HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-01-19, Page 3Or $195 Down, $63 A Month You'll get top price for your trade-in too THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL OUR PRESENT STOCK IS EXHAUSTED. BEAT THE TAX COLLECTOR—BUY NOW! On ly at PEARSON MOTORS LTD. Phone 78 Phone 608 ZURICH EXETER CHOOSE FROM 5 Victor Sedans 2 Victor Super Station Wagons 10 Victor Super Sedans Pearson has done it again! 17 New 1961 VAUXHALLS at the OLD price! We didn't think it was possible to do this but we've beaten Mr. Fleming to the punch! By special arrangement with General Motors, we have secured 17 ONLY NEW 1961 VAUXHALLS brought into Canada before the import tax was raised. You'll never get another chance to save money like this. You SHOULD pay $2,264 for a '61 Vauxhall Victor Super Sedan BUT earson's Price for these 17 Units Only '61 Vauxhall Victor EQUIPPED WITH HEATER, LICENCE, SPARE, TANK OF GAS AND FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY Doreen Murray of Canadian National Telegraphs displays a drawing transmitted over Canada's first public facsimile ser- vice. Known as. Wirefax, the service has been opened initially between Toronto and Montreal and provides instant trans- mission of drawings, letters, sketches and documents. Wirefax is operated by Canadian National-Canadian Pacific Tele- Communications, who expect to extend it to other centres as demand for the service increases. Thurs., ..)0.04 19, '1961 Onto Surfs,Rpsurfi,-Po9u 3 Clinton and District Obituaries 443me$ A. .M4aill After a long iulriese aanees Albert McGill died in a London Hospital orl January 11 in his S9th year. Born on the 5th concession of East W.awanosth on April 27, 1872, he succeeded his father on the home farm, and !continued. there until his retirement in 1940. In addition he was an ex- pert carpenter and a cabinen. Maker 'of considerable skill, In 1914 he married Mary Ella Nethery, !also, of East Wawan ash. He is survived by his wife, three sons, two daughters, !end 11 grandchildren, His sons are James, Montreal, Glenn, Br- ampton and Edward, Bolton; his daughters, Kathleen, Mrs, Peter Munk, Brampton, and Helen, Mrs, Chris Kelly, Palo Alto, California. During his long lifetime Mr. McGill was a faithful member of the United Church. In his earlier years he belonged to 'the Westfield Church and later to the Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton. He was choir leader for many years in West- field 'Church, and served' as a member of the session for a total of 30 years in the two churches, The funeral service was held in Wesley-Willis United Church on Saturday, January 14, the pastor, the Rev. Edgar J. Roul- ston, officiating. Interment was in the Blyth Union. Cemetery. Pallebearers were Tom Chun ea Clarence Perdue, Milford Durst, Herman Nethery, Alvin Cox, and Wilfred Jervis. Frank G. Lobb Residents of Clinton and surrounding community were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Frank 0. Len, youngest son of the late, 'Wil- liam H. Lobb and Luella Moore. Stricken with illness while vis- iting at the home of his dau- ghter', Mrs. D. Feeein he war: taken to Stratford General Hospital, where, after a few days illness, be succumbed as Monday, January 9, 1961, Born in Goderich Township in 1893, he lived his earlier years on a farm on the Mait- land Concession. In 1920 he married Fannie Lovett, Clin- ton and to them, were born 'two daughters, Donna, Mis. Derrald Ferrite Stratford and Mildred, Mrs. Ben Young, Oak- ville, all of whom survive. Four grandchildren, Patricia and Douglas Perrin, Paul and Peter Young, also mourn his loss. Three brothers, Wilbert, CU- ford and Frederick, end five sisters, (Elsie) Mrs, George Henderson, (011ie) Mrs. Lorne Jervis, "(Vera) Mrs. N. J. Wil- son, (Lulu) Mrs. Charles D. Cox, (Joy) Mrs. Robert Wil- liamson, and many nephews and nieces also survive. For over 20 years Mr. Lobb has been resident in. Canton latterly as •a civilian employee of RCAF Station Clinton. He was a member of Ontario St- reet United Church and an act- ing member of the Board of Stewards and .of the Men's Club, Known throughout the area for his kindly and genial per- sonality, his, happy home life where his door was always open to his frienda, 'he will be great- ly missed in the community, The largely attended funeral was conducted by the Rev. G. W. Mills, from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Thursday, January 12 with interment at Clinton Cemetery. Pall-bearers officiating were Fred Lobb, David Kay, Harry Sturdy, Kenneth Kirkness, Alex Wilson and Alvin Lobb. Flower-bearers were fellow- workers from the RCAF Stat- ion: Lorne Jervis, Wilfred Cas- tle, Fred Weston and Les S aunders, Grim reaper: Deaths result- ing tram meter vehicles traffic accidents in Canada in 1959 nurnhezed 3,201, up 1 percent on 1958. 