HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-02-14, Page 7Blanket Protection New Winter Blend 2 0 0 X Premium Ingredients at Regular Price RAY'S Sunoco Station Ray Hoggarth, Prop. 11104i> 192 HURON STREET CLINTON HU 2-6661 HU 2-9013 AINM1•1111=1111•1111111111111•1106 14. Speaking French Miss Phyllis Clapperton takes time out from her job as one of Montreal's top fashion models to assist Prof. Jean Paul Vinay on CBC-TV's program, Speaking French. Prof. Vinay, head of the Univer- sity of Montreal's linguistics department, and Miss Clapperton make learning French easy with the aid of graphics, Speaking French, for beginners and advanced students, is seen Saturdays on the CBC-TV network. Clinton and District Obituaries A. R. Mitchell Albert Ritchie Mitchell, 71, Clinton died in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Febru- ary 9 after a shortillness. Born at Westfield, the son of the late Thomas R. and Jeminia Mitchell, he had lived in Clin- ton most of his life and attend- ed Clinton Schools. He recently retired as a trav- elling salesman having been a member of the Commercial Tr- avellers Association for 50 years. He was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, member of Clinton Lodge A.F & A.M. No. 84 and Past Noble Grand of Clinton Lodge IOOF No. 83. He had participated in O.H.A. hockey and also soccer with Clinton teams in earlier years. Survivors include his sister Mrs. Jean I. Kyle, Clinton and brothers G. Archie, Blenheim and Emerson, Windsor. Masonic services were held on Friday evening under the auspices of Clinton Masonic Lodge. Funeral services were Saturday afternoon, February 11 from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Rev. Grant Mills officiating. Burial was in Clin- ton Cemetery. Fred R. Wallis, Sr. Fred R, Wallis, Sr., Pickford, Mich., in his 90th year, and resident of Chippewa County for 71 years, passed away on Saturday, January 21 at the home of his son Erwin at 319 Maple Street in the Sault. He had been ill a week. He was born at Hayfield, Ontario, February 13, 1871, and was a son of the late James Wallis and Eizabeth Banting. He was married in Pickford on July 1, 1896 to the former Elizabeth Brunsdom He was a faithful member of the Pick- ford Methodist Church. Surviving besides his widow are six sons, Percy and Char- les, Rudyard; Otta and Erwin, of the Sault; Fred A., Pick- ford, and Roy, Durand; three daughters, Bertha Hendershot, Alma; Alma Field, Drummond Island, and Anne Belleau of the Sault; two brothers, Herb, D'- Arcy, Sask.; and Walter, Lon- don, Ont.; 31 grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren. The funeral service was con- ducted at the Methodist Church at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24 by the Rev. Clyde Moore, Jr. with burial in the Cottle Ceinetery. Pallbearers were six grandsons, Clayton, Vernon, Robert and Donald Wallis, and John and Fred Belleau. Last year Red Cross nurses at Outpost Hospitals and Nurs- ing Stations attended the births of 1,431 children. George F. Jackson George F. Jackson, 629 E. Home Ave. Flint, Mich., in his 71st year, died Sunday, Febru- ary 5, 1961, at St, Joseph Hos- pital, Flint, Mich. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Febru- ary 8, 1961, from Groves and Company Memorial Chapel, Garland at Third Ave., with Rev. Wesley Dafoe officiating. Burial in Grace Lawn Ceme- tery. Death was due to complica- tions after a lingering illness. He was born in Dudley, Eng- land, April 9, 1889, the son of the late John and Marian Sm- ith Jackson, and had lived in Flint for 40 years, going there from London, Ontario. Mr. Jackson married Gert- rude E. Palmer, (who formerly lived on North Street in Clin- ton), August 10, 1946. Mrs. Jackson's maiden name was Gertrude Glazier. She lived most of her life in the Clinton area. He attended Gran a Methodist Church and was a World War One vet- eran of the Canadian Army. Mr. Jackson was employed for 33 years at the Buick factory, Flint. Surviving are his wife, Gert- rude; three brothers, Charles Jackson, Gus Jackson, and Nor- ton Jackson, all of London, On- tario. Step children; and sever- al grand and great grandchild- ren; nieces and nephews. