HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-01-19, Page 1No. 3--The Home Paper with the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1961 $3.00 Per Year-10c Per Copy-12 Pages linton THE NEW ERA-95th. YEAR THE HURON RECORD-79th YEAR trhe „Irma (By W. n. D.) IDEA FOR THE WEEK: Aim for the Moon . If you only make the North Star you've gone up a long way:. 4 * MRS. BERME SIA.BER WRIT- es to us from Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia „ . Mrs, Haber has long been a subscriber to the News- Record . . . She ordinarily lives et Romeo, Mich.„ but is spend- ing a few months with her bre- thee, Elgin Mason, in Los Ang- eles . She says: "I wish I could send you all a little of sunshine . . It was 78 degrees on Friday, arid 65 at night . This is a busy city . . paper said people coming in at the rate of 3,000 a month . . Best regards to all our friends . . . * * ELSEWHERE TN THIS ISSUE is notice of the death of Marsh Marrish at Saskatoon . . .. Mr. Morrish was a constant con- tributor to the News-Record from his home in Western Can- ada, a few years ago . . Often his comments were printed in this column . . . often we were gr'ateful ;to him for his advice of the passing of former Clin- ton residents in the west . . . and he kept track of other events in the lives of former local people as he found them in the press' . . . He was a colourful figure, and had a vivid recollection of Clinton prior to the installation of electric light . and was a pioneer of West- ern Canada . . , Congratulates Warden 1961 Warden Ivan Forsyth is congratulated here by Clinton Deputy Reeve Morgan J. Agnew (left). Mr. Forsyth, Reeve of Tuckersmith, won the position on the first ballot cast Tuesday at the opening of Huron County Council, held at Goderich. (News-Record Photo) County Names I. Forsyth Huron Warden For 1961 •• PUC Chairman WILLIAM E. PERDUE, vet- eran member of the Clinton Public Utilities Commission, was re-named chairman of the commission at the inaug- ural meeting held' last week in the PUC boardroom. "The most kindly, the most misunderstood man," was Geo- rge H. Jefferson's description this week of William D. Fair, the Clinton man who died No:. vember 25, 1953, in his 89th year, leaving a will which Will provide in the neighbour- hood of $1,200 annually for the encouragement of ;better grades and better education for stud- ents at Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute. In searching out the manner of man which W, D. Fair was, a fairly wide variety of opinion was discovered—but in no case was there a bad thing to be Ban eased At Goderich Hospital Restrictions on visiting at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gederich have been eased, arid visitors are now al- lorvvecl as usual with the excep- tion of the top floor, The Situa- tion will be 'reviewed again on Sunday,- to see when regular visiting ;hours will be resumed. There were four Children still confined to hospital with an intestinal illness which has proved fatal to two babiee, Wounding Charge Adjourned Again Te charge 'against Bruce Steeper, Parkhill, of diScharg- ing a firearm with intent to wound, was adjourned in, Gode- rich Court last Thursday for a preliminary heating at Exeter. Mr. Steeper elected trial by judge and jury, Mr. Steeper's son-in-law, L. Schilbe, Zurich, was shot once in the leg, dur- ing a New Year's Day scuffle in the Schilbe home, enseiee? Kinettes Cheek Receipts Two Kinette Club ladies look over the results obtained from coin collection cards in their current March of Dimes appeal. At right Mrs. Pat Hardie, Supplies chairman, and at left, Mrs, Ken Stafford, finance chairman, of the March of Dimes campaign are pictured in Ball and Mutch hardware store, The main method of collection however, is the Moth- er's March which is planned as a one-hour blitz On 'Monday evening, January 30. Proceeds from the March goes into funds for rehabilitation of people Stricken with crippling diseases such as polio, (News-Record Photo) 'Teen Age Girls Friihtened By Man in Vicinity of Lions Arena * UNFORTUNATELY THE PIC- ture of several Clinton Liberals at the dominion-wide rally at Ottawa last week, which ap- peared in the London Free Press . , is not available to us for printing . . Something to do with photo nights and such . . However the local men brought back word of an enth- usiastic meeting, which as Hugh Hawkins puts it, "accomplished what it was meant to do: put enthusiasm into the party." Mr. Hawkins is president of the Western Ontario' North Liberal Asseciaition. Pictured were E. B. Menzies, president of the Huron. Liberal Association (pro- vincial)..; James Taylor, Hen- sail; ,former Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent; A. Y. Mc- Lean, publisher of ;the Huron