HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-05-04, Page 5Quartet In Red and Blue Revue Highlighting the Red and Blue Revue of 1961, held at Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute Friday night, were these four pretty girls who made up one of the quartettes. Left to right are, (front) Phyllis Lobb, Brucefield; Pam. Muise, RCAF Station Clinton, and in the rear, Diana and Judy Persan, both of Clinton. (Beacon-Herald Photo) BOOK NEW GOLD BOND GIFT BE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR NEW GOLD BOND GIFT BOOK EARLY S 50 ook FREE _for GOLD BOND STAMPS with Your New To off less t ye you more tal sta w Gift 50 FREE COLD BOND STAMPS When you pick up your free copy of the beautiful new Geld Bond Gift Book, Simply present this coupon at the checkout counter. Name Address City Previnte Flectethi this coupon now! Offer expires June 3, 1961 CORNEROF MARY AND KING STREETS, CLINTON Lt. For easier, more conven:ient, pore enjoyable s fi rr Gift Book REARTHSIDE CLUB TO MEET MAY 11 The Hearthside Club of On- tario Street United Church will meet on Thursday, May I.X. at 8 pm. in the church parlour, K. S. Wood, Doctor of Chiro- practic, Clinton, will be the gu- est speaker. Group 2 will be in charge. FOR A '',/rELIER YOU... at the HOSPITAL TEA (May 10) Try the New Forward Line or French Setting Mrs. Edith Johnston School Girl Special Permanent — $6.50 Permanents — $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Phone HU 2-7697 4 Maria Street Old School of Commerce Building IMMUNE% 111.11111111111111W SEALY ONCE A YEAR — MATTRESS and BOX SPRING SPECIAL STARTS NEXT WEEK AT Beattie Furniture Sealy Den Beds in 30" and 39" will also be included in Sale. This Week Special: Farquharson-Gifford Chesterfield Co. of Stratford Molten of the life-time flexsteel construction, Living Room Suitt*, are offering a Spring Promotion in Nylon Frieze Covers, your choke of color, in two Covers. Reg, $349,00-5or „.„ „„ „ $299.00 SEE IT AT B eatheFurniture HU 2-9S21 CLINTON Thursday( May 4,1941 Clinton Mow$Record ,Pgge Married at the Nile Church MR, AND MRS. REGINALD CARMAN BRIND- LEY, Nile, were married on April 22 in Nile United Church by the Rev. Richards, The bride is Dorothy Louise Walff, daughter of Mrs. John Clements, Nile and the groom is the son of Carman Brindley, Ben- miller. Following a wedding trip into the United States, the young couple will live at Nile. (Photo by Nephew) BRUCE CLEANERS KINCARDINE Special for May ALL DRY CLEANING MOTH-PROOFED FREE OF CHARGE District Agents for Bruce Cleaners: PICKETT & CA PBELL MUTED CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9732 ROBBIE BURNS GARAGE LONDESBORO — Phone Blyth 44-R-15 msomoonsommumw 1' WESTINGHOUSE—Hand FOOD MIXERS Mixes Everything With Power to Spare—ONLY$26.50 And just in time for Mother's Day . . . STAND and BOWL KIT Regular $7.95 $1.49 Value FOR ONLY .„.. With the purchase of a new Westinghouse Food Mixer Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" HU 2-6646 Clinton $70,000 Town of Clinton Separate School Board 6% DEBENTURES TO MATURE JUNE 1, 1962 - 1981 PRICE PAR PURPOSE: FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION The Board will receive an Ontario Government Grant to pay for approximately 80% of the principal and 'interest of these debentures, Apply H. C, LAWSON, Clinton or K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clinton Bell Govinlock & Co. Ltd. 44 King Street West TORONTO Take time to enjoy YOUR special day. Bring in your laundry and dry cleaning. Let us HELP YOU LUCKY NUMBER WEEK IS 1546 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. 6' ea& do I-6- age. 9ze. HU.-2-70G4 about your clothes Hospital Auxiliary Tag Day, May 6 Mrs. Frank Fingiand, presi- dent of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary conducted the meet- ing in the Nurses• Residence on Tuesday evening, May 2. An invitation to attend a tea in the YWCA at Stratford on Fri- day, May 5, was. extended. Plans are well under way for Tag Day this Saturday, May 6. Plans are also almost com- pleted for the annual Hospital Tea next Wednesday, May 10, A welcome is extended to all, and a large attendance is hop- ed far. Several ladies attended the conference of Region 2 in Lon- don, April 25 at St. Mary's Hospital far the Chronically Ill. Mrs. Frank Fingland, who is second vice-president of the region, gave an account of this enjoyable and interesting day. There are 180 Auxiliaries in Qntarice Mrs. Marian Johnston, Stratford was named histor- ian for the region. This is •a new venture. Mrs. Frank Fingland ably chaired the information work- shop in which, the following took part; Mrs. Fe G. McGug- an, Victoria Auxiliary, London; Mrs. P. J. Enright, St. Joseph's Auxiliary, London; Mrs Spen- cer Hunter, Woodstock Gener- al Hospital; Mrs Gordon Ekins, Woodstock. Mrs. K. R. Hillier, London, regional president, presided at the sessions and welcomed the delegates. The auxiliaries (Reg- ion 2) are invited to Wood:- stock for their fall meeting. ASSOCIATED PAINTERS PAINTING DECORATING SIGN-PAINTING COMMERCIAL ART Phone HU 2-7261 Horticultural Group Invited to Myth Tea „ The Clinton Rorticultural Society is invited to a -May- time tea and floral display at the home of Mrs, Grace