HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-05-11, Page 7DEATHS TOWN Landon, on Satur- day, May 6, Percival Charles Town, beloved husband of Ross M, Lavis, 163 High Street, Clinton, Service from the Beattie funeral home, -55 Rattenbury Street East, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, by the Rev, Dr; D. J. Lane, on Monday afternoon, May 8. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED for the installation of an oil furnace at SS No. 5, Goderich, schoolhouse (Porter's Hill). Apply before May 20 to Mrs, Gordon lVlann- ing, RR 2, Bayfield, phone HU 2-9832, 19b TENDERS FOR REMOVAL of the former Ebenezer Church, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. Tenders to be in hands of the secretary by Tune 7, 1961, and building to be re- moved by September 1. Mr. Tebbutt, secretary of the board. 19-20b TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the Demolition and Removal of the old wing of the HURON COUNTY HOME located at Clinton, Ontario. Inspection of premises may be made by contacting the superintendent, Mr. H. C, John- ston at Clinton, Necessary forms and specifi- cations may be received from the undersigned, and tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the County. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Tenders to close Monday, May 29, 1961. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 19b Tenders Street Construction The town of Exeter calls for tenders on the construction of 532 feet of street. The work contemplated includes the ex- cavation and placing of gran- ular backfill according to speci- fications. The contractor to fur- nish all the necessary tools, ap- paratus and equipment and to do all the work, and furnish all material (except corrugated pipe). Specifications and ten- der forms may be secured at the Clerk's Office, 394 Main Street, Exeter or from B. M. Ross, O.L,S., Goderich, Ont. All tenders to be in the office of the Town Clerk on or before 5 p.m. Thursday, May 25th. C. V. P1CKARD,,, Town Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. 19-20-b NOTICE X100 Reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons sending in false fire alarms to the Clinton Fire Department. Contact either Police Chief H. R. Thompson or Fire Chief Grant Rath. William J. Miller, Mayor, TOWN OF CLINTON 19b BIRTHS COOPER -- In Scott Memorial. Hospital, Seaforth, on Sun- day, to Mr. andd Mrs, Lloyd Cooper, RR 2,Kipper, a daughter. MIDLETON In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on Thursday, May 4, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs, Donald Middleton (nee Audi rey Jervis), RR 3, Clinton, a son (Frederick Carl, brother for Jim, Marnie, Paul and Cindy), RADFORD--In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, May 6, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Radford, Londesboro, a daughter. STURGEON—In South Water- loo Memorial Hospital, Galt, on Wednesday, May 3, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Stur- geon, a daughter (Julia Beryl, sister for Kenneth), WATSON -- In Clanton Public Hospital on Friday, May 5, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs, Jim Watson, Railway Street, Sea- forth, a son, AUCTION SALE Of the Surplus Furnishings at the Huron County Home, one mile south of Clinton on No. 4 Highway on SATURDAY, MAY 13 at 1:30 p.m. the following: Electric heavy duty range; din- ing room table and chairs; a large number of odd tables; 2 kitchen chrome suites; 24 dres- sers and wash stands; 11 ward- robes; several occasional chairs, upholstered and chrome con- struction; a large number of single beds; mattresses; a quan- tity of drapes and window blinds; odd dishes and cooking utensils; fire extinguishers. TERMS: CASH Huron County Home Committee John Berry, Secretary Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects from 54 Mill Street, Clinton, on SATURDAY, MAY 20 at 1:30 p.m. the following Household Effects—Sherlock Manning piano and bench; Chesterfield bed (new); wal- nut table (small) ; Windsor rocking chair; Chesterfield chair; walnut china cabinet; walnut secretary; 3 wall mir- rors; table lamps; tri -light; Ax- minster rug, 9' x 10', with under pad; occasional chair; mantel radio; walnut bedroom suite of bed, ;highboy and combination dresser -wardrobe; walnut sin- gle bed and dresser; inner sp- ring mattresses; 5 -pc. chrome suite; arborite top kitchen table; G,E. refrigerator with large freezer