Expositor, Seaforth (a former Liberal member for Huron at Ottawa), now president of the Huron Lilaeral'Association (fed- eral); Mr. Hawkins, and Liberal Leader Lester B. Pearson . . . Happy choice of site for the picture placed the men in front of a huge photo of Mr, Pearson used on the platform . . . * * * THE CONFUSION OVER THE birthplace of Walt, Disney, goes on around us . : . In London Mrs. Ivy Butler (better known as "Ma" Butler) died at the age of 88 . . . She recalls that one roomer at her home had been a young cartoonist who signed himself as' Walter Dis- ney . . . In the story printed in the London Free' Press, the ad- dress of Mr. Disney was given as Clinton . . . By the time it arrived in the Stratford Beacon- Herald' it had become Bluevale . . Actually, we understand the faMily had moved from here before Walt. of cartooning fame was born . . . However, we'll accept the connection with fame which comes' to Clinton every so often . . , Many an airman in the British, American and Canadian forces probably still believes that a picture pointed out to him in the tail- oring room at Herman's Men's Wear, here, was that of the cartoonist Disney . . . It's' still there . . . Reeve Ivan Forsyth, RR 2, Kippen was elected warden of the Huron County Council for 1961, on the first ballot. The vote was fairly close, recording 20 for Mr: Forgyth, and 16 for his only opponent, Clayton Smith, reeve of Usborne Town- ship. Mr. Forsyth, who is married to the former Eva Strong, has been in council work for eight years; four as councillor, and four as reeve of Tuckersmith Township. He is a member of Egmondville, United Church and of ' Seaforth Masonic ' Lodge. - This is the sixth time that Tuckersmith has had a county warden. The first was William Chalk, in 1848, who served for five years. In 1867, G. Edwin Cresswell; David Walker, in 1887; Robert McKay in 1913 and Arthur Nicholson in 1950. Rural reeves surrounding Clinton, and Reeve Melvin Crich, all supported Mr. For- syth, Deputy Reeve Morgan Agnew cast his vote for Mr. Smith. Warden Forsyth got his sup- port from Dan Beuerman, Mc- Killop; James Bisset, Goderich; Harvey Coleman, Stanley; Mel Crich, Clinton; Harvey Culbert, West Wawanosh; Scott Fair- sevice, Blyth; W. J. Forbes, Goderich Township; Mr. For- syth; Arthur Gibson, Howick; Karl Haberer, Hay; Clarence Hanna, East Wawanosh; Ivan Haskins, Howick; John Hender- son, Hensall; Ralph Jewell, Col- borne; Thomas Leiper, Hullett; George McCutcheon, Brussels; Stewart Procter, Morris; Alvin Rau, Stanley; Andrew Ritchie, Ashfield; Grant Stirling, Gode- rich Township. By tradition, Huron County chooses a Liberal warden one year and a Conservative the heard about him. Mr. Fair on, April 1, 1895, left the position of deputy post- master and bought out one of Clinton's two bookstores, from Mr. Rance and Mr. Spalding. He announced his purchase in an ;advertisement typical of the style which was to remain with his publicity throughout nearly half a century. It was worded thus: THE WILL D. FAIR CO. will heee- inafter control this advertising space. In it will be printed weekly FACTS simply and Sensibly stated, without exag- geration, inviting attention to the quality and quantity of their BOOKS, STATIONERY and FANCY ;GOODS STOCK, We will try to make it mutually advantageous to, have you read it weekly." • Alec Cudmore, now chairman of the Clinton Public School Board, remembers Mr. Fair's parents. "Mr. Pair was a Lib- eral, and when his father be- came Unable to dery 071 as postmaster, the job was given by the Conservatives to Andy Porter." This explains why Mr.- Fair entered bueiness. .He apparently purchased the bookstore .business' of HH, T. Rance and W. P. Spaldifig who operated from the location now next. Mr. Forsyth, who is Lib- eral, succeeds John Durnin, East Wawanosh. There was an overflow crowd 'of spectators at the opening ceremonies. Many of them were ex-wardens, councillors, county or municipal employees. Mr. Darns escorted the new warden to his chair, and pre- sented the chain of office, the gavel and symbolic gold key. Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton, administered the oath of office, and the Reve G. L. Royal, mina (Continued on Page Seven) Pinger's Restaurant. Mr. Fair's store, however, was in, the same place as McEwan's bookstore now is. Mr. Spalding's parents, (ac- cording to Mr. Cudmore's mem- ory) and his sister, started the first kris eine company in Clin- ton, no:nowhere in Little Eng- Ioa (where the old creamery teed ,fo, ben lit". Calinore speaks in praise of Mr. Pair's sister Josie (the late Mrs. Josephine Fox). "She could sort more mail in a day than, these post office people can sort in a week," recalls Mr. Cudmore, The family lived in the old, post office, which was located where the W. C. Newcombe drugstore now is. When Mr. Fair entered busi- ness, his sister joined . him hi the ,ftew venture, Another sis- ter,-Mrs. Lucas, died some years age. Mr. Cadiriore recalls Mr. Fair was treasurer of St. for Presbyterian Chereh for thitty years. "He Was always inter-; ested in edtteationat work," re- calls Mr, Cudrnere, Jefferson recalls the W. D. Fair adeertisetnents quite vividly. "His adVetnseieents were masterpieces," remembers Mr. 3effettori, "He had aeveral offers to leave. Clinton and go On three separate Friday nights, four 'teen-age girls have been frightened by a. man, or youth, who approached thern on Mary Street in the vicinity of the arena, In no case was any of the girls injured, In one instance the man was meeting a girl, and as 'they came abreast on the sidewallt, he put his hand up to her. throat. She screamed, and be, ran. In the other cases, he briefly put his arm over a girl's, shoulder, and then left in, a hur- ry, when the girl screamed. The best description pollee have is that he wore a three- quarter length blue-grey coat, and he had dark hair. Concert Band To Play For Minor Hockey Day Here (By George Wonch) A meeting was held in On- tario Street United Church on Tuesday evening, January 10' by the Women's Auxiliary of the Clinton Community Concert Band. Plans were made for a dance to be held Friday even- ing, January 27 at the Clinton Legion Hall, Kirk Street. There will be a door and spot dance' prizes offered and' dancing will be from 9.30 to 1 am., with George, Wonch and his orch- estra in attendance, donating their services. The purpose of the dance is to raise funds for replacement of and obtaining new band equipment necessary for func- tioning properly in 1961, This is the first of many projects planned by the auxiliary and band for the coming year, A successful year can be ac- complished only with the sup- port , of the town council, gen eral public and the assistance of ALL parents of band mem- bers. It is hoped therefore that the public will support the band by taking part in this first pro- ject — come out end enjoy an evening of dancing pleasure. On Saturday, January 28 the band and majorettes will be performing (weather permit- ting) afternoon ,and' evening for Minor Hockey Day in Clinton. This also tis a very important event for our junior folk, small fry and budding hockey play- ers. Let us make it a big week- end for future citizens of Clin- ton. Support your band at the dance on Friday, January 27 and on Saturday, January 28, don't send your family to the arena--take them. 0 Robbie Burns Night Planned By Lions Club Robbie Burns night will be held ;by Clinton Lions Club on Tuesday evening, January 24 in the parish hall of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Guest speak- er is the Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Goderich. The traditional hag- gis will be addressed' by Past President E. Beecher Menzies. into advertising work," "Mr. Fair's ode regret was that he did not have more edu- cation. He was a quiet man, and not well-known by his customers. In the store he was abrupt. But the time to get to know the real Mr. Fair was after supper. He kept the door open often till eleven at night, and those of us who knew him well would visit 1."!m. then, That was when you met the real Mr, Fair." Mr. Jefferson • also recalls that this, quiet man was litter- ested In sleight of hand. Though few people knew that lie ever left Clinton, and he very sel- dom did, his special treat was to be in Toronto when fanned magicians were making appear- ances. mat he really enjoyed. Roy Fitzsimons, how civilian supervisor in the accounts sec- tion at RCAF Statiori ell/1ton), was another source of inforinae lion concerning Mr. Fair. Roy worked in the Fair bookstore for 15 years after leaving school, He says, "Mr. Fair was a Woriderfal work for, and he had a record of integrity and fair dealing. X have often felt that if more businessmen were like him there would be (continued on page 12) • Fir et word the police had on the situation was last Friday night, when one of the girls rnentioeed it to arena officials, whO reported' it to the police. Chief H. R. Thompson ap- peals to all citizens, if they know of anything helpful in thiS ease to let him, or one of the constables know at once. They are also interested in knowing of any similar occur- rences. a Hog Talks Will Continue Without Benefit of Press after being "out in the open" for two months, the talks in the cold war between the On- tario Hog Producers Marketing Board and the Ontario Farm products Marketing Board, will now once more be carried out in ,secret, according to, Eldon Storehouse, farm reporter with the Toronto Globe and Mail. Though a committee of the Ontario 