0 Sales of natural gas in 1959 amouneed to 282,358,928,000 cubic feet, well. over one-third more than in 1958. Professional Photography • PORTRAITS 0 COMMERCIAL O CHILDREN 0 AERIAL O WEDDINGS • COPYS • COLOUR DEVELOPING and PRINTING CLINTON STUDIO HOURS TUES.-2 p.m.-6 p.m. THUR.-2 p.m.-6 p.m. FRI.-7 p.m.-9 p.m. R.1. Nephew Photography 68 Albert St., APPOINTMENT 95 Toronto, St., CLINTON Tel. JA 4-7924 (collect) GODERICH 2-3-4b FUEL OIL For a treat in Modern Heating Dial HU 2- 9411 and have your tank filled with clean burning "CHAMPION FUEL OIL". Enjoy carefree heating because "CHAMPION FUEL OIL" is insured against explosion and is never carried in a truck hauling other high explosive products, A. G. GRIGG and SON Phone HU 2-9411 Clinton "We Specialize in Goderich Meet Your Neighbour At The PARK THEATRE JA 4-7811 Now Playin9—"STOP, LOOK and LAUGH" starring Paul Winchell and The 3 Stooges MON., TUES., WED. — Jan. 23-24-25 Adult Entertainment JEFFREY HUNTER -- PAT CROWLEY & JOBY BAKER Dramatic story of a 'teenage killing and a main witness who was intimidated by hoodlums. "KEY WITNESS" in Cinemascope — THUR., FRI., SAT. — Jan. 26-27-28 JACK WEBB — WH I TNEY BLAKE VID NELSON and The editor and his young woman reporter are 'involved in a city-wide search for a lost child. - 30 - Coming—"NIGHTS OF LUCRETIA BORGIA" In Color — Adult Entertainment that extra ta $ 9 I Good Will Club Eats Pot Luck 'The first meeting af the .Good Will Club for 1961 was held in the -church ball on Tuesday evening, January 10. About 30 Members and friends partook of a delicious buffet pot-leek supper. After the supper hour the president, Mrs. Id, G, Manning. conducted the meeting, with Mrs, Hearn as pianist. Mrs', Manning gave two thoughtful readings, "Guidance," and "Dal- ly Round" from Quiet Mom- ents, The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Rodges, followed by prayer by Miss Annual reports were accept- ed as read, Mrs, H. Jenkins reported for the flower com- mittee. Three "thank you" not- es bad been received. A don- ation of five dollars is to be given 'to the "March of Dimes" appeal. Mrs. Donald Andrews cont- ributed two delightful solos, "Danny Boy" and "The Old Lamplighter," .which were much appreciated. Several items concerning the functioning of the club were decided upon. A shower for the travel basket is to be given at the February meeting. Mrs, A. L. Rodges and are. E. H. Epps, assisted by other group leaders convened the meeting, which closed with pr- ayer by Rev. E. J. Roulston. Clinton Man Is Hurt in Crash At Lond n Corner Ivan W. Turner, Clinton, was taken to Victoria Hospital, tr- eated for shock, and released, after the car he, was driving collided with another driven by Richard D. Monks, of Mc- Kay Avenue, Hamilton, Road, just east of Gore Road in. Lon- don. Total damage was $400. Wesley-Willis WMS Receives Annual Reports Thursday The January meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley-Willis United Church was at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. F. Fingland, on Thursday, January 2. Monthly reports were given. Mrs. E. J. Roulston gave a few items on citizenship. Mrs. Durst told how the group could help the C.G.I.T. There is a plan for a mother and daughter banquet in February. The Annual reports were giv- en. A new life membership for Miss Ida Walkinshaw was, re- ceived from her sister, Mrs. R. Jenkins. The group has reach- ed their allocation. Roll call was answered by the payment of fees. Devotional was by Mrs. Beattie's group. Miss E. Jamieson was in char- ge. Mrs. G. Manning read the Scripture with Mrs. James 'Mc- Laren leading in prayer. Readings were given. by Mrs. R. Jenkins and Miss E. Jamie- son. Lunch was served by the group. 0 Orchid Days Planned Dale Estate, Brampton Orchid Days at the Dale Estate in Brampton will be held this Sunday, January 22 and next Sunday, January 29. More than 60 varieties of exotic or- chids will be displayed in one of the largest greenhouses in the world, under a million and a half square feet of glass. The first, 1,500 women will be re- warded with a gift of flower preserver. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney PiIIa now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's. Advice About Cooking Potatoes Ontario potatoes, are good po- tatoes and are graded for your protection. The grades from which you may choose include Canada Fancy, Canada Member 1, Canada Number 2, Canada Number 1 Large, and Canada Number 1 Small. When choosing potatoes for baking, select medium 'to large- sizes ones of uniform size so that they will all be baked at the same time. Scrub and rinse each potato carefully and grease them if soft, tender skin e; desired. Encourage your fam- ily to eat skin and all, advises the Food and Nutrition Depart- ment of Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Bake