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Clinton News-Record, 1961-06-01, Page 4
Page +a- -i li.nton News-Record—Thursday, Junc 1, 1961 Young Doctor Married Dr. and Mrs. W. Harris Oakes, Toronto, were married in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, To- ronto in April. The bride is Mary Louise, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Starr Chisholm, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Oakes, Clinton. The couple is living in Toronto where Dr. Oakes is engaged in Post Graduate Surgical Studies. (Ashley -Crippen Photo) Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Representative --Tom Steep—HU 2-3869 24tfb Miller: Motors Your Ramide4 Dealer, Seaforth 1959 Rambler Classic Super Sedan 1959 Morris Minor 2 -door 1956 Dodge V8 automatic Sedan 3-1956 Plymouth Sedans 1954 Pontiac Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1952 Hillman Convertible Miller Motors Phone 149 -- Seaforth Eating Out of Doors? •Hers Are Some ildeas (y Mario vraser) Everybody's Taking To The Out -Of -Doors J,i This Merry, Dairy Month of Mune When everything looks SQ inviting in the great out-of-doors, no wonder the population are coming out of their homes in droves! Sunny skies, lush green fields and air in abundance . , , who can resist the lure of the open. Any excuse for an excursion and the family is eager to be on its way . . and mother has to plan a picnic or porch menu in a hurry. Supposing it's a parch or patio supper you're planning and you have a portable barbecue in your possession. Get 'the Iran of the •house to fill •the barbecue with plenty of fuel, far enough ahead so that the coals will be glowing for the cooking of the Cheese- abobs. Nave the making for the Oheeseabobs handy so that everybody can thread their own Anderson -McLean (Kippen Correspondent) Yellow snapdragons, mauve 'mums, ferns and candelabra formed the senting in Main Street United Church, Exeter, for ,the marriage of Ruth Pat- ricia McLean and Ron Emer- son Anderson en Saturday, May 20 at 3 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Fern McLean, Toronto, and niece of Miss Marion McLean, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Anderson, RR 2, Hensall, are the parents of the groom. Rev. R. S. Hiltz performed the ceremony. Mrs. A. Wil- lard provided the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Dorothy Parker, Hensall, who sang "Wedding Prayer" and "0 Promise Me." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - length gown of peau-de-soie with close fitted bodice with top and sleeves of chantilly lace, ,boast neckline and lily - pointed sleeves. The bouffant skint swept to a chapel train. She carried Talisman roses, Miss Mary Ann Rennie, Lan- don, was mraid of honour and Miss Eileen McLean, sister of the bride, London and Mrs. Earl Paulin, Mitchell, were at- tendants, gowned alike in mauve peau-de-soie. They car- ried baskets of white and mauve 'mums. Little Patricia Bender, Dash-, wood, was flower girl in a, long white dress of peau-de-soie and she carried a white Bible with white ribbons and mauve flow- ers. Gregory Campbell, Exeter, was ring -bearer. Don Bender, Dashwood, was groomsman, and two brothers of the bride, Merlin and Bev McLean, were ushers. A reception was held in the church rooms. The bride's aunt received guests in green lace over taffeta with white accessories and the groom's mother chose a mauve sheeth with white accessories and yel- low corsage. Serving were Misses Dianne Ranine, Hensall; Geraldine Parker, London; Pat Cooper, London; Ann Koehler, Dash- wood; Betty Parker, London. For :a honeymoon spent in Pennsylvania and New York, the bride changed to a blue stroller suit with white acces- sories. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will reside in Seaforth. Guests were present from To- ronto, Hamilton, Port Dover, London, Shedden, Centralia, Sarnia, Hensall and Kippen. ALL LIT UP With an. estimated 35,000 street Bights,, the city of Toron- to is one of the world's best lighted communities. E'stirn,ated number of street lights in the entire Metropolitan Toronto area is more than 80,000. NOT A MOMENT'S WORRY when you invest safely in a British Mortgage certificate. Your interest comes regular as clock -work. Your principal's (absolutely safe. Invest $100 or more for any period from 3 to 10 years. To invest -- see your local agent or mail us your cheque. 5% interest begins the day you make the investment. 7121 MO GAGE gr 1 UST COMPANY Pounded in 1877 Head Office: STRATFORD 1 British Mortgage & Trust Company, Stratford 1 0 1 enclose my cheque for $ for investment for I 0 Please send me a free folder giving full information. NAME ADDRhss..................................... 4.uH.un N.ubw.H,r 4.Yuu,ur»...r.b,rrluuin'.rrw.. ..4 YO 4. Y. r.V 000..r,.r . .s -.r..4 years. 