HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-03-23, Page 1ews
No. Home .paper with the News
$3.00 Per Year--10c Per Copy-12 Pages
01;bt tt
(By W, D. Pd
01BISHMAlaT" L. ]l, O'CARP'-
iff helped with festivities! at
the breakfast ,served to 2OO
delegates, at the Progressive
Conservative convention in Ot-
ItaWa on March 1-7 . He and
Finance Minister O'Fleguang
and Trade lVfinieter Cealees,
deemed • Gay green Irish hats
and; led in, a rousing eet of Ir-
Ash songs . . .
• *
your tempers „ , maybe even
consider some wage increases
„ . else you'll find your sec-
retaries (male er female)
beating a path to the new
Bank of Montreal Branch
The employees are really go-
ing to have a nice place to
work . , a full kitchen and
dinette euite for coffee breaks
. . . rest room with bright up-
holstered furniture , . spac-
ious washrooms and cloak-
rooms . . . and of course, the
lovely - place to work above
stairs, too , .
* *
taker of the lovely new build-
ing „ Joe has recently re-
tired from similar work at
Station Clinton, so the new pl-
ace will be in experienekl
hands . . .
Community Project
Sportswear for Leisure Hours
Showing the latest suggestions for holiday wear are three of the models at the
Kinette fashion show last week. Young Patti Kay is watching the older girls
get ready for the call "On Stage". From the left they are Margaret Jean
Addison, Marian Turner and Janet Sjaarda. (News-Record Photo)
inette Fashion Show Has
Interested Local Audience
Another Service for News.Record Readers
This electronic engraving machine was installed Monday in the News-kecord
office to help provide readers of the home paper with more local pictures
faster. This photo was made at 5 p.m. Wednesday, with available light on
Polaroid's new ten-second film, then enlarged automatically on the Illustrator
engraver to almost double the original print size. News photos in this issue
were engraved on the new , machine. ,5 xamining one of the prints is Murray
Mc5wan, left, who is the News-Record "expert" on engraving and H. C. "Hank"
Dirkeni sales and service engineer with Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp-
oration of Canada Ltd,„ from whom the Illustrator is leased,
(News-Record Photo)
• * *
and his helper, will have cause
:to remember the 'vault in the
new bank for some time ,
They had been fixing a leak in
the plumbing and while invest-
igating the vault they pulled
the barred gate Shut . , It
locked . . "By using a jack
knife broken off, to form a
screw-driver . . . they were
able to unscrew four screws,
and let themselves out . . .
about 90 minutes later .
* * *
Monday, and weather just 'a-
bout as pretty as could be . . .
That poet who 'wrote about
"Oh to be in England', now
that April's here" . . . just
hadn't seen Ontario in the lat-
ter days of March . . .
* *
ing and ho-ing on Monday the
male staff of the News-Record
hoisted a new engraving mach-
ine into the small. ream up-
stairs where operator Art Lev-
ett used to splice and re-wind
films for the Roxy theatre ..
Pictures this week have been
engraved on this machine . . .
Installation of the Scan-a-gra-
ver will permit more and eas-
ier use of pictures in the pages
of the home paper we expect.
* * *
Christmas trees still installed
. . . They look all right, too,
at either side of the entrance
to the Parker House Motel of-
fice ... Not complaining —
just recording . . .
The Week's Weather
1961 1960
High Low High Low
of the show were decorations,
Mrs. K. Clynick, Mrs. P. Br-
own, Mrs. K, Scott; publicity,
Mrs. D. Kay, Mrs. C. Denomme;
posters, Mrs. P. Hardly, Mrs.
B. Abbott, Mrs. K. Stafford;
tickets, Mrs. M. Edgar, Mrs.
W. Chowen; tables, Mrs. F.
Cook, Mrs. D. Epps, Mrs. J.
Merner; lunch, Mrs K. W. Col-
quhoun, Mrs. D. C. Colquhoun,
Mrs. C. Proctor; draw prizes,
Mrs. W, Chowen, Mrs R, M.
Colquhoun; reception; Mrs. M.
Edgar, Mrs. D. Epps; program,
Mrs. 3. Clegg, Mrs. A. Peter-son.
Onethe-spot action by Roy
Wheeler and Danny :Colquhoun
saved the show from disaster
when the sound system in the
auditorium failed to work. A
quick trip to Merrill's TV
Service brought an emergency
public address system into op-
eration and the "Show Went
Especial appreciation was felt
by the Kinette Club toward Alf
Crozier who installed the light-
ing on the ramp, and to Law-
rence Denomme, caretaker of
the school for his help.
