HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-04-13, Page 9Each room was tremendously large and the beauty of the carving and the expensive construction filled the Guides with awe. The once-millional e own', Sir Pelatte ce7taiTly believed in luxury which wag evident, even in the stables Anit are reached by go:.-r.; uncle ground. A shoot stop at Glair Stree enabled the bids to boa d. the subway which gave Theology Gr sduate DOUGLAS EARL SWITZER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Switzer, Bayfield, will grad- uate on April 21 from the Prairie Bible Institute, Three Hills, Alberta, where he has been taking a four-year theological course, specializ- ing in Bible and Missions'. After graduation April 21, he is planning 'to' go into rural mission work in the needy areas of this country. $17.00 $25.00 $21.00 750 x '14 4-Ply BLACKWALLS $25.80 Less Class A Trade-In SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE Dory Rutledge, prop. HU 2,9021 Clinton HU 2-7055 Clinton mmiNue 4111•11141111. Plus other Silvertown sizes at equally good Discounts Long Miler Nylons Plus other Long Miler Nylon sites at equally good Discounts ATTENTION: FARMERS Safety S. Nylons 750 x 14 4-Ply BLACKWALLS $18.95 Less Class A Trade-In Silvertown Tires 750 x 14 4-Ply BLACKWALLS $32.15 Less Class A Trade-In HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE 24 PRINCESS STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone HU 2.9692 DAY or NIGHT , Tires & Tubes Special for Spring Change Over Plus other Safety S. Nylon sizes at equally good Discount B.F. Goodrich SILVERTOWN POWER GRIP Goodrich POWER GRIP ALL SIZES TIRES FOR YOUR TRACTOR 20% off Mut Changing SPRING IS HERE' TIME TO PREPARE YOUR LAWN. FEED YOUR LAWN NOW .. FERTILIZER.. * National 10-6-4 * Evergreen 6-9-6 * Sheep Manure * Vigoro * Peat Moss .. LAWN SEED .. Spreader available for application of above. H. F. WETTLAUFER Mary Street Phone HU 2-9792 New Gehl Mix-All IT GRINDS! IT MIXES! IT DELIVERS THE FEED 1 PORTABLE... makes 2 tons of feed in minutes then takes it to self-feeders, bunks, bins or bags. PTO-POWERED GEHL MIX-ALL Look at this: shovel in ear corn at the crib, pick up grain at the bin or self- unloading wagon, add concentrate or premix automatically, Big payoff — take the finished feed where you want it — bunks, bins, bags or self-feeders. ,,More details at our store—stop in soon. kGINHL PUTS ALL. PRICE FACTORS IN YOUR FAVOR Brucefield Farm Equipment HAROLD LOBB, Proprietor Phone Clinton HU 2-3272 BRUCEFIELD Thurs., April 10,, 1961—Clinton News-Record Poop So News of Bayfield By LUCY R. WOODS PHONE BAYFIELP 450 Captain and Mrs, Moore Hision returned to London on Monday evening after having spent a couple of deers of their honeymoon at "Wheel,In". Mr, and WS, Robert Hum, phries visited her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Kerr on Snn- adyalheir son Cali who spent the Easter vacation with . his grandperents 'and also Bobby Reid, son, of Sgt. and Mrs. Wil- 1ra.m Reid, last week returned to Port Stanley with them. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Mc, Clinchey and young daughters Janice and' Nancy, Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Kells, Petrolia, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Kerr on T.hunse day. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd, Scotch- neer and Howard were in Lon- don on Saturday to attend the Hislop - Baker military wed- ding in All Saints Church and the reception which followed et the Royal Canadian Officer's Mess, Wolseley Barracks, Lon- don. Miss Lisa Hayman, Londen, accompanied her grandmother, Mrs. A. W. Hayman, and aunt Miss Ruth E. Haman to the village for a few hours last Thursday. The Reverend and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowell, were the guests of 'Ws, R. H. F. Gaird- rier on Wednesday and Thurs- day last. William Norris accompanied by his cousin, Ross Norris, De- troit, was at his cottage on Tuyll Street last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard motored to Mooretown last week and spent Tuesday and Wednesday with the Rev, and Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby, Scotia, N.Y., who were at their home there for the Easter 'week. Mrs. William -Bennett and family, London, were at their cottage for the Easter week, Mrs. Emerson Heard accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard and two children on their return to London on Thursday. She visited her