HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-04-06, Page 6SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND S'A'VE ..• GET ABETTER JOB • 41 •,HIRE GOOD HELP •••••.I.• WOW. MOIN•• •••••••••••• •••011.101111r tiaki•MOI. ••11.10. 400.••• 41.11.1. • NIONN/Marristi. Mos. POINNI.= ***00/1/••• Nommali momp••••••• 11•••.•• 111110.M..110 •••••••• 411.1111. Maim amply 010.111• MOM. •00011, .1.001• 41.011.1...amm •••••••• MOP 1•111•111..... •001.11110.1110 REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERK not csver 30 years of age, Business education needs ea. Apply in writing stating name, address and phone num- ber to Box 131, Clinton News- Record, 13-14p AUTOS -FOR SALE CHEVROLET SEDAN CAR; also White enamel range with reservoir, in .good. eorteition, E, Dowson, Kippen, phone Hene Sall 2784-4, 13.4-b ARTICLES FOR SALE Clearing AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay and Groin at Lot 26, Maitland Con., CQlbourne Township, 3 miles north of Holmesville or I mile east and 2 miles south of Benn-eller, on TUESDAY, APRIL 11 at '12 o'clock sharp Cattle; 12 Holstein cows fresh; 9 Holstein cows due in April and May; 1 Jersey cow clue in May; 5 Holstein open heifers; 10 sroung calves; 5 steers rising 2 yeans old; 10 steers and heifers rising 1 year old, Pigs: 16 York chunks, 125 lbs. Machinery : International 460 deisel tractor, 2 years old, equipped with pulley and snap tack loader; W-9 International tractor recently overhauled, with good rubber (terms can be arranged on tractors); Inter- natioral 7 ft. PTO combine 5- years old, equipped with flax rolls and pickup attachments; International thresher 28-46 on rubber, equipped with straw straw shredder, in good condi- tion. International semi-mount- ed mower; New Idea side de- livery rake; New Idea manure spreader, 2-years old; John Deere 3-furrow plow; Robey cultivator with new feet; 16 plate tractor disc; 5 section har- rows. International hammer mill with four screens; 28 ft. Smoker bale elevator; Cobey wagon with good rubber and 16 ft. bay rack; New Holland hay baler; 1 extra 16 ft. hay rack; port bole auger; new Homelite chain saw 26" bar; super zip grain auger; Surge milker with 2 single units; also 2 Ubler single units; 11 8-gal. milk cans; 1942 International 1-ton truck; 1950 GMC 1/2 -ton pickup truck with rack and good tires; elec- tric motors; electric fencer; self feeder for pigs and a num- ber of steel pig troughs; 200 to 300 bales of mixed hay; quantity of Rodney seed oats; poultry equipment, including heat bulb brooder; chains, shov- els, forks; quantity of hemlock lumber, 2 x 4-2 x 8, TERMS: CASH No Reserve—Farm Sold Prop., JOHN DUNBAR Auct., HAROLD JACKSON Clerk, GEORGE POWELL 14b AUCTION SALE Dispersal Auction Sale of Hal,. stelt, Cattle, Dairy Equipment, Machinery and 50 acre Farm. South half -of lot 21, con. 11, Hullett Township, 1 mile east Of Londesboro, on MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 1 p.m. Cattle: 10 young registered Holstein cows fresh; 11 grade Holstein caws fresh and due to freshen in April and May; 5 registered Holstein heifer calves, Machinery: Farmall M Mc- Cormick Deering tractor recent,. ly reconditioned, with manure loader and scuffler; Massey,. Harris 15 disk power drill (good); Oliver Clipper com- bine No. 15 in good condition; wagon; flat rack; grain box; steel water trough; set scales. Dairy Equipment; 8 can spray milk cooler in A-1. condition; 2 unit Surge milking machine, complete, 1 year old; pail wat- er heater (new). Farm: At same place, 3 p.m. the 50 acre farm will be offered for sale. Clay loam land, 43 acres workable, barn 34 x 56 with all new stabling. TERMS: property 10% down, balance in 30 clays, sold subject to reserve bid; chattels cash. Prop., JOHN S. MILLER Auct., HAROLD JACKSON Clerk, GEORGE POWELL Sale held under cover. 14-b Page 6---Clinton News-Record—Thursday4 April 6, 1961 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT 9 - ROOM BRICK HOUSE — for sale in Hensall, bath and furnace, immediate posses- sion, phone Hensall 71J. ltfb 7 ROOM HOUSE Ontario Street, ,asbestos siding, 3-piece bath upstairs and 2-piece dawn- etairs. Oil heated. Insulated. One block from intersection. HU 2.9563. 