Clinton News-Record, 1961-05-04, Page 6SELL AND PROFIT.. BUY. AND AVE, GET BETTER JOB ...,HIRE GOOD HELP! ammo. 1.01.011 101•1•01•1111 Ppge 6 -Clinton News -Record: Thursday, May 4, 196' ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT SELF-CONTAINED apartment one bedroom, gas heated. Phone HU 2-9928. 13tfb 2 APARTMENTS, sell' -contain ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 40tfb HEATED APARTMENT, living room, kitchen, one bedroom and bath. Available now. ,Apply McEwan's Store. 6tfb AVAILABLE NOW, 2 bedroom house, modern conveniences. On Highway 4 at Kippen. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen, 18tfb SELF-CONTAINED, on ground floor, 3 furnished rooms, heat- ed by gas furnace, all conven- iences, centrally located. Phone HU 2-9581. 18b FOR RENT ONE TRAILER FOR RENT, fully ifuraished, apply Becker Trailer Count, Clinton. 18p 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE adjoin- ing djoining village of Auburn, bath- room, hot and cold water, built- in cupboards, available im- mediately. Phone 526-7581, Au- burn. 16-17-18p FOUR -ROOM HOUSE, recent- ly redecorated; new oil furnace; new bathroom, hot and cold running water. Apply Malcolm Davidson, RR 1, Brucefield, phone Hensall 686 r 23, l8b 4 ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, livingroom, dining- room with hardwood floors, kitchen, large (bedroom, private bath heated with gas. Phone HU 2-9090. 17tfb 7 -ROOM HOUSE, 114 miles east of Kippen on paved road. Hot and cold water. Available now. Apply J, Sinclair, Kippen, phone Seaforth 657 r 41. 18-9b APARTMENT FOR RENT, three rooms, furnished, central, suitable for couple, frig. and washer. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, HU 2-9351. 18b APARTMENT, THREE rooms, furnished and heated, wiith large frig, all conveniences. Available now. 73 East Street. Phone HU 2-9536. 16ptfb 3 ROOM, heated, furnished apartment, central location, heavy duty wiring, private bath- room and laundry room. Avail- able now. 46 Princess Street West, phone HU 2-9005. 18b ARTICLES FOR SALE 65 PIECES, 3e/2" PIPE, 7 feet long, suitable for basement posts, Phone HU 2-3245. 18p KAY SPANISH GUITAR, in good condition. Mary Elliott, phone HU 2-3281. 17-8-b IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE, 3 -bedroom brick house, garage. Centrally located in Clinton. Apply John Bosveld, realtor, Goderich, 40 Wellesley Street, phone JA 4-8762. 18tfb FARM HOUSE, mile south of RCAF Station on Highway 4, newly decorated, unfurnished, bathroom, four bedrooms. Ph- one Hensall 264 J 3, D. Trieb- ner.. 18-9b MOBILE HOME, 10'x41', fully equipped, five minutes' walk from RCAF Station Clinton, available for the months of May, June, July. Contact Mr. B. A. Zablocki, phone HU 2- 7227. 17p Classified Rates For Sale, etc,, Cards of Thanks, in Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word;. Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS-- ' 3/3 Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill.• FREE -- Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2.3443 BOOKING ORDERS NOW for ring -neck and golden pheasant eggs and pouits. Bob Trick. Phone HU 2-3221. 18-9-b AWNINGS Boat covers and tarpaulins, Ken Ferguson, phone Bayfield 11, 18-21b IF YOU NEED MONEY, see Clinton Community Credit Union Limited where member- ship costs 25c. 18b TYPEWRITER, portable, Im- ported Optima. 88 character keyboard, silent carriage re- turn, solid construction, keyset tabulator. Only $89.95. Clinton News -Record, 56 Albert Street. Clinton. 15tfb HOME FREEZERS Choose from: REVCO, GILSON RCA WHIRLPOOL WESTINGHOUSE KELYINATOR ALL iN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY Priced from .. . $229.00 T. A. Dutton APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 Open evenings tilt 9 p.m. 14-tfb e Choose from a complete line of Delicious Baked Goods Friday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY PEANUT COOKIES Reg. 2 lox, for 30c 2 doz. for 21c SPECIAL CREAM FILLED DONUTS Reg. 6 for 40c SPECIAL 6 for 35c Saturday Special FROM NLYSTORE BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Reg. 50c dor SPECIAL ROYAL SCOT Reg. 49c SPECIAL CAKE 44c doz. Remember MOTHER'S DAY May 14 CHOCOLATES by Mott Chuckles Lind Jenny L _ r.._Bartlifis HU 214127 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Restaurant 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE Carefree Heating ,.