HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-05-11, Page 11News of Auburn Carreepondgnt: MRS, W. BItAPNQCJS PHONE AUBURN 3W Harry Watson is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Howard). Tait has received a position on the staff at Hur- oanview, Mr. and M. Ed Davies vis- ited in Harrietsviile, Belmont and St. Thomas over the week - ,end. Master David Brown, Palm-. ,erstan is visiting with is gr andparents, Ye , and Mrs. Jam- es Hembiy. Mee, Noz'man 1VeeDowell is visiting at Orangeville with her daughter, Miss Gwendolyn Mc- Dowell this week, Mr. ands Mrs, Carl Young - elute , Gary, Judy and Buster, Hamilton, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ruxssell Ding. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Hellinga, Goderich spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs, Carl Tiechert, Mr, Tieohent and )family. Mrs, Ralph D. Munro attend- ed a Teacher's meeting held in London last Saturday as erre of the delegates appointed by the North Heron Teachers reedy enation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie and eannett, Mr, and Mrs. Ar- nold Young, Janet and Connie, :attended the Highland dancing competition held At Guelph last Saturday, Mrs. John Arthur was br- ought by aznbullanee last week to C.liniton Public Hospital from the home of her daughter, Mrs, Beb Davis, St. Thot'ntas where she has been visiting for some time, Miss Jill Toll visited with Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth MoDougiall and family last week on her way home to Trail, B,C. Size has been attending Queen's University •et Kingston this past term. Anniversary Knox United Church held their ,anneal Sunday School An niveesary last Sunday with Mr. Colin Fing+land of Wingham as guest speaker at the morning seovice, The service of song was Mothefs Day GIFT SUGGESTIONS BLOUSES PURSES SLIM DIMS GLOVES CORSAGES a lovely selection all the latest colors new colors all styles FROM $2.98 $4.98 and styles $2.98 UP $1.00 UP 49c TO 89c large selection MARTTNS DEPT. STORE AN IDEAL GIFT "PRIMROSE" ANCHORITE OVENWARE Any of the Items Listed Below for only 98< CASSEROLE --I 1/2 qt., knob cover ROUND CAKE PAN -8 inch size SQUARE CAKE PAN -8 inch size DEEP LOAF PAN --5" x 9" UTILITY BAKING PAN -61/2" x 101/2" Above Is only one idea for Mother's Day - - Come in and browse around - - We have one of the best selections of gifts for Mother, or the home. Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON i t1 charge of the Junier .chair under the dieeetiou of the oh- urch, organist, Mass Marga Gr- ange Bassi ted by Mrs, Norman WigMx:nen Mr tee piano. At the evening service, the get speaker, Rev. D. Mc- Tavish, London was introduced by the sunday school superin- tendent, Charles Scott. The guest soloist Was William S. Craig, Clinton. Children 4# Church Marian Youngellut presided for the Ida White C.O,C, meet- ing in the Sunday school room of Knox Presbyterian Church in the absenlce of the presi- dent Johnny MacKay who was ill, The flags were held by Maty Sanderson, and the min- utes were read by the secre- tary, Eddie Hames, Scripture was read by Keith Scott and the meditation was taken by Mrs. Donald Haines, followed by prayer by Joyce Leatherland, The Missionary story, "The name that was dif- ferent: Lydia" was told by the leader, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son. Plans were made to attend the C.O.C. Rally to be held at Seaforth 'on May 27. CGIT Plans Dinner The Auburn CGIT set May 30 for the .annual Mother and Daughter banquet in the Sun- day school room of the church with the guest speaker, Miss Betty Marsh, B.A., teacher at the Goderich Public School. Rose Marie Haggitt, first vice-president was in charge of the meeting and Bambara Mac- Kay presided at the piano, The scripture lesson, Psalzn 24 was read by Marian Youngblut and the offering was received by Linda Baechler. M a r g a r et Sanderson read the Exodus 15 and Mrs. Duncan MacKay gave the study based on this chap- ter "My Son, My Son." The roll call was answered by each girl telling when she would like the banquet. Sumer School Representatives of all the churches in the village were present at the melting held in the S•und'aty School room of Knox United Church to plan for the Daily Vacation Bible School, Rev. le M. Sweeney presided and opened