14p DUPLEX consisting of 2 bed- room apartments with front and rear entrances, rented for $110 a month. A good investment or a cheap place to live for the owner. Phone HU 2-3844, 13p WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat new, clear $191.20 (regular $279,00). Phone HU 2-3425. 13-14p CLEAN, FURNISHED 3-room apartment, in modern home, washing facilities in basement, heated by oil furnace, Phone HU 2-9634 or 9479. 9tfb AWNINGS Boat covers and tarpaulins. Ken Ferguson, phone Bayfield 11. 13-4-5-6-7p 2 APARTMENTS, selr-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 4Qtfb SELF-CONTAINED apartment one bedroom, gas heated. Phone HU 2-9928. i3tfb 1—'55 FORD Custom Sedan car, radio and heater, in A-1 condition; also Leedy and Luds wig side drum, will sell reason- able For further particulars call Doug Mann HU 2-9552, evenings, or Hensall days. 146 HELP WANTED MALE GREAT LAKES Mobile Home, 1961 model, new 4 months ago, size 50' x10'. Easy terms, Save at least $1,200, Phone 348-8021, Mitchell, 12-3-4b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE adjoin- ing village of Auburn, bath- room, hot and cold water, built- in cupboards, available mediately. Phone 526-7581, Au- burn 13-4-5p APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath, furnished, frig, arid heavy duty range. Gas heated. Phone HU 2-9390. 1.4p SPLENDID RAWLEIGH bus- iness available in part of Huron County, Products well known. Opportunity unlimited for big sales and big profits. Start your business on credit without experience. Write today for full information. Rawleigh's Dept. D-169-224, 4005 Riche- lieu, Montreal. 14b CUSTOM WORK MAPLE SYRUP—Several gal - lone of good quality maple syrup. Please leave orders with Mrs. Norman Holland, phone HU 2-7084, Clinton. 14b SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen With special care, Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054, Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb GARDEN PLOWING and cul- tivating, ashes removal. Phone HU 2-9763, 14p „ se_ FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware, 2tfb 3 ROOM, heated, furnished apartment, central location, heavy duty wiring, private bath- room and laundry room. Avail- able now. 46 Princess Street West, phone HU 2-9005. 14b ONE BEDROOM APART- meet, furnitthed, heated, avail- able April 15, phone HU 2-7227, 13tfb 7 ROOM 11/2 storey frame house for sale or rent, 3-piece bath, furnace, garage, in good location on double lot. Priced reasonable with terms. Posses- sion May 1, 1961, Phone HU 2- 7440, James E. Johnston, RR 4, Clinton. 14-15p HEATED APARTMENT, living room, kitchen, one bedroom and bath. Available now. Apply MeEvvan's Store. (itfb HEATED APARTMENT in village of Brucefield, 2 bed- rooms, livingroom, kitchen, 3- piece bath, 3 clothes closets, continuous hot water, Apply Ross Scott, phone Clinton HU 2-3257 or Seaforth 641W1. 14b DUPLEX, upper and lower apartments, 63 Rattenbury St, Self-contained, private entranc- es, automatic gas heating, 4 rooms and bath each, extra large living rooms, use of clos- ed-in verandah and basement, spacious grounds and parking, central location, garden if de- sired Rent very reasonable, Both apartments available im- mediately. Box 6. Clinton News- Record. 14tfb MONEY TO LOAN DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb WELDING—Repairs, Ornamen- tal Railings, Flower Stands, John Hamilton, 293 Albert St- reet, Clinton. 38tfb .... „ _ SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Mode;'n equipment used, all work guaranteed, write or ph- one- Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 w 6 Brussels. 10 - 35p MORTGAGE LOANS Funds available on suitable farms, homes, stores, apartments, hotels, motels. Pleasant court- eous service. For information write, phone, or drop in. UNITED COUNTY INVESTMENTS LTD. 3645 Bathurst St., Toronto 19, Ont. RU. 9-2125 11-2-3.4-b APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, liv- ing room; easily heated. Apply to H. C. Lawson, phone HU 2- 9644, 11tfb NEWLY DECORATED 3 room apartment, furnished and heat- ed, private bath, available now. Phone HU 2-3329. 14-5p 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, modern conveniences, vacant May 1, Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. 