Clinton News-Record, 1961-06-22, Page 7Pose 6—'Clinton News -Record-- .Thurs., June 22, 1961 Picnics At Summer Camp The Happy Doubles Club on June 18 nz;otoaed to the United Cantrell summer Damp with their families for an afiterneor of fellowship to -gather. After ASSOCIATED PAINTERS PAINTING DECORATING SiGN-PAINTING COMMERCIAL ART Phone HU 2.7261 (after 6 p.m.) 21p-tfb an .enjoyable ihoui' on the beach, races .and genies were enjoyed. Winnea s were: under three years, Alan Levis; Gary Wat- son; 4-5 year olds, Paul Wheel- er, Sandra Crich; 6-7 year olds'. laanbara Elliott, Joel Finck; 8-9 year oldds, Maa5e ';<'r'ewartha, Brian Merrill; 10-11-12 year o1 girls, Fayei d`s g , Merrill, boys, Paul Lavis; 13 years and over, girls, Barbara Irwin, boys, Bry- an Laois. Girls shoe scramble, Faye Merrill; boys shoe scramble, Bryan Levis; adult time nape, Irma Tyndall, ' A ,peanut scramble and pennuy scramble followed for the =Jai- ler children. A scavenger hunt Proved interesting for !adults. A picnic supper was enjoyed by 75 in the dining hall. Fol- lowing supper a ball game was played. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flinch, Mr. and Mrs, Bert •Gar- rett and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ihk- ley were in charge of plans for the day. Clinton Memorial Shop p T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Repvesentative—Tom Steep—HU 2-3869 24tfb REVCO DEEP CHEST FREEZERS • The Revco Farm Freezer construction assures you of highest quality materials and workmanship. • More storage space in Tess floor space. • Outside always dry and clean. • Entire food compartment is used for fast freez- ing and safe storage. • Easy to read control dial setting from zero to 20 degrees below zero. • All aluminum interior makes faster freezing. No rusting or paint to chip. 17 cu. ft. Freezers as low as 5250.00 Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" HU 2-6646 Clinton J' MIDDLETON The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the hus- band and family of the late Mrs. Oliver Cole, who passed away suddenly on Wednesday last, Lovely baskets of flowers were placed in St, James Angli- can Church, Middleton, on, Sun- day, June 18, •to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mrs, Cole. The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison paid great tribute to Mrs. Cole at the service of morning prayer as dedicated ed church member and as secre- tary of the WA. Special pray- ers were had for the comfort of the family and a memorial hymn was sung in honour of the deceased at this service, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middle- ton and all the members of their family in this district . at- tended a reunion of the Taylor family on ;Sunday last at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Blyth. A warm wel- come was extended to Mrs. Harold Taylor, a recent bride, present with her husband, Har- old Taylor, Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mid- dleton were the guests on Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Earley and family, Hillcrest Angus Farms, Kerwood, Ont. On Friday last, Stewart Mid- dleton and several Angus en- thusiaSts attended the consoli- dation Aberdeen Angus sale of Major-General Churchill Mann, "View Halloa" Farms, King, Ont. How to Serve Cheddar Cheese Cheese, an adventure :in good eating! Any way you look at it, cheese is a good buy — full of flavour and food value. Cheese supplies high quality protein at law cost. And yet many liome- makers have questions about cheese. If you were to ask the food specialists at Macdonald Insrtitute, Guelph, these quest- ions, they would answer them this way. Q. Why should cheese be served at room temperature? A. Cheese at room tempera- ture has a better texture and more aroma than chilled ch- eese. Q. What's the best way to keep Ched'dar cheese in the re- frigerator? A. Wrap the exposed surface closely with transparent film or waxed paper. This keeps the air away from the surface and helps prevent mold forma- tion and drying out. Q. Is mold on cheese dang- erous? A. No; just scrape it off and use the cheese as usual. Q. Should cheese be frozen? A. Pieces of cheddar not ov- er 1 pound in size can be froz- en. But before you use it, be sure to thaw it slowly in the refrigerator. Don't freeze ch- eese spreads. Q. What's the best tempera- ture for cooking cheese? A. Cook cheese at low, temp- eratures — heat it in a double bailer or oven poach it when you're baking. High tempera- tures toughen the cheese and make it harder to digest. 