the meet- ing with a short devotional period. The financial statement was given by Mrs. Gordon R. Tay- lor and the minutes of bast year's school was read by Mrs. Wee Bradh-iock. It was decided to hold the school July 24-29 with, the closing exercises to be held on the morning of July 29. A discussion followed concerning teachers and assis- tants and anyone wishing to help please contact any mem- ber of .the executive. Birthday Party Mrs. William Anderson cele- brated her 87th birthday on Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Worthy Fowl- er, RR 5, Goderich, A family dinner was held at the Com- mercial Hotel, Zurich in her honour last Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Fowler, Don- ald end Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Goiid'on McClinchey and John, Mr. land Mrs, Oliver Anderson and Nancy and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mns. Anderson was 'formerly Florence Patterson and was borin in Auburn the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald ,Patterson. She was mar- ried 59 years ago to William Anderson who passed away 1.6 years ago. She has two sons, Thomas y Toronto, Oliver, Au- burn RR 1, Mrs. Gordon (Lil- ian) McClinchey, Auburn, RR 2, and Mrs. Worthy (Dorothy) Fowler, 14 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Also one sister, Mrs. Albert Shack- elton, Toronto and D. W. Pat- terson, Q.C., Grand Prairie. Flower Group The executive of the Auburn Horticultural Society xri e t in the Auburn Public Library for its May .meeting. The 'president Mrs. Kenneth Scott was in charge and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor secretary read the minutes. Mrs. Bert Craig gave the financial statement, She re- ported that there were now 41 members and a balance oe $115.32 on hand. Plans were made for plant- ing smolt evergreen trees ar- ound the Auburn letters 'at the west end of the village. Ain invitation was accepted to at - D Gardening Time WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC HAVE ALL THE LEADING LINES OF Power Lawn Mowers and Garden Tillers including ... • Johnson Lawn Cruiser • Bolens • Spramctor (made by Jacobson) GOOD USED MOWERS Let Us .Repair and Overhaul REBUILT your Power Lawn Mower These have been completely Over-- and Power Garden hauled, tested and painted ... in like -new condition. Equipment. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING A SPECIALTY Woare now issuing'. . ► BOND STAB' ale Gas, Oil, Lubrication Jobs, Tares, Batteries, and New Lawn Mowers �T ell5 i E “THE ORIGINM. TUNE.UP Phone HU 2-38x1 KING STREET * C C RI INAL SHOW., WHITE CLINTON EMMO Top Girl Singers Under Nine Proud winners of top placings in the girl's solo, nine years and under at the Hullett Music Festival yesterday, at Londesboro, were from the Ieft, Joan Preszcator, SS 3, third; Betty Snell, USS 10, first; Vicki Welbanks, USS 10, second and Jaynie Snell, USS 10, third, Donna Hoggart, USS 12, also placed third in this competition in which 30 young girls sang "Pretty Tulip." (News -Record Photo) News of Londesboro Correspondent -- MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r5 Miss Vina Knox, Toronto sp- ent the weekend with her par- ents. Will Gooier spent last week with his daughter and family in London, • Mrs. David Laidlaw, Clinton called an friends in the village on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Youngblut visited on Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart, Mus. Walter McGill spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Gordon McPhee. David Fairservice left on Fri - tend the May tea on May 12 at Blyth. The Society decided to send to Hanover for Pyreth- rum plants to plant in the Mari- Chester Garden. A letter was read about the Essay on "Biros of Ontario" and also the coming competi- tion for photography, A Rose Tea is planted to be held the Fatter part of June with Mrs. William T. Robison as conven- er assisted by Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs, Bent Craig, Mrs. Frank Raiithby, Mrs. William Straug- han, .and Mrs. Arthur Grange. Bride -Elect Mises Ruth Andrews was gu- est of honour last Saturday ev- ening when friends ,and neigh- bours gathered in the Sunda' schodl room of Knox Pres'b terian Church to honour her prior .to her approaching mar- riage. Mrs. Roy