HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-15, Page 11News of Auburn Correspondent; .MRS, W, .iti#I1D.p1i�CK. PONE Af 7131118 ` $.w Mrs. Thomas ,7ohnatce ' Je a patient this ween in thde- 4 h Oospital. F'ank Nesbit deft recently rfor has Paolo, in Northern On, tario, nandr Biedl I,s Reg, visit d faumiy, etere with his mothter over SuneY. Mr, and M. Donald Ross, Janice and Catherine, Qakvil'le, renewed acquaintances in the village lash week. Mrs. Lena Piaetzer and Mrs. Grace Johnston, Lucknow, vis- iited Zest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millian and family. Mr, and Nies, Lorne Wilson, Brecefielld, visited last Sunday with his sister, Mrs, George Hamilton, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall vis- ited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cope and Sheila, London. Mrs. John Arthur was able to leave ;Clinton Public Hospital lash weekend and is eta'Ping with her son; Harry Arthur, Mrs, Arthur ,arnd family, Friends; are pleased' to wel- came back from the sunny south Mr. and Mrs. Toon Dodds to their summer home on the Base 'Line near Bal'l's Bridge. The pupils of USS No. 5, Hullett, with their teacher, Duncan MacKay and some of their parents enjoyed a bus trip last Friday to Detroit. Master Paul Chaineey, five- year-old of Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Chanmey fell downstairs at his home last week and fractur- ed his collar bone. Mrs. Amos Andrew, Miss 'Ethel Washington and Misses Lottie ,and Laura Jackson, Goderich, visited last Sunday with Mrs. Charles Straughan. Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Hallman and family were guests last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McDowell and Miss Gwen- dolyn, McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Francisco and Miss Laura Wagner visited on the weekend with Miss Min- nie Wagner and other members of the Wagner family. Miss Dorothy Marquis, Reg. N., will be the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Women's Institute. The pro- gram will be in charge of the convener of health, Mrs. Wil- Siam J. Craig. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Coats returned en Monday to their home in Flint .after visiting for several weeks with the lady's sisters, Mrs.Maitland Allen and Mees W. J, , Cralig. Mixt. Erie beth Hi , Goderich. Miss Sadie Carter and Miss Margaret R, Jackson attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wagner last Saturday. evening. Graduates Miss Margaret Eleanor Wright, daughter of Mrs Robert Ar - titer graduated from the Brant- ford General School of Nurs- ing on June 7, There were 42 members in this class, the larg- est lass ever ,to graduate from this hospital, Miss Sharon Hemingway of Brussels was Miss Wright's 'tLittle Sister" during the past year. Sharon will graduate in 1963. Miss Margaret is now en- joying a three week vacation at her home here. Fourth, Bank Name The Auburn bank marked another change last week when it became the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce and gave roses and carnations to mark this occasion. This was the fourth time the bank has changed names since it was opened' in 1906, in a building formerly used for a hardware store on the property recently pureh'ased by Rcbert Chimney. This was called the Sterling Bank and was a branch of the Goderich bank with the first manager being W. Suth- erland. A new red brick building built across the street in 1911 when the late F. O. Mcllveen was manager. Since that time it has carried the name of the Standard Bank, the Canadian Bank of Commerce and now with the new amalgamation the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce with manager Jam- es Hembly. On staff are Paul 1Vrallloux and Mns. Walter Sehlichtling. United Anniversary Bouquets of white spirea and mauve iris decorated the Knox United Church for their anni- versary services held last Sun- day with Rev. E. E. Hallman, Kitchener, as guest speaker. \l Y�`UMB/�// ))) _ ; Elf ERT IN YOUR NEW NAME LET US INSTALL... A WAV OF HEATING; THAT. WiLL TOP THEM ALL% U4. . ►7cgr-TIO yave id.2ilu�s�'`, 4 WE SERVICF WHAT WE E'!.,t. CLINT iON PLUMBING H MING ELECTRIC/4L SERVICE, f-" h You've ' �� never . ▪ rA Seen Such an appetite • `J it . Take a Big Bite out of Baling Costs with the New EXTRA CAPACITY McCormick NO. 46 BALER • New, short, full-- floating ur -floating auger • New, wide-mouth feed opening • New, wide -sweep triple packer fingers # Dozens of Other features that speed baling .., rut costs IMTIRMM„ OM i. Save time ... save fuel .. , get hay in ahead of the weather See how the extra -capacity of the new McCormick No. 46 baler helps you cut baling costs to a new low . We'll prove it to you --with actual do1lars-and-Cents figures that fit your farm. Nourim ,_..r_ Come in—see it today! SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW "46" BALERS WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK 6 International Baler Trine CUSTOM BALER TWINE and 10,000 FT,-t3ALER TWiNE CHECK OUR ,.P,ICFS ,pEF9g8 YOU BUY! Y. L B[CK[R & SONS PHONE 60W`-IASHWOOD The Services were led by the minister, Rev., R. M. Sw(teneY and trhe Servic of Ong wao11414. der the �ypdir etion of rtheaysysit- V` anOrg t anism, Mrs, lvelrrn'an Wig'htunan. The choir sang lova anthems with 'the solo wets taken by Mrs. Emmerson Rod- ger, Rei(. E, Hanover, I t- ehener, chose, Ta'aumphang >Qi. Togetherness" for his morning xnestsage. Mr. Hallman, super, inteedenit of the Evangelicee United Brethren Church, is the son of a former minister who was a minister in the Benmiller district for several years. At the evening service Mr. Hallman, spoke on "Glinvpsing Greater TMngs" and thespecial music was supplied by the God. erich Harbouraires under the direct on of George Buchanan. Ed, Stiles accompanied on the piano. During the service, Rev. H. Funge, of Londesboro United Church baptized Doris Eliza - berth, infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R, M. Sweeney. Silver Wedding Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner held a surprise party at their home in the Maitland $lock of Hul- lett Township to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary last Saturday evening. Mrs. James Jackson, sister of the groom pinned a corsage on Mrs. Wagner and Everett Tay- lor pinned a bouttoniere on his brother-in-law, Fred Wagner. Charles Scott read an address and Mrs. Robert Bogie present- ed them with an electric liv- ingroom clock to mark the oc- casion. Harry Webster also spoke a few words of congrat- ulations. Music was played by Everett Taylor and Harry Webster while the ladies prepared lunch. Mrs. Robert Bogie, Mrs. Ever- ett Taylor, Mrs. Chester Mc- Phee and Mrs. Charles Scott served. Mrs. Robert Bogie had also served the wedding dinner 25 years ago. Following lunch a beautiful bouquet of flowers were pre- sented to Mr. and Mrs. Wag- ner. They thanked friends and relatives for thoughtfulness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner were married at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge, West Wawanosh, by the Rev. Hugh C. Wilson (now at Thames Road). Following their mar- riage they have lived on the groom's farm• on the Maitland Block and they both are mem- bers of Knox United Church where Mr. Wagner has been a member of the Session for sev- eral years. Presbyterian WMS The June meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday school room of the church with the vice- president, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son in the chair, and Mrs. Dun- can Mackay at the piano. Mrs. Donald Haines led in prayer. Miss Minnie Wagner was in ch- arge of the `devotional period and the offering was received by Mrs. Carl Gooier. A . solo wee sung by Mrs. W. Brad - nock. The gubst ''speaker eras Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Belgrave, who gave a report of the synodical meeting at Sarnia. Mrs. Ed. Davies thanked Mrs. Anderson. The minutes were read by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland and it was reported that Mns. John Gra- ham had presented a life mem- bership certificate to Mrs. Ar- thur Duff, Leamington, in mem- ory of her mother-in-law, the late Mrs. Ernest Duff (who had been a lifetime friend of Mrs. Graham and a resident of the Dungannon district). This contribution will be credited to this auxiliary. Letters of appreciation were read from Mrs. C. Dobie, To- ronto, Betty Youngblut and Harvey McGee. Roll call was LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone Blyth 37 r 5) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Living- stone spent a couple of days this week with friends in Mea- ford. Mrs. Widmer Howatt spent Tuesday with her daughter and family, Thames Road. Mrs. Charles Small who is a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital for the past few weeks is not progressing as favourably as her friends could wish. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- blut and family, Woodstock, spent Sunday with the Clifford Adams family. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Govier, Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Webster and, Will Govier. Wowen's Institute The June meeting of the WI was held last Wednesday even- ing. Following the usual open- ing exercises the president read a poem "Nothing Lovelier". Roll call was answered by turn- ing in food labels. Mrs.' Tom Allen gave a re- port on the cdnfereiice held de Guelph recently.' Mrs. Karry Lear favored with a plane in- strumental, Mrs, Edwin Wood reported on the district anna(al which she attended in Wing - ham. Mrs. Ed. Bell sang a solo Which Wes followed by a gain of charades. 