HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-05-18, Page 7ATTENTION FARMERS! SEED FOR SALE 1.2 $AGS OF MIXED SEED ,grain, about 24 bushels, mixture of Garry oats, York barley, Sel- kirk wheat, treated ready to sow, John Aldington, Varna, HU 2-3380, 20b ALFALFA. and RED CLOVER Mixture. For an economical way to seed out we have available Alfalfa and Red Clover Mixture priced to sell. R. N, .Alexander, Londesbore, HU 2-7475 yr Blyth 26 r 33. 20b LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 'TEN CHUNKS, 12 weeks old. Bernard Tighe, HU 2-9194. 20p TWO ROAN STEERS, around 100 lbs. Harvey Taylor, Varna, HU 2-9159. 20b NINE CHOICE YORK PIGS, 7 weeks old. Lloyd Medd. HU 2-9836. 20b TWO COWS, freshened this week; one Holstein heifer, other is 5 -year-old with second calf; both calves by side. George Greydanus, RR 4, Clinton, HU 2-3335. 20b GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD BREEDERS SPRING SALE of 10 Bulls and 7 Females Bred Saturday, May 20, 1961, at 1.30 p.m. COLISEUM, OWEN SOUND Most bulls are performance tested and eligible for Government Grant LUNCH AVAILABLE Norbert Hamilton, President Arthur Lemon, Secretary W. S. O'Neill, Auctioneer WANTED WANTED --- Live Turkeys, and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb I Clinton Community Auction Sales ' EVERY FRIDAY.. at 8:00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH 30E COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Perko FOR SALE A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm Machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r 15. 13tfb SEE BILL ARMSTRONG, RR 3, Bayfield, phone 58 r 14—for Badger Barn Cleaners, Silo Un - loaders and Feeders. Special this week, 3 -point hitch post- hole digger, $75. 11tfb PASTURE FOR RENT CAN PASTURE ABOUT TEN head of small cattle, reasonable. Apply Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9836. 20b 80 ACRES OF LAND, lots of grass, water and shade. Apply 146 Huron Street, phone HU 2- 9852. 20p HAVE ROOM FOR 8 HEAD of cattle, lots of shade, water and grass. Phone HU 2-9208. Lorne Jervis. 20p POULTRY FOR SALE HY-LINE LAYERS EAT T F;SS than heavy breeds and at the same time lay more eggs. They cost less to raise and eat less feed during the laying period. For read economy when the chips are down, +try Hy -Line the efficient chicken. For day- old chicks or started pullets contact BruceRoy, Londesboro phone Blyth 28 r 6. 12 to 23 b SERVICES ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. $1.00 per 100 lbs. paid for dead or dis- abled animals 500 lbs. or over, according to condition. All other stock picked up free of charge, Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66 C 61. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 19tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE pays $1.00 per 100 pounds plus Bonus .for dead, old or disabled horses or cattle. Please phone promptly to At- wood Zenith 84900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356-2622 collect. Seven day service. Lic- ense No. 103061. 20tfb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 Ibs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE' PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels PHONE 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENCE No. 88-C-61, 54-R.P.-61 13tfb Youths' BIG NEW SELECTION of Gym Shoes for hardy wear with cushion insoles for good support $1.59 - $1.75 - $2,19 Boys' black or white $L79 - $1.95 - $2.49 to $4.50 Men's black or white $L98 - $2.25 - $2.95 to $9.95 AIKEN'S Luggage & Footwear CLINTON HU 2-9352 Asamismossamissassonemmak BIRTHS $ALS Ire Clinton Public Hos- pto M'r, and on Mrs A, E.` 1961Bali, Clinton, a daughter. CARTER — In Clinton Public Hospital, 912 Tuesday, May 16, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. an Carter, Londesboro, a daugh- ter. DALE -.-In St, Joseph's Hospi- tal, Kenora, on May 1, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dale, Kenora, a daughter (Margaret Ellen) . RODGERS —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 11, 1961, to LAC and Mrs. A. Rodgers, Clinton, a son. SHARP In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 15, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Tom Sharp, Clinton, a son. SHEPHERD—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 15, 1961, to Corporal and Mrs, A, G. Shepherd, RCAF Station Clinton, a son. SHEWMAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 10, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Shewrean, RR 1, Clinton, a sort. DEATHS DOUGALL —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, May 14, 1961, Anna Phyllis McDoug- all, beloved wife of William R. Dougall, Hensall. Service