HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-01, Page 8Gift of Books to Separate School Separate School Board chairman Peter Hathaway, seated, and board member Victor Finnie look over some of the over 100 books recently given to the board for use in the separate school which is now under construction at the north east corner of town. Donor is Mrs. Loretta Duncan, Toronto, formerly Loretta Flynn (with relatives in Hullett Township). She was a former member of the parish. Included in the welcome gift is an encyclo- paedia; a complete Shakespeare and the works of Sir Walter Scott. There are books by Ernest Thompson on Seton, A. J. Cronin and some contem porary novels. (News-Record Photo) T E 11 011., EE" Philosopher- A PARKING SPOT IS AN AREA ABOUT SEVEN FEET WIDE, TWELVE FEET LONG MD ALWAYS • ONIUE OTHER BIDE OF THE STREET! 10' iU int Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tillman London', anent Saterday. and Sunday at their cottage, Mrs, Corey .Block, Detroit, hes opened her cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blaurnan, Birmingham, Mich, spent the weekend in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Coen A, S. Hill from Sarnia, visited at the rec- tory on Thursday. - Miss Dorothy Reinke, Hamil- 41111111111111111111.111111111 NIAGARA BRAND FRUIT TREE SPRAYS and DUSTS Also NIAGARA BRAND 2-4D and M. C. P. And MAY & BAKER EMBUTOX and TROPOTOX WEED SPRAYS Come in and inquire about the above and other insecticides now being sold right here in Clinton. Clinton Feed Mill Phone HU 2-3813 Huron Street Clinton NOW CARRIED IN STOCK AT Clinton Feed Mill 1•1111111116. Page 8—Clinton News-Record-,Thursday, June 1, 1961 News of .Esayfield By LVCY B. WOODS PHONB .exuxEl,p 45r3 ton, was a recent guest at Bailey's Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Sack Atkinson, St, Clair Shores, Mich„ spent the long weekend at their 'cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bris- son, Grosse Point, Mich., are spending a "couple of weeks at their home in the village. Guests with the Rev. E. J. B, Harrison on Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major, Sar- nia Harold Brandon is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, un'd'ergoing treatment this pest week. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Atkin- son with young David and Elizabeth spent the weekend visiting their 'uncle, "Casey" Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore were at their home "Fairhohn" over the Memorial Day week- end. Miss Isabel Heideman and her mother, Toronto, spent the past week at their summer cot- tage here. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Roddick this week were Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Simpson, Birm- ingham, Mich. Mrs. Charles Knuckey, Bay- field was brought to Clinton Public Hospital yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arkell and Heather, Hespeler, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell on Sunday. Mrs. Harold King, of Sarnia, visited her sister, Mrs. E. A. Featherston Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, Clinton, have opened up, their summer cottage this past week, and hope to 'be here now for the season:. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Gemein- hardt, Saginaw, with their dau- ghter and 'son, were at their Dancing EVERY FRIDAY Bayfield Pavilion Friday, June 2—Mercey Brothers Dancing 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Amolm•••••••••••••• Two Airmen Hurt When Car Slides Under Truck . Two of three RCAF Station Clinton airmen were injured last Wednesday evening when their car slid under a parked truck, ripping the roof from the car. The truck, driven by Vern Bean, RR 5, Goderich, appar- ently had trouble with one of the dual 'wheels. David Jolla Couglin, 18, re- ceived injuries to his head; shoulder and arms, and Louis J. Fontaine, 19, scalp :injuries. Patrick Paiement, 19, driver of the car, was thrown underneath the truck but was not injured. The two injured were treated at Clinton Public Hospital, aria then were transferred to hes- pital in London. UNDERWATER LINE To provide electrical service to residents of Pelee Island in Lake Erie, Ontario Hydro in- stalled an underwater cable 11 miles long. on Saturday to spend the mem- orial holidays with his parents, and all returned to their home on Tuesday. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Paull were guests of Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, Monday and Tuesday, and on Monday even- ing, with the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison and Carl Diehl all at- tended the induction service of the Rev. Peter L. Dymond, new rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton. They had the pleasure of meeting the Rit. Rev. H. F. Appleyard, MC, BA, DD, Bishop of 'Georgian Bay. Chancel Guild The Chancel Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs, R. J. Larson on Tuesday evening with six mem- bers present. President Mrs. J. Cluff presided and the rector the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison opened with prayer and Scrip- ture reading. In the absence of the