HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-03-30, Page 3Will Live in United States MR. and MRS. EMERY SAMUEL BAGGS, were mar- ried on Friday afternoon, March 17, by the Rev. D. J. Lane in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton. The bride is Mildred MacKelcian, daugh- ter of Mrs. Margaret Farquhar, Clinton, and the late Edward Farquhar, Her husband is the son of Captain and Mrs. Nathan 'L. Boggs, Dartmouth, N.S. After a wedding trip to Nova Scotia the couple will make their home in south-western United States. (Photo by R. J. Nephew) Bulletin from the Library I f` VAnn: ,,,,,waka Remember the Local Chairman Red Crass Canvasser that calls on you is Clinton, Ontario a Volunteer. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CA-NVASS Through him you help APRIL 4 to 8 yourself and help sines 1909. Others. Town and Country A. J. McMURRAY 1, The Canadian Red Cross has been serving Canada and the world ‘01.0.110MMMONMEr For The Best In WATCH and JEWELLERY REPAIRS See ANSTETT JEWELLERS ALL WORK GUARANTEED also Clock Repairt Pearls Rettruno 8ngravirtq Electric Shaver itepairs 12-tfh Quality Economy PAINT ROLLER KIT REG...1.39 To Introduce New Designs in CORNING WARE We have an exceptional special on a 32-oz. Saucepan with Clear Cover Reg. $4.95 Special Price .... $3.88 See other Corning Ware Items on Display in our store. A good quality Paint Roller Set with sturdy metal tray and niff Mohair Roller, May be used with any paint or enamel. BUY NOW AND SAVE Ball & Mutch IHA HARDWARE 69 ALBERT STREET HU 2-9505 114.1.1••••••••••••n ••••••••••••• 20 0 DISCOUNT DISCONTINUED PA n TTERNPATTERN of WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM WARE ITEMS INCLUDE: Preserving Kettles Tea Kettles Coffee Percolators Double Boilers Sauce Pans Fry Pans All Articles on Display In Hardware Window BANK OF MONTREAL 9(.44 6144 BRITISH ISRAEL The Bible's National Message We believe that the Celto-Saxon peoples are the descendants of God's servant race and nation. Israel: that our ancient Throne is the continuation of the Throne of David; and, in view of present world conditions, that a general recognition of this identity AND its implications is a matter of vital and urgent importance, WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT iT For Your Copy of Our FREE Booklet "An Introduction to the British-Israel Evangel" Write to the Secretary CANADIAN BRITISH-ISRAEL ASSOCIATION In Ontario P.O. Box 744, Station B, Ottawa, Ont. 'MY DANK' 10 2 AMON GRAMS Clinton Local T. PRYDE CLINTON , Open Every PHONE At other Representative—Tom EXETER HU times Memorial and SON , SEAPORTH Afternoon 2-9421 contact Steep—HU Shop 2-38 69 24tfli Goderich NOW — color — also Meet "Journey PARK Debra Russia's Paget in To most Your Neighbour A THEATRE famous At Lost City" "CIRCUS The JA 4-7$11 STARS" MON., TUES., WED. — Double Bill BOB HOPE and RHONDA FLEIVIING In which Hope joshes the story of a notorious gunslinger. "ALIAS .JESSE JAMES" ^, Technicolor — Don't miss the true -life adventure drama "DESERT FURY" Technicolor Adult Entertainment THUR., FRI., SAT. STEVE REEVES, PRIMO CARNERA, SYLVIA KOCSINA Bring to "HERCULES life the tale of e mythical UNCHAINED/ strongman. f In 'Scope and Technicolor Coming — "THE SUNDOWNERS" In Color with Deborah Kerr 411111111111I 4111.1111111111111.1114111MUMEW i , The man from Mutual Life Leader of the youth group, head of his house — that's the man from Mutual Life. He takes a keen interest in civic affairs and lends a helping hand to his neighbours. As a family man he's aware of budgets, babies and bicycles. At work he's an expert — a life insurance counsellor. A valued friend. THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO. ONTARIO An outstanding record of high dividends Rep resentative: H. C. LAWSON Clinton, Ontario Phones: Bus. HU 2-9644 ' Res. HU 2-9787 VARNA (PorrosPoutleilt, Prod linenlYntotit Phone 141U-2-3214) WA Meets The Varna United Churche Woman's Association met in the church basement Weeneee day, March 22, 1VIra, Clarke was in charge of the devotional per- assisted by Mrs. Watson Webster, Mrs, Fred MeCne Mont and Miss Racheel John- eiton. Twenty two members arise leered roll call by handing in a towel for the .eleirch kitch- en. A thank _card was read from .Mrs. Mervyn Hayter. It was deckled. to entertain Dayfield and Ontario Street, Clinton ladies on April 19. Other matters of business were discpssed and the meeting closed with the WA prayer. Lunen was served ' by the sales committee. 