HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-01-05, Page 6Page d----Clinton News-Record Thurs., January 5,1961
News of 'Bayfield
PI oNg •TM,yriglop 45r3 Trinity Church Sunday School
presented a fine Program. in the
Parish ball on Thursday even-
ing. The rector, Rev, E. J,
Harrison was ehairman for the
following numbers:
Carols by the junior choir;
recitation', Kelso. Fitzsinms;
uuet, JoAnne and Kenny Ar.
heal; piaeo solo, Shirley Pier-
son; vocal solo, by Rhea Stur-
geon (this was composed by her
brother, Buddy); trio, Billy
Mohring, Wally a n d Linda
Pageant, in three scenes,
"Two Journeys to Bethlehem",
by the primary department tin-
der the direction of Mrs. R. H.
F. Gardner.
Shepherds, Kelso Fitzsimons,
Lorne Merner, Buddy Sturgeon;
kings, Colleen Merner, Monica
Gerneinhardt, Rhea Sturgeon;
little Angel, kneeling reverent-
ly by the manger, Danielle
Simons; Mary, Mary McFad-
den; Joseph, JoAnne Arkell;
Vocal solo, Mary Elizabeth
Ervin; reading, Karen Fitz-
simons; piano solos, Jackie
Weston; vocal solo, Gayle Tur-
ner; reading, Sandra Irwin;
duet, Monica Gemeinhardt and
Rhea Sturgeon.
Accompanists were Mrs. E.
A. Featherston and Miss Shir-
ley Pierson, Teachers are, Mrs.
R. J. Larson, Mrs. Merton
Merner, Miss Elaine Weston,
Mrs. R. H, F, Gairdner and Miss
Shirley Pierson.
At the end of the program,
Santa Claus arrived and nesist-
ed by the teachers, distributed
gifts to all members of the Sun-
day School and candy and or-
anges to all children, present.
Santa even found a gift hamper
from the ladies of the church
for the rector, the Rev. E. J. B.
Harrison, for which he expres-
sed sincere thanks and also his
appreciation to teachers, child-
ren and all responsible for the
This was followed by a social
numbering about 25, chari-
varied Robert Orr and his bride
at their trailer home. Mrs. W.
Pierson and Mrs. Milvena Ir-
win served lunch.
Mrs. M. Sutherland, St.
Thomas, who is visiting her
son-in-law and daughter, WO2
and Mrs. Ted Davies, Adastral
Park, in company with them
and their younger daughter
Elizabeth, called on the latter's
god mother, Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner on Sunday.
Ronald Poth, Toronto, was
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Poth over Christmas,
On Christmas evening, Mrs.
Poth entertained the Rev. W.
C. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. George Little at dinner.
Guests of Misses A. M. and
E. J. Stirling for the Christmas
celebration on St. Stephen's
Day were Rev, and Mrs. W. C.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McKenzie, Miss Doreen and Don
McKenzie, Mrs. Robert Scotch,
mar and Miss Mabel Scotchmer.
Corporal Lloyd Westlake,
OPP, was in the village on
New Year's Day having come
to take his children, Ricky and
Catherine, who were visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Toms, home to
Miss Mabel Scotchmer, To-
ronto, spent the Christmas
weekend with Mrs. Robert Scot-
chmer, Miss Doreen McKenzie
who was home for the vaca-
tion also spent a couple of days
last week with Mrs. Scotchmer,
She returned to Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, on Wednes-
On Monday, Mrs. Robert Tur-
ner held New Year's dinner for
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
P. Arkell, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Arkell and two children, Port
Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Sager and three boys, Goderich
and Mrs. Keith Gemeinhardt
and three daughters.
Mrs. Gordon Heard and two
children returned to London
on Wednesday of last week
after having been with Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Heard from Mon-
day. Gordon is staying with his
parents while working in this
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scot-
chmer were with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchmer,
Bronson Line, Stanley Town-
ship for New Years. Roy Scot-
chmer who suffered a heart at-
tack on December 12 is improv-
ing in health, although still
confined to bed.
Mrs. Colin Campbell, Strat-
ford, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Simons and Dawn, Georgina Is-
land, visited Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell, Bronson Line, Stan-
ley Township, from Tuesday to
Friday last week. Misses A.
M. and E. J. Stirling attended
the Campbell family Christmas
celebration held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell
on Wednesday.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bell at the New