lau- gher, Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, until Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham motored to the village to bring her borne. Howard Scotchmer returned home on Thursday after having visited his sister, Mrs. J. Poun- der and family in London from the first of the week. Miss Janis Galbraith, Clin- ton!, spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. How- ard Armstrong, Zurich, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and' three bays, Dale, Wayne and Danny, accompanied by Mrs. Martin's brother, Kenny Plater, Detroit, spent the Eas- ter weekend at their cottage on Colena Street. Mrs. Martin and the boys remained for the vacation, returning with her husband who was also here last weekend. The, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Mrs. Harvey Rohner, Mrs. .Charles Bell, Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling attended the Huron. Presbyterial of the WMS of the United Church in Wingham: on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar- shall, Mary Ellen and Bruce, and Miss Mary Ellen Warman, Port Credit, spent the week- end with Mrs. John Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenkins, Mary and Billy, London, were also gueets at 'the John Lindsay home on Sunday, ReV. E, J. B, Harrison was in. Brussels on Monday where he attended the meeting of the Huron Deanery Chapter, held 'at St. John's Church, in his capacity as secretary, Mrs. Bettye and baby, and Miss Brenda Blair returned to Corinna on Saturday with F/O David Bettye after spending the Easter vacation with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. William Tel- ford and two children returned ip Simooe on Thursday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Talbot, Mrs. J. McClure left on Sun- day with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Blanchard, for Uxbridge where she will visit with them and also her other daughter in. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Galbraith, Dundas, spent the weekend at their home "Syl- van Acres'," Blue Water High- way, Goderich Township. Raymond Black returned to Goderich on Sunday after hav- ing spent the Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bryant returned home on Tuesday aft- er having been in London for a couple of days. They attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. J. Car- son on Monday, For Commital Mrs. A, H. McPherson, Sim- coe, visited her father, James A. and Mrs. Cameron, from Thursday to Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Cameron, Scott and Bonnie, Toronto, were also with them on Friday. Mrs. McPherson and Evans Cameron were here to attend the interment of the cremated remains of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pemoulie, Dallas, Texas. (Mrs. Pemoulie was the former Frances Evans). The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, rector of Trinity Anglican Ch- urch, read the commital ser- vice at the William Evans plot Friday, April 7. Lions Plan Frolic There was a 100 percent at- tendance at the Bayfield Lions dinner meeting at the home of John Lindsay on Tuesday, April 11. The main business of the meeting was planning for the annual frolic in the agricultural park on July 26. Lion Wilbert Fralick will arrange the ;next meeting to be held at the Queen's Hotel in Wingham on April 27. Immediately after- wards the members of the Lions Club will tour the TV station, CKNX. TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY WEED CONTROL SEALED TENDERS for the supply of Weed and Brush Spray, will be received by the undersigned until Monday, May 1, 1961, at 3:00 p.m. for 55 gallons of 2, 4-D Low Volatile Ester 96 and 45 gallons Brush Killer Low Volatile 128 oz. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Varna, Ontario. TENDERS SEALED TENDERS for Roadside Spraying of Weeds and Brush in the Township of Stanley, will be received by the undersigned until Monday, May 1, 1961, at 3:00 p.m. Tender to state an hourly rate. The Township will supply the spray and a helper. Tenders to be clearly marked as to contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Varna, Ontario. 