School last Saturday evening when friends and neigh- bours- gathered to honor Miss Shirley Deer before her mar- riage which takes place in Knox Presbyterian Church on July 1. Mrs. Jack Hallam was master of ceremonies and the program oanuneisaed with a .slag. btY Mrs, W Bradn k •w th Mok. Rabe t J. Phillips at 'the piano. A; piano solo was played by 'Margareat urines and a reading' was giver by Helen Youngbint, Mrs. Gordon MMClm,chey and Mrs, Norman. McOlinehey Sung •a duet, "Travel Life's Roadl with a Smile". After a short amusing read- ing by Mrs. Hallam, she called Miss Shirley .and her sister, Mrs. Donald Dewar, Atwood, to the prettily decorated Chairs and corageS were pinned on the guests of honor by Mra. Jack Caldwell and Mrs, Jim Cartwright, both of Blyth. Mrs, William Crawford, Gode- rich, read +an address and num- erous ,gifts were presented. Miss Shirley thanked her friends for the !gifts and invited them all to her trousseau tea an Satur, day, June 24. Lunch was serv- ed by the neighbour ladies of the 13th concession and the Base Line. St, Mark's Guild The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church .met for tilts June meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman 1VIcClin- chey with a good attendance. The hostess was in .charge of the meeting and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor presided at the piano. The Scripture lesson from Pro- verbs X, was read by Mrs. Frank Nesbit, followed by pray- ers by Rev. Robert Meally. The study book was taken by Mrs. Andrew ' Kirkconnnell who spoke on spiritual needs as told in the Living Message. A read- ing, "June Thoughts" was giv- endl by Mrs. George Schneider. The topic "Why I Believe the Bible" was in charge of Mrs-. Fordyce Clark who gave an in- spiring message on this subject. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt presid- ed for the business s'essioru and the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Gordon Taylor gave the financial statement.. Roll ca11 was answered by each member naming their favorite Book of the Bible. The Daily Vacation Bible School was discussed and plans were made to purchase new Prayer Books for the church. After a successful auction held by Rev. Meally and Mrs. Dav- ies, lunch was served by Mrs. McClinchey. It's no longer something special when the Texas legisla- ture has a special session. Fact is, it's getting rather routine. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER Aluminum Doors Combination Windows Awnings Carports Wrought Iron Railings s 25th Anniversary Special on Culligan Water Softeners 10% Discount June 15 to August 15 For further information call RUSSELL JERVIS Sales & Service Bus. HU 2-9390 Clinton Res. HU 2-7774 Ont. A PERO IS THE MAN WHO ASKED NIS BOSS FORA £W1 OFF 10 MAKE uP FOR TIIIE COFFEE - ME MISSED WNIhE ON VACATION ! RRV'S .511100 5TRT1017 29 HURON ST C T 6661 NU,1.9013 RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dole Londesboro Community Hall Friday, June 30 Thum# June 2, 1961«—Clinton News -Record ---Page 13 BUILDIHG and R[MODELUNG R[FERENC[ LIST • PAINTING and DECORATING D. A. Kay & Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9542 GRANT ANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street—Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton • BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Phone HUnter 2-9514 Full Range of Builders' Supplies COAL—LIME—CEMENT King Street, Clinton J. W. Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLY "Everything for the Builder" Clinton — Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie BUILDERS' SUPPLY and Sawmill Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON — HU 2-6655 • GENERAL CONTRACTING M. McADAM Clinton — Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor Sanding Clinton — Phone HU 2-3348 • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's LADIES' WEAR Draperies — Curtains — Blinds Curtain Rods — Drapery Track — Estimates Free — Clinton — Phone HU 2-6623 McEWAN'S Norris Orchestra CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES Ladies Bring Lunch VENETIAN BLINDS 25-6b Clinton — Phone HU 2-9766 • PLASTERING CONTRACTOR. Carman F. Garrow PLASTERING CONTRACTOR and General Repair a al Estimates Gladly Given 139 Queen Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-7008 • , HEAT LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric ShopELECTRFor Il ICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Seaforth Zurich Phone 644W1 Phone 34 Electrical and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electrical Installation & Repairs Motor Rewinding A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- FUEL OIL CEMENT A.F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD — Phone 16 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products RR 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-6633 WISE PLUMBING and HEATING Harold Wise, Prop. Clinton — Dial HU 2-7062 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR General Concrete Construction CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9496 THIS OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30 Orders Placed During June We Will Actually Erect Your Home Free Yes, it's true! We will actually erect FREE the four walls, roof trusses and roof sheathing on your foundation and subfloor. Just imagine — your home completely enclosed and quickly made liveable — ready s trulyremarkable finish the odds and ends. A offer. WE ERECT IT—YOU FINISH IT YOUR OWN SUMMER COTTAGE Don't waste a day of summer? The directions below will bring you full details of the delightful Halliday prefabricated cottage you can erect on your own land in a single weekend this summer. The Halliday package includes everything you need to complete the job: pre-cut floor beams and joists, roofing, floor boards, ready -built ceiling boX beam trusses, modular door panel construction, picture and casement win- dows, complete inside partitions. Delivery free up to 150 miles from Hamilton. Priced From WN $1, l59 EASY MO"THEY PA10% LDY PAYMENTS SEND 250 IN COIN FOR YOUR COPY OF SUMMER COTTAGES BY HALLIDAY VIKING SALES TEMPORARY 904 OXFORD ST. OFFICE OPEN EVERY EVENING GL 5-3420 OPEN ALL WEEKEND