Draw prizes donated by mer-
chants in town were: lady's
sweater, Lee's, won by Mrs.
G. H. Smith, RCAF Station
Clinton; wallet, Alkena, Miss
Beth Cudmore; flower arrange-
ment, Sutter-Perdue, Nancy
Gibbings; cash, J. W. Counter
Builders Supply, Phyllis Wise;
eggs, C. J. Livermore, Mrs. Carl
Earring set, Counter's Jewel-
lery, Jean Radford; canned
ham, Irwin and Colson meats,
Billie Stewart; canned ham,
Fitzsimons Food Fair, Mrs. Wil-
liam Harris, Bayfield; towel set,
Steadman's, Mrs. Cecil Dow-
son, Varna; boy's shirts, Her-
Man% Men's Wear, Mrs. Edith
Vickerman and Lois Armstrong,
both of Exeter.
Desk pad and pens, 13eattie's,
Mre. Wallace; light bulbs, Clin-
ton Electrie, Mrs. W. Reid,
Varna; hair spray, Charles
House of Beauty, Mrs. E. B.
Menzies; suit cleaned, Gliddon
Cleaners, Mrs. 3, A. Sutter;
sliding cup melt, Ball-Macaulay,
Mrs, A. G. Grigg,
Steak dinners, Ruby and
Bill's, Alex Reddy; cat lubri-
eatien, 3. and T Murphy, Mrs.
Harry Schellenberger; bouquets
K. C. Cooke, Mrs. K. Pickett,
Mrs. Fred McGregor, Brute-
field; halt brush, Verna's
beauty salon, Mrs. Alvin Sharp.;
battery lantern; Epps Sport
Shop, Una Harold INIePhersele
Novelty' dish; Aiming's mni-
ported Food% Mrs. lloWard
Cowan; theeelate egg, Bart-
(tenanted en page 12)
Results of 1961
Winter Exams
In the Ballet
• Following are the successful
candidates' la 'the winter ballet
exanniteations eonducted by the
Western Ontario Conservatory
•ofeguaie for pupils of Mrs. B.
Names are ie order of merit
and the gradings are as fol-
lows; first aloes honours; 80-
100; honours, 70-79; pass, 60-
Grade Five
First class honours, Penny
Bateman, Janis Galbraith (egue•
al); Joy Graham; Paula Hend-
erson; Theresa Zablocki; Gal
Honours: Connie Beck.
Grade Four
First class honours: Corilli
Grade Two
First class honours: Nina
Grade One
First class honours: Nina
McDonald; Isabel Dumayne,
Kathryn Jones (equal); Krys-
tal Farley, Linda Lavis (equ-
al); Denise Currie; Monica
Haspeck, Darlene Shorey (equ-
al); Susie Palmer; Carol Ann
Crockett; Peggy Bartliff.
Honours: Florence Margaret
First class honours: Shirley
Petersen; Susan Margaret Orr;
Lynda Allin, Twyla Marie Arn-
sten (equal); Laura MacDon-
ald; Wendiy Bird, Nancy Naven
(equal); Janet Lee •Arnston,
Norma Naven (equal),
Honours: Joan Slater; Wen-
dy Hynes.
First class honours: Kathryn
Margaret Michalski; Patricia
Evelyn Lebedovich; Nancy Jill
Fairbairn, Cathy Ann McInnis
(equal); Linda Joan McLaren;
Theresa Peterson; Lynn West-
haver; Sharon Ansell, Patricia
Lynne Gibbings (equal).
Honours: Pamela Fairbairn;
Deanna Lee Wade.
Pass: „Penny Ranger; Chris-
thin Margaret Patterson.
Bandmaster Has
Welcome For
More Musicians
The Editor,
Clinton News-Record
The Clinton Band has gain-
ed, a new and accomplished
adult baritone horn player
(formertly a anember of the
Fort William Girls Band) who
also has had some experience
on tenor saxaphone and trom-
As I have said before there
are still a number of available
adult musicians around town,
camp and district. To all you
guys and gals who play trom-
bone, trumpet, saxaphone, cl-
arinet, bass and percussion hie
struments, let's get on the Cl-
inton Concert COMMUNITY
Also, any girls and boys wh-
ether inexperienced musicians
or who are willing to learn are
always a welcome addition.