-- Champion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son, 3Stfb ALUMINUM DOORS and Wire (lows, Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial RU 2-3297. 1-tfb FURNITURE, almost new, for sale. See Ross Raymer, 4.9 Rat- ttennbuJ y Street Bast. Phone U PONY TRACTOR, with one- furrow plow, good condition, Apply Becker Trailer Court, Clinton. 18-b SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO, in excellent shape; single bed com- plete, will deliver if necessary. Phone Brucefield 74 r 4. 18p RCA CUSTOM RADIO, to fit 1957 Chevrolet; also steel trail- er frame, 6' x 8', with 670/15 wheels, Phone HU 2-9975, 18b GLADIOLA BULBS for sale, rose racks and bird houses. Ph- one HU 2-7037, Tom Riley, 242 Victoria Street, 17-8p ONE WHEEL TRAIT.FIR ALL steel box, ,hinged lid, water tightt. Price $50. Kingswell Welding, HU 2-9771, 18b TENT TRAILER, 7 x 8 ft., open to 7 x 16 ft. Accommodates 6. Tent fabric, 14 ounce canvas duck, Reasonable. Phone HU 2-9134 after 5 p.m, 18b RELIABLE BABY CARRIAGE, white with blue trim, detach- able for use as car bed, in ex- cellent condition, reasonable. Phone HU 2-9798. 18b AGAIN THIS YEAR outside white paint, $2.99 a gallon, T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce - field, phone HU 2-3232, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderieh, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb ARTICLES WANTED CASH for your old gold. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton, HU 2-9525. AUTOS FOR SALE 1961 DELUXE VOLKSWAGEN, $1600; 1957 Canadian Star mo- bile home, completely furnish- ed, sleeps 6, price $3,000. Ap- ply R. Osenlak, 59 Simcoe St., Exeter. 17-18p MARKED TENDERS for a 1948 Chevrolet sedan, owned by the Iate Fletcher Townsend. Car can be seen at Roy Wheel- er's garage. Tenders will close on Thursday, May 11. Terms; cash. Address tenders to E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Solicitor for the Estate. 18b BOARD AND ROOM SINGLE GIRL desires board and room or light housekeeping room, Phone HU 2-7011, Room 5, before 6 p.m. 18p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LICENSED WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT STORES. Coin - oprated. Modest investment. We finance up to 90%. Compare our complete program and profit more. Write for details. ALD CANADA, LTD. 336 Wellington Road S., London, Ontario, GEnerai 3-3171 18to22b REWARDING CAREER Available to the individual that would like to apply himself in the field of auto sales. Previous experience is not a prime requisite. However, ap- plicants should be sales -minded, and have the earnest desire to become associated with the most progressive auto dealer and soundest product in Western Ontario, NOTE: If your ambitions do not dictate an income up to $10,000 per year you Would not be the man we require. Telephone for appointment only to; JACK J. PEARSON Pearson Motors Ltd. Phone 78, Zurich 18b EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY WORD by two experienc- ed men. Apply Percy Adams, phone BIyth 179 at 6,30 a.m. or 6.30 p.m, 18-h SEWING and alterations..Rea- sonable prices. Apply North End Store trailer. Mre. S. Fier - der. 1'7-8p SINGLE GMT, desires position s typist, 5 years' experience, Pleme HU 2.7011, Room 5, be- fore '6 pen. 18p CUSTOM WORK FOR YOUR PLUMING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware, 2tfb LAWN ROLLING, Clinton ,and district. .Apply to Ray Potter, HU 2-9997, 18p DIAMONDS CLEANED checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton, 46-tfb WELDING ---Repairs, Ornamen- tal Railings, Flower Stands, John Hamilton, 293 Albert St- reet, Clinton, 38tfb LAWN ROLLING by experienc- ed operators. Reasonable rates. Phone Henry Young, HU 2- 9496. 15tfb BACK HOE, TRENCHING, for water lines, Septic tanks, Gra- vel, fill and tap soil. Lawn rol- ling, Jack Merner. Phone HIJ 2-9734, 16, 7-8-9p AIR COMPRESSOR EQUIP- ment with jack hammer, mud spade and drill. Floor sanding. Cale Doucette builder. Phone HU 2-3348. 18b SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR your room? We do all kinds of painting and decorating at low rates, Phone HU 2-7261, Associated Painters, Clinton. 18p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, all work guaranteed, write or ph- one Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 w 6 Brussels. 10 - 35p BRICK REPAIRING, stone foundations, chimneys, brick cleaning. References given. Free Estimates. Write for prompt service, Fowler's Mas- onry Repair Sexvice, Box 369, Mitchell. 