14-15b 2 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, one block from post office on King Street. Available now. Phone HU 2- 3491. 146 RESTAURANT FOR LEASE Highway 4 and 83 Exeter Known as Armstrong's. Oper- ating since 1949. Banquets, wed- dings, clubs, etc. Unlimited opportunities: Lounge, Motel, Drive-in Restaurant. Apply to owner: Ward Fritz, phone 548, Exeter. 12-3-4p ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb COME INTO WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC and ask for a dem- onstration of the famous Mc- CULLOCE Chain Saws. We'll be glad to advise you of the model for your part icular need. 40tib BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard TUCKERSMITH Muni cip al G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent Dump will be open until fur- for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- ther notice every Wednesday 6692 for appointment, High and Saturday afternoons from Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd 1 to 5 p.m. Cora Chesney, Clerk. Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 14tfb 9572. lltfb MigoloMIUMPOOti.or-fasdamAce..,.. _ AIR COMPRESSOR EQUIP- mere with jack hammer, mud spade and drill. Floor sanding, Cale Doucette builder. Phone HU 2-3348. NOTICE rimill....mmillmoompilammumtanianioRsinsaliMirernmatisa• TRAILER, 8 x 41 ft„ fully fur- nished, reason for selling post- ed overseas, will accept any reasonable offer, Apply at Trailer No, 3,. RCAF Trailer Court, opposite RCAF PMQ's. 14p 14b ACCOMPA DATION MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes, single or three phase. Reasonable prices, Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 35tfb WANTED HOUSE, modern conveniences, unfurnished, 4 bedrooms, 11/4 miles west of Kippen, Apply Harold Jones, phone Hensall 671 r 21. 14b ¢,./Cias,"..1.000..17 ,......5.1.3..satactiateraseettestigienteahrao.d. - , Ranch Type 4 bedroom dwel- ling, with living room and din- ing space, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, forced hot air gas furnace, full basement, dwell- ing 40' x 24', lot 132' x 132'. Down payment $3,500, balance on monthly payments. Early possession, Ranch type one storey brick, 3 bedrooms, living room, mo- dern kitchen with built-in oven and stove, dining space, 4-pc. bath, oil heating, double garage. Located near schools. Early possession. 11/2 storey 3 bedroom dwel- ling, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 3-piece hath, oil heating, 2 sun porches, attached garage, lot 80 x 132, excellent condition, early pos- sesston. 1 storey 4-bedroom dwelling. Living room, dining room, kit- chen, 3-pc. bath, hot water heat- ing with oil, well located, early possession. Eleco Cireahor5 All persons having claims against the estate of OLEVA SNOWDEN, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Hu- eon, Widow, who died on or about the 26th day of Febru- ary, 1961, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of April, 1961, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 28th day of March, 1961. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 13-4-5-b WANTED TO RENT—summer cottage on Bayfield beach for July and August. Apply Box 142, Clinton News-Record. 14b HEATKITS, 1-5 inch (Extra Duty) Oscilloscope, Model 0-12; 1—RF Signal. Generator, Model, SG-8; 1—C.R. Bridge and Sig- nal Tracer, Model 76, Contact W. Neizen, Box 61, Blyth, Ont, 14-5p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated, with large frig., all conveniences, immedi- ate possession, 73 East Street. Phone HU 2-9536. 12-tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 2.00 p.m. Government inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full range of materials. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414, Clinton 8tfb A SUMMER COTTAGE in Bayfield or Goderich district from July 1 to July 15. Phone HU 2-9487. 14p TYPEWRITER, portable, Im- ported Optima. 88 character keyboard, silent carriage re- turn, solid construction, keyset tabulator. Only $89.95, Clinton News-Record, 56 Albert Street, Clinton. 