1 Lawson Local Represontatfve-w-Phone HU 2M4644 H. C. CUnton, Ontario skewer , . , of pineapple, green pepper pieces, large cubes of Canadian processed eh.eese and good-sized chunks of conked ham. The Barbecued Potato Scallop only needs to be whisk- ed from. the kitchen to the coals and kept hot and bubbly, Include something crisp and cool . . celery hearts, carrot sticks and assorted pickles. One of the children can split, butter amd wrap rolls or buns in in- dividual squares of metal foal so these can be heated over the glowing coals at the last I moment. And top your meal off with warm and fragrant Ap- plesauce Fruit Cake --easy for eating out-of-hand—and mugs of cool milk. The scene is set, some sug- gestions have been made . but we have one snore thought for you. In this merry dairy month of June, count on the dairy foods to give you a great big assist, just as we have to- day. * * * CREESEA.BOBS (Makes Six Servings , 1 pound cooked harp, cubed 1 (20 -oz) can pineapple cubes 2 green peppers, cut hi pieces 1 'Ib, Canadian processed cheese, cubed. Supply an assortment of ingred- ients for guests to thread on their owns skewers. Heat until bubbly over ib,arbeeue and serve immediately. * * * BARBECUED POTATO SCALLOP (Makes Six Servings) 4 large potatoes, peeled, diced 1 large onion, diced 1% cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt 1/s teaspoon pepper 1/ cup ketchup 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce dash of Tabasco sauce 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Combine all ingredients,. Cover and simmer over low heat 1% to 2 hours, or until potatoes are tender. Stir occasionally during cooking.* * * APPLESAUCE FRUITCAKE (Makes 20 Servings) 1/2 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 eups sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon soda t�1 teaspoon baking powder 74 "teaspoon salt. ' ;§ 1 teaspoon cinnamon % 'teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants or dates % cup chopped nuts 1% cups dry applesauce. Cream butter ,aind sugar unto] fluffy, Sift dry ingredients to- gether. Use % cup flour mixture to mix with fruit and nuts. Add remaining dry ingredients al- ternately with applesauce. Beat until smooth. Fold in fruit and nuts. Pour into buttered (9x12 - inch) baking pan. Bake in a moderate' ovens (350°F.) for 45 minutes. Dust with icing sugar. STP.4WBERRY ICE CREAM ENJOY THIS SUPERB, FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM TREAT OFTEN DURING THE FESTIVAL MONTH YORK ICE CREAM Students Council Executive Is [Iected for 1961.2 All 'teachers and pupils of CDCI marked ballots, in the Students Council elections, held on Friday, lvray 26, As a result the 1961-62 Students' Council is comprised of: president, Ralph Trewartha; first vice- president, Susan Wightman; second vice president, Gary Jewett; secretary, • Elain Brown; treasurer, Paul Bateman; boys' ,sports representative, Donald Mills; girls' sports representa- tive, Theresa Goldsworthy. 0 Porter -- Lamb Lilacs and white gladiolus were used for decoration in Calvary Temple, Kamloops, BC, for ,the wedding of Glenda Lynne Lamb and Kenneth Reg- inald Victor Porter, Whitehorse Yukon Territories. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Lamb ex- changed marriage vows with the sin of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Reginald Porter, Clinton on Saturday evening, May 6, with the Rev. P. A. Gaglardi officiating. Using the violin which had belonged to the late A. Nelson McMurdo, former bandmaster of the bride, Walter Robinson provided the wedding music. He played two solos, "The Wedding Prayer" and "Believe Me If Ali Those Endearing Young Ch- arms," accompanied by Mass Gloria Gresty. Wearing a full length gown of white silk organza over taf- feta, the bride was given in marriage by her father. The wedding gown featured crystal sequin embroidery whichdel- icately highlighted the portrait neckline and silk Dace insertion, Sleeves were lily point. Crys- tal sequins also adorned the bride's fingertip veil of silk net, which was held by a crystal tiara, She carried a cascade bouquet of white gadenias. Attending the bride as mat- ron of honour was Mrs. Skip McCallan, - the former Mary Linnel, Armstrong. Bridesmaids were Miss Sheila McCallan, Armstrong and Miss's Beverley Lamb, the bride's sister, They wor identical gowns of lilac organza over taffeta, with mat- ching head bands, and carried bouquets of white and yellow marguerites. Groomsman was Daryl Gal- len, Whitehorse and ushering were Pieree Choquette and Robert Veale, both of White- horse, Arthur Irvine proposed the toast to the bride at the rec- eption in the Kamloops Yacht Club. Decorations included ar- rangements of lilac blossom and white glad'iolus'. The bride's table backed by a white • candelabra was center- ed with e three-tier wedding cake and vases of white lilac and miniature mauve iris. An ensemble