HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-06-01, Page 7Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services Daylight Saving Time .,-• 's,Aleu ✓ i,r illi almestxillte Anti; 0 .01nrclies REV. 3 XGAR ROULSTON, MINISTER Sunday, June 4th, 1961 Flower Sunday, Featuring Flowers, Birds, children Theme; "My Father's World" WESLEYYWILLIS 11.00 ease Public Worship (Junior Cholr) 12.1.e p.m. --Church School $.00 p.m. --,Young People's .croups HOLMESVILLE 0,45 axn.-Sunday School Anniversary (Jwuor Choir) A Hearty Welcome To All Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's — Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader TRINITY 1 8,30 a.m.—Moly Communion 1.1,00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon Tues. June 6—Ladies Guild June meeting at the home of Mrs. H, Bartliff, 2.45 p.m. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 4 9.45 a.m. Worshiu Service 11,00 a.m.---Sunday School 7,30 p.m.—Guest Speaker, Mr. H. O. Atkins, Watford, Tuesday, 8 p,m. — Prayer & Bible study. All Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D., Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW. Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 4 10.00 a.m.-Church School 11.00 aan. Divine Worship (Please note change of time) BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV, I. BODENIAM Sunday, June 4 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship W"Examine Yourselves hether Ye Be In The Faith" 7.30 p.m, Evening Service, "The Perils Of Eva;igelism" Wed., 8 pen. --Prayer Meeting. You are coally invited to these services. Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, June 4 10.00 a.m,--Service in. Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in English EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 Am. --Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Prete:311 g the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Craig Peters, Student Pastor 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.15 a.m.--family Worship Topic: "When God Became A Christian" June 8, 9, 10--9.15 a.m„ CKNX Radio "What does it really mean to be a Christian? Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Confirmation Service Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.—Church Service. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School G Pansies — — Petunias Geraniums — — Begonias Tomatoes -- Cabbage Etc. K. C. COOKE, Florist Orange Street---CLINTON --Phone HU 2-7012 FOR THE June Brides Beautiful All Wool KENWOOD BLANKETS 0 kv Iy cr tours to choose from .J.k; 60 x 84 $13.95 12 x 84—$15.95 MARTINS DEPT. STORE I UNBEKAlk LODGE WILL MEET MONDAY NIGWV The regular monthly Meeting oe the If invitee J ebeleah Lodge will be held IVfeeclay, June 4 at 8,15 pen. The offices will be in the -charge of the Past Grande for this meeting. Any- one having tiGkete on the doll Please return them -aa the draw W ell be 'made on Monday nigbe. Group 4 will be snaking the draw far the blanket. Lunch will be served. BIRTHS ARSENEAU In Clinton Public Hospital, an Wednesday, Mary 31, 1961, to Corporal andMrs. Leonard' Areeneau, 271 Bay- field Road, Clinton, a dau- ghter, CHARRET'E,-.-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Sunday, May 28, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Charxette, Hensall, a son. GEORGE -- In Clinton Public Hospital, en Monday, May 29, 1961, to LAC and Mrs. Ken neth George, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. GORDNER—.In Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, Stratford, on Friday, May 19, 1961, to Mr. and MVlrs. Walter Gardner, Clinton, a daughter (J'ackie Lynn, sister for Terry). GRtr',rTTHS—In Victoria Hos- pi,tral, London, on Thursday, May 25, 1961, to F/L and Mrs;. Anthony Griffiths, RCAF Station Clinton, a son (Derek Jame). LOVE —In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, May 26, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Merlin Love (nee Jean Armstrong) , London, a daughter (Pamela Jean, sister for Johnny) , MAILLOUX—In Qinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, May 30, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Paul Mniuoux, Auburn, a daughter. PRIESTAP In Clinton Public H25, 196on 1., to Mr. and Mrs Oscar Priestap, 20 Dunlop Street, Clinton, a daughter. ROORDA —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 31, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roorda, RR 5, Clinton, a daughter. SABOUR,IN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 