Practices are held err Tues-
day evenings at the Legion Hall
sharp at 7.45, Now that exams
are over practice resumes on
Tuesday, March 28 and a. full
attendance is requested to start
rehearsals for a May 28 con-
George Wonch
March 22, 1981
Clinton, Ontario
Goderich Spell Bee
There is to be a spelling
bee at the next meeting of the
Goderich Home and School As-
sociation, Tuesday, March 28
at 8 p.m. at Victoria School.
Six schools in Huron County
are competing against each
other for awards donated by
business firms in Goderich.
'The guest speaker will be
Alfred Gamble, secondary sch-
ools inspector and a specialist
in technical education, who will
speak on Vocational schools and
the need of them.
To Staff College
It was ,announced yesterday
by Air Force Heedquarters
that Squadron Leader V. S.
Lebedovich and riL It L.
Janes have been' seletted to
attend the RCAF staff college
Tororito this fall, S/L Lehada-
Vich tins been at RCAF Ste-
mien. Clinton for two and a half
years where he has been in
charge of the Officer training.
FYI, Jones has lust coroplet-
ect five years at Station Clin-
ton as senior supply officer,
Rev, Clifford G. Park, min-
ister of Byron United Church
for the past seven years, has
accepted a call to Wesley-
willis-Hohnesville United Ch-
The move takes effect at
June 30. Mr. Park spent eight
years as minister of Victoria.
Avenue United Church, Chat-
ham prior to moving to Byron.
He spent seven years at Whit-
by prior to 'taking the Chat-
ham charge.
Mr. Park will replace Rev.
Edgar Routston, (retired) who
has been supplying at Wesley-
Willis - Holznesville since
September when the former
minister, Rev. J. A. McKim,
left to take an educational post
in St. John's Nfld'.
Mrs. Charles A. Inder, wife
of the rector Of St. Paul's An-
glican Church was signally
honoured on Tuesday •after-
noon, when she received a
Life Membership in the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of the Diocese
of Huron,
Following a brief service Mrs.
Fred Hudie, president of St.
Paul's WA presented a certif-
icate, and Mrs. Lillian Mac-
Kinnon Pinned on the Life
Membership badge.
Mrs. Inder is in her second
year as president of the WA.
The award was made by mem-
Responsible Task For
CDCI Principal
D. John Cochrane, principal
of the Clinton District Collegi-
ate Institute has been appoint-
ed by the Department of Ed-
ucation to be on one of the
selection committees, which
during the Easter vacation
screens teacher applicants wish-
ing to take the next two-year
summer course of training to
become secondary school prin-
During Mr. Park's tenure at
Byron, a new church was con-
structed and dedicated five
years ago and a new Christian
hers of the WA with the con-
currence of the diocesan offic-
ials in recognition of Mrs, In-
der's devoted service on the
local and diocesan level.
Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Tom Heilman, Mrs. Al-
bert Kirby, Mrs. Ted Clark,
Mrs. Eric Switzer, The lovely
cake served, had been inscribed
in icing with the words: Best
Wishes from, the WA.
The Rev. and Mrs. C. S, In-
der and family will leave Cl-
inton in mid-April for Brant-
ford, where Mr. Inder will ser-
ve as rector of the Anglican
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Van-
derbuegh, • 176 Maple Street,
will celebrate ' their Golden
Wedding Anniversary on Sun-
day, April 2. Open House will
be from 1.30 to 5 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs.. James S. Lock-
hart will celebrate their Dia-
mond Wedding Anniversary
With Open House at the home
of their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Row-
den, 97 Joseph Street, on Sat-
urday, March 25 from 2.30 to
5 and from 7 to 9 p.m. NO
gifts please.
J. W. Bushfield
Is Named New
Crown Attorney
J. W. Bushfield, Q.C., of
Wingharre became permanent
Crown Attorney of Huron
County, effective March 15.