of flowered silk organza with beige acces- sories was worn by the bride as she and her groom left on a honeymoon in the western United States, Her corsage was ox' gardenias. Guests included the mother of the grooan, Mrs. Reg. Por- ter, Clinton as well as •guests from Whitehorse, Calgary, Vancouver, Armstrong a n d Matsqui. Final Examinations Start at CDCI Next Week The end of the school year is in sight, as final examinations will soon be written by all gr- ades at :CDCX. Health examin- ations are being written on June 2. The examination sohed- isle ends on June 16. Grade 13 departmental examinations however, will be held from June 12 to June 23. New Piano Is Purchased. For Use at Collegiate (By P. Robertson, 12A) The good news that CDCI has been presented with a new Sherlock - Manning piano was recently made public. Porches- ed by the joint effort of the Students' Council and the Red and Blue Revue executive, this fine instrument is a welcome, much needed addition to the school's furnishings. Farewell From Press Club Until September This week's column is the last in the 1960-61 school yeah. We hope that you have en- joyed these items about the Collegiate this year. The Press Club will resume operations next September. —The Press Reporters Past Grands Have Tenth Birthday The Past Grand's Club of Huronic Rebekah Lodge held their tenth birthday party cele- brating in the lodge hall on 'Monday, ,]May. 29, beginning at 8.30. They entertained the Past Grands Club from the dist-. riot. The evening was spent in games and contests. Lunch was served. Included was a beautifully decorated -birthday cake. It was cut by Mrs. John (Gertrude) Sutter, Past Noble Grand of the lodge. All guests were wel- comed by Mrs. Cannan (Ethel). McPherson, Past Noble Grand, and president of the club. WEDfl,C. PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums of Choke Design. COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC eaveuji Portraits Commercial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 TAKE SOME HOME TODAY FREE BELTONE SERVICE CLINIC HOTEL CLINTON SPONSORED BY NEWCOMBE'S DRUG STORE Friday, June 2 --10 a.m. to 1 p.m. IF HEARING IS YOUR PROBLEM BELTONE IS YOUR ANSWER! FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT OR LITERATURE PHONE CLINTON; HU 2-9511 Have Your Hearing Scientifically Tested And Bring a Friend Along. We Service All Makes 'of Hearing Aids; Beltone now offers you in addition oto the world's most hidden hearing glaases, and the most powerful hearing glasses, the all new, powerful, and tiny JUBXI,Et, It fits in your hair bt snugly behind your ear, See these and other models taoon in the clinic or in your home. Por a recommendation of honesty and integrity, call Mr. W. C. Newcoinbe, IW 2-9511. E. R. Thede Nearing Aid Service 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ont. WESLEY-WILLIS WMS of Mrs. Frank Fingland on. The Woman's Missionary So- ]Thursday, June 8 'at 3 pm, ciety of Wesley -Willis United Members are asked to bring a Church will meet at the Tome friend. Follow The Kinsmen Baby Buggy Derby To Wingham Today (Thursday, June 1) CLINTON KINSMEN ON A PRACTICE RUN Clinton Kinsmen are competing with Clubs from Goderich, Kincar- dine, Listowel, Hanover, Walkerton and Harriston; Judges will be the mayors of each town. Derby officially started by, CKNX mobile radio at 4.30 p.m. All clubs will commence race on respec- tive routes, 22 miles from the Wingham Arena. Winning Club receives $100 and its President will officially open the Visit Wingham and watch the Fun ... 6,000 sq. ft. under canvass ... Midway ... Bingo .. . Marathon Dance . , CKNX "FOCUS" program live from the Arena Friday at 6 p.m. THREE FULL DAYS Thursday -- Friday - Saturday JUNE 1 -2-3 ARE YOU READY TO 1L1LP ©ANML @ORII7? When the Census Taker calls please be ready with the answers he needs Every household in Canada is being sent a.list of questions the Census Taker will ask. Please study it and be prepared to answer all the questions or leave the answers with someone who will be at home when the Census Taker calls. What will you be asked? Questions such as: what is your age' and schooling; are you employed and what is your exact job title; how many hours do you usually work each week; in how many weeps did you work for wages or salary in the last 12 months; what were your earnings in the last 12 months? Ali information is kept strictly confidential and by law Is not available to any private organization or person, or any govern- ment department or agency other than the Dominion Bureart of Statistics. The Census is interested only in totals accumu- lated for all parts of Canada. When the Census Taker calls, welcome him with your co-operation. Everyone will benefit when, you help Canada Count! Published Under the Authority of The tloedurnble Geertd He'at'; Minister of Tad* Old Cenla roe'