from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hensel], to Union Cemetery, on Tuesday, May 16, by the Rev. Currie Win - law, Hensall United Church. HUDSON—In London, on Sun- day, May 14, 1961, Olive Myrtle Fairbairn, formerly of Hensall, widow of the late Joseph Hudson, in her 64th year. Service from the Bon- thron funeral home, HensaIl, to Union Cemetery, on Tues- day, May 16 by the Rev. Cur- rie Winlaw, Hensall. LANE—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Friday, May 12, 1961, Thomas George Lane, Tuckersmith Township, in his 86th year. Requiem High Mass in St. James Ro- man Catholic Church, Sea - forth, on Monday, May 16. MAGEE—In Lapeer, Mich., on Friday, May 12, 1961, Chester Warren Magee, in his 60th year. Service from the Beat- tie funeral home, 55 Ratten- bury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, May 16, by the Rev. E. J. Roulston, STEWART In Toronto, Robert Alexander Stewart, son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Stewart, Clinton. Service from the A. W. Miles funeral chap-. el, Toronto, and interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, To- ronto, on Saturday morning, May 13. CARDS OF THANKS REV. D. J. LANE, his daugh- ter Madeleine, and his son Don- ald, wish to record their sincer- est thanks for the many expres- sions of affection and love to Mrs. Lane, their beloved wife and mother, during her illness, and at the time of her passing, and the. emssages of sympathy. received, following her separa- tion from them. They also wish to publicly record their deep appreciation of the kindness of St. Andrew's congregation for the service con- ducted on April 30, honoring their minister on the .comple- tion of fifty years' service in His beloved church, and for the Testimonial Dinner of May 1, given in the Legion Hall by the community which he has tried to serve during his nineteen years as a citizen with them. These acts of love to Mrs. Lane and appreciation expressed by the community will never be forgotten. May God bless you all.—D. J. Lane, Madeleine Ed- ward and Donald Lane. 20b I would like to thank my friends for cards, visits, treats and .flowers received while I was in hospital; also Dr. Oakes and the nurses there. — GUS BISBACK, RR 1, Auburn. I wish to express my thanks to all who remembered me with cards, flowers, visits and pray- ers, while I was a patient in the Clinton Hospital. Also my deep appreciation of the kind effic- iency of the hospital staff. -- MAUD STIRLING. 20b ' I wish to express sincere thanks to friends, neighbours for remembering me while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Street, and nurs- ing staff.—EARL FULFORD. 20p NOW For only $89.95 a complete Portable Typewriter, with 88 characters, fab stops, and many other features. Product of SO years experience Clinton News -Record 56 Albers Street Clinton The Optima from West Germany The small machine with the large output Adequate for most offices. Also the smaller Kolibrini only $59.00 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Willard, the bride's parenats, Mr, •and Mrs. T. Lamb and a week 9n North Vancouver visiting Mr, and+ Mrs. Jinn Robinson, Buffalo were the guests of Mrs, J. W. Shobbrook over' the weekend. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Tham- es Road United Church manse, called at his former Thome in L,"linton on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glen, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Glen attended the funeral of Mrs. W, R. Dougall of Hensall on Tues- day, Donald Cornish has . passed his first year in theology at Emmanuel College, Toronto. He is in charge of two mission congregations at Fir Mountain and Wood Mountain, in Sask- atchewan for the summer, Mr, and Mrs. Frank B. Pen- nebakar returned on Saturday after a month's vacation to the sunny south in Winter Haven, F1'orid'a. They also vis'- ited relative in 1VIaryland and Washington, D,C. on the re- turn trip, Visitors at the Wesley -Willis manse on Mother's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Roul- ston and sons Peter and Phil - hp, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Robert, Mary Jane and Jimmie,also of Kit- chener; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bradford, Ilderton, Mrs. E. R. Porter, RR 5, Clinton, returned' home last Saturday after attending the Porter -Lamb wedding on May 6 at Kamloops, B.C. While there she visited a week with MARRIAGES McGREGOR-CHARTERS — In St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Saturday after- noon, May 13, 1961, by the Rev. A. H. Johnston, Mary Elizabeth and Annabelle Mae, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearson Charters, to John Alexander and Douglas Edgar McGregor, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. McGregor, all of Tuckersmith Township. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Car„ ter, Clinton, were; Mr. amid Mrs. Benson Moore and .ehilr dren, London,; Mr, amid WI% RaY CharnJbe. s and son Dick, London and Mr, and Mrrs, Ken- neth Canter, Lions Head'. TheY attended christening of Na'riicy Ruth Marie Moore, daughter of Mr, 'and Mrs', ;Benson Moore, London;, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cuning- hame were guests on M'othea'''s ,Day of their son and daughter- int-Iiaw, Mr, and Mrs. John Cun- invghame, Liverpool, N.Y, who with their family occupied "Cedar Nest" in Bayfield for the weekend, On Mother's Day, Mr, end Mrs, Arthur Saunders and their family, Sarnia alba joined the party. This .complet- ed the family circle excepting Dr.. and Mrs, Hull and their two little daughters in Van- couver. NEWS OF HENSALL The local Guide and Brownie Association in their recent pap- er drive collected over five tons of paper in a house-to- house canvass of the village. In charge of the successful project were Mrs. Ernest Chip - chase -and Mrs. Tom Lavender. Kinettes Meet Regular meeting of the Kin- ettes was held at the home of Mrs. George Beer, May 9 with president Mrs. Ross Jinks in charge and all present. Ar- rangements were discussed for the rummage sale and after- noon tea Saturday, May 27, in the Legion Hall. Members attended the Kin- ette Club of East London Char- ter Night on Monday, May 15. Mrs. Jinks won the mystery prize, and hostess for the next meeting will be Mrs. Ross Attend Your Church This Sunday -- An Services Daylight Saving Time -- esteg-,Udlis Naluresuitle grrite;} ellurclivo REV. EDGAR 3. ROULSTON, MINISTER Sunday, May 21st, 1961 WHITSUNDAY OR PENTECOST Sermon Text: "Ye Shall Receive Power" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.—Public Worship 12.15 p.m.—Church School 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Groups HOLMESV I LLE 9.45 a.m.-Public Worship 10.45 a.m.—Church School A Hearty Welcome To All Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's -- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader WHITSUNDAY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion Thurs., May 25—Chancel Guild will meet at the home of Miss Luella Johnston at 8 p.m. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 21 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Guest Speaker, Eric Vetters, London, Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer & Bible study, Ail Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt, 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a,m.--Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m. --Sunday School 7.00 p.m,— Preaehing the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday; May 21 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "The Christians Past, Present and Future" 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. "Christ Glorified By The Spirit" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D, J. LANE, B.A., D.D., Minister Mrs. M. 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 21 9.45 a.m.—Church School 10,45 a.m.--Spring Thankoffer- ing service, Bring an offer- ing and come before God with Thanksgiving. Special music will be rendered. 7.30 p.m.—Y.P. Society Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday; May 21 10.00 a.m.--Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in Englisr EVERYONE WELCOME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Craig Peters, Student pastor 10.00 a.m.- ,Sunday School 11.00 a.m.----Morning Worship Topic: "When Suffering Comes A Cordial WelooMe TO All Ontario Street United Church "ITIE FRtENDLV C'I URic I" Pastor: REV. GRANT Ml.LL$, B.A. 9.45 h.tn.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12,15 p.M.—Confrrmat1on Class, 7.30 p.m,—Confirmatiod class Reception! Turnor't Church 2,0f1 p.in.-r- iburch stroke, e. 3,00 p.tn,--Sunday School IlonourGraduates At WOAS Earn Special Awards Wayne Jackson, Blyth., earn- ed the award of best all-round student at the cgnvocation of Western Ontario Agricultural Sti1 ool at Ridgetown on Tues- day, Other student's honoured in - eluded Claire Cox, 13ayfield,the award far English .and Civics; Glen Grob, •Zurich, the award for animal husbandry, meats and marketing. All three Hu- ron boys were honour g>radu- attes. Other Huron graduates in- c'lud'ed Anthur Dickson, Gode- rich; Robert Jefferson, Auhurn; Kenneth Moon, Londesboro; Frank Postill, Clinton; Ken- neth Ryan, Seaforth; Robert Taylor, Clinton. Earns Gold Cord PATRICIA ANNE THOMPSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson, Dunn- ville, received her Gold Cord, highest award in Canadian Girl Guiding, at a ceremony in