HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-05-11, Page 3SUNSET DRIVE -NN. MOMS Goderich Highway 8 -Vast of Tem THI1li., FR,I,, SAT May 11-12-13 "SIGN O F THE oLADJATO Ft" — In Scope• and Color - Anita Ekberg and George Marshall Laurel and Hardy in "OLIVER THE Vlll" MdN.. 'UES,. *kb May 18-16.17 — Adult Entertainment --- "FgVaR IN THE BLOOprr Angie Dickenson and Efrain Zimbalist Jr: Twq Shorts and ,Cartoon THHUR., FRI., SAT. May 18-19.20 DOUBLE BILL "THUNDER IN CAROLINA" — Color •-- Rory Calhoun - Connie Mines "SA61U AND HIS 1NAGIC RING', — Color -- William Marshall and Saba TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in Cars FREE P Iayground—Refreshments Classified Ads Bring Quick esults Rebekah Lodge lei tiate Three More Menibers At the regular meeting of Huronic Rebekah Lodge NQ. 30$ on Monday,. May 1, three new member; were initiated; ,Mrs, Harry Cudmore, Holmes - vine; Mrs. Reg Butson, Clinton and Mrs, NOragat Whitehead, RR 5, Hensall and Seafortli, Visitors were present from Brussels, Hensel' alnld ,'Seefloxtih., Plans were made for a social evening after next meeting.and a Past Grand Night on June Group 4 of the burildang fund held a penny sale, Qver $300 has been raised by the Rebekah Lodge for the building fund so far this year. Lunch was served with Mrs, Jim. Mair and Mrs, Hamad Johnston convening, ASSOCIATED PAINTERS PAINTING DECORATING SIGN -PAINTING COMMERCIAL ART Ph,-.ne HU 2-7261 tfb Goderich Meet Your Neighbour At The PARK THEATRE Phone JA 4-7811 Now Playing—Alan Ladd and Sidney Portier in ''ABI The Yung Men" also "THE GOLDEN FISH" MON., TUES., WED. — May 15-16-17 Joanne Dru -- Mark Stevens and Robert Strauss Filmed in Majorca, this salty yarn tell of a search for sunken gold coins. "SEPTEivBER STORM" — Scope and Color THUR., FRI.. SAT. — May 18-19-20 Anne Heywood and Jose Saurez A Roman maiden sacrifices everything in her love for a young Carthaginian "CARTHAGE IN FLAMES" — Scope and Color — Coming—"FLAME OVER INDIA"—scope & color Minton Wornan At Party For 1O0,Year•0.1.d Ldy M. Mary Lynes, Blenheim. celebrated her 100th birthday on Wednesday, May 3. Open house was held in the Kivell Rest Home in ,that town. The event was arranged by her nieces and nephews, Mrs, Gordon Steepe, RR 2, Clinton, a .great -grand, niece, was in eharge of the register, in which over 75 relatives, gu.- ests and neighbours'signed their ,names. Guests were from Tillsonburg, London, Brantford, Norwich, Clinton, Blenheim and Lapeer, 1VI11h. Telegrams were received fr- om Queen. Elizabeth 1I, John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada; Lester B. Pearson, Lib- eral Leader; Harold Danforth, MP for Kent County and Paul Hellyer, MP. Mrs', Steepe's mother, Mrs, C. W. Magee, Lapeer, Mich„ and Mrs, Bob Snell, Tillson- burg, poured tea, Pictures were shown, over CFPL TV on Thursday night, May 4. Known as Aunt Mary to the other residents of the rest home, and the owners, she has lived there for the pant three years. She spends a lot of her time crocheting and making quilt !blocks. Her recipe for longevity; "a glass ,of butter- milk a day would make every- body live to be 100." 0 Catholic Women's League Meets Members of St. Joseph's sub- division of the Catholic Wein- en's omen's League, Clinton, w ill gather used Catholic weeklies and other religious magazines and leaflets, and forward thein to the Jesuit Missions. With Mrs. Arnold Dale, pres- ident, in the Chair, the May meeting was held in the parish hall, when plans were made to co'lle'ot labels for the purpose of obtaining a coffee urn. Mrs. W. H, Managharri, was named to convene ,this project. The visiting 'committee for this month will include Mrs. David Kay, Mrs. Monica Frau- ghton and Miss Florence Evans. A sale' of canned goods will be made at the June meeting. In charge of the social com- mittee for the next meeting will be Mrs. A. L. Shanahan, Mrs. Grassier and Mrs. C, Trott. • '�t. BBt h W MAGI START FROM HERE........... Want to whistle up a magic carpet to waft you to far*away places or back across intervening seas to the family you left 'behind? You do? Then here's one way of getting set to go that means you really will, get to go « Open your "magic carpet" account at your neighbourhood branch of the 1 of M. A few dollars put aside each pay-day is all you need to ensure that your magic carpet will get off the ground in style. WORKING; 4D4...444444444a441..46.414e..6..e+.....F.......4...