compartment (new) ; G.E. 2 brush floor polisher; G.E. electric kettle; food rnix- master; Maxwell power lawn mower; dishes; cooking uten- sils and numerous other articles. Property—At 3 p.m. the pro- perty will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. On this property is a five room frame house with full basement, oil furnace, 3 -pc. bath and built- in kitchen cupboards. TERMS:. Cash, TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down an date of sale -25% in 30 days with balance ar- ranged on a mortgage . Mrs. Mary Parker, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 19-20b 1 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 8:00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk BIG NEW SELECTION of Gym Shoes for hardy wear with cushion insoles for good support Youths' $1.59 - $1.75 - $2,19 Boys' ---black or white $1.79-$1.95 $2.49 to $4.50 Men's—black or white $1,98 - $2.25 - $2.95 to $9.95 Golf Shoes with rugged quality drid real comfort from $10.95 pr. up AIKEN'S Luggage & Footwear CLINTON HU 2-4352 MARRIAGES ERE - GRAINGER In the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Zurich, on Saturday, May 6, 1961, by the Rev, A, M. Amacher, Mary Evelyn, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Zu- rich, to Richard Allan Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, Zurich, GRIME HULLS -- In Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Saturday, May 6, 1961, by the Rev. E. J. H, elarrison, Frei- da Diane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls, Hayfield, to James Brian Grime, eldest son. of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bellchamber, Hayfield, and the -late Erie Grime, R.N., Chatham, Eng- land. TELFORD -LUCK -- In St. An- drew's United Church par- sonage, ar-sonage, Bayfield, Sat,, May 6, 1961, by the Rev. W, C, Smith, Barbara June, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Norval Luck, Minesing, Ontario, to George Frederick Telford, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Telford, Bayfield. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Newman Garrett wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation to all their relatives and friends for all their kindness an our re- cent sad bereavement; also for flowers and cards of sympathy. 19b Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCart- ney wish to thank all their friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and kindness shown in helping to make their golden wedding anniversary such a happy event. 19p I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, treats and visits while in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Dr. Ad- dison and nursing staff. —MRS. ALLEN HUTCHINGS. 19p We wish to express our sin- cere (thanks to our neighbours, friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness, messag- es of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during our recent bereavement. They were deeply appreciated. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. E. J. B. Har- rison for his messages of symp- athy and comfort. --Mrs. Charles Wise and Family 19p Fathers and Sons Banquet At WesJeyWiIIis On Monday evening, May 8, the Wesley-Willis--1tolmesville charge held their annual father and son banquet; 52 fathers and sons sat down to a. delicious supper served by the WA of Wesley -Willis Church. After a toast to the Queen, Gordon Manning honoured the sons with the toast, to which Jim McCullough replied, Rev, Edgar Roulstori thanked the ladies for their work in prepar- ing for the banquet, Ron Steepe led the boys and men in e sing -song. Mrs. Gor- don Manning was at the piano, William Jervis introdtced the guest speaker, Ellwood Epps. Mr. Epps showed films on a huntbing trip into the north county. These films were great- ly enjoyed with their colourful scenery and amusing instances which go with these 'trips, IN MEMORIAM HEBDEN—In loving memory of a dear husband, Arthur J. Hebden, who passed away May 10, 1956; "Gone but not forgotten." —Lovingly remembered by wife Jean, Josephine, 19p HAYTER — In memory of William Hayter who passed away two years ago, May 8; "Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear But always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear," —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family, 18b MANN—In loving memory of a dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mann, who passed away 17 years ago, April 28, 1944 and May 6, 1944 and dear sister Lulu (Mann) Crittenden, who passed away August 14, 1948: "True was their heart, their action so kind Their life was a pattern to those left behind, A beautiful soul in a .gardens,; of rest This saying is true: God has chosen the best." —Always remembered by the family, 19p Attend Your Church This Sunday -- All Services Daylight Saving Time — eateg-- ti: qoltnesnille gaffe?' (Cflurclles REV. EDGAR J. ROULSTON, MINISTER Sunday, May 14th, 1961 MOTHER'S DAY Sermon Subject: "Honouring Mothers" WESLEY -W i LL IS 11.00 a.m.