HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-02-14, Page 3"My New Dresses Are Going To Clinton Laundry" They give dainty little dresses the attention they deserve! LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1900 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. about your Clotho', I.D.A. SPECIALS — Feb. 13-18 IDASAL TABLETS, 300 — 69c TOILET TISSUE 2 for 27c MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS I00-39c 300-79c SACCHARIN TABLETS-1/4 gr. 500-39c 1,000-59c HOT WATER BOTTLE Reg. $1.99 — $1.59 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Reg. $1.15-89c Reg. $2.29—$1.89 Reg. $4.29—$3.49 Hinds HONEY and ALMOND CREAM Reg. 75c-55c COLGATES DENTAL CREAM Reg. 35c-29c Reg. 65c-55c Reg. 98c-79c Reg. $1.19-99c REVLON AQUAMARINE or INTIMATE HAND LOTION Reg. $2.45—$1.50 PICKLED Cottage Roll FARMER STYLE - lb. • 4glbs, Free! Sausage 4 lbsu.Iff or $1 firks-59c FROM SCOTLAND: BAXTERS Cock-a-Leckie Soup Royal Game Soup Scotch Broth Soup Turkey Soup Pheasant in Wine Soup 2 15,0x. 1$-ox, Tins 39c Dial Unique HU F a B. PENNEBAKER Photo 2-6626 Se rvice 2-6626 DRUGGIST Clinton — Ontario PETE 'S Modern MEAT Market "The Home, of Quality Meats" HU 2.9731 63c 49c 89c 59c Loin Pork Chops lb. Side Ribs (fern" :nd r) Cooked Ham, , Junior Basketball Boys Team Gets Big Win Here Clinton Junior boys' basket- ball team trounced' the lakeside team at Goderich 53-22 last week, as they enjoyed their first home game in the new gym, making use of new bas- kets, and scoreboard. Clinton scorers were: John Carew 13, Bruce Cooper 10, Bob Livermore and Dennis Logan, 9 each, Brian Levis 6, Don Col- quhoun 4 and Brodeur 2. In past games the juniors lost to Seaforth 37-27; won from Wingham 36-35 and won from Goderich 47-37. Geography Club Learns Geology From H. Ball (By Gwen Fowler, 11B) The last meeting of the CDCI Geographers Club was held on January 23 with the president Ian Dudley presiding. The pro- gram chairman, Ray Webb, in- troduced the guest speaker, Harry Ball. Mr. Ball, a noted geologist from Clinton, and who also spent considerable time in South. America, presented an interesting talk concerning the. geology of Canada. This deals with the type and age of the soil and rock of the earth's crust. He illustrated his explana- tions with excellent maps of the geOlogic formation of Can- ada and showed, too, one of our own locality of Huron. Mr. Ball went on to point out where Canada's rich supply of miner- als might be found, particularly in Ontario. He spoke briefly on mining and marked out clearly the pro- cedure taken when. staking a mining claim. Lastly, he displayed his ex- cellent rock collection explain- ing what each one was and where it had come from. The rocks were gathered from 'all parts of the United States, South America and Canada Goderich Redmen Trim Goderich In. Hard Fought Game In a hard-fought match, Clin- ton senior Redmen. overpowered Godenich by a score of 35-30 at CDCI last Thursday. Goderich led until the final quarter, when: Clinton forged ahead to win, The game was notable for two "firsts." The new baskets were used for the first time in league play. Also, the electric scoreboardetimer system, pur- chased by the Students' Coun- cil, went into service. Game scoring was: quarter- time, Goderich 12, Clinton 4; half time, Goderich 19, Clinton 14; three quarter time, Gode- rich 29, Clinton 26; final score, Clinton 35, Goderich 30. Clinton scorers: Ron Liver- more 19, Mike Michalski 15, Peter Garon 1. Goderich scorers, Bettger and Lodge, 9 each; Ribey 8, Gerald Etue 2, Dalton 2. Previous game scores were: tied with Seaforth 48-48; strong win over Wingham 58-29 and a tough defeat by Godenich 41-39. during Mr. Ball's extensive travels. At the conclusion, we thank- ed Mr. Ball for giving us this opportunity to learn more about the fascinating subject of geol- ogy. Then the Meeting ad- journed. Phone JA 4-7811 At intervals dUring the past year several books about parts of Africa have been added to the library collection. The first two mentioned are the newest books. A New Earth by Elspeth Huxley, The subtitle Is: An Experiment in Colonialism. Ken- Girls Lose Two Games in Goderich Basketball Sets Goderich District Collegiate Institute senior and junior girls basketball teams won both ends of a doubleheader from Clinton girls in the county town last week by scores of 37-21' in. the senior game and 29-22 in the junior game. Mary Jean ,Colquhoun scored ten points, and Eva Verhoef six, in the senior game for Clinton, Carolin Clark with 17 and Pat Boutilier with 12 were the top scorers for Goderich. Peggy Young and Jennifer Parsons each scored ten points for Goderich in the junior game with Theresa Goldsworthy and Irene Garrow being tops for Clinton; 0 CDCI "At Home" To Feature Oriental Theme The annual CDCI "At Home" will be held in the auditorium tomorrow night, starting at 9.00 p.m. There will be a re- calving line. Dancing will go on. from 9 p.m. to 1. a.m. Refresh- ments will be served in the sch- ool lunch room. Decorations for the auditor- ium will include large murals depicting oriental scenes from the musical "The King and I". A large archway will frame the entrance to the auditorium. The murals are being painted and drawn by the school Art Club, while many volunteers are assisting with the rest of the work. No one will be admitted without an invitation. There is an addition to the invitation: the phrase "$1.50 single" also means $1.50 for student couple. Highlights of the "At Home" will appear next week. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth• ing seriously wrong, just.a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's. so ya has been much in the news for many years and most of us have gleaned odds and ends of information about this country and its many tribes of people. Elspeth Huxley goes into de- tail to tell of the experiments, which show the practical value of modern methods of reclaim- ing worked-out land and the fairly simple ways of keeping It in production. Most of the peoples of Kenya are a cattle people and their inherited ways of cropping soon left the land a desert. The practical demonstrations of new experiments in agri- cultural method's provide the people with more and better crops, bigger and better cattle. The question is would these people continue in the new ways if left to their own dir- ection? They are indolent by nature and it is difficult to persuade them to work a little harder to provide extras for themselves and their families. Elspeth Huxley knows the country well and in her travels met many delightful people, whom she introduces in the pages of her book, A variety of crops have been introduced to Kenya and grow well and profitably on the newly enrich- ed soil. Tea, coffee, maize, mil- let and potatoes are a few of them. The author states in her con- clusion, "That they would like these plans to continue, and to come to 'tuition is unques- tionable." The plans'• fate de- pends on many factors but most of all, perhaps on the condition named by the District Com- missioner of Kiernba— "if we have peace". Peace is always possible but it is a lot to ask for in the world of men. A Tourist in Africa — Ev- elyn Waugh. Written in the form of a diary, Mr. Waugh advises at the outset that the book is not a travel guide but is merely the account of a pleasure trip that he made when be was resting after working steadily on an exhausting piece of work. Taken this way it is highly diverting and at times quite informative. Dashes of humour and caustic wit are interspers- ed with comments on people and situations, comparisons of present achievements with con- ditions on previous journeys through Africa. Kariba — Frank Clements. The author, a Rhodesian, tells the story of the building of a dam under many unusual dif- ficulties. This dam links South- ern and Northern Rhodesia. The Horn of Africa — John Buehholzer. An excellent account of tr- avel in the part of Africa known as British Somaliland and the former Italian posses- sions. The boys and girls of grades four and five will learn a few facts about life in Africa from these two books — The First Book About Africa and My Fr- iend In Africa. The latter book is written by Frederick Franck and several facts about the work of Dr. Albert Schweitzer are woven into the story of Bolo, a young lad who is br- ought to the hospital because he has developed huge ulcers on his heels. It requires the patient teaching of the attend- ants and an ex-patient to per- suade Bolo to follow the rules. As he improves he becomes ac- quainted with some of the an- imals who live in the hospital grounds too, as Dr. Schweitzer has a tenderness for injured an- imals as well as for humans. An enchanting story told in simple language. St. Andrew's WA, WMS Hold Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society and Woman's Association of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church was held on February 7 at the home of Mrs. Alex Cudmore with a good attendance. Mrs. Farquhar opened the meeting with a Hymn and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison,. Scripture lesson from Isaiah 55 was read by Miss Pearl Mc- Pherson .and business followed. Mrs. McKenzie took charge of the meeting for the Wom- an's Missionary Society. Roll call was answered with a verse containing the word Love. Top- ic "Into all the World Togeth- er," was taken by Mrs. Farqu- har who also led in nraver. SAVE NOW The CREAM OIL PERMANENT Reg. $10.00 Now only $6.75 complete SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28 before you forget Phone HU 2-7065 for appointment Charles House of Beauty 74 Victoria Street CLINTON WI 141411ETING TIIURSONY, VERUTJARY 23 The Clinton Women's Instit- ute will meet on Thursday, Feb- ruary 23 at 2.30 p.m. in the agricultual office board room. Mrs. M. Batkin and Mrs. E. Blake are in charge of the pro- gram, Hostesses are Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs, Burton, Mrs, A. Cudmore, Mrs. R. Tyndall, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. N. Tyndall and IIOISIE AUXILIARY TO MEET FEBRUARY 20 The Huron County Rome Auxiliary will meet at the home on Monday, February 20 at 2.30 p.m. A good attendance is requested. Mrs. F, Johnson, Tickets will be drawn on three blankets at a special social meeting on Sat- urday night, February 18, Clinton Public Library Bulletin (By Evelyn Thursday, Feb. 16, 1961--Clinton News-Record—Page 3 Model LGA30 • Two Wash Cycles for Fine or Regular fabrics • 10 lb, load capacity lets you handle big family washes .0 Look-In Loading Door serves as handy loading and unloading shelf • Three Rinse actions, including 2 exclusive deep rinses • Suds 'n Water Saver—you adjust water setting to load size—no more guessing • Automatic Lint Ejector—no more filters or traps to clean • Economy-Conscious--uses less detergent and water than other type automatics, Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 CLINTON ISAAC STREET NO TRICKS! NO GIMMICKS! Meet Your Neighbour At The PARK THEATRE Now—"Under Teri Flags" with Charles Laughton, Mylene Demongeot and Van Heflin MON., TJES.0 WED.--Feb. 20-21-22 Ralph Bellamy -- Greer Garson and Hume Cronyn Presenting in Technicolor, one of the year's great pictures. The epic story of the F. D. Roosevelt family. Come and see Miss Garson's Academy Award performance as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. THUR., FRI., SAT. Feb. 23-24-25 Need a laugh? Need a real rib-rocking guffaw? See Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Ribbing the paratroops in their funniest re-issue. "JUMPING JACKS" Coming—"Three Murderesses"--Adult Entertainment with "Twelve Hours to Kill",. W ON AT COME IN AND LOOK AROUND — NO OBLIGATION Watch This Paper Next Week For Listing of Outstanding Bargains CLINTON — 3 DOORS SOUTH OF SUPERIOR STORE 11 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!. EVERYTHING MUST GO! '7h