♦ 4.4 ri !it ..�.�11BANK K o r MoNT .EAL 9tae Val L0000dkabo ro ( WITH eANAblANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINGE`"1877' �.FoR, MY MoNgit frIS...MY NH fi .2IMIION 612421423 0.a r b The Mis-Steps JOHN McDONALD plays the supporting role here For Lynda • Smith, which sup r i s e d the audience at the Red and Blue Revue, after the couple gambolled through. a number of antics in which John appeared par- ticularly inept. Students of the art of "clowning" .could appreciate the mim- icry which went into the performances of both. (News -Record Photo) 0 VARNA (Correspondent, Fred McClymont Phone 1x11 2-3214) A Mother's Day service and baptismal service will be held in the United Church next Sun- day unday morning with the pastor, the Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. The Hi -C group of the Unit- ed Church met Monday even- ing in the Church. The presi- dent, Miss Joan McClymont, had charge. of the service. Miss Shirley Mustard read the scrip- ture' and Miss Donna Hayter gave .a very interesting tailVan "How to Make Friends and how to Lose Friends." Lunch was served. OPEN MOW AN ALUMINUM DOOR and WINDOW STORE 1" Ainninom Doors 2 and 3 Track Windows Completely Weather -Stripped AWNINGS CANOPIES Culligan Water Softeners RUSSELL JERVIS Saes & Service 68 Albert St. HU 2-9390 Res. HU 2-7774 19p NEWS OF KIPPEN lrrorrespondsnt} MR%.:N i..ON. G, Phone Hensall 09405) Mrs, Bertha Brownlee let least week for her home in the tr.s.A. Mr, ond Mn,sRobert Stokes •and Larry, London visited Sat- urday evening with the lartter's father, Robert Thomson. Mrs. W. L. Mellis visited on Monday with her rnother c111 other relatives at Wrox- eter. Hank Binnendyk returned home from being in Scutt Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, for a few days, Mr. and Mrs, John Doig, Grand Rapids, Mich„ visited on the weekend with Mrs, Ly. die Doig and Janet. Mr, and Mrs. Pat Curran and Deborah, Londe n, called Saturday, on Mr. and Mrs, Mel- las and Mr, and Mrs. Long, William McGregor returned home Friday since being hospit- alized a few days in Cifriton Public Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thompson, Bottle .('reek, Mich,, are sp- ending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Jean Charters. Sympathy is extended Mrs. Robert J. Elgie and family in the sudden passing of .a loving husband end father, the Bute Robert J, Elgie, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Berl Faber were: Mr. and Mrs. Edhnund Oesch and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oesch. and Jim, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roth and daughters, Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale and Ricky, Bayilield. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Faber were: Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Oeseh and family • and Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Oesch and Jimmie, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roth and daugh- ters, Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs.. Torn Penhale and Ricky, Bayfield. Honour Twin Brides Mary and Anne, Charters, brides -elect of May were hon- oured .at a shower at the home of Mrs. Wilson McCartney and Georgine on the Mill Road. Games were played and Mrs. Wilber Keyes read a very suit- able address, Gifts were pres- ented by Georgine McCartney, A delicious lunch was served, Mary and Anne thanked every- one for the beautiful gifts and the lovely evening. Shower For Mary On April 20, a surprise show- er was held in honour of Mary Charters of Western Tire and Auto Supply Ca., London for which she has been employed for the past three years, • Miss Eleanor Kitchen was hostess of the evening. Games were played and Eleanor Kit- chen presented -the gifts. As- sisting the hostess were her mother and sister Lynda and Eleanor Bailey. A delicious lunch was served and Mary thanked the hostess and every- one for the enjoyable evening and the lovely gifts. The staff also presented Mary with a Kenwood blanket. Shower For Anne April 25, .a kitchen shower was held in honour of Anne Charters who has been an em- ployee of Charles R. Will and Co,, Ltd„ London for 'the past three years. Mary Mae Gegen and Ruth Webb were hostesses