Mr. Bushfield has been acting
Crown Attorney since Febru-
ary 16, 1960, after the appoint-
ment of H. Glen Hays as mag-
istrate left the past open. For
many years engaged in practis-
ing law at Wirugham, Mr. Bush-
field' plans to take up residence
inv Goderich in the near future.
education building erected and
dedicated last year. Church
membership has doubled to a
record high of 900 and Sun-
day school enrolment, now 870,
also reached a new peak, The
church now has the largest
United Church ,Sunday school
in Landon with between 500
and 600 attending each Sunday,
Mr. Park is immediate past
President of the London and
district United Church Minis-
terial Association and eh-
airman of the London
conference missionary end,
maintenance committee. Prior
to his present position, he was
chairman of the overseas mis-
grins committee for three
Two years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Park accompanied the Observ-
er tour to Bermuda and Trini-
dad. Mrs. Park has been active
tin WMS, WA and Sunday
School work. Mr. and Mrs.
Park have one daughter, and
'two small grandsons, living in
The congregation of Wesley-
Willis and Holmesville will be
,able to hear their new minis-
ter on the London Conference
radio period, 5.30 to 5.45 pm.
Sunday evening, April to June
over CHLO, St. Thomas.
Reading of Engineer's
Report Heard by Six
For the reading of the Jen-
kins Drain engineer's report by
Clinton Town clerk on Monday,
there were six rate-payers in
attendance. The drain involves
part of Goderich Township, part
of. Hullett Township and part
of the town of Clinton.
About 8595 worth of town
assessment is involved. Tenders
for construction of the drain
will be called about 21 days
from the reading.
McInnis Off OHPA
To Work For
Promoting FAME
At the annual meeting of the
Ontario Hog Producers Assoc-
ietion in Toronto on Tuesday,
Charles W. McInnis, chairman,
Iroquois and Melvin Becker,
Ayr, declined to stand far re-
election to the association's
board. They plan to work for
the establishment of Farmer's
Allied Meat Enterprises in-
Mr. McInnis; called for sup-
port of FAME, which he says
must be "big enough to be the
dominating and controlling far-
ce in the industry."
James Boynton, secretary of
OHPA warped producers not
to depend efIgrely upon the ef-
feet of the deficiency payment
program to stabilize prices, be-
cause "without purchase plans
to smooth out the fluctuations;
prices can range widely, as was
evident 'through 1960.
Decorations in keeping with
a ship-board scene at CDCI
auditorium last Wednesday set
the right atmosphere for the
1961 Kinette Fashion Show
which about 450 women attend-
ed. The affair was convened
by Mrs. Donald Kay, Mrs. Cl-
arence Denomme and Mrs. Pat
The audieace was seated at
tables, where coffee and cook-
ies were served during inter-
mission. Favours at each place
were provided by Stanley's
Red and White, potato chips;
Newcombe's, hair spray and
shampoo; IGA store, catsup;
Canada Packers, salt; Matinee
cigarettes, a fashion booklet;
finger's Restaurant, matches.
Local people were models for
the show, Which was presented
with a running commentary by
Mrs. Frank IVIcEwan and Mrs.
J. A. "Bud" Graham, who were
seated under a wide lawn um-
brella, Mrs. Maitland Edgar,
president, was mistress of cer-
Junior models were John An-
stett, Patti Kay, Brenda and
Debbie Gibbings, Danny Col-
quhoun, Valorie Holland ,an1d
Paul Wheeler. -
Senior models were Miss
Margaret Jean Addison, Mrs.
Kenneth Caldwell; Mrs. Mur-
ray E. Colquhoun; Mrs, J. W.
Counter; Mrs. J. Doditch, Mrs.
G. S. Elliott, Mrs. Donald Epps,
Mrs. Ruth Knox, Mrs. Ernest
Morel, Miss Janet Sjaarda and
Miss Marian Turner.
Styles were from Lee's and
Martin's; jewellery from An-
stett's; stage furniture, Beat-
tie's; luggage, Aiken Bros.;
hair styles by Mrs. Orland'
Johnston and make-up by Mrs.
J. Clegg, representative of
Beauty Councellor,
Committees of the club in
charge of the vadibus parts
March 16 33
17 20
18 34
19 38
20 39
21 39
22 39
Rain: .13 in.
16 27 6
5 34 26
12 35 • 25
27 33 18
20 31 10
28 25 9
29 25 16
Snow: 5 ins.
Minister's Wife Receives Honour
Of WA Life Membership
Junior Models Display Springtime Garb-
Youngsters dressed for the easter parade, are these young models from last
week's Kinette fashion show. Prom the left are Paul Wheeler, Danny Dole
•Colouhoun, John Anstett Debbie Gibbings, Valerie Holland and Patti Kay,
(News-Record Photo)
New Minister Coming
Rev, C. Park From Byron
To Local United Churches