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Alta Young and her son Vincent Young, Goderich; Mrs. Theo- dore Dale, Clinton; Alvin Coop- er and Harry Wooley, Bruce- field; also from London, Det- roit, New York, Mt. Morris, and Lapeer, Michigan. Last year Red Cross labora- tories conducted 146,073 tests for the Rh factor. This is a free service for expectant mo- thers. Township of Hullett TENDER TENDERS will be received by the Township of Hullett for the Spraying of Cattle for Warble Fly Control within the Munici- pality. All Tenders to be clear- ly marked as to contents and to state the Price Per Head Per Spray, and must be in the Clerk's office by March 4th, 1961. All Persons Tendering for this position must comply with the terms and conditions of the Warble Fly Act. Lowest or any render not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7b Annual Meeting HURON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS Agricultural Board Room, Clinton Wednesday, February 22, at 2 p.m, Guest Speaker: J. D. BAIRD, Production and Marketing Division, Canada Department of Agriculture ROBERT McGREGOR J. C. HEMINGWAY President Secretary How do I save? When it comes to saving here's a trick worth knowing. Avoid writing cheques against your Savings Account. Impossible? Not at all! Open a Personal Chequing Account at the "Royal". Use this account for paying bills. Keep your Savings Account strictly for saving. The bank calls this the 2-Account Plan — a sure-fire way to save. It makes sense. Give it a try.. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The bank with 1,000 front doors Clinton Branch .... 0. L. Engelstad, Manager Goderich Branch „.„... H. G. Spring, Manager ThursOny, Feb. 16, 196i Page I Clinton. Nows-Re r WARBLE FLY PROGRAMME Township of Goderich TENDERS are hereby called for the supplying of 660 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder for the Township of Code- rich for 1961. 300 lbs. to be in 1-lb. bags, and 360 lbs. to be in 15-lb. bags, and to be delivered to the township shed at Holmesville. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by March 3rd. APPLICATIONS are hereby ealled for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of Goderich for the year 1961. Salary has been set at $1.00 per hour and mileage will be paid at 8c per mile. The successful applicant will be expected to attend a School of Instruc- tion for Inspectors and Sprayers. All applications to be marked "Applications" and to be in the Clerk's hands by March 3rd. For further in- formation contact the undersigned. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk, Township of Goderich. 7-8b THE 1960 PONTIAC OUTSOLD ALL COMPETITION IN CANADA. IN HURON COUNTY, PONTIAC OUTSOLD NEAREST COMPETITOR BY BETTER THAN TWO TO ONE! zeopMe"'4 g.;;;;47,:e...;vos ONE-OWNER '60 PONTIACS with 90-Day or 4,000-Mile Warranty '60 Finished in equipped with power brakes, miles by prominent CONVERTIBLE gleaming automatic, radio, PONTIAC London sun driven • tan copper, power steering, only 8,000 executive. miles, Ecnomye radio Tosco new. '60 turquoise, PONTIAC windshield can ul-cyeldindewrithdriavuetnomoantliye STRATO-CHIEF washers, not 2-DOOR be finished told 13,000 dr ive, in from '60 4-Door, radio, windshield power steering, with exceptionally been used STATION equipped commercially. power with low STRATO-CHIEF washers, WAGON automatic wheel brakes. mileage drive, discs, This unit has never Finished automatic ers, and and looks '60 in.. PONTIAC drive, wheel like Royal it radio, discs. never STRATO-CHIEF Blue Only left SEDAN windshield the metallic, 14,000 showroom. with wash- miles '60 Sedan, finished leather interior. only 7,500 $600 at VICTOR miles in on This VAUXHALL metallic it. SUPER low-priced grey, Save $1,615 with red unit has This car finished leather interior miles by a on request. '60 Goderich Priced has DAULPHINE in been to RENAULT man. medium driven sell. Owner's grey with only 3,600 name Listed Below Are A Number Of 1960 Pontiacs That Have Been Lease Cars Our Strict Standard Of Maintenance Makes These Excellent Values Equipped Strato-Flash quoise and '60 with STATION white. 