potatoes at 425°F. for 45-60 minutes or until soft when squeezed. An easy yet attrac- tive way to serve baked po- tatoes is to split a cross in the top of each potato, squeeze the potato with both hands, and top with butter, salt, and pap- rika. Baked potatoes 'may also be stuffed for variety. Simply cut a slice from the top, scoop out the potato and' mash with salt, pepper, hot milk and butter, Pile mixture back into the shells and brown in a 425°F. oven. Other foods may be added to the baked potatoes as well. Some suggestions (in amounts per potato) include 2-3 table- spoons grated cheddar cheese, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 2 tablespoons crisp bacon bits with 1 teaspoon chopped pars- ley, or 2 tablespoons chopped cooked meat with 1 teaspoon chopped onion. TuberousBegonias Take a Knack, But Fun To Grow There's a knack to growing tuberous begonias, say horti- culturists with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. Many homeowners have trouble try- ing to introduce them as house plants, Tubers may be started any time from January to April. Place them, with the crowns exposed, in a 50-50 mixture of peat and sand. Apply water lightly until growth starts and then more freely. When growth is anywhere from la to 2 inches, put them in pots, using a mixture of 2 parts soil, 2 parts peat and 1 part sand. Plant in a 4-inch pot at the same depth used in planting the tubers. The best temperature is around 60°F. Light should be only moderate. Direct sunlight may burn the foliage. After the 'plants have flower- ed, cdt them half-way back on the stem and leave them in dry soil at 45°. When you want to start again, remove the dry roots and plant, using half the usual amount of plant food for growth. To propagate, take leaf petiole cuttings early in the flowering period, or use seed. If using seed, sow in January in a Soil-peat-sand mixture and water well. Sew the seed On top and do not cover, but cover the container with a pane of glass and shade it until germin- ation occurs. When the seed- lings are large enough to handle, put them in flats and later into 3-inch porta, They will bloat the first summer. SCRATCH PAbS At News-ltocord 10 for 40c ? YP Pt Club Has Euchre Evening Mrs. Wilfred Colciough was hostess of 'the Past Mistresses Club meeting Wednesday, Jan- uary 11 at the home of Miss Bessie Sloman, Joseph Street. After a short business session, which was curtailed by the absence of one member, a de- lightful evening was spent with friends and neighbours by play- ing euchre. High lady, Mrs. Tom O'Connell; lone hands, Mrs. Ajax McMichael; low, Mrs. Joe Si Vox! high gents, Joseph Silcox; lone hands, Tom O'Con- nell; low, Clifford Epps. 0 Senior Citizens in Orangeville Get Apartment Homes Though response to a survey taken in Clinton concerning need for senior citizens hous- ing, showed little evidence of need, the town of Orangeville found differently, and is start- ing an 11-suite apartment pro- ject. Twin Pines Apartments Ltd., and. the Legion branch in Or- angeville are combining to erect 'the building. Twin Pines, is backed by United Co-operatives of Ontario. A similar project is also un- derway in Dundalk, with the co-operation of the Dundalk Credit Union. Contractor is Co-operative Construction Ser- vices, Weston, and it is planned to procure 90 percent of mat- erials and labour at the loca- tion of the project. Monthly rents in, the Orange- vine project (where the land was donated by the Canadian Legion) have been set at $41.25 for the 'bachelor apartments and $47.25 for the one-bed- room suites. Monthly rents at Dundalk will be $5.25 higher per suite, Rents include heat and water. Those involved in the pro- jects were required to obtain a list of 22 people or more who would like to live in the apart- ments before the application to Central Mortgage anti Housing Corporation could be approved. Once approved, the apartments are financed by a mortgage of up to 90 percent of the con- struction Costs, under the Lim- ited Dividend Section of the National Housing Act. The pro- vincial government contributes 50 percent of the remaining costs and the sponsoring groups subscribe a like amount. In Clinton, it was the Clinton Cosnunity Credit Union Ltd., that was interested in backing the project along with the Twin Pines firm. STAMP OUT BILLS! ...With an HFC Loan. Bring in your unpaid bills, ar- range your loan and let us mail checks to the people you owe, at no extra charge. Or, ask us for cash and pay the bills yourself. Either way, you get a fresh start, and have only one low monthly payment to EEO, Drop in or phone . . . borrow up to $2500 with up 4;06 months to repay. Low cost life insurance available on all loans M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A WedShoo) telephone 4A 4-7383 GODERICH HOUSEHOLD FINANCE