St. Paul's P a r i s h Hall, Dunnville. Guide Thompson is a granddaughter of the late Mrs. H. J. Thomp- son, Goderich Township, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thompson, RR 2, Clinton. She is ....company .leader of the First Guide Company at Dunnville, and is a Grade 12 student. MOTHERS STUDYGROUP TO MEET MAY 23 The Mothers Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet on Tuesday evening, May 23 at 8.15 p.m. in the church. Mrs. Alvin Wise will be in charge of the meeting. Hostesses will be Mrs. Edwin Cooper, and Mrs. George. Mc- Call. Evening Auxiliary At Hensail To Help Missionary (Hensall Correspondent) F& st vice-president Mrs. Ron Mock conducted the May meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary of Hensall United Church, May 8. The theme "Mother Love" was taken by Mrs. Ed, Corbett with sacred passages read by Miss Mary Goodwin. A 'letter from the missionary for prayer in India, Miss Mur- iel Bamford, Reg, N., was read by Mrs. Jim Taylor. A motion was passed far each member to send her a handkerchief. The auxiliary 'also voted $50 to Miss Banford to assist her in the hospital work, and mem- bers of the Mission Band will forward packages of powdered soft drinks. Pamela Sangster, Debbie Anderson, Donna For- rest, Pamela Taylor, Linda Hay and Mary Mock, Grade 3 pup- ils of Mrs. Maybello Shirray who was in charge of the pro- gram contributed ,several pleas- ing numbers', Mrs. Glendon Christie spoke of New Canadians and ways to help rthem. A provision d com- mittee Was set up composed of Mrs. Don Joynt, Mas. Dave Kyle, Mrs. Walter Spender and Mrs. Edison Forrest. Mrs. Mock thanked the hostesses Mrs. Hugh McEWen and Msg. John Heal. Member nett present at the meeting wishing to send a handkerchief to Miss Sanford can forward it .to this address: Miss Muriel Danford, Reg. N., U.C.C. Missions, Banswara, F. Rajasthan, India, b VARNA Barrie Taylor, RR 3, Cli�tr- ton, graduated from Western Ontario Agric ultural College, Ridgetown. His parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Taylor, Carol and Don, also Mack Webster and Keith Stephenson attended the graduating exei eises on ''T>.te day. Thurs, ioy, :May 18, 1901...-- irnton News,Recard- --J age 7 Hollywood's Dream Man 'Gerald Pratley is the type of person movie pro- ducers dream about. As CBC radio's film critic he has viewed six movies a week for the past 14 years, which adds up to about 4,000 films and several thousand miles of celluloid. The results of his research are passed on to listeners on two weekly radio shows: Movie Scene, Saturdays on the Trans -Canada network and Music From the Films, Sundays on the Dominion network. He is also a regular contributor to Audio and Assignment, both on Dominion network. 13 Babies Baptised on Mother's Day At Wesley -Willis United Church At the Mother's Day service in Wesley -Willits United Church there were 13 babies baptised. Judge F. Fingland, clerk of the session presented the certific- ates. Mrs. Garnet Harland and daughter Patricia and Ronald Steepe, superintendent of the Church School assisted Rev. Edgar Roulston in the pulpit, The story was told by Mrs. Thomas. Oliver. The ushering done by Mrs. Milford Durst and daughter Barbara, Mrs. John Nediger and Mrs. Doug Bundy, her daughter. There was a ladies' choir that fur- nished three numbers. The solo was by Mrs. Benson Sut- ter. The sermon subject was: "Your Mother's Apron Strings". The following were baptised:. William Henry Hopkins and Debra Ann Hopkins whose par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins; John Kenneth Wood, son of Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Wood; Nancy Ann Hearn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Hearn; Brenda Olean Keys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Keys:; Nancy Ann Newland, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Newland; Eliza- beth Mary Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. ' Robert Elliott; Nancy Ruth Marie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- sont Moore; James Scott Craig, sin of Mr. and Mrs. William Craig; Laurie Alice Keys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Keys; Richard Charles Ar- thur Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown; Dome. Kim and Karen Elaine Steevess,, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Steeves. i LANTINGT1 e Pansies-- Petunias Geraniums -- — Begonias Tomatoes — — Cabbage Etc. K. C. COOKE, Florist Orange Street---CLINTON —Phone HU 2-7012 SWIM CAPS ROMPt RESCRIPTJON ERVICE AU new styles FROM 1.29 CUP.ON SUNGLASSES Ii►tts owe sizes of ey,gtesslesj 1.29 TUSSY SUMMER COLOGNES 4 Fragrances Reg. Now 1 25 2.50 Only • NEW(L1MBE Pharmacy PIONE HU 2.951i CL INT('', r