Daer presided for the short program. A sing -song was led by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor with Mrs. Robert J. Phillips at the piano. Mrs. Ern- est Durnin gave a reading and a piano duet was played by Wendy and Ruth Schneider. A musical number was played by Mrs, John Daer, Mrs. Everett Taylor and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Mrs. Donald' Sprung gave a reading land a piano solo was prayed by Margaret Haines. Mrs. Wes Bradnock sang a solo 'accompanied by Mrs. R. 3. Phillips on the harp. Miss Betty Durnin escorted Ruth ,to the decorated chair and pinned a corsage on her. Miss Shirley Daer escorted Maws. Keith Machan .to another dec- orated chair and also pinned a corsage on Mrs. Machan, a sister of the guest of honour. Miss Shirley Daer read an address of congratulations anld good wishes to •the bride-to-be and the 'gifts were brought in by Misses Joan Mills, Helen Youngblut and Betty Darien. Mises Andrews, thanked her fr- iends for all the gifts land fol- lowing the singing of "For she's a Jolly good fellow," lunch was served. United WMS The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Knox United •Church met in the Sunday school room of the church with a fair at- tendance. The president, Mrs. John Durniht, opened the meeting. Secretary, Mrs. Roy Easoni, read the minutes and thank you notes and called the roll which was answered 'by a Bible verse containing the word"Re- joice". Miss Viola Thompson roved the offering, Mrs. Har- old Webster, the treasurer, gave the ifinatncial statement. The members were reminded to bring good used clothing and pieces of woolen coating to be sent an the June bale. A large box is in the Sunday school room to frit any dona- tions in dry. Mrs. Harrold Webster presid- eci lea the program with the theme `Unity of Christ Church' with Mria William 3. Craig ert the piano. The scripture lee - ton was read by Mris. Ernest Durbin eelloevecl by prayehr by: Mrs. Webster. A solo was swig aann by Mrs. %ennetth Vii- gall. MrS, Charlet% Straughaat gave ,a parper on Rome Mis- sions. Mt. lt. Easbzn took the Study Book 'Which was etxtit- Ied, "he Ship under the BridL- ge " eeplaikiirig the ECumeini. Oa! Movement. An interesting rer artt oh the 'netting i1n tng sessket bf the Hurter): Presbyterial W. MS, prepared by Mtsr Corded IVecOline'hei was read by Mrs, Clivem Anderson, Mrs. John Durnin reported for the after - Mbit session. Mrs. William 't! Robinsork preSenstect a paper bat angst, Jan eititeittbip. Mrs. Webster' thetilted •all weld bad &tested with ;the meeting, day for Rimouski, Quebec, af- ter spending a month's vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fairservice. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munro and, family of St. Hubert, Que- bec, enroute for Cold Lake, Al- berta, spent the weekend with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harald Livingstone were Mr. and Mrs. Steel Livingstone and family and Mrs. Brown Brooks, all of Dorchester, also Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mann, Brus- sels. The Explorers met on Thurs- day, May 4. Chief Explorer Lorna Miller called the Explor- ers to an expedition, The Ex- plorer prayer was repeated and a hymn sung. Roll call was answered by 17 members fol- lowed ollowed by treasurer's report, collection and prayer. Catherine Funge and Heather Snell were in charge of the worship ser- vice. Study period was conduct- ed by Mrs. Jack Lee. "Childeen who walk in Jesus way" was sung and prayer. Chief Explor- er Lorna, Miller declared the expedition, ended, Women's Institute The May meeting of the WI was well attended, The chair .was occupied by Mrs. David Anderson in the absence of the president, Mrs. Tom Allen The Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeated followed by a poem. Five delegates were appointed to attend the dist- rict annual in Wingham on May 17. There wviil be an attendance contest again for the coming year with Mrs. Milt Little and Mrs. Durnin as captains: Mrs. Robert Fairservice had the motto and gave a fine paper on the value of a smile. Mils. Jostling favoured with a piano selection. A baby spoon WI DISTRICT MEETING IN WINGHAM, MAY 17 The West Huron Women's Institute Distriet annual meet- ing will be held in Wingham Town Hall on May 17, 1961„ with registtration