secre- tary, her report was read by Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. The treasurer, Mrs. Stewart present- ed her report. Discussion followed regarding the need for an extra "fair linen" cloth for the altar', and pads to be made for the new alms basin. Delicious lunch was served. Mr. J. "Cluff and Mrs. Pearson will be in charge of the lunch for the June meeting. The Misses Watson, Windsor, are in the village for the sea. son. Trinity WA The monthly Meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican Church was held . at the home of the president, Mrs. Enixnerson Heard on Monday, May 25 with 12 members! and one visitor present. With the president presiding, Mrs. Brown Higgins presented her secre- tary's report, and Mrs. It 3. Larson the treasurer's report. After opening prayers, and Scripture read, by Rev, Mr. Hat- risen, it Was, decided to send a quilt to- the Rev, Ahab Spence, Saskatoori,, and plans were Made for the annual joint "meet- ing of St. .James Church, Mid." dletOri branch, and Trinity, in Bayfield this year in June. Mrs. Larson was the tea hest. esS and after closing prayers by the rector, a social hour .followed. 0 WATER& SMIWAV Twin tunnels 330 feet .m;(10 the city of Niagara Falls tarry water from the_ Niagara River to Ontario trydre's Sir Adam Beek No, 2 Generating. Station, s miles below the. Pas, LAWN CONDITIONERS May & Bakes COMPITOX Kills weeds on lawns: including Chickweed, Dandelions, Creeping Charley, etc. WEED "Ni FEED" —Kills weeds as it feeds your lawn; *Lawn Fertilizer: 20.10-5 2-40. *An ideal broad-leaf weed killer; will not burn. PEAT MOSS LAWN SEED SEED and FERTILIZER SPREADER available to all custemert H, F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary Street Clinton phone HU 2.9792 WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC HAS ALL THE LEADING LINES OF Power Lawn Mowers and Garden Tillers including Johnson Lawn Cruiser r Bolens • Spramotor ( made by Jacobson) SEVERAL GOOD USED POWER MOWERS FOR SALE We are now issuing .. GOLD BOND STAMPS on Gas, Oil, Lubrication Jobs, Tires, Batteries, and New Lawn Mowers Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL; TUNE4.0) yOprr Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON ;Guides Rally at • Hensall Park; Games, Campfire (IV Shirley Riersan) On Saturday, June .27, the Bayfield Girl Guide Company boarded Ervinle's bus and with- in the hour arrived' at Hensall's town ball where the meet was to be held. A colourful parade of 1.1 Guide companies in aloha- , betieal. order commenced from here. They marched to the review- ing stand .at the gates of the community park where the sal- Vte was taken. Inspection was made by the Area Commission- ers. Special attention was given to neat uniforms; courtesy, arid formation drill, All the girls enjoyed immens- ely the Guide games which were a welcomed respite after the inspection. Next came lunch With the dessert and soft drinks supplied by the Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary. For the conclusion of this thrilling day,. a radiant camp- fire was built by the older Guides. Around this over 200 Guides sat and sang the songs which help to unite Girl Guides all over the world, Excitement grew as 'the Div- ision Commissioner, Miss Una McDonald rose and' announced the winners: First Goderich Company and Second Goderich Company. The ride home consisted of a group of happy Guides sing- ing new songs which they learn- ed at the meet. Kirkton Holstein Gets Large Record On Milk Tests Hopson's Greenhouse Bayfield Ontario BOX PLANTS—TOMATOES—CABBAGE—ASTERS SNAPDRAGONS—ZINNIAS—GERANIUMS BEGONIAS---FOLIAGES--PETUNIAS all varieties Cemetery Baskets Made Up your best tractor gasoline bug Esso Gasoline gives you more power, 41.1.1111111111.11110111111111W, MAKINS, BARBER and BEAUTY Salon MAIN STREET — BAYFIELD COLDWAVES: $5.50 $7.50 - $10.00 - $12.00 Hair Styling — Two Operators — ESTHER MAKI NS MARION MACKIE MEN'S HAIR CUTS 75c BOYS' HAIR CUTS 65c — Two Operators — LLOYD MAKINS KEN MACKIE 21-2-p more work per dollar Here's a gasoline that meets the demands of tractor engines. It provides the best in quick starts, fast warm-up, power and economy. Use Esso Gaso- line and get the best value for your tractor fuel dollar. For diesel powered units, Esso Diesel Fuel has been proven over and over again to give peak performance. Harold M. Black HU 2-3873 CLINTON ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST SEE US FOR THE The Best Tire Deal In Town "A CHEAP TIRE CAN COST YOU YOUR LIFE" BE SAFE - BE SURE - - AND SAVE WISELY WITH PRODUCT, PRICE & SERVICE HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE 24 Princess Street Clinton Phone HU 2.9559 Nights HU 2.9692 Promotions For Ontario Police Local Detachment Harry M. Sayeau, Goderich, formerly a corporal on the Goderich detaehment of the Provincial Police has been Pro- moted inspector In the 'Crim- inal Investigation Branch. Three other corporals of the OPP have received similar advancement, Constable Donald Weston, also of the Goderich detach- ment, has' received an advance- ment to' Corporal and has been Sent to St. "Catharine% Inspector Harold H. Graham, Toronto, of