40th Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt and Kenneth attended a dinner at Tiger Dunlop In.h on Saturday evening in honour of Mr. end Mrs. Alva McDowell Who cele- brated their 40th wedding •aen- niVersary. Other g tests were also present. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong aceompanied Mrs. Jitn Aree strong to England to visit with her mother for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong 'vis- ited with the letter's brother and sister-dn-law, Mr. and Mrs+ William "Tinian in 13rai ipton for a_couple of days. Mr+ and Mrs. Taman returned with them for a short Visit. Mrs. Harvey Hunting and Donald visited Ott Stinday with Harve*y Milking who is still a atient in Westntinster' Bios- tee, He Was gated on. Fti, day, and has last the sight Of one eye, answered with a sister; nat"ted in the $able, The meeting was closed with prayer by Miss Wagner. Following this meeting the Ladies Aid met with the, presi- dent, Mrs, Ed. Davies in ch^ arlge, and the minutes read by the secretary Mrs, Roy Deer, Plans were made to cater to a wedding on July 1, It was planned to help send some .child to camp this summer from the Sunday school, .Lunch was ser- ved by Mrs, Donald Haines, as- sisted by Mrs, R. Middel. United WMS Party The annual birthday party of the Woman's Missionary Soo- iety of Knox United Church was held last week in the Sun- day school room of the church which was decorated with bas- kets of summer flowers for the occasion. The president, Mrs, oha 'Durriin gave the. call to worst; p land w, caned tile, goat. to the "nee ' , r% writ- ten invitation had ti Sent to every lady of the congrega- tion, Mrs. William J. Craig was the.accernpanist. The secretary, Mrs. Rey Eason read the min - etas and called the roll which was answered by each member quoting �a verse w"th the word, receive , The treasurer, Mrs, Harold Webster gave the fin- ancial statement.. The next meeting will be in the charge of the Mission Band and the Baby Band on July 4. Mrs, Norman McDowell led in the program outlined in the Missionary Monthly. She read a short poem followed by pray er and Mrs. Georrge Million read the scripture lesson. A duet entitled, "Carry your Cross wwibh' a Smile" was sµn byMrs. Ernest Duxvin and Mrs, George Millis, The .af- of- fering was received by Mrs. Ernest Dui'nin acid Mrs. Har, - aid .Webster. Mas, R. M. Sweeney introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs, H, Funge, Londesboro. Her theme "How we can best serve Christ" was inspiring and stres- sed that "before we can ac- complish anything that is worth- while we must work hard for it." Mrs, John Durgin thank, ed the speaker for her mes- sage. Mrs. Fred Toll gave a paper on Christian Steward- ship. Mrs. N. McDowell clos- ed the meeting with prayer. Lunch •included birthday cake and ice,creaip, The white linen - covered tea table was centred with the white and pink birth- day cake and flanked by light- Thum,Junet5,, 1901 Marvin McDowell (Auburn correspondent) A life long resident of Ole Westfield district, Marvin Me, Dowell Wend away ee Men - day, June 12 in the Wingham hospital in his 83rd year, He Was the soxv of the late Robert McDowell and Charlotte Mc- Clinton, Fifty-one years ago he mar- ried Mary Clark who survives him along with two sons, r- Vey, Ease Wawanoe„h; Graeme, at home, and one daughiter, Mns. Ernest (Anna,) Snell, East .. I n tnNw>wRaar 1fi l p_ .. q .. S WeiwmA, retie H bas three pisteos, Mrs, Fraiit• (VefiIO Kex bales, Vie, rich; Mrs.. Jack (Della) CowtaA Exeter Miss Gladys Me- Dowell, goderich. Mr. McDowell was a devoted Member ,of ,the. Westfield. Unit- ed Ohue i where he was a member of ,the Session for many years, He Was an active direr- for of the West Wawanosh Ira- surance moo., retiring front that position just a year ago, The funeral will be field on Thursday, Jane 15, at from the J. Keith Arthur fun- eral home, Aubuivab with buriei in Greenhill Cemetery, Luck, now, The service win be con- ducted by Rev. R. M. Sweeney, ed candles in silver holders,. Mrs. Fred Toll poured tea from the silver tea service. The Car King of Huron County TOPS THEM ALL ! Salesman Ralph Parkinson gets his Straw Hat from the Car King with instructions to cut used car prices. We've topped all our Salesmen with straw hats to show that: We're Topping Every Deal Ever Offered In Huron County Until the end of June, the Car King of Huron County guarantees you the best deal you can find in Ontario! You can shop around --- look far and wide -- but no other dealer Will -- or can -- match our sensational offers. Drive to Zurich or Exeter for the best deal of a lifetime. Look for the men with the Straw Hats — they've received instructions to slash prices on every car DURING JUNE ONLY! Hurry! WE'VE GOT ALL THE POPULAR MODELS TO SELL YOU The. King's .. FIipdap P11 sal Ever heard of a car