15-6-7-8p MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes, single or three phase. Reasonable prices. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 35tfb KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY - Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full range of materials. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414, Clinton 8tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE AQUA SEMI -FORMAL, size 14, worn once. $15. Phone HU 2-7226. 18b HELP WANTED GARDEN PLOWED, 15 yards by 40 yards. RR 5, Clinton, Wally Sansome, HU 2-7116. 18b HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED, female. Ap- ply Highland Shoes, Seaforth. 18-9b HELP WANTED MALE WANTED AT ONCE - Raw- leigh Dealer in part of Huron County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. B -169-R, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real, 18b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners, Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696 r 2, collect, 17p-tfb ROOFING We sell and apply asphalt coating for felt or steel roofs, backed by 8 -year guarantee by Southwestern Petroleum Co, of Hamilton. Ben Fowler, phone 188, Blyth. 16-7-8-9p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stories safely secured -don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Cotmter. 20-tfb Do -It -Yourself RENT These Machines ✓ Floor Polisher 1/ Floor Sander and Edger ✓ Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum ✓ Hand Electric Sander ✓ Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL &c MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb MONEY TO LOAN" MORTGAGE LOANS - Funds available on suitable farms, homes, stores, apartments, S hot. els, motels. Pleasant courteous service. Por information write, phone or drop hi. ;United Coun- ty Investments Limited. 3645 Bethrtrsit Street, Toronto 19, Ontario. Itti 9-2125. 16,17.18-10b LOST AND FOUND LOST ---Black with white faee steer, about 400 lbs„ strayed from premises of Bob Taylor, Varna. Finder phone HU 2- 9144. 17.8b NOTICE DAILY TRANSPORTATION from Goderich to Clinton want- ed, afternoons or evenings. Write to Box 171, Clinton News -Record. 18b TUCKERSMITH M u n i c i p a l Dump will be open until fur- ther notice every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5 p.m. Cora Chesney, Clerk. 14tfb LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that By -Law Numbered 1 of the Board of Trustees of The Roman Cath- olic Separate School for the Town of Clinton, was passed on the 28th day of April, 1961. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said By-law was passed for the purpose of borrowing moneys to provide for erecting, equipping and fur- nishing a three room school. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the amount of money to be borrowed for the provisions aforesaid, is the sum of Seventy Thousand ($70,000.- 00) Dollars to be secured by twenty year debentures of the said Board dated the 1st day of June, 1961, and that the said sum of Seventy Thousand ($70,- 000.00) Dollars to he borrowed pursuant to the said By -Law, the interest thereon and the said Debentures shall be and are by the said By -Law made a charge upon the said school house property and all the other real and personal pro- perty in the said Board and up- on all separate school rates of the said Board until the said Debentures and each and every of them together with interest thereon shall have been fully paid and satisfied. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said Deben- tures will bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from the date thereof and shall be repayable in accor- dance with the following sche- dule of payments. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Year Principal Interest Total 1 $2,000 $4,200 $6,200 2 2,000 4,080 6,080 3 2,000 3,960 5,960 4 2,000 3,840 5,840 5 2,000 3,720 5,720 6 3,000 3,600 6,600 7 3,000 3,420 6,420 8 3,000 3,240 6,240 9 3,000 3,060 6,060 10 3,000 2,880 5,880 11 3,000 2,700 5,700 12 4,000 2,520 6,520 13 4,000 2,280 6,280 14 4,000 2,040 6,040 15 4,000 1,800 5,800 16 5,000 1,560 6,560 17 5,000 1,260 6,260 18 5,000 960 5,960 19 5,000 660 5,660 20 6,000 360 6,360 AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said By -Law Numbered 1 is on file at the Office of the Secretary -Treasur- er of the said Board, Clinton, Ontario, and may be examined between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, Mondays to Friday, inclusive. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of May, 1961. The Board of Trustees of The Roman Catholic Separate School For The Town of Clinton. Victor Finnie, Secretary -Treasurer, 18-19-20b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to21p tfb TENDERS WANTED DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addres- sed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Room B-322, Sir Charles Tupper Building, River- side Drive, Ottawa, and endors- ed "TENDER FOR THE SUP- PLY OF COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILDINGS THROUGHOUT THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, 1961- 1962." will be received until 3.00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1961. Specifications and forms of tender can be obtained at the office of the Chief of Purchas- ing and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles Tupper Building, River- side Drive, Ottawa, Ont., Dis- trict Manager, 225 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.; District Manag- er, Dominion Public Building, London, Ont.; District Manager, Post Office Building, Port Wil- liam, Ont, Tenders must be made on the printed fortris supplied by the Department ancl in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. The successful contractor may be requested to provide security, d the awardof before e the con in ati amount and d f orm acceptable to the Department, The lowest or any tender not necessarily aeceptcd. R00E1RT FORTIER, Chlef of Administrative Services and Secretary 18•b ATTENTION FARMERS! SEED FOR SALE 100 BUSHELS of Clinton oats for sale. C. Norton, RR 3, Clin- ton. 18p QUANTITY OF RODNEY oats, from last year's requistered seed. Torn Penhale, RR 2, Bayfield, phone 71 x 3. 18b 36 BUSHELS of registered No, 1 Rodney seed oats, John Al- dingtan, Varna, phone HU 2- 3380, 18b POULTRY FOR SALE STARTED PULLETS - Mt. Hope Queen Leghorns, ready for spring range, quantity discount. We deliver 200 or more, John Westbrook, RR 2, Clinton, ph- one Goderich JA 4-8036. 7to18p HY-LINE LAYERS EAT e.FSS thatt heavy breeds and at the sametime lay more eggs. They cost less to raise and eat less feed during the laying period. For real economy when the chips are down, try Hy -Line the efficient chicken. For day- old chicks or started pullets contact Bruce Roy, Londesboro phone Blyth 28 r 6. 12 to 23 b TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH TOWNSHIP sch- ool area invites applications for teachers. State qualifications and salary expected. Further particulars; contact seoretary- treasurer, Frank Yeo, RR 3, Clinton. 18-9b REAL ESTATE LOT FOR SALE, 75' x 110', price $850. Phone HU 2-3305, after 6 p.m. 15x ( N. WANTED WANTED --- Live Turkeys, and hens, Top prices guaranteed, In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb PASTURE FOR RENT 98 ACRES PASTURE, lots of water, lots of shade. Lewis Car- bert. 1.7p -18b PASTURE for rent for dozen head; 240 bales wheat straw for sale; also end posts. Bill Gib- bings, phone HU 2-9935. 18p 40 ACRES good pasture land. Good water. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. Thaekaberry, 2 miles south of Holmesville or phone HU 2- 3203. 18b CAN ACCOMMODATE 20 or 25 head or less by the month. Plenty of shade and water. Maitland Concession. Phone HU 2-9077, A. L. Lobb, Clinton, 18b SERVICES ATTENTION FARMERSi'High- est cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All other stock pick- ed up free of charge. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66 C 61. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11 to 28p-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE. Plant Licence No. 10R.P.60. Collecting Licence No. 22.C60. Highest cash prizes paid for dead, sick or disabled horses and cattle. Clinton cus- tomers call Atwood Zenith 34900, out of Clinton call At- wood 153 collect, Seven day ser- vice. 38tfb LOT ON EAST STREET, 66 x 165 feet, phone HU 2-7088. 16tfb LOT FOR SALE, 80' x 132', on Huron Street, west end. Apply to Lloyd Moore. 18p LOTS FOR SALE, 3 lots on Erie Street, and 11/ lot on Os- borne Street. Phone HU 2- 9733, 18-9p DUPLEX consisting of 2 bed- room .apartments with front and rear entrances, rented for $110 a month. A good invest- ment or a cheap place to live for the owner. Phone HU 2- 3844. 17-8p BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu -Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 9572. 