the CID, has been appointed chief inspector. In- spector Graham carried out in- vestigations with regard to two murder oases involving resi- dents of this' area during the past two years. Bayfield home on Louisa St., last week. Mr, and Mrs. L. Smith, Lon- don, were visitors with. the R. J. Larson family over the week- end, and on; Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rouse, London, Harold Atwood and Charles McKie, Sarnia, were Sunday guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weston, Detroit, with Marcia and Brit, Were at their cottage this week and had as their guests, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McCormick, London. Mrs, Cliff Utter has been a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital since last Thursday, also Audrey RozelIe, sister of 'Miss Berthena Sturgeon, and it is hoped they will soon be able to return to their homes. Mrs. A. Armstrong of the Bronson Line, who was a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital for a week, is now convalescing with her sister, Mrs. Cecil Brown, in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howard, and Mrs. Robert Blair drove to the Mooretown home of Mrs. Howard's sister, and husband, the Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Cros-by, N.Y., on Tuesday, and re- turned home on Thursday. Miss Elaine Weston has fin- ished her course with the Gode- rich Business College and has taken up employment with the London Life Insurance Comp- any, London. On Monday, Fred Arkell, Jack Stewart, F/L R. A. Sim- ons and the rector, attended a meeting of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wing- ham. Among the guests at The Little Inn, this past weekend, were: Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rech- nitzer, Mr. and Mrs. John White, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cornell, London. How quickly word spread's around, even with the teenagers. It was' not long before Ward' Cornell, popular sports 'IT broadcaster, was stopped and asked for his auto- graph. Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman, Detroit, were' at their cottage over the weekend, and on their return 'to the city on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, their neighbours on Louisa St., returned with them, to be their guests 'the remainder of ;the week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond visited in Detroit last week, and returning with them on Friday were their grandchild- ren Lucy, Steven and Brian Ormond, Livonia, Mich., with their mother Mrs. David Or- mond. Their father joined them WHOUSE OF Vi Yu!" ADMIRAL' Marie SAYS: FOLKSIO 44 OA* SHOP IN ANY DIRECTION YOU DESIRE BUT GET OUR ESTIMATES i BEFORE YOU HIRE if WE FEATURE Xfrieot '"-,eoDuarg, 44ear Phited / MART GROVESH IS SON THE HOUSE OF ADMIRAL CONTRACTING WIRING - REPAIR IN119414 HAVINSNT 'UWO Graduate „ NANCY PENNINGTON, B.A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennington, 72 St. George Street, St.. Thomas, received her bachelor of Arts degree in Honours Modern Languages and Literature (French and Spanish) at University of Western On- tario. In addition, she Won the University Board of Gov- ernors Medal for French and Spanish in the modern lang- uages division and also the French Consul-General 'book prize. In graduating from St. Thomas Collegiate Institute in 1957, she won the, George Williamson Young Memorial Scholarship. Having won the. Woodrow Wilson fellowship, Miss Kennington plans to study modern Spanish litera- ture at the University of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. George Bay- ley, RR 4, Clinton', grand- parents of Miss Pennington, were in London to attend the convocation exercises and the graduation reception. Among those also invited were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis: Dutot 'and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan, Clinton. OAC Graduate JACK M. BROADFOOT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, RR 1, Brucefield, is a diploma graduate of the Ontario Agriculture College, Guleph. He is a gradu- ate of Seaforth District High School. He has ac- cepted a position on the staff of the Harvey Beat- tie turkey farm at Thamesford. Airman Fined $10 For No Brake G,a r r y Joseph Schlesinger, RCAF Station Clinton, was fin- ed $10 and costs in Goderich last Thursday, for failing to have a 'foot brake on his motor vehicle on April 30, in Goderich Township, Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, presided.. A purebred Holstein, owned by Ross Marshall, Kirkton, has' completed an exceptionally large record of performance test. She is Meri Acres Lucky who 'as a five-year-old produced in 305 days on twice-a-day milking a total of 761 pound's butterfat from 15,114 pounds milk, average test 5.04 percent butterfat. This record has a breed class average percentage of 127 for milk and 175 for Tat or in other words it is 27 percent above the average of the breed for milk and 75 above the average of the breed for butterfat. Lucky has been classified Good Plus. Her sire Meri Acres Sovereign was twice Reserve Grand Champion at the Huron County Black and White Day.