14b SELF-CONTAINED, on ground floor, 3 furnished rooms, heat- ed by gas furnace, all conven- iences, centrally located. Phone HU 2-9581. 14p ARTICLES FOR SALE BE THE MASTER OF YOUR finances. Join Clinton Com- munity Credit Union. 14b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2 - BEDROOM COTTAGE, in Clinton, unfurnished, available May 1. Apply Mrs. Leo Steph- enson, phone 371, Seaforth, aft- er 6 p.m. 14p Carefree Heating — Champion Fuel Oil, Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son, 3Stfb FILE CABINET LICENSED WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT STORES. Coin- oprated. Modest investment. We finance up to 90%. Compare our complete program and profit more. Write for details. ALD CANADA, LTD. 336 Wellington Road S., London, Ontario. GEneral 3-3171 13-4-5-6-7b ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Seaforth, Ont. 3-drawer, legal size, grey. With follow blocks. Used 3 Months Exactly like New Only $80 On Display at Clinton News-Record 56 Albert Street — Clinton RENT OR LEASE — Office space or store, located on Al- bert Street, possession April 1. Full particulars apply Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 10teb Notice to Creditors In the Estate of DOROTHY VOY AMBLER, late of the City of Pontiac in the State of Michigan, Married Woman, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of April, .A.D 1961, after which date the asset s will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of March, A.D. 1961. C. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 12-3s4b 33-STEP IRON FIRE ESCAPE including landings, reasonable. Call HU 2-9227. 13-4b Phone Clinton HUnter 2-7534 4-ROOM APARTMENT, kit- chenette, 3-piece bath, unfur- nished, heated, located corner of Beech and Whitehead Streets, available now. Phone HU 2- 7016. 51tfb CEDAR POST, CEDAR rails; 4 bulb heat lamp, phone HU 2-3233. 14-5p H. C. LAWSON BABY CARRIAGE, converts to car bed, grey, excellent condi- tion, Phone HU 2-9333. 14b MAPLE SYRUP for sale. Apply Alec Riley, Londesboro, phone Seaforth 756W3, 14p EMPLOYMENT WANTED Quitting Advertising to Save INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Dial HU 2-9644--business HU 2-9787—residence 14b UPPER DUPLEX, unfurnished, one bedroom, oil furnace, gas stove supplied, front and back entrance, garage, nice location on Ontario St. Phone HU 2- 958E 14p Money CARPENTER will do work by contract or by the hour. Call Dave between 5 and 6 p.m., HU 2-9227. 8tfb HOME FREEZERS 41.111MOMM....11.111MIMEL TEACHERS WANTED Chuter Heating and Electric 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, located 2 miles west of Auburn, unfurnished, beauti- ful surroundings, hydro; phone. Apply Joe Hickey, RR 3, Au- burn. 14p .—is like Stopping the Clock to Save Time! APPLICATIONS WILL BE re- ceived 'till April 15th for the position of teacher at SS No. 7, Hullett. Approximately 16 pupils. Apply stating qualifica- tions, salary expected' and name of last inspector to Mrs. Leon- ard Shobbrook, secretary, RR No. 1, Blyth Ontario. 12-13-14b HELP WANTED Choose from: REVCO GILSON RCAF WHIRLPOOL WESTINGHOUSE KELVINATOR ALL IN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY Priced from . • • LADIES WANTED, make up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write Box 7010 Adel- aide Post Office, Toronto, On- tario. 12-3-4-b 45 King Street, Clinton Modern Clare Hecla Convexionaire Gas Room Heaters OIL and GAS FURNACE INSTALLATION Sales and Service Phone HU 2-7652 or HU 2-9519 14p 4 ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, livingroom, dining- room with hardwood floors, kitchen, large bedroom, private bath, heated with gas. Not suit- able for children. Phone HU 2- 9090. 14b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of JOSEPH GEORGE ROBERT GARON, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Dry- cleaner, deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with , the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of April, A.D. 1961, after which date the a ss et s will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of March, A.D. 1961E.. 13. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 12-3-4b MISCELLANEOUS TENDERS WANTED "...",••••••••••••iv. WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb TENDER—To put on approxi- mately 35 square of cedar grain asbestos shingles and paint trim on Holmesville United Church. Material supplied. Job com- pleted by June 30, Tenders in by April 15. Contact Edward Grigg, RR 3, Clinton, Ontario, phone HU 2-7414. 13-4b TRAVEL SERVICE HEATED APARTMENT in village of Brucefield, one bed- room, livingroom, kitchen, 3- piece bath, 3 clothes closets, continuous hot water. Apply Rose Scott, phone Clinton HU 2.3257 or Seaforth 641W1, 14b • ADVERTISING • NEWS • COMMUNITY SERVICE • PRINTING $229.00 T. A. Dutton APPLIANCES FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensel' 696 r 2, collect. 17p-tfb Clinton News-Record 56 Albert Street HU 2-3443 Our Saturday Special BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 Open evenings till 9 p.m. 14-tfb CLINTON GENERAL DELIV- ERY SERVICE. Having taken over the Parcel Delivery Ser- vice from William Edgar, late of Clinton Cab, now Bill's Taxi Service, I will be pleased to serve both old and new customers. LES NICE, phone leU 2-7674. 14-5-6b STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steams ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prenalds arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. 14b From Our Store Only HANDSOME COVER.UPS CHOP SVEY LOAF ARTICLES WANTED Reg. 35c for 29c CASH for your old gold. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton, HU 2-9525. 7tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act, 1950 LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 2 TAKE NOTICE that Huron Fish and Game Conserva- tion Association, a duly incorporated body, corporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, of the Town of Clinton ' in the County of Huron, will make application at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall, 48 Ontario Street North, in the City of Kitohener, in the County of Waterloo on Monday the 1st day of May, 1961, at the hour of 10 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance of a CLUB LICENCE—for the sale and consump- tion of liquor with or without meals. for the following preniises: HURON FISH AND GAME CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION building and premises et Alma Grove, in the Town of Clinton, County of Huron. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds Of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr, R, B. Trott, Q.C. the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is bunker Building, Suite 402, 251 king Street West, Kitchenee, Ontario, at least ten days bcfote the Meeting at which the application is to be heard, DATED at Clinton this 24th day of March, 1961. HURON FISH AND GAME CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION, Alma Grove, Clinton, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY approxi- mately 24" range, heavy duty, in very good condition. Apply Box 141, Clinton News-Record. 14b Our Restaurant is CLOSING SATURDAY NIGHT April 8 for RENOVATIONS . ... and RE-DECORATING Classically Styled Reversible Topcoats , . . checked outer shells with gabardine linings Just right for this weather. Don't throw away good money! When doing your spring house- cleaning rather than discard- leg antique furniture, dishes, glassware, etc., we will pay you good money for them. Write or Phone Ye Olde Countrye Store, Bayfield, phone 74 r 4. 12-3-4-5p TAX RETURNS H. G. Meir Sizes 36 to 42. MO to $21.50 We are sorry to inconvenience our many customers, but we find it necessary to close for a short time in order to provide continued good service in modern surroundings. We expect to be open again about April 20. Until then, we hope you will bear with us. towers N. Main St., Seaforth Telegraphed Anywhere SPORT SHIRTS Do-It-Yourself RENT These Machines oue See our new visual racks of the season's smartest Sport Shirt styles from $3,95 up Delivery of bread and baked goods will continue as usual. Cooke e/ Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 1-land Electric Sender 11. DUo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-t Ilartliiis Bakery HU 2-9727 Limited CLINTOk Bakery and Restoorient Pickett & Campbell Limited FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 14.15b