8-cylinder, radio, Sells PONTIAC new, WAGON windshield finished $3,870. washers, in . tur- Economy washers, told from '60 6-cyl. finished a new PONTIAC engine, in jewel car. STRATO-CHIEF radio, SEDAN blue. windshield Cannot be $2,395 ONLY $1,995 '60 STRATO-CHIEF '59 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC 2-DOOR PONTIAC 4-DOOR Equipped with economy 6-cyl. motor, cus- Equipped with radio, windshield washers, torn radio, windshield washers, back-up lamps, wheel discs. Royal blue in color, two-tone, a clean car. 21,000 miles. ONLY $2,095 ONLY $1,495 STILL 5 LEFT! 1961 VAUXH LLS AT THE OLD PRICES . Beat the new import tax VICTOR 4-DOOR SEDAN PEARSON MOTORS LTD. Phone 78 "THE CAR KING Phone 608 ZURICH OF HURON COUNTY" EXETER Clinton Area Representative—Don Smith—Phane HU 24435 Deadline for Car Licences Set For March 15 Motorists should renew their drivers' licenses and plates for 1961 immediately, said. Lloyd Butler„ Department of Trans- port agent today. With only 24 days left until the deadline of Manch 15, motorists should renew their permits and licenc- es at this time to avoid stand- ing in long lineups in the last few days before the expiry date, . To date in Clinton, the sale of permits and licences is down from this. time last year, This time, a year ago, one-third of the drivers' licences and reg- istration plates had been pur- chased. This year only 15 per- cent have been sold. There will be no extension of the expiry date beyond Mar- eh 15. The office is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Motor vehicle owners .apply- ing for plates must complete the statement of insurance cov- erage on the reverse side of 1960 permits, and surrender a liability insurance- certificate to avoid paying the $5 unsatisfied judgment fund fee, They are also reminded that a policy for fire, theft and collision is not liability insurance. Rev. Wes Aarum Packs Halls For Recent Addresses (Hensel]. Correspondent) Two auditoriums in the area were filled to capacity when Rev. Wes Aarum, Canadian Director of Youth For Christ, spoke on Saturday night, Feb- ruary 4 at Clinton and Sunday afternoon, February 5 at Zur- ich. Rev. Aarum is no stranger Ins this area having been here with the Leighton Ford evan- gelistic team and again as mus- ic director for the South Huron Crusade for Christ in Zurich four and a half years ago. Mr. Aarum's messages were challenging to young people and adults alike, and in his messages he stressed the need of whole hearted turning to Jesus Christ as a personal Sav- iour. He said, "unless God iin- tervenes, Communism is plann- ing to take over the whole Western Hemisphere by 1970". At the Clinton rally Miss Dorothy Parker, Hensel], was soloist; the Oesch sisters, of Zurich sang trio numbers. Five teams competed in the Bible Quiz. This competition was won by a Wingham team. At the Zurich Sunday after- noon rally Miss Jean Hender- son, Hensall was soloist. Miss Ann Westlake and Miss Louise Talbot, Hayfield, sang duet numbers. The pianist for bath rallies was Miss Marion Trieb- nen Exeter. Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS will be re- ceived by the Township of Hul- lett for the position of Warble Fly Inspector in the Township of Hullett for the year 1961. The salary offered is 90c per hour and 5c per mile while on Municipal Business and the In- spector must be familiar with the conditions of the Warble Fly Act. All Applications must be in the Clerk's Office by March 4th, 1961 and be clearly marked as to contents. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7b Township of Hullett TENDER TENDERS will be received by the Township of Hullett for the supplying and delivery of 800 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder. 750 lbs. to be in 15 lb. bags and 50 lbs. to be in 1 lb. bags. Delivery to be made to the Township Garage in Londesboro. All Ten- ders are to be clearly marked as to contents and are to be in the Clerk's Office by March 4th, 1961. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7b Township of Hullett TENDER TENDERS will be received by the Township of Hullett for the Crushing and Hauling of 12,- 000 cu. yds. of Gravel to be put through a inch screen and spread on the roads of the Township to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent and subject to the approval of the district engineer. Tenders to be in the hands of •the Road Superintendent Leonard Cald- well, RR 1, Londesboro, by March 4th, 1961. All Tenders are to be clearly marked as to content and must be accompan- ied by a certified cheque for $200. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-lb HOT SELLS FROM THE HOTTEST D ALE $1,995