—Public Worship 12.15 p.m. --Church School 8.00 p.m. --Young People's Groups HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.—Public Worship 10.45 a.m.—Church School Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, May 14 10.00 a.m.--Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch EVERYONE WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 14 9.45 a,m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m,—Guest Speaker: Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer & Bible study. All Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of resus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3,00 p.m.—Sunday Sehool 7.00 p.m.—Preachdng the Gospel $.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. BAYFiELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday, May 14 10.00 a,m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. Guest Speaker for both Services, Missionary Rev. Gordon Mellish, Toronto. Wed,, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B,A., D.D., Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 14 9.45 a.m.—Church School 10.45 a.m.—Divine Worship FAMILY DAY Meditation: "The Family Under God" ALL WELCOMED Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's Clinton Charles Merrill, Organist SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Tues., May 6—WA of St. Paul's will meet in Parish Hall, 2.45 p.m. CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH 10.00 a.m.--Sunday school 11.00 a.rn, Church Service. Mr, Craig Vetere, Speaker. A Cordial Welcome ToAll _ Ontario Street United Church "THg IDLY atrurtcxr Pastor; REV, GRANT MILLS, $.A. 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 am. --Mother's Day, Service of BaptiStr 12.15 para.--Cordit'matknt Class. 7.30 pair,-»-Evenshg Chapel Setvied Turner's Church Z00 pan„—,—Church Service, 3.00 p,rn,--Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. A The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Adam McOartney was observed over the weekend at their home, 145 Frederick St., with an open -house held Sat- urday, May 6. Telegrams were received from Canada's Prime Minister, the Hon, John Diefenbaker; On- tario's Premier, Leslie Frost; Elston Cardiff, Brussels, MP for Huron. Charles MacNaugh- ton, MLA for Huron, attended Saturday's festivities. Flying from Winnipeg to be on hand for the occasion were the couple's niece and nephew, Miss Margaret Mitchell, a Win- nipeg school teacher, who at- tended the wedding 50 years ago, and her brother, Gordon Mitchell, Souris, Man. Sixty-one guests attended from Souris, Winnipeg, Caledon East; Zurich, Goderich, Blyth, Clin- ton, London, Toronto, Detroit, and Tottenham. The tea table, covered with a beautiful hand - crocheted cloth, made by Mrs. McCart- ney, was centred with a three - tiered wedding cake, also made by the bride of 50 years. Miss Maude Sloman and Mrs. Mer- vyn Hanly registered the guests. Pouring tea were Mrs. Chap - mare Mrs. Howes, Miss Court - ice and serving were Mrs. Has- san, Mrs. Fremilin, Mrs. Ad- ams, Mns. Elliott, Mrs. Liver- more, Mrs. Anderson and Ev- vlyn McCartney. k. At Spruce Boulevard Farms, London Road, Clinton, the home of the bride's parents, the late Rev. Wesley Cosens, pastor of the Ontario Street Church, Clin- ton, performed the ceremony that united in marriage Marg- aret Livermore and Adam Mc- Cartney. Following their mar- riage, they lived on Princess St., Clinton, and 16 years ago Mr. McCartney retired from the retail coal business. They both keep in fair health, and they both enjoy and share the hobby of .gardening. In- doors, their home is a profu- sion of flowers, including 35 violets. Mrs, McCartney enjoys tatting, patch -work and she has crocheted seven table cloths. When in better health, she was active in the women's groups at their church, the Ontario Street United. P. C. Town