0 TUCKEUSMITH LAMES TO MEET Argil* 5 The Tuekersmitii Ladies Cites will hold their April meeting on Wednesday afternoon, April - 5 at the borne of Mrs. Alice Lawson. Roil call is to be an- swered by an exchange of flower slips and bulbs. Throw Out Your Old Shoes; Buy New for Spring It is time to look your shoe wardrobe over, Check your old shoes far repairs and take those that need fixing to the shoe maker. Throw out your worn shoes as well as those that are too small for you. Get set with some of the lovely new flats and little heels that are being shown for spr- ing. For school a pair of "cow- boy heeled" lace flats are a ust. They come in hundred's of delightful variations. Dates call for some of the etty jet heeled pumps now enable in two heights — 1 inch and 1% inch. Buy some of your new shoes in the de- lightful spring colours such as mauve, spindrift green and watermelon pink. CANADA'S ONLY SHORT HEEL FASHION STORES HI-STYLE FLATS 1" and 1V4 Reef Style Pumps. (JET HEELS) 7.99 to 12.95 (sizrs) 4 to 11 Write For. .0dr. Catalogue or Visit Us SHOES LTD. UPTOWN: 3095 BATHURST ST. DOWNTOWN: 470 YONGE ST. TORONTO ONT. (By Miss Short Of The Glory E. M. Granger-Bennett There have been quantities of novels written with various historical settings. "Short of the Glory" is one of the latest to show that Canadian hist- ory has plenty of events and facts around which readable novels can be written. In this latest novel by E. M. Granger-Bennett, we follow the fortunes and misfortunes of a young New England girl, Abigail Davis, daughter of a Puritan minister. While the father is away from home Ab- igail and small Susie are cap- tured by the Indians, separated but both taken to Montreal. Dominating Abigail's thoughts is the conviction that she 'beg failed in 'the trust of her par- ents to look after the little sister. Susie is so different in her ways, being all curls and The addresses on each letter and parcel should show • the full name of the person who is to got it. n the correct apart- ment number, street address, rural route number or post office box number. n city, town or vil- lage, and postal zonentenberwhere necessary. II your name and complete return address in the upper left-hand corner. A correct postal address speeds accurate delivery. p0.60.inc E. Hall) dimples, the kind that will al- ways land on their feet and have the way made smooth and easy for them. Abigail is fortunate in that de Vercheres pays the ransom for her and she works in his household until she enters the household of the Intendant, whose wife has taken a fancy to the strange, stern young English girl. Innowing that she should be utterly grateful for security from the Indians, Ab- igail is reluctant to accept any of the overtures of friendship offered by any of the French people whom she meets. The one to come closest to her, outside her mistress, is Gene- vieve Damours who is near her age. She has an older brother, Julien, who is a real Canadian, proficient in handling himself ini the forests and -in canoes on the inland waterways. Abi- gail distrusts Julien as she fears that he has too much to do with the incidents where- by the Indians are encouraged to ravage the English commun- ities. The main ambition of Julien and some of his friends is to travel the Waterways westward, along the route tak- en by LaSalle, to build forts and open up the area with Feench settlements. Fronterrac returns to Quebec as Gover- nor and directs the affairs of the colony in his awn arrogant way. "Short of the Glory" is a dramatic novel of the years' a- round 1690 when the French and English were alternating in the struggle for supremacy along the eastern seaboard of Frederick W. Black Frederick W. Black, son of the late Wallace Black, and Mrs. •George 'Turnbull of Blue- vale, died suddenly in Owen Sound, Thursday. He was 39. Born in West Wawanosh Township near Dungannon, he had lived in Goderich prior to going to Owen Sound 18 years ago. Surviving are his mother, one son, Raymond; two brothers, Newton, Sarnia and Reginald, Port Colborne; three sisters', Mrs. Harry (Luella) Hamilton, Gratin Bend; Mrs. Lloyd (Marj- orie) Carter, Clinton, and Mrs. Gerald (Buelah) Lassaline, Goderich. Service from the Lodge fun- eral home, Goderich, Monday ,altertnoon, March 27 by the Rev, G. L. Royal, Knox Pres- byterian Church. Burial in Colborne Cemetery. Mrs. George H. Barr (Auburn Correspondent) Mrs. George H, Barr died it Serving in so many ways The Red Cross Looks to You 'The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on your generosity. Your dollars provide and carry on the essential Red Cross services and programmes in your community. This year—think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you and your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your means. A generous donation will do so much for so many In 1961. Red Cross Needs Your Help Now Portraits Cotrittlerdlial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 km= St. HU 2-7006 the Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, March 