'Federation of Agricul- ture met with the two market- ing boards' last week, the dead- line of Monday went past with no new sales system arrived at. Now, committees from both marketing boards will meet in further talks, free from the possibility that their plans may be turned down by the other side in view of the press. ketarded Kids Ca, paigo. Nets Over 5500.00 Irvine Tebbutt, RR 3, Clin- ton entered his fifth year as chairman of 'the Clinton Dist- rict Collegiate Institute Board, last week, when the inaugural meeting of the board was held, Menno Steckle, who was vice- chairman last year, and who in the normal course of events, would have been chairman of the ;board in 1961, was not re- turned by Stanley Township Council, who replaced' him with a new appointment, Bruce Mc- Clinchey, Brucefield. Since no one was prepared for the position through a sea- son as vice-chairman, Mr, Teb- butt 'accepted the appointment, John Lavis, the Clinton Public School Board's representative, was named vice-chairman for 1961. All, members were sworn in- to office by secretary-treasurer Harold C. Lawson, with the exception of. Clifford Lobb, a new 'appointee of the County of Huron, who is on vacation. Mr, Lawson was re-hired as secretary-treasurer at an in- crease of $200 per year, mak- ing his salary $1,100, A motion by Kenneth McRae, Clinton and Robert Thompson, Londes- bore, that the raise be $300, was defeated. The amendment made by R. D, Philp, Blyth, and seconded by John Lavis for the 'smaller increase was car- ried. Comments on this topic from Mr. McRae were that the wage should be on a par with that Reeve Melvin Crich was urg- ed• by Clinton Public Hospital Board Monday night to make a ;strong bid for substantial support of new hospital con- struction when he attends coun- ty council this week. Mr, Crich is as member of the hos- pital board. "The logical approach for county council," said Judge Frank Fingland, in a strong plea for the cause, "is to place hospital construction in its pro- per relationship with other ex- penses. They raised a million dollars for the new court house Alex F. Cudmore accepted the position of chairman of the Clinton Public School Board at Fortieth Year ALEX F. CUDMORE, now serving his 40th year as a member of the Clinton Public School Board and/or Board or Education, was elected chairman of the six-member board for 1961. Mr. Cudmore has served as chairman for a good percentage of the 40 years. paid in Wingham and Exeter, which he understood to be $1,- 350 and $1,250. Mr. McClinch- ey felt the wage should be less than $1,100, "the way my taxes were this year, we're paying rent, not taxes." The striking committee was made up of George Falconer, R. D. Philp, John Lavis, Ken McRae and chairman Tebbutt. Committees named were: pro- perty, John Lavis, George Fal- coner, Tuckersmith Township; (Continued on Page Seven) and another million dollars for a few old people in the county home They should go out now and raise another million to have it available for building additions to 'the county hospi- tals;." Dr. Walter A. Oakes com- mented that each hospital should be considered for its needs. "A large bequest to one hospital might make its needs small in comparison with oth- ers." Harold C. Lawson, chairman of the board, noted that so far the hospital board at Exeter had not taken part in discue- sions on approaching the coun- ty for grants, Apparently they were in the position of less need, and so were not vitally interested. The Clinton Hospital Board was in agreement that the Sea- forth hospital was in greatest need for financial assistance, A. M. Knight made a strong. plea for money, "Even with the $30,000 which we have on hand," said he, "we ;should not think of 'spending every last cent of that for the addition. We need some for unpredict- able expenses, such as a beat- ing plant, if the one we have should fail. We' should not even start the addition, until we see that the money is assured. 'Once before there was a debt of $25,000, and the contractors were asking for money. At that time some good Samaritans (three of them board members) put up the; money, and the con- tractors were paid. "We're not trying to tell the county council what to do," went on Mr. Knight, "but I sug- gested that .a committee of in- terested' persons be set up to consider this matter, and they turned it over to the executive cormnittee, without giving any thought to whether or not they were interested." G. Morley Counter noted that they had been interested in the county home, and now they'll have to become interested in hospital construction, too, Another board member com- mented, "Oh, well, that was a feather in their cap, but hos- pitals are not," Dr. Oakes warned that the number of patient days in hos- pitals: are increasing every year. The talk of health schemes on a federal level, and other plans for health protection, would in- crease them still more. "This is a two-year planning task," said the doctor. "We can't build the needed rooms over-night. We'll have 'to show the county council 'the increases in the past, and predicted increases hi the future." Mr. Lawson compared the in- creased need in hospitals, to ' the increased need' for accom- modation in the schools. "A five-year forecast of enrolments at the collegiate," said Mr. Lawson, "has shown that by that time, the capacity of the present building will be reach- ed." Dr. Oakes noted that Huron County was not so badly off for hospital accommodation as some counties. Reeve Crich told the board that many of the rural reeves are not . familiar with the de- mand and need for hospitals. Mr. Knight said this was evi- dence that the men of the coun- ty council committee to consid- er this, should be men who did know the situation in the hos- Piitals• A bequest of $500 from the Mrs. Josephine Fox estate was placed in a special account. A hind quarter of beef has been purchased at the Londes- boro Locker at a cost of ab- out 45 cents' a pound. This compares with 85 cents paid for meat purchased in Clinton, Miss Grace Addison was nam- ed house mother at the nurses residence at a salary of $160 a month. Miss Addison has been fulfilling this duty since Mrs. Wolsey left last fall. Mr. Knight, as head of the property committee, was given authority to proceed to have repairs made in the north wing, to the heating system, up to a cost of $100. Superintendent Miss Hilda Smith reported 50 patients at the first of December, 101 ad- missions, and 41 in the hospi- tal at the end of the month. There were 25 births and five deaths. Miss Smith noted that the hospital is rated as a. 40- bed institution. Date for the annual meet- ing was set for February 20, providing the town: hall was available that night, The mem- bere whose terms are expiring are Judge Fingland and Harry Ball. Nominating committee appointed was H. C, Lawson, C. M. Couhter and See Mur- phy. 0 The Week's Weather 1961 1960 High Low High Low Jan, 12 31 3 33 14 1.3 40 22 33 14 14 46 28 32 30 15 33 18 33 22 16 30 16 30 19 11 35 21 32 26 16 84 9 29 24 Snow; 15 ins. Should Raise a Million Dollars Hospital Board Ask County Support Needed Buildings William D. Fair Lacked Education Left Legacy For CDC! Scholarships Mrs, Douglas Bartliff, treas- ure • of the Clinton Association -:j;e., Retarded, Children reported '$57,9.20 received in the Novem- ber , canvass. Her report was received at the January meet- ing held Monday in the Clinton Public School. Campaign; chairman Royce Macaulay stated that some sec- tions; of town would be canvas- sed this week. Thanks is ex- pressed to all those who can- vassed, and all those who do- nated during the campaign. CDC! Returns I. Tebbutt Chairman For Filth Year A. Cudmore's 40th Year Again Chairman of Board the inaugural meeting of that body last Thursday night. This is Mr, Cudmore's 40th year of service on the public school board, with the exception of a term on the 13oeea of Edu- cation at the time when both schools were governed by one board. In accepting this position Mr. Cudmore noted that he had been chairman several times: he had welcomed Lord Alexan- der when he visited Clinton; had laid the foundation stone for the new public school and had been chairman at special opening ceremonies, when the Ontario Minister of Education, Dr. W. J. Dunlop had officiated. Harold C. Lawson was re-ble- ed as secretary-treasurer and truant officer at a salary of $550. This is an increase of $50, Striking committee composed of George Lavis, Clayton Dix- on and Alex Cudmore produced the .following list of conimit- tees, which was accepted': study and welfare, Ken Woods, Clay- ton Dixon, George Lewis; pro- perty, William Riehl, Mr. Dix- on, K. W. Colquhoun; sports, Mr. Colquhoun, Mr. Riehl. Regular meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month. Caretakers were re-hired, Percy Livermore at an increase of $100 to a yearly wage of $2,900 and T. Zablocki at the same wage of $1.10 an hour, limited' to 30 hours a week. Mrs. J, D. Thornlike was appointed to the Clinton Lib- rary Board for a term of three years; G. Morley Counter for a term of two years and Prin cipal Bert Gray for one year. The board will join the On- tario School Trustees Council and .the Ontario School Trus- tees and Ratepayers Associa- tion, at a fee of $38. Mr. Law- son explained that grant of 50 percent would be applicable on this. Curtains for the stage in the auditorium have been hung. They were purchased from the CDCT board for $200. The secretary was asked to review the grant structure, at the next meeting.