15-16-b ;W9 aferefe OUR ELECTRICAL WOG OFFER MUCH. THEY GIVE YOUR HOME 111-CAONTFEXIA A, f 0.. T UCH, ril S IG 0 • k4 )))74011,1t.T))) WHEN SPENDING MONEY THAT WE EARN, (WE FOLKS LIKE GOOD VALUE `--kykl RETURN I/ or% PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SERVICE Baylield Guides Enjoy Bus Trip to Toronto ,Mrs,.H.Efcrry, Correspondent, Phone 2-757.2). Kenneth Stewart has return- ed home from Florida where he :vane the winter, Miss Janet Watson returned to her school AYlnler on Sundae'', Mr. and. Mrs. George Hend- erson ,returned home on Thurs- dray efter spending the winter in 'Florida, Mrs, A, Ings, returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her niece at Tren- ton, Mrs, Ray Mason, spent Saturday with Miss Mar- ie Elliott and Mrs. T. A. Dut- ton, Miss Gaye Elliott spent the Easter holidays with her eou- sin, Mists Beekey Griffith at Stratford, Mr, end Mrs, Alvin Smith, Bluevale, Miss Eleanor Smith and George McCullough, Kit- eener, spent Sunday with Mrs. Berry, Quite a number of ladies et, tended the Easter Tbankoffer- ing at Wesley-Willis, United Church, Clinton on Monday and enjoyed the guest speaker, Miss M. CosenS, Japan. Mr, and Mrs. William Din- inn and Wilma attended the funeral in the Lutheran Chur- ch, Zurich on Thursday, of Wil- liam Rader, who passed away on April 4 in his 93rd year. Classified Ads Bring Quick esults Donald Fowler (Auburn Correspondent) Funeral service was held at the J. Keith Arthur ,funeral home, Auburn, on Saturday, April 8, far the late Donald Fowler who passed away in Goderich hospital on April 5 after a day's' illness there. He was 'in his 78th year. Mr. Fowler was the son of the late Edward Fowler. and Isabel McNevin and was born on the 6th concession of West Wawanosh. In 1917 ,he married the former Laura Irwin who survives him and they lived in the Dungannon area for 30 years. They have lived in Auburn for the past 14 years and he served as village clerk for sev- eral years, and attended Knox United Church, Surviving besides his wife is their daughter, Mrs. Roy (Mel- ba) Finnigan also of Auburn; one brother, Alfred (Harry) Fowler, Clinton survives and three sisters, Mrs. May See- burg, Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Wally (Gladys) Merchant, Mil- ford, Connecticut; Mrs. Kath- aleen McDonald, Willowdale. Four brothers and one sister predeceased him. Rev. R. M. Sweeney conduct- ed the funeral service and Mrs. Betty Wilkie: was soloist ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. William 3, Craig. Burial took place in Dungannon Cemetery. Pall-bearers were Roy Burch- ill, Dublin; Dynes Campbell, Lucknow; Robert Fowler, God- erich; Thomas Johnston, Char- les Scott and Arthur Young-- blue Auburn. Friends were present from Owen Sound, Wasago Beach, Toronto, Mitchell, Dublin, Rip- ley, Seaforth, Wingham, Bruce- field, Goderich and the sur- rounding distiet. For Lease THREE-BAY SUPERTEST STATION IN CLINTON —Excellent Site —Modern Facilities —Ideal for Mechanic to establish his own business. Apply to: TED ELLIOTT Box 238, Wingham Phone Wingham 679W them a thrilling ride, After chicken dinner they coneinued to Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, where they watched 198 Gold Cord Guides receive their certific- ates. After this ceremony they retired to the auditorium of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, Osslington Ave. Here the ladies served hot choco- late and cookies. Friday morning they visited the Parliament Buildings. Aft- er a look at the grounds they went to the Legislative AFsem- bly. They met Charles S. MacNaufThton, the Member of Parliament for Huron. He took the Guides up to the lib- rary and later to the cafeteria where he treated them. As they were leaving they receiv- e crossword puzzle of the counties of Ontario, and other useful information. Next they went to the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, from the top of which they could see Malton Airport, the Uni- versity, Maple Leaf Gardens, and Maple Leaf Stadium. In the distance they saw Casa Loma. Then to Woolworths where they had lunch. On the way out of Toronto the Guides passed the Cana- dian National Exhibition gr- ounds and 'followed Lake . On- tario. First stop on the way home was Kitchener. Then on to Goderich with two glorious days of touring Toronto be- will long be hinTdhotsheemtw. days remembered and only because of Goderieh Guide Company's invitation to six Bayfield Guides to join them. KIPPEN Correspondent: Mrs. Norman Long Phone Hensall 694r15 Sunday guests of Mr. and MTS. Wilfred Mellis included: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bourke and Mrs. Johlni Gibson, Sr., Wtr- oxeter, also Mrs. Elsie Haney, Wingham. Miss Berva Switzer, Clinton, spent the weekend with her friend