27, 1961, to Sergeant and Mrs. Richard Sabourin, RR. 1, Brucefield, a son. THEBJtIEN--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 31, 1961, to Staff Sergeant and Mrs. J. C. Therrien, 14 William Street, Clinton, a son. VANNIER—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 25, 1961, to Flight Lieut. and Mrs. Guy Vannier, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. MARRIAGES ANDERSON-McLEAN --- In Main Street United Church, Exeter, on Saturday, May 20, 1961, by the Rev. R. S. Hiltz, Ruth Patricia, daughter of Fern McLean, Toronto, to Ron Emerson Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Anderson, RR 2, Mansell, DEATHS BIGGART — Suddenly at her home in Ottawa, on Wednes- day, May 24, 1961, Lorena Haney, dearly beloved wife of Robert C. Biggart and dear mother of Billy and Bobby, in her 38th year. Service from St. Paul's United Church, Fredericton, New Brunswick, an Saturday, May 27. DAVIES—In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gode- rich, on Saturday, May 27, 1961, Margaret S. Davies, 98 St. Patrick Street, Goderich, (formerly of Clinton) and dear sister of George Newton Davies, in her 82nd year. Service from the Stiles fun- eral home, Goderich, to Mait- land Cemetery, by the Rev. W. 3. ten Hoopen, en Mon- day, May 29. DEEVES—In Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Monday, May 15, 1961, Albert John Henry Deeves, beloved husband of Laura Barnard (and dear bro- ther of Thomas Deeves and Mrs. Roy Mann, Clinton, and Asa Deeves, Merman), in his 64th year. Service from the Needham Memorial Chapel, London, to Woodland Ceme- tery, London, on Wednesday, May 17. GODDEN — By drowning at Grand Bend,. an Thursday, May 25, 1961, Albert James Godden, RCAF Station Clin- ton, beloved eon of Mr, and Mrs, D, F. Godden he his 19th year. Service from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High. Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Mon- day, May 29. LEVY--Sudtdnly at his home in Lexington, Mich., on Mon- day, May 15, 1961, Jack Levy, beloved husband of Josephine Crear and dear brother of Miss Lucy Levy, Clinton and Mrs, Charles (Martha) Ma- hew, Sarnia, in his 68th year, Services on .Thursday, May 18 at Lexhttgton and inter - mint there, NEILANS --- At Seaforth on Wednesday, .May 31, 1961, Lorne Neilans, Clinton, lit his 66th year. Service from the Hall ,and Mubeh tenet -el home, 153 Nigh Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, en Peiday, Able 2, at 2 o'clock. S1 ARLLNG- ,Irl Stratford Gen- eral Roespital, ori Thit r day, May 25, 1961,brge Alex- ander Spat1th , beloved hue., baud of Mildred Logan; fathe et of Jahn; Robert exial Pate r+ieia; dear brother of Mrs, Ray ,Fear, Clinton and hop - hew of Ben Ithwell, Bay- field, tri his 58th year. Ser- vide from the Marriott fun- eral hetet St.. Marys, oft S�aturd'ay, May 27, WATT—In . In Victoria, Hospital, Loivdon, ort Saturday, May 27, 1961 P,dbet+t Reid• `Wal Blyth, beloved husband Millie Kirkby, in his 85th year, Payette service front leis Mend In Blyth. in belied Cennete'tee di'i '%'inlay lifter- Ateettt,May 30, by the Rev. H: otagan, Persona], Len and Mrs. Weir, Donna vele, we been visiting in 0,- inton for couple .of ela e. Mr. and Mrs, Roy F, Lei- pidngton and sons, Robert and Hans, Brucefield, spent Seen day with the forirner's parent% Mr. and Mrs, 'flhoanas Lopping- ton, opl g -ton, 177 Spencer SemenMr, and Mrs, W, J. Biggart received world, Wednesd'arY, May 24, 1961, of the sudden death of their daughter-in-law, Lorna Wife .of Bob leiggart nt her borne, 17 Wolff St. Ottawa 2. Funeral was in Fredericton, N.B., on lVfay 27.. Mrs, Myrtle •Rat7lwell and daughter, Elaine, Coltingweed and Mrs. Muriel, Collett, Niag- ax'a Fens visited with their brot4 er-in-•aw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear, having come to attend the fines al ed • their brether Alex Snarling of St. Marys. Mrs. Fred Sloman. and Mrs, Christine Laidlaw, Clinton also 'attended the fun- era" with Mr, and Mrs. Fear,. Mr..and Mrs. WilIiisrn Mac- Donald and family, Diane, Douglas., Dennis and David,.. Farmington, Mich„ visited rel- atives in town over the holi- day weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Rad- ford, Elmira, N,Y. .spent lihe past weekend with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. George Jarvis, Lastoweal spent Sunday 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merril, Mrs; H. Managhan, Mrs, Rus- sell Holmes and Mrs, Louis Forrest attended the Spring- bank banquet of the Mary Hastings Club on Tuesday. Mr.. and. Mrs, Louis Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Rutnley, Goderich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James From, Preston. Visitors with Mrs. J. E. John- ston on the holiday weekenld were Mx. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, and two childlren, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coop- er, Nancy, Bobby, Laurie, Flint, Mioh., are staying at the Park- er House Motel this week and visiting relatives and friends in the area. IN�sleyWillis TQ HoId A Vacation Schooi Eleven memleers et the _$1421- 40.y Selene executive of Wee - ley -Willis United Church .met at the home of Mrs, Harry J, Boekey, The Rev, E. J. B,oul- ston centro. dd his Bible etude cauree, ending with prayer. The cern:mitttee iii .charge of the program .for MMolther's Day ,service wag commended for tats success, Flower Sunday is set Cor June 4 with "Our ,Father's World" as the theme and tape Rev E, J, Rou1aton to condnzet the service, Anyone having flowers to help decorate, is a's'k-. ed to bring them to the church on Saturday, or notify Mrs. Charles Nelson, Mrs, Holland reported for the Vacation School committee,, The sehota is to be held from July 3 to 14 with Mavis Wilson as director. Helpers in this pro- ject are urgently needed., The ,congregational picnic is to be held on July 5 at the United Church summer s'ehool grounds at Goderich, Workers were appointed to the various committees. Superintendent Ron Steepe thanked Mrs. Rookey for her hospitality and Mr. Roulston closed the meeting with prayer. ML Auxiliary To Meet at Lake The June meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary will be held at the summer cottage of Mrs. Royce Macaulay on Wednesday, June 7. This will be in the focus of :a pot luck supper and all members are asked` to meet at the church not later than 6.30 p.m, for transportation to the cottage. The members are also asked to bring some articles for an auc- tion: sale to be held' at this meeting. Plans' will be made at this meeting for the tea at the church on Friday, June 16. Clinton and District Obituaries1 A. J. H. Deeves (Henson Corespondent) Albert John Henry Deeves, formerly of Clinton, passed away at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Monday, May 15, 1961 in his 64th year. Whale a resident in Hanover for over 25 years, Mr. Deeves was employed as foreman at. the Allen A. Hosiery plant, wile' Rh later became known as the Model Hosiery, when the for- mer was purchased by Smith Brothers, Toronto. When the planet closed down some ten years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Deev- es took up residence at 324 Ashland Ave., London, where the deceased was employed as foreman in the Super Silk Ltd. plant. The late Mr. Deeves, a native of Clinton, was the son of the Iate Mr. and Mrs. John Deeves, When a youth, he learned las trade in a hosiery mill at Clin- ton. He is survived by his wife, the former Laura Barnard; three sons, George and Jack, London; James, Hanover; three daughters, (Loraine) Mrs. Wil- liam Huercniller, Hanover; (Dor- othy) Mrs. Ch Charles Bluhm, London, amid (Mary) Mrs, Leo Vandervoont of Buffalo, N.Y.; four brothers, Lorne, Kincard- ine; Asa, Hensall; Mervin, Han- over; and Thomas, Clinton; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Fowler, Lon- don ,and Mrs, Ray Mann, Cl- inton, also eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held May 17 at 2 p.m. at the Need'- ham eed=ham Memorial Chapel, London, Intexmmeht was in Woodland Cemetery, London. 0 GUIDE AtIXILXARY TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Guide and Brownie mothers will be held at the Legion Hall on Wednesday, June 7 at 8.30 p.m. All mothers are requested to attend. A draw will be held for six 'mums. Tea and Bookies will olose the meetings triol fall. CARDS OP THANKS I wish to express my thanks to those sending cards and flow- ers while T was a patient in Clinton Public T ospttal. Special thanks to 1 OL No, 24, Dr. New- land and nursing staff. R. J. LARSON, 22b The family of the late Mr: W. W. Higginn, hayfield, wish to express their sincere thanks to their relatives, friends and thine who assisted during the passing of a dear father. Spee- iai thanks to Rev. E. J. B. Har- rison, Bayfield; Dr. Leitch, nit's; es of the Alexandra Martie and General Hospital, Goderich, and to thn. Heattie funeral home 22b Mrs, Leone Magee, Shirley and Gordon Steepe wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and rela- tives for the Many acts of kind - nen, messages of sylrtpathy and beautiful elated tributes receit - ed daring their recent beereave- Merit,Special thanks to the Rev, Hdgar J. I#.owtsta», and Clinton, Lodge A.F. and A.M. No, 84, and tea the C ntoii Chapter No. 266, Order Of the Eastern Star. They were d ee ly appreciated. l A. J. Godden Military service for AC2 Al- bert James Godden, was con- ducted from the Ball and Mutch funeral ,home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Monday afternoon, May 29, by Flight Lieutenant the Rev. C. A. Mc- Laren, RCAF Station Clinton. Interment was in Clinton Ceme- tery, Fifty-five airmen from Sta- tion Clinton made up the escort and attending parties. Flying Officer P. L. Berry, 156 Park Street, Goderich, was the of- ficer in charge. Corporal Wal- ter Sansome, RR 5, Clinton, was in charge of the escort party and Warrant Officer G. A. B. Brown was in charge of the attending party. Pall -bearers were AC2 Holm- lund, Ladysmith, BC; AC2 H. G. Neveu, Montreal, Que.; AC2 C. S, Purdie, St. Catharines, Ont.; AC2 Regnier, St. Francis Exavier, Man.; AC2 H. G. Wat- ers, London; AC2 Wiilmetz, Woodstock. The trumpeter, LAC Gio- vanni deFrancesco played Last Post and Reveille. The drum section of the band led the short march at the cemetery. AC2 Godden was 18 years old. He came to Clinton early in April after completing basic trailing at St. Johns, Nfld. The young man was drowned at Grand Bend last Thursday night, when rising waves dash- ed him against the breakwater, and ,the undertow swept him beyond his depth. . His companions were Airmen M. R. D. Ryan and R. E. Wie- be. They swam and waded back to shore when the waves started rising. Another airman on shore reported seeing the youthgrab for the ladder on the breakwater, but miss it and disappear from sight, OPP Cotstable George Payne of the Grand Bend Detachment investigated. Skindivers were unable to locate the body that night, but it was discovered the next day. Only known rela- tives are his parents at Cas• liar, B.C,, just south of the Yukon border. Charles Woods Charles Woods died et Alex- andra Marine and General Ros- etta', Goderich, Tuesday, May 30, following a short illness, ite ,hie 69th year, Ile was barn in London, Eng., and Dame to London, Ontario, its 1913. Mr. Woods served ov- erseas in World War I, and returned to London, moving tb Goderich in 1941 to organize a boys' band. For some time Pee was leader of the Goderich B.1ue Water l3and. Mr, Woods was a great help to the present Clinton Bance to which he brought invaluable experient* and kenwleddge, He was a member of V'ictor- i'a Street United Chinch and the Goderich Legion. Surviving is his niece, Miss pully Connie, Goderich. The body is resting at the Stiles funeral borne where sere :Aden will be held Thursday (the day) ata phi., with •Rev. S. A. Moot, offielatiiitg. Xtute';rnebt will, be int Maitland cerneterY LOU Celebrates 4Oth Birthday, The Clinton Loyal Orange Benevolent Association No, 27 was 40 years old this week, and celebrated with a Izirthday party in the new orange ball on Charles Street, The lodge was instituted on May 25, 1921. There are two charter mem- hers, Mrs, Wes Shobbrook and Mrs. William McClinchey, Draws were made for a lane, won by Frank Falconer; for taweas, won by Mrs. Wilfred Castle; four other draws were won ley Mrs. Oliver Jacques, I ensall; Mrs, Peter Harr]s+om,.. Goderich; Mrs. V. Sgarighin, St, Marys and Mrs. William Ware, St, Marys, Winners at canis were; lad- ies high, Mrs. Lorne Hodgins, Lucan; lone hands, Kay Neeve, St. Marys; low, Mrs. William Moore, S$. Marys; wren's high, Oliver Jacques, Woodham; lone hands, V, Sgarighire St. Marys and low, Ninian, Heard, Ontario St. WA Will Visit Brucefield WA The Worrna'n's Assooiation of Ontario Street United Church met Tuesday afternoon be the church parlour with Mrs. Geo- rge Pouter presiding and Miss E. Plumteel at the piano. Devotions were :taken by Mrs, Grana Mills on the theme, "The Home" with Bible read- ing Luke 10: 38-42. The secre- tary, Mrs, M. Wiltse read ,the minutes of last meeting, Treas- urer's report and bills were presented by Mrs. Roy Connell. Mrs. W. M. Aiken read the correspondence and thank you notes. Mrs. J. 33 Levis gave the flower report, 29 call's were reported; by the visitors of the month. Reports of all standing committees were given. Plans to visit Brucefield WA an June 6 were completed. Cars are to leave the church at 2 