dealer cutting prices in the middle of spring, the "hot" sales sea- son? Nobody does, except Pear- son who believes in volume selling. The Car King may be crazy but his strategy is: "The Time to Cut Prices is when Business is Booming --Make a Smaller Profit on Every Car but sell a Whale of a Lot More Cars!" YOU benefit by paying Tess; Pearson benefits by mov- ing more units! • YOU CAN PURCHASE ANY OF THESE "TOPPERS" WITH A MAXIMUM DOWN PAYMENT OF ONLY 10% IN MANY CASES NO DOWN PAYMENT AT ALL! THE CAR KING'S OWN CAR NOW. FOR SALE '61 Buick Electra 225 4 -door Hardtop. This beautiful limou- sine is equipped with every conceiveable GM accessary, custom finished in irridesoent Balmoral Blue with matching nylon interior. If you desire the finest ride in..'autorhotive his- tory, complete with the lowest !vibe possible on a IuxUry car, call Us for a demonstration. HERE'S A SAMPLE SAVING! 15 Convertibles ! '56 Buick Convertible Striking Arctic White with red leather interior, new black top, custom radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, Goodwill Warrant, only '60 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, fully -powered, only 9,000 miles '59 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLES (2), both sold new by us, locally owned '58 FORD FALRLANE 500 CONVERTIBLE, fully powered, in immaculate condition '57 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVERTIBLE, power steering, automatic, 33,000 miles '57 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE, original black with red leather interior, ideal for your wife '56 MONARCH RICHELIEU CONVERTIBLE, in gleaming red, best looking car you ever saw $1395 EVEN OUR BEST CARS ARE ON SALE '55 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, new Strato-Flash V -S motor, stick shift, a hot car '54 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, locally owned by a woman, like new '54 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE, new nylon top, the sharpest thing out '53 LINCOLN CONVERTIBLE, in Arctic White '53 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, in Arctic White '53 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE, sunshine yellow, valve -in -head motor, whitewalls, i€ke new '52 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE, dove grey 18 Popular '59 Cars Just to prove that we are doing the business, here are 18 1959 Models that we intend to clear at 'Top Hat' Prices! WE'RE A VOLUME DEALER PEW '59 Plymouth Regent Sedan One -owner car driven only 18,000 miles, radio, full chrome discs, air condition heater, only '59 ENGLISH FORD SEDAN, robin's egg blue, driven 18,000 miles by local businessman, im- maculate, only $1,095 '59 CHEV BEL AIR SEDAN, automatic, custom radio, 2 -tone, owned by doctor's wife '59 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4 -DOOR STATION WAGON, custom radio, windshield washers, yours for only $1,795 '59 PONTiAC STRATO-CHIEF SEDAN, 6-cyl. automatic, windshield washers, only 24,000 miles '59 STUDEBAKER LARK SEDAN, immaculate, whitewalls, wheel discs, Limited stip differential '59 BUiCK LE SABRE 4 -DOOR SEDAN, power steering, power brakes, wheet discs, whitewalls. Driven only 30,000 miles by focal clergyman '59 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 -BOOR HARDTOP, execUtive-driven, V-8 automatic, radio, white - walla, wheel discs '59 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN, only 14,000 miles, Owned by local businessman '59 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER SEDAN, ebony black with whitewalls and red leather trim $1550 WE CAN SELL AT DISCOUNT '59 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 -DOOR STATION WAGON, top model in Gothic -Gold metallic, radio, Whitewalls, just like' new" '59 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER SEDAN, immac- ulate, red leather interior, sold new by us '59 CHEV BISCAYNE 2 -DOOR, driven 23,000 miles by Local hoteikeeper, automatic, radio '59 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR STATION WAGON, economy 8-cyl., wheel discs, awned by lobe! florist, immaculate '59 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF SEDAN, low mite - age, straight shift, finish in Tasco Turquoise, wheel discs, air condition heater '59 PONTIAC LAURENTiAN 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, automatic, radio, only 23,000 miles, a beautiful unit '59 BUICK LE SABRE 4 -DOOR HARDTOP, ex- ecutive driven, Buick radio, power steering, power brakes, automatic, whitewalls, wheel discs, easy -eye glass, Wildcat 445 motor, Gothic Gold metallic with matching interior, showroom condition Over 75 Other "Topping Good" Used Cars A total of 15 Trucks From Pickup to 4 -tons PEARSON MOTORS mit. BUICK --- PONTIAC -- VAUXHALL Phone 600 EXETER The Car Ki;n9 of Buren 'Coi *ty GMC tRUCKS -- BEDFORD VANS Phone 70 ZURICH