Joyce Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert visited friends in Clifford on Sunday, Norman Long and Edgar Mc- Bride attended the funes'al of the late Here) Curran, Luck- now on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries- tap, near Mitchell, visited with Robert Thomson on Sunday. Fred Potter, Clinton, and Mr. Done, Porter's Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson. Saturday. April WMS Meeting The April thank - offering meeting of the Woman's. Mis- sionary Society was held in Kippen United Church on Ap- ril 4 with ladies from Bruce- field, Turner's, Egmondville and Ohiseleturst Auxiliaries as gu- ests for 'the evening, Mrs. Robert Elgie in 'charge of the 'worship, opened the meeting with an Easter theme and closed the worship period with prayer. Mrs, Harold Jones took ch- arge of the remainder of the meeting and welcomed' all pres- ent. Mrs, Allan Johnston moved that the minutes be ap- proved without reading, sec- onded by Mrs. John Anderson Mrs. Eldon Jaerott gave the sunshine report. A quartette, Marjorie Turner, Joan Sin- clair, Grant and Kenneth Jones sang "Love Divine, So Great and Wondrous". . Mrs. Edgar McBride ultra- duced the guest speaker for the evening, Miss Iris Castle, Missionary on furlough, from St. Lucia. She gave a very inspiring talk and showed sl- ides of the island and her work with the people. She modelled a dress and a hat worn by the natives of St. Lucia. Mrs. Emerson Kyle thanked Miss Castle and presented her with a gift in appreciation of a Very interesting evening. Mrs. JOhn Cooper thanked all taking part in the meeting and Mrs. Jones closed' the meeting with peayer. A tasty lunch was served in the Sunday school roans, SCRATCH PADS At News-Record 10 for 40c (By Shirley Pierson and Sylvia Fitzsimons) Last Thursday and Friday, six Bayfiekl Girl Guides had the honour of accompanying the Second Goderich Girl Guide Company on a tour of Toronto. They were Barbara Turner, Janice leferner, Ellen Lindsay, Lynda Pierson, Shir- ley Pierson, and Sylvia Fitz- simons. Rising early Thursday morn- ing they drove to join the Sec- ond Guide Company at Gode- rich where they departed on their first trip to Toronto. Even though the day was gloomy the girls' hearts were full of sunshine and happiness, and adventure. After an un- eventful bus ride they reached Malton Airport at noon. This proved to be the first of a number of interesting and educational stops on the tour. They were 'greeted by a tall Mountie who graciously offer- ed to take them through a BOAC Viscount airliner which was waiting to leave for Man- chester that day. The Captain explained to them the compart- ments and equipment of the huge liner, From there they proceeded to the observation tower and gazed wistfully at the various planes taking off for other cities. Each Guide stood there hoping that some day she might be one of the passengers. Soon afterward they reached the most-visited ancient build- ing in Toronto. Needless to say 'it was the famous' Casa Loma. The Guides will never forget this excursion. A pretty young college Student ushered them 'through 'the castle .and related the history of it. As they entered the first room everyone sighed in amazement. It was as if the clock had been turned back 500 years and they were in a castle of a wealthy lord' in Eengland. Charter Lions Recognized at Anniversary Meeting Three Charter members of Clinton Lions Club were recognized at the Club's 25-Year Charter Night banquet in Clinton Legion Hall on Tuesday evening. Judge Frank Fingland, second from the right, who was the club's first presi- dent in 1936, was one of the speakers at the anniversary, at which ten dist- rict Lions Clubs were represented. The three charter members who are still active in the club are .(from the left), A, D, McCartney, treasurer Frank B. Pennebaker; Judge Fingland; and Harold C. Lawson. Mr. Pennebaker has been treasurer for 24 years. (News-Record Photo) BRUCEFIELD $33,000 Highest Price' Ever Paid For Canadian Cow Den Marcos Ortiz of Mexico Cie, INfexieet, has bought a Can- adian IiOlstein butl for $3a,.- 000.00, from a J, Wilcox ands Sons, l3eeton, Ontario. The bull is the twO-yeer-old Rosefe Cation R and the sale price is the highest ever paid in Caree - da for a dairy animal. Baelt in 1918 a Canadian bred Holstein bell was sold at a IJ,S. sale for .$106,000.00 and in 1946 a Holstein' bud). was sold' for $40;000, at Oakville, but the animal died before del- ivery and the purchase price was not paid.