porn. Reports of Presbytery WA held at Caven Church, Win- throp, May 3 were given by Mrs. Grant Mills and Mrs. Ira Merrill. Programme consisted of two duets by Mrs. Bruce Cann and Mrs. Van Amerongen, Exeter, "Ivory Palaces" and "In the Garden". A solo by Mrs. Cann, "Beau- tiful Isle of Somewhere" was in Dutch, her native tongue. Miss E. Plumsteel was ,piano accompanist. Mrs. Potter expressed thanks to those who provided the pro- gram; to Mrs. Mills and Mrs. It/lee-rill for .their reports, and to the social committee who were in charge of serving lunch.. TUCKERSMITH CLUB WILL MEET JUNE 7 The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will have their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Garrett in Clinton on Wednesday, June 7 at 8.30 part. Roll call is to be ;answered by "Where I Would Like to Spend my Vaca- tion". Lunch wile be in charge of Group 3 with Mrs. Donald Crich as convener. J. E. Hovey Funeral service was conduct- ed in St. Paul's Anglican Ch- urch on Monday, May 22, for James Ernest Hovey, Clinton, who passed away on Friday, May 19. The Rev. Peter L. Dymond, rector of St. Paul's, officiated. Pall -bearers were Morley Counter, Caryl Draper, Fred Elliott, Robert •Middleton and Joe Silcock. Flower -bearers were Hugh Hawkins and Frank Pennebaker. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Mr. Hovey was born on Jan- uary anuary 14, 1872 in Clinton, the son of Charles E. Hovey and Mary Weldon Hovey. In 1901 he married Minnie Alberta Hovey, who predeceased him. A retired druggist, Mr. Hovey :had lived in Clinton all of his life, He had operated the store now owned by Prank Penne- baker, who purchased it from him. He was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Surviving are two sons, Wil- liam N, Hovey, Toronto and Frederick L. Hovey, Cleveland, Ohio; also several nephews and nieces. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were Dr, and Mrs. Duncan Graham, Toronto; Mary Hovey, London and Rex Hovey, Sarnia. Thur day, ,Minos 1, 1961 Clinton News-RRe ord.. Polio 7 LORA Has 40th Birthday Cake Mrs, Tom O'Connell, president of the Clinton.Loyal Orange Benevolent Association, poses here with one of the two charter members of the lodge, Mrs. Wes Shobbrook, who had the honour of cutting the huge cake served to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the lodge. At a gathering in the Orange Hall, at 21/2 Charles Street on Tuesday night, lodges from St. Marys, Goderich, Hensall, Lucan, Woodham, Sea - forth and Bayfield were represented. Summerhill ladies The Summerhill Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs, Nor- man Wright. Mrs. George Wright presided and opened the meeting by reading a poem, "Spring". There were 22 mem- bers a::rd one visitor present. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $173.20. Thank you notes were receiv- ed from Mrs. Ross Lovett, Roy McLean and William Gibbings. Mrs. Clark Ball gave the hos- pital auxiliary report. Mrs. Earl Blake and Mrs. George Col- elougih were appointed to attend the June meeting. The program started with a reading by Mrs. John Murch, "Johnny Entertains." Mrs. Al- lan Neal had aguessing con- test, won by Mrs. Lloyd Stew- art. Mrs, Dennis Penfound had a reading „House Cleaning.", and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound had a contest "bingo by numbers" won by Mrs. Percy Gibbings, Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs. Ross Lov- ett, Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. L. Cummings, Mrs. Ivan Hog- The raffle was won by Mrs. Russell Good. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Peter Westerhout on June 14. Those to provide lunch will be, Mrs, George Colclough, Mrs. James Snell, Mrs, Percy Gib- bings, Mrs. William Gibbings. On the evening of May 24th Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston took the member's of the Club on a very interesting tour of "Huronview". McCALL'S PATTERN from Miss America's Fashion Collection with Toni Home Permanent only $2.00 , 1 SPECIAL SALE TUSSY Summer Colognes IA Price --- Reg. $2,50 for $1.25 4 fragrances Picnic Supplies OF ALL TYPES & SIZES Plates, Cups (Hot & Cold) Thermos Jugs Vacuum Bottles Sun Tan Lothen Insect Repellents Sun Glasses samaras immolation I ramitatireatessirtamimawarroximOvirammararmiliorriO0a0iodatimismormwormoi A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surrouhdings And o trained competent staff, FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone HU 24441 1Eadi;ir