1/Y DOROTHY 'MARKER their destination, They have an inborn, fear of being lost in a n land, nt stria ge an ,orof missi g their train between dock and station. The CNR's representative mak- es sure they are safely on their way to the towns and cities they Crave chosen as their future home (base. Kemp's •experiences with pas- sengers have .been funny, rich in gratitude, sad on. one occas- ion and always interesting. Sometimes meeting incoming ocean liners calls for a great deal of ingenuity, especially when two ships dock at the sane time. During the shipping season, Yvan Kemp is always on duty. There are no Sundays, off and no summer holidays for him. True, there are days when no ships duck, but then there is paper work which occupies his time. In the winter he reverts to ticket clerk in Central Ste - tion, Montreal. I was interested in his refer- ence to the 'sad" evetnt in his line of duty. He told of the only passenger he had ever known to fall off a boat while it was in the process of being neared. The story was partic- ularly interesting because it made me realize the worth- while part the railroad plays in passenger service. The victim was a woman who turned to wave to fellow pas- sengers. She lost her balance and fell ibetweein the shed and the boat. Her purse kept her afloat until a sailor could rescue her with a gaff. With a broken leg and a wrenched shoulder, she spent long months in a Montreal hospital. The CNR later arranged for rail trans- portation and for ambulance and stretcher service aboard the SHIP AHOY! Two small pieces of broken glass, a putty knife and .a pair of well-worn work gloves were dumped in my lag .as I sunned myself on the lawn of No, 2 sin. He hada Men;aeing look in his eye as he warned, me, that if I wanted a ride inhis boat this summer I would have to share the responsibility of scraping its bottom. It always looked like such a little boat floating at its deck in a central Ontario lake and such a monster now,turned upside down in the Barker gar- age. Seemingly there were yas'dS of blistered paint and varnish tp remove. Before my stint was finished, the gloves were cut to ribbons by the glass used as an effectual scraper and my muscles screamed for relief. Scraping off old paint is a lonesome job. Back and forth, back and forth, the rhythm might have made me sleepy only I occupied my mind recal- ling a talk I had with the CNR's Yvan Kemp. I suppose he came to mind because I was awe struck by the reflection, that ocean-going liners have to be put into dry dock every so often to have the barnacles re- moved from 'their below -sea - level plate. How lucky I was to be just respanlsible for re- moving a few feet of old paint! Yvan Kemp is a personable young man. Born in Montreal with a French -German back- ground, he has been the rail- road's pont representative for several years. Land lubbers may wonder just what :a pont representative is .and what fun- ction he fulfills in the operation of a railroad. There are only two in the employ of the CNR and they are often called upon to play •the roll of a gallant Galahad when single women passengers, or mothers with.. small children disembark and seek information regarding railway reservations and time schedules. When boat passengers arrive who are not conversant in eith- er French or English, which Yvan Kemp speaks fluently, he finds an interpreter who speaks their native .tongue. Carefree Travel I diked the considerate way he related the Dare and helpful attention that is provided for invalids. Wheel chairs are al- ways available and' Kemp wires ahead to stationmasters so that there will not be a hitch in transfer, or stop -over plans these individuals may have. An outstanding service that is the responsibility of railway port representatives is advising immigrants. Often These new- comers to our shores are con- fused about