21, in her 77th year. She was the former Marg- aret Ellen Webster, end was born in Hullett Township, a daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Webster. Her husband died in 1940. Of late years' she had made her home with her nephew Harry Webster, on the Mait- land block of Hullett Town- ship. She was a member of the Auburn Baptist Church. Funeral service was on Fri- day at 'the Arthur funeral home, Auburn, with interment inn Blyth Union Cemetery by Johh Agulian, Clinton. Pall-bearers were Guy Cun- ningham, Fred Wagner, John Armstrong, Jack Lee, Stanley Bell, and Bert Shobbrook.. Mild Stimulus of Nation's Economy Predicted by Bank Even if no "dynamic expan- sion" is indicated, capital ex- penditure now forecast for 1961 can be expected to provide a "mild 'stimulus" to the nation's economy, according to the Bank of Montreal's Business Review for March, just issued. This year's capital expendi- ture is now officially forecast at $8,336 million, or $136 mil- lion more than in 1960, and in view of the slowdown in bus- iness which began last year the level can be considered "a source of some encourage- ment," the bank says. "In: a year in which uncer- tainty regarding the business outlook has persisted' through- out the first three months, publication of the official sur- vey of capital expenditure plans for the year as 'a whole is of more than usual interest, for it brings into the picture an indication of prospective de- mands on a large and import- ant sector of the economy," the B of M review states. The forecast represents the total planned expenditures of some 18,000 business concerns as well as institutions and government bodies. North America. In Abigail Davis we see the conflict of a strong character, who is de- termined to keep her own en- tity, although among an alien race and creed. Today's children can look forward to keeping their own natural teeth as long as they live — if they and their per- eves want to plan it. Dentists know how to pre- vent rnest decay and other den- tal diseases that cause tooth loss, But the dentist eati't do it alone; his patient has to. co-operate with' the help of the parents, taking responsibility for home care.. There's the matter of diet. The foods one should eat fur general health are adequate for dental health too. But of equal importance are the foods one should not eat, These foods are the ones containing excessive amounts of sugar. Canadians consume ten times es much, sugar per per- son as their greet-grandfathers did. at least three times as much as they need for energy requirements. This sugar is used as food by acid-producing bacteria in the mouth. The acid produced attacks the enamel of the teeth. Eventually it eats a small hole in the enamel, the beginning of decay. Substitution of fresh fruits and vegetables for many sugar containing foods, especially be- tween-meal snacks, has three advantages: Such faints are better for general health. Eat- ing less sugar causes a reduc- tion in the number of acid- producing bacteria in the mouth. Many fruits and vege- tables act as natural tooth- brushes. Brushing after each meal. and between-meal snacks is im- portant, too. This removes food Keep Your Own Teeth-Plan Can Come True WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums of Choice Design. s COMPLETE 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC aoter4 4-03,4% that otherwise might be lodged in crevices between the teeth, When a toothbrush isn't bandy, its a good idea to rinse one's mouth thorough- ly with water. Regular periodic visits to the dentist, who can discover early signs of dental disease and treat small defects promptly, will prevent serious trouble later. Clinton area water supply has the ideal amount Of fluor- Thurs., March 30, 1961 Clinton News-Record Notliing Old flat about our house this spring! I' Bright and shiny, like a new spring bonnet — that's how our house looks these days. We've had it "done" all over and now the Joneses are keeping up with us. The cost? Well — much less than you'd think. We financed the "works" with a B of M Home Improvement Loan. ,What's how you can get your home improvements done at lower cost. Talk to the people at your neighbourhood B of M branch soon — they'll be glad to tell you all about it. Page 3 ide naturally contained,, Fluoridated water (on where that is not available, fluoride treatments), is one of the most important means of preventing decay. With that as a basis and remembering the import- ance of diet, brushing and regi tiler visits to 't'he dentist, a child, except in rare instances, can build healthy teeth that will remain in his mouth eie long as he lives, Teeth were intended 'to be yours to keep! Clinton and District Obituaries