for the evening. Games were played and the gifts opened. A lovely lunch was served, Anne thanking the hostesses and ev- eryone for the enjoyable even- ing and beautiful gifts, Anne also ,received a coffee table from the flirt. Shower For Twins A rnisiscelleneous shower was given Monday evening by :the congregation of St. Andrew's United Church for Mary and Anne Charters, brides -elect of Saturday, May 13. Mrs. John Cooper chaired the program which .consisted of sing songs, a piano solo by Nancy Con sift, a reading by Gwenneth. Hendrick, piano solo by Marj- ory Turner; piano trio by Di- anne Faber, Gwen. Jones and Eleanor Wright; musical num- ber on banjo and guitar by Kenneth .and Grant Jones. A contest was directed by Mrs. Robert D', Elgie. The tw- ins were invited to sit in pret- Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Representative ---Tom Steep ----HU 2-3869 24tfb CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENT BEFORE YOU BUY A CAR! that's right—your insurance. agent Yes, you will,need insurance coverage for your car--neW or used. Put, did you,know yore can arrange to get the cash you need to buy a par—in advance, through out' .Agent Automobile li'inance Plan? Low rates, confidential service; Iife-Ltistiretl eontracfe, convenient terms, of course, Contact us before you buy your text Car. You will be glad yotf did, K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE and REAL EStAt'E 14 Isaac St. Telephone Mitten 2.9Th7' CLINTON* ONTARIO hili decorated chairs. The ad- dress was read by Phyllis Los- and those assisting with the gifts included Jean Mc- Naughton, Margie Elgie, Phyl- lis Lo;rtell, Ruth Anne Me.N'ieb- al, Susie Mae Lostell, Mary and Anne thanked ev- eryone for the many lovely gifts and invited ,all. to come to the trousseau tea on 'rues - day. Airs. John Cooper, Jr., was in eharge of the guest book The shower was arranged by Mrs, Lloyd Cooper, Mrs. John Cooper and Mrs. Robert D. E1. gie. A delirious lunch was ser- ved in the school roam of the Church. About 100 guests at- tended, Silver Wedding On Friday evening at SS 10 Tuckersmith the neighbours and friends .of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Loon, newcom- ers ers to the community, celebrat- ed to honour 'the couple on the occasion of 'their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre, Winners were: ladies, high, Oliver McKay; ladies' low Mrs, Winston Workman; men's high, Garry Brow, low, Anth- ony Van Loon; lucky chair, Rennie Van Loon, The family presented their parents with many useful gifts and the neighbour's a silver cream and sugar set an a tray. A delicious lunch was served. Ladies Meeting The May meeting of the Kip - pen Woman's Missionary Soc- iety end Woman's Association was held in the Sunday school room on Wednesday evening, May 3. Mrs. Emerson Kyle was in charge of worship. 24 members answered the roll call with a Mother's Day verse. Three vis- itors present. A bale is to be packed in the near future. Mrs. Jones read a thank you note from Mises! Iris Castle saying that her gift of money from. Kippen WMS was to be used to buy a sewing machine to use in her work at St, Lucia. Meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings for the re- Tuckersmith Club Plan Bus Trip And Ball Game The May meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies Club was held in SS 4, on Wednesday evening, May 3. Eleven mem- bers were present and a num- ber of visitors. The president, Mrs. Vic Sytnick, presided, Roll call was answered by "Your Favorite Spring Flow- er". Reports were read and a thank you letter from Mrs. Donald Crich for cards, gifts sent during her illness. Tickets were sold on the mystery prize donated by Mrs. Sytnick and won by Mrs. Stanley Johns. It was decided to leave the bus trip in the hands of the social committee. A ball game and weiner roast is to be held when weather permits. A film on cancer was shown, and lun- ch was served by Group 3. Eleven Clubs At Achievement Day With close to one hundred percent turnout, 11 Huron. County 4-H Homemaking Clubs held .an Achievement Day, Ap- ril 29, in the auditorium of the Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute, With visitors, Women's In- stitute ,members, and mothers of 121 club members, more than 300 persons were present during the afternoon for the spectator