how to proceed to Classified Ads Bring Quick Result's train that to* iter ha* home -during her convalescence. Pride lin Ifis Job I'll remember Yvan aKemp again when breezes blow through my hair as the good ship "LCyri" takes to the lake. I'l'l, ;remember him for several reasons, the most important being his dedi Cation two duty, sense of respon- sibility b y and his sacrifice each summer of holiday time other young people of his generation spend afloat in small .craft while be stands by, watching huge ocean liners znta pont. I know he has a glow of sat- isfaction. He told inc so. He considers this job more than worthwhile, for people can be concerned when they disembark SUNSET DRIVE-IN MOVIES Goderich Highway 8—East of Town THUR., FRI., SAT. June 22-23-24—Double Bill John Mills & Sylvia Syms "DESERT ATTACK" James Craig & Lita Moran "NAKED IN THE SUN" MON., TUES., WED. June 26-27-28—Double Bill Terry Moore and Frank Lovejoy "SHACK OUT ON 101" — Color — Lita Moran & James Craig "ENCHANTED ISLAND" Coming — Robert Mitchum and Julie London "Wonderful Country" Goderich Meet Your Neighbour At The PARK THEATRE Phone JA 4-7811 THUR., FRI., SAT. — June 22-23-24 ELVIS PRESLEY and Juliet Prowse Celebrate the Presley return with a light and bright musical. "G.I. BLUES" In Calor MON., TUES., WED. -- June 26-27.28 "The BRAMBLE BUSH" ADMtTtANCe RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER Angie Dickinsen -- Richard Burton -- Jack Carson and Barbara Rush — In Technicolor — A small town story from a best-selling novel with Coming—June 29 - 30 - July 1 "THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII" — in color Lee's Your Style Centre in Clinton For Ladies', Men's & Boys' Wear OPEN A REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S NEEDS HERB'S CLINTON FOOD MARKET MEAT MARKET This Week's RED HOT SPECIAL Sunbrite Margarine 4 lbs. 99c Fresh Strawberries Daily CHARCOAL 5 lb. bag — 39c CHARCOAL LIGHTER Tin — 29c P.S. Our Dare's Draw for the Garden Wheelbarrow. was won by Mr. Ivan Carter, Clinton. Congratulations. FREE DELIVERY Phone HU 2-3445 SPECIALISTS in Automatic Transmissions All Makes and Models Harold's White Rose Garage Victoria Street Clinton HU 2-9023 For Quality Meats Jackpot Special For This Weekend S.P. Cottage Rolls Ib. 49c Phone HU 2-3834 Art Colson = Grant Irwin KiNG STREET Men's Short Sleeve Shirts & Tee Shirts $1.95 up Aiken's Footwear & Clothing Modern Gas and OH Furnace Sales and Service Chuter and Heating gElectric TOM. CHUTER, or JOE WILD, HU 2.7652 HU 2-9519 after 'a voyage at sea, His jolt has a puzipeae, not only of wea- Qorne, but of service. My reward for an hour's slug,. ging was .a long pool drilnk axid a cetxita.in glow of ;satisfaction too, nut my part of a job ac- complished, The snood of glasa on wood, scrap, scrape, filled the atrnos- Phere, No. 2 son was back rtFt the job of readying his summer craft. X was feeling .a (bit ,sunup Because of my endeavor, I 'had banked many 'harppy hours 1 will be able to cash aboard a lake -worthy boat, whose seams are calked and whose bottom is as smooth as the cheek of a new barn babe, BELL LINES by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager Well sunny days are with us once again. Ask the aver- age citizen what he likes most about summer and ton to one he'll 'say it's outdoor living. More and more fpIks in Clinton are spending as much of their leisure time as possible work- ing in the garden, cooking on their barbecues or just relax- ing out on their patios. You've probably found that once you're outside you hate to go back in the house and leave that crucial planting job in the garden or that big juicy steak you've just put on the barbecue. But it's often neve sary to run in and answer the phone ... unless, of course, you have an outdoor telephone. Portable telephones, with outlets for garden or patio are becoming increasingly pop- ular. We expect to install a number of them in Clinton this summer. Why not give us aeall at HU 2-3401 and ask about summer. Why not give us a call at 1111 2-3401 and ask about you'll find the price is low. Speaking of summer reminds us of vaca- tions and travelling. Have you ever driven along a highway at night looking for a -.._►✓ place 10 stay, :tired and weary after a long trip, and all you can see are "No Vacancy" signs? Frustrating, isn't it? By ,simply phoning .ahead we can be assured of adequate accom- modation—more than likely choice accommodation at that. Here's another tip for happy travelling: what about a reassuring call to the folks back home to lent them know you .arrived safely? The telephone can help make your vacation a real success. Remember, rates are low (A night call, station -to -station, covering about 200 miles can cost as little as 75 cents.) Every year at �► a i;. this time we read of a great many drowning accidents that mar the care- free vacation sea- s o n . Sometimes we're saddened to see a familiar name—it might be a father, a mother or a child. It's a terrible tragedy and yet it is often quite unnecessary. B e 11 employees have been urged to learn as much about water safety as they can. Many of our people have taken the St. John Am- bulance course in artificial respira- tion and some have had to use it to save a life. a blessing to be t ' able to save your- self from difficulty:_ in the water; it's!, a double - blessing;; to be in a position?1ti to help someone else in time of :: •. trouble. Donald McArthur -and his patient (?) Al Harper demonstrate their life saving skills. Shop at these Clinton "Jackpot" stores!! NWEEKLY PRIZE — $5.00 CASH TWO GRAND MONTHLY PRIZES $15 & $50 F. B. PENNEBAKER AGENT FOR Rewntree's Chocolates & Neilsdns Dorothy Gray and Du Barry Cosmetics Eve thing in Baby Needs Veterinary Supplies HU 2-6626 CLItittlel NTON WI RULES OF NEWS -RECORD "JACKPOT" 1. Every purchase or payment on account at any of the participating firms advertising in the "Jackpot" entitles you to an opportunity to win the weekly and monthly Jackpot Prizes. 2. Each Tuesday evening the $5 weekly prize will be drawn by a member of the News -Record staff. 3. On the third Tuesday of each month, draws will be made by a guest for the Grand Monthly Prizes of $15 and $50 each. Winners of weekly prizes are also eligible for these prizes. 4. Employees and immediate families of the co- operating firms, and of the Clinton News -Record are not eligible to enter this Jackpot event. 5. Winners names will be announced in the News - Record each Thursday, Be Sure to Ask for your "Jackpot" Coupons and Deposit in "Jackpot" Draw Box in News -Record Lobby. ANSTETT JEWELLERS DIAMONDS WATCHES GIFTS Phone HU 29525 EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS Albert St., Clinton AUTO SUPPLY "CHAMPION" DILL --Cleanest Burning --Insured by Prudential of --Automatic Delivery England for Safety r'We Specialize in p'uel Oil" A. 6. GRIGG and SON PHONE HU 2-9411 CLINTON Draws made Tuesday at 6 p.m. at News -Record Office BEATTIE FURNITURE Telephone Gossip Bench Reg. $29.95 $19.95 this week only 3 Colours Phone HU 2-9521 ROY MANN'S Supertest Service Station Supertest Products • CAR WASHING • LUBRICATION • GENERAL REPAIRS USED CARS VICTORIA STREET Behind Clinton Post Office PHONE HU 2-9079 CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE Cities Service -- GAS OILS Car Washing GREASES CITIES SERVICE A Specialty p'uli Line of Firestone Auto Accessories Corner of King and Mary Streets Near IGA PHONE HU 2-903/ - - CLINTON FITZSIMONS .FOOD FAiR Jackpot Specials This Weekend Stafford's • ASSORTED JAMS 24 oz. jars -- 45c Cash Special BEEF STEAK Cash Price -- 69c Ib. Charged Price -79c Ib. Phone HU 2.9412 FREE DELIVERY SAKRETE makes cement jobs easy 1 No mess, no waste... just add water to Ready -Mixed Sakrotel Now --even with no experience ---Yon canpatchit, build it, re- pair it. Ingredients already t ned.Ywater ou any et 4 special •' 8akrete mix s: Stop in today and ask for Sab ts& J. W. Counter HU 29612 - Albert St. For A Safe Journey USE CLINTON CAB COMPLETE TAXI SERVICE DAY or NIGHT Phone HU 2-9012 George McGee, Prop. See... ART GROVES & SON "The House of Admiral Store" For... USED TELEVISION SETS ideal for the Summer Cottage Special Buys on Used 17" or 21" Admirals HURON ST. - - CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9414 AMSING'S IMPORTED FOODS This Week's Red Hof Jackpot Special: ALL KINDS OF COOKIES 3c OFF Reg. Price CLINTON 70 ALBERT STREET