Funeral service was conduct- ed on Monday afternoon, May 8 from the Beattie funeral home, 53 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, for Percival Charles Town. The Rev. D. J. Lane, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Ch- urch officiated, Pada-bearers were John Levis, George Levis, J. F. Levis, W. S. Levis, W, F. Had'd'y and Dr, A. B. Syti.ves.ter, Flower -bear- ers were Brian Levis, John A. Cooper and John Wade. Inter- ment was in Clinton Cemetery. Mr. Town was born in Sea - forth, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town. He married Ross M. Levis on Juane 23, 1927, and he was a salesman for Anglo Canadian Drug Co., Oshawa, for 25 years, Before toeing to Cl- inton ten years ago, he had lived in Toranrto. Mr. Town was a Member of St:. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch- urch, Clinton and of Ashler Lodge No. 28 Calgary, Alta. Mr. Town passed away in London Oh Saturday, May 6, following an illness of 'tiwo months. Surviving besides his wife, is a neace, Grace Bertram, Miami, Florida. Attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs, W. Haddy, Agii court; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Douglas, Woodstock; Mars. R, Castle, 1-1arraltani; Mr. and Mrs, 3. C. Wade, Roches- ter, Mieh.; Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Levis, Burlington; Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Levis, I.T•loonnfield Hills, 1VliC,Ii,; A. G. Sylvester, 'Io'ron- len Dr. Allan B. Sylvester, Bewmai>;ville, Miss Elva Lewis, 'for nto; br. J. W. Wallace, God'erieh; Mr. and Mme, J. Ward, iar'rieton; Bruce Gore dot Oshawa, E. lvfceenzie, Hart WWII; Me. and Mrs, R. Winders, Woodstock; J. Bid- Wen, Harhalitdn, . D. McCartney Mr. McCaritney is a charter member of the Clinton•Lions Club and an honorary member of the Clinton LOL No. 710, Born in Goderich Township in 1876, Mr. McCartney is the youngest and the last living member of the family of 12 children born to the late Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney, Godeach Township. Mrs. McCartney was born in 1882 in Hullett Township, one of seven children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Livermore. Still living are two sisters, Mrs. Gordon (Rose) Chapman, Toronto; Mrs. Nelson (Maple) Howes, Harriston; and three brothers, Henry Livermore, Chicago; Albert Livermore, Clinton, and Gordon Livermore, London. Wesley -Willis WA Accepts Two invitations Mrs. Douglas Andrews opened the meeting of the Woman's As- sociation of Wesley -Willis Uari- ited Church by reading a poem, "Are You an Active Member?" Scripture was read by Mrs. L. Ball and thoughts on the lesson were given by Mrs. Fr- ank F ingland, followed by pr- ayer by Mrs. McLaren. Invitations to Turner's Chur- ch on May 17 /and to Bruce - field on June 6 were accepted. Twelve home and two hospiatl calls were reported. Mrs, Fing- lanel, citizenship convener, gave an interesting talk on the or- ganization "Voice of Women" and their efforts fox world peace. Mrs. D. Andrews and Mrs. Fred Reid gave reports of the WA presbyterial at Winthrop on Wednesday. Mention was made of the Hospital Tea on May 10. A oanicer filen was shown by Mrs. A. J. McMurray. Mrs. K. B. McRae, health nurse discussed some points. Votes of thanks were tendered to each lady and a social hour followed with Mrs. Hector Kirigswell's group in change. p W,M.S. MEETING AT ST. ANDREW'S MAY 16 The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew' Presby- terian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Snyder on Tues- day, May 16 at 2.30 p,rn. All ladies are invited. AUXILIARY WILL MEET AT HURONVIEW MONDAY The County Hoare Auxiliary will meet at Huronview on Monday, May 15 at 2.30 pen. Everyone welcome. 1 SCRATCH PADS At News -Record 10 for 40c Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memorianls, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75o. REPEATS -- 2o a word; Minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNTS -- '4 Off if pald by Saturday foliowing last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE-- 1Oc added btr second bill. FFLEE. Births, Mat'riage3, Deaths. DEADLINE-, 12 o'clock neon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2-3443 elegiaeleetalareemeepeeieeeireaeael Thursday, May 11,1961—Clinton News -Record ---Page 7 PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wallis of D'Arcy, Siaskatchewan; spent last week wi4h Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Mary Street. Mr, rind Mrs, David Elliott and sen, Norman, Toronto, visited their son, Robert in Tavistock on Sunday.. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Farlane and Bob, St. Thomas, spent Saturday with the late tee's par'en'ts, Mr. and MTs. Bent Lobb, Mrs. Herb Stevens, Beresfad, and Mrs, William Atkinson and little daughter, Kitchener, vis- ited their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb, last week, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ada= and latrter's sister-in-law, Mrs, Northcott all of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Ada Adams. Edward Walters who has been with his mother, Mrs. Helen Dalryanple the 'past six months, left for his home at White Fox, Saskatchewan, last Sunday. Mr. ,and Mrs. G. W. Nott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyce attended the funeral of Mr. Nott's cousin, Mrs. G. W. Bic- keuton at the Rolfes Funeral Ontario Street WMS Meeting Mrs. W. B. Olde presided foe the meeting of Ontario Street United Church Woman's Mis- sionary issionary Society in the church parlour on May 9 at 2.30 p.m, Miss E. Plumsteel conducted the devotional period using the theme "Making Christ Known to Others." The affiliation service of the CGIT and Explorers to beheld in the church auditorium on May 16 at 7.30 p.m. was plan- ned. Miss Sybil Courtice will show slides on beautiful Japan. Plans also were made for as- sisting in the olostng parties of these groups. An invitation from WA of Turner's to .attend their visit- ors day on May 17 at 2.30 pan. was accepted. All members are asked to meet at the church at 2 p.m. for aransportationr. A summery of the study book on "The Church in the World" was presented by Miss E. Wil- tse who was assisted by Miss Sybil Courtice and Mrs. M. Batkin. "Division of Christians through denominations is a hindrance and stumbling block," state many missionaries. Miss Janet Brandon favored with a piano solo, "An English Dance." Mrs. M. Wiitse and Mrs. M. Crich reported on the Presbyterial Women's Society held the Wingham when Miss Mildred Matheson, on furlough from Japan, was guest speaker. Mrs. W. B. Olde announced the Mission Band and Baby Band party following the next meeting on June 13. Home in Woodstock on Mon- day.. Miss Margaret Mitchell, Winnipeg, and Gordon Mitch- ell, Souris, Manitoba, rieice and nephew of M?'. and Mrs. A, D. McCartney, 145 Frederick St- reet, attended the tatter's Goal - den Wedding Anniversary last Saturday. Miss Catherine Plumtree left yesterday to join her aunt, Mrs. Daisy Plumtree, Detrolt, on •a three monis, vacation in the British Isles and Europe, sailing from Montreal en Fri- day, May 12, on board the Em- press of England and returning on the Queen Elizabeth to New York in July. Among 'those attending the Huron Caunty Co-Operartive Library banquet in Knox Pres- byterian Church, Goderich, on Wednesday evening of last week were: Miss Evelyn Hall, Reeve and Mrs, Melvin Crich, and Mr. and Mrs'. J. D, Thorne dike. Miss Hall also attended the library workshop held in Goderich earlier that day, London Road Club April Meeting The London Road Club met at the home of Mrs. H;aery Plunisiteea and April 20, with nine members and four visitors present. A thank you card was read. Day to remember collection was $1.40. Mrs. Fred Anntlersbn Sr., was in change of the progrkam, which included a contest won by Mrs. Rooth, a reading by Mrs. Laidlaw, a piano solo by Mass Emma Plumeteel, and a duet by Miss Plunist:eel and Mr's. Roy Plunisteel. The May race/deg will be at the home of Mrs; Cecil Coop- er on May 18. Roll call wile be answered by an exchange of plants, seeds, etc. Mrs. W. E. Managhan is in charge of :the program, and a pot luck lunch will be served. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 4. K. C. Cooke, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton I Happy Mother's Day EARLY SPICE DUSTING POWDER 70z. $2.25 CHANEL to Do Mom Proud! MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 5c to 50c Select A Nice Card To Attach To Your Mother's Day Gift \ \ e. THE SWEETEST GIFT FOR MOM GIFT BOXED CHOCOLATES HIIDE'SELECTiON OF Q0 TO 00 •-' QUALITY CANDY EVENING IN PARIS SETS .,.... 1.75 • HELENA RUEINSTEIN 1.50 r,i tTSKIN SACHET and LLY TOILET WATER ...... Both for 2,50 -russV 1.75 MIDNIGHT PERFUME .. 50c TWEED PERFES „ 4 5 5' NEW[IIMBE Pharmacy :-4ONE HU 2.95H CL TNTC'