Mc- Callum, Drummond. Street, Bl- yth, on Friday, May 12 from 2,30 to 5 p.m and 8 to 9.30 pen.. All members and friends are cordially invited to attend and a nominal .charge will be made. Those desiring transpor- tation please contact Clifford E'PPS Brindley—Waiff - Spring bouquets of white onapdragon, daffodil and tulips set the scene in the Nile United Church on April 22, for the wedding of Dorothy Louise Wulff, daughter of Mrs, John Clements, Nile, to Reginald Carman Brindley, Nile, son of Carman Brindley, Beemiller, The Rev. Richards. officiated, Given in. marriage by her brother Lloyd Walff, the bride was lovely in a waltz-length gown with lace bodice and tiered skirt of lace and organ- za over taffeta, styled with scalloped boat neckline, and my point sleeves, Her elbow length veil was held by car- onet of seed pearls,, She car- ried a prayer book topped by a corsage of red roses and streamers caught with rose- buds. Miss Betty J, Clernents, as maid of honour wore walte- length, mauve organza, with headdress bow of mauve or- ganza in two-tone, She ear-. tied yellow 'mums. Roy McKnight, Nile was gr- oomsman and Robert Bogie was organist, Ushers were Har- ry Clements', stepbrother of the bride and James' Brindley, step- brother of the groom. A reception was, held in the church basement for 60 guests from London, Seaforth and Goclerich as well as the Nile area. The bride's mother wore a rayon and cotton bengaline sheath with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's stepmother wore a linen dress and coat to match in beige with corsage of white carnations. Serving the turkey and salad supper were Miss Dorothy Rut- ledge, Mrs. Charles Johnston and Mrs. Emery Baeehelor. CLINTONIAN CLUB WILL MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The Ctintonian Club will meet next Wednesday after- noon, May 10 at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Russell Hol- mes. Lunch will be served by Mrs. W, Watkins, Mrs, E. Wel- sh, Mrs. L. Forest, Mrs. L. Ings and Mrs. J. Aldington. 0 Ontario Street WA Regular Meeting In Church Parlour The Woman's Association, of Ontario Street United Church met in the church parlour on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. George Potter presiding. Devo- tions were taken by Mrs. E. Welsh on the theme, "Jesus Christ, the light of the world" and the "World's Witnesses," Bible readings from Acts 2:- 1-13. Mrs. M. Wiltse read the sec- retary's report, Mrs. Roy Con- nell gave the treasurer's re- port and presented the bills. Mrs. M. Aiken read the cor- respondence, which included an invitation from Brucefield' WA to be their guests on June 6. Nineteen calls were reported 'by the visitors for the month, and everyone is to visit again this month. Mrs. J. B, Levis reported sending flowers to two sick members. Reports of all committees were given. Plans were made for e number of the ladies to attend' the WA presbytery at Winthrop on Wednesday, May 3. Program consisted of a read- ing by Mrs. Ray Fear, "Mis- sionary bale". Piano solo by Ruth Ann. Brawn, "Home sweet home", and a solo by Mrs. Wil- lis Van Egrnond, "Bless this house", accompanied 'by Mrs. E. Radford at the piano. Lunch was served by the ladies of the Base Line and 16th concession, convened by Mrs. Charles' Merrill and Mrs. John Merrill, Mrs. Cliff Proc- tor expressed the appreciation of the meeting to the lunch committee and those who took pairt in the program. 0 LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET ON MAX' 8 The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Clinton Branoh 140 will hold their reg- ular meeting on Monday even- ing, May 8 at 8.15 p.m. in the Legion Hall. 0 WESLEY-'WILLIS WMS WILL MEET ON MAY 11 The Woman's- Missionary So- ciety of Wesley-Willis United Church will meet in the church parlour on Thursday, May 11 at 2.30 p.m, Mrs. George Beat- tie's group is in charge, OPENING THIS WEEK CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF Aluminum Doors 2 & 3 Track Windows Awnings Canopies Culligan Wafer Softeners RUSSELL JERVIS Sales & Service 6$ Albert St, HU 2-930 Rose HU 24114 Men's Club Has Service For Fathers and Sons The Men's Club of Wesley- Willis Holmesville United Ch- urches held a Father and Son Service on Sunday with a male choir of some 28 men. (This service was held preceding 'a father and son banquet which was postponed until May 8 on account of another community occasion,) Mrs. M. R. Rennie presided at the organ and Mr. Reunite conducted the choir. Will Jer- vis was in Charge of details. Besides two :numbers from the choir a quartet composed of Ronald Steepe, Donald And- rews, Lloyd and Ralph Holland presented a number. Hector Kingswell and son Elwin assisted Rev. Edgar J. Roulston in the pulpit. The ush- ers were Wilfred Jervis and Kelvin, William Wells and Douglas. Since there were some men in the choir from Holmes- vile it was planned that the choir should visit the service at Holmesville in the after- noon and provide the music. Morgan Jones and son Alvin ushered at Holmesvnle and Master Lenus Yea assisted in the pulpit. MADELEINE LANE AUX. TO WET TUESDAY, MAY 9 The regular meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held on Tues. day evening, May 9 at 8.15 pan. in the church Sunday School room.