at 9.30 am. and dinner at 1 p.m. Each Tml- stitute branch is encouraged to send some representatives to this meeting. was 'presented to Mrs. Father- ' 's baby, Dr, Lane, Clinton, gave an interesting talk on the origin of Mother's Day. A lovely solo by Mrs. Glen Canter was enjoyed and was followed by a humourous read- ing by Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Lunch was served. MAKE IT A DATE ! ! GRAND OPENING DANCE AT Bluewater Danceland FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 12 10:00-1:30 MUSIC gY Desjardine Orchestra MODERN -- ROCK 'N ROLL SQUARE DANCING ADMISSION; 75c JOIN THE CROWDS Thursday, :May 1x,1961—Clinton .News-Reepr'd Goderich Twp* South .'.Nit's. Alda Qray *tended the Corhoneolon $exvioe at Bayfield Presbyterian ,Ohurch on Sun- day. The minister was the Rev. D. L. Elder .of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Wallis; Saskatchewan and :Sandy Ster- ling, Goderich was .Calling azt sane of their old friends on Wednesday,. Mr, and: Mrs, J•acic Sterling and Mark spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. R.. Sterling. q SS 4 Club Has May Meeting Mrs. Robert E. Thompson was hostess to the SS 4 Commelnity Club (Goderich Township) for the April meeting. The presi- dent, Mrs, William Lobb Con- ducted the meeting, The min- utes uinutes were read by Mrs. James Lobb. The treasurer's report was read . by Mrs. L. Tyndall and it showed a balance of $4$.84. Roll call was responded to by 17 members and one visit- or was present. $5 was voted to CARE. An auction was held ori a mystery box, with Mrs. R. Thompson as (auctioneer, $7.50 was realized. Lunch was served with Mis. Stewart Farquhar and Mrs. Donald Forbes assist- ing issisting the hostess, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Lobb and roll call is to be an exchange of flower slips and bulbs. I MERRH L *S WE SURE KNOW Ol1R RADIO -'TV -STUFF, F*WE'VE REENAI'IO .ONO EN900#1/ Electric Fencers SHUR-SHOCK JR.—$12.95 SHUR-SHOCK SR. -414.75 FENCER BATTERIES from $3.90 to $4.25 Repairs to All Makes Good Stock of Parts MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 VICTORIA STREET Phone HU 2-7021 Good Used Cars 1961 LARK Executive Station Wagon 5,000 miles 1961 LARK 4 -Door 6-cyl. with overdrive slay 1961 LARK 4 -Door 8-cyl. with overdrive 1959 Nash Metropolitan 11959 Lark 4 -door, with low mileage. standard trans. 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon, 4 -door, 6-cyl. 1960 bark 4 -door 6-cyl., black, 9,000 miles. 1959 Lark' 2 -door 1959 Lark 4 -door with overdrive. NEW LARK 1/2 -ton TRUCK with Deluxe Cab. BYNTfilDIMR Bunt in Canada by Canadians W. H.Dalryrnple & Son STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE Brucefield Phone HU 2-9211 London Frozen Foods Limited 5S1 RICHMOND STREET LONDON, ONTARIO Division of Longs Foods Ltd. ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE EXPANSION OF THEIR BUSINESS TO THE CLINTON AREA .. . Also The Appointment of MR. GEOI RUMBALL As Local Agent PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQURIES TO AGENT YOUR PRESENT GROCERY BUDGET CAN PROVIDE LOTS OF GOOD FOOD AND A HOME FREEZER. SOUND ND GOOD? HOW MANY IN YOUR FAMILY? Here is what a typical family of 2 adults and 2 children bought for only $ 12.90 per week: This is a 3 -month food order -143 lbs. of vegetables, fruits and juices: Lean Ground Beef T -Bone and Sirloin Steaks Meaty Stewing Beef Choice Beef Roasts Baby Beef Liver Pork Roasts and Lain Chops Frying and Roasting Chicken Weiners Sausage Haddock Fillets Cod Fillets OR YOUR CHOICE of Meat; over 10 lbs. each week and a generous supply 24 lbs, Fresh -Frozen Fruits Your choice of Strawberries, Raspberries, Peaches and Cherries. 48 Tins Concentrated Frozen Juices 3-1/2 gallons Ice Crearri 29' lbs. Asserted Vegetables 4 lbs. Broccolli 4 lbs. Cauliflower. 4 lbs. Green Beans 4 lbs. Brussels Sprouts and 41/2 lbs. Spinach A N l� A 21.5 Cu. Ft. Home Freezer! The weekly cost includes a brand new Home Freezer ----,you pay for it painlessly out of your weekly food airowoncel You select your own fold -'--just as rrivah cis you heedeeeeiS0, the Freezer of your choice --large trr small—chest or upright. Let us show you how Our Food Service cah work for you. Including Lifetime Warranty PHONE COLLECT LONDON, ONT..... GE 8.7/39 Or LOCAL AGENiT of HU 2-7059