part of the program. Based on the theme "Cottons May Be Smart," the program was the climax of several months of learning among many things how to alter pat- terns, Choosing 'cotton for a dress, and ehoosing the proper accessories. Each member demonstrated the Catton dress she made for herself. Mrs. Bette Miller, Home Ec- onomist for the county, pres- ented provincial honours to Miss Marie Black, Dungannon and Miss Donelda Lostell, p'en, for Meir completion of 12 projects, Miss Marion May, Exeter, of the Hurondale Club, although not present, also qu- alified for similar honours. Upon: ,their completion of six 4-H Homemaking Club projects county honour certificates and pins were presented to Miss Kathryn McGregor, K i p p e n, Miss Frances Skinnier, Elim- vllle, and Miss Barbara Web- ber, Exeter. Mrs. Otto Popp, president of the West r-furom. District, Women's Institute, pr'eSerited these honours. Comments on the club ex- hibits were made by a home economist, Mrs, H. Brightwell, Stratford, while Miss Mary Lou 131ack, Lome Economist of Bruce County, commented on the skits and demonstrations. A sterling silver 4-11 Home- making Club teaspoon was presented to each girl. who completed her project satisfac- torily. The project Chosen for the fall wrn feature fruit. Similar At:hievenient Days will he held in the county at t ingha.7n on May0, iUY1td. at Seaforth, May 13. Thursday, May 11, 19151Clinton, News -Record Page :3 minder of the year. Mrs.. Al. lean Johnson gave the visitor's report. Mrs. Eldon J,axrott gave a +poem, "Only one Mather". A chanter in the study book,. "The Turning World" was ably give+h by Mrs, Russell Consittt, Rev, -Harold Johnson gave a talk on the new wcmien's or- ganization for next year. A proovisio'nalcommittee was nom- inated ted and they will work at setting up the new organiza- tion, Mrs. Rarold Jones, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Russell Consitt, Mrs. Sent Faber, Mrs, O:wal. Workman and Mrs, Toon Reid. Mrs~. Ralph Turner thanked ail taking hart in the meeting and it closed wiith the M,izpah benediction. r TREE REMOVAL SERVICE Ornamental Railings Made To order ALL WORK FULLY INSURED John MCFC2frkrne HU 2-8654 91 Ratienbury St. W. CLINTON, ONT. 19-20-21.p In order to render a better, more complete health service and keep abreast of the latest professional developments, we will be attending an Educational Symposium in Fort Worth, Texas. This will necessitate closing the Chiro- practic Office from May 20 to May 28, K. S. Wood, D.C. 19-20b Kindergarten Classes Parents are requested to register all children eligible to attend KINDERGARTEN CLASSES, corn- mencing September 5, 1961, To be eligible for Kindergarten enrolment, a child must be five years of age on or before Decem- ber 31, 1961. Registered by letter not later than May 12, 1961, On day of enrolment in September, definite proof •of age must be submitted to the principal of the Public School. Send applications to J. A. GRAY, Principal, CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, Clinton, Ontario. 17-18-19b Z. • AM.:5,4W.. ,•a VW am .: +-nt...01.d. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week 'coney -Saving a- pedals ! i.D.A. BRAND 4 and 16 ounce STOMACH POWDER 249 79c,1.89 SNOW WHITE FACIAL TISSUES re for 27c, 2 for 49c BUFFERIN 60's reg. 1.23 98c 6c Value Cutex OILY POLISH REMOVER 45c FREE COMB with 29c Size . HOLLYWOOD WAVE SET 29c NESTLE LITE reg. 2.00 1.50 25c Size Q -TIPS with 69c Size PABLUM KING SIZE 28 -ounce 69c TEK TOOTHBRUSHES ,2' 2 for 59c Desert Flower or Friendship Garden DUSTING POWDER 4 -oz. reg. 1.50 PLUS — 2l/2 -oz. SUMMER COLOGNE Both for 1.50 Mother's Day Sunday, May 1 4th Billfolds 98c, 2.50 up Cadbury Milk Tray Chocolates 80c, 1.50, 3.00 Compacts 2.75 up Jewelite Hair Brush 4,00 Keystone Harr Brush—natural bristles Other Hair Brushes Max Factor Hi -Society Lipstick Max Factor Hypnotique Cologne 2.25, 4.00 Max Factor Primitif Cologne 2.25, 4.00 Lentheric Tweed Cologne 2.00, 3.00 Lentheric Tweed `toilet Water Mist 2.75 Lentheric Tweed Bath Powder 2.50 Friendship Garden Charmer Set 2.00 Friendship Garden Bath Salts 2.00 Desert Flower Toilet Water 1.30, 2400 Desert Flower Spray Cologne 3.00 Guerlain Shalimar Cologne 3.50, 5.50 Gurlain Shalimar Perfume 5.50 2.95 59c up 1.95 NUraBr Photo 2-6626 Service DRUGGIST Ciirnton -.- Ontario 1