11tfb 11/ storey brick dwelling, 3 bedrooms and 3 -pc. bath up; living room, den, dining room and modern kitchen down; new forced air gas furnace; full basement; garage. Located on highway near schools. Early possession. 1 storey dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, 3 -pc. bath, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, hot water heating, full base- ment. Located within 2 blocks of schools. Ranch type one storey brick, 3 bedrooms, living room, mo- dern kitchen with built-in oven and stove, dining space, 4 -pc. bath, oil heating, double garage. Located near schools. Early possession. 11/ storey 3 bedroom dwel- ling, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, oil heating, 2 sun porches, attached garage, lot 80 x 132, excellent condition, early pos- ession, H. C. LAWSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Dial HU 2 -9644 --business HU 2 -9787 --residence 18-b TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. Far all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours, Low bank rates on tinie payments, Pretiaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. 18b Notice To Creditors In the Matter of FLETCHER T, TOWNSEND, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. A 1.1 persdns having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the salve with the undersigned Solicitor for the said 1r'etate, on or before the 23rd day of May, A.D. 1061, after which date the assets will be distri- buted amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of Which notice s1] given. 1 have been shall DATED at Clinton, Onen. tario, this 28th day of April, A.D. 1961, i ,, B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the §aid Estate, 1849-20b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Farmer owned and controlled. Service at cost. Choice of bull and breed. Our artificial breed- ing service will help you to a more efficient livestock opera- tion. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or, Seaforth 96 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels PHONE 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENCE No. 88-C-61, 54-R.P.-61 13tfb SCRATCH PADS At News -Record 10 for 40c LIVE $TOCK FOR SALE 25 EWES and some lambs for sale on account of fences. W. H. Johnston, Bayfield. 18p TWO DURHAM stocker steers, weighing about 800 lbs. each, Apply to George Bayley, phone HU 2-9853, iso BLACK COW, fresh a few days, one damaged quarter, suitable for vealing calves. Hol- stein cow, springing. Apply Frank Potter, HU 2-7449. 18b BULL (Palled Hereford), reg- istered, 16 months old, very quiet, Can be seen at the farm of James Lobb, RR 2, Clinton, phone HU 2-9077, 18b ANNUAL SPRING Hereford Sale at Clinton, Tuesday, May 9. 12 bulls, 10 females. Most bulls tested, eligible for govern- ment premium. 18b HOLSTEIN HEIFER due to freshen in one week, bred Hol- stein; have room for about 8 head of cattle to pasture by the month. George Wise, HU 2- 7536. 18b GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD BREEDERS SPRING SALE of 10 Bulls and 7 Females Bred Saturday, May 20, 1961, at 1.30 p.m. COLISEUM, OWEN SOUND Most bulls are performance tested and eligible for Government Grant LUNCH AVAILABLE Norbert Hamilton, President Arthur Lemon, Secretary W. S. O'Neill, Auctioneer 18-9b FOR SALE MASSEY - HARRIS 2 - furrow plow, No. 23A. A registered Polled Angus bull, one year old. Don Buchanan, Seaforth 75734. 18p A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand, Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r.15. 13tfb SEE BILL ARMS'1'tt,ONG, RR 3, Bayfield, phone 58 r 14 -for Badger Barn Cleaners, Silo Un - loaders and Feeders. Special prices in effect for limited time only. 11tfb FOR SALE 51 FORD 8N TRACTOR with 2 -furrow plow 10-20 INTERNATIONAL Cheap CASE D MODEL 2 -NEW 7 Foot MOWERS Reduced for Quick Sole NEW CULTIVATORS All Sizes New Fordson DEXTA GAS TRACTOR --- $2,295.00 - New Fordson DEXTA DEISEL TRACTOR --- $2,495.00 - New Fordson SUPER MAJOR DEISEL TRACTOR --- $3,250.00 --- Call Clad. Westlake Goderich Motors Ltd. JA 4-7308 O EN'SF SUITS Continues All This Week Take advantage of the savings we are now offering on these all wool, smartly styled Suits. Made by some of Canada's leading cloth- ing houses. Regularly priced to $69,95, Some with 2 pants. To clear 3 Big Ranges 29.50 39.50 49..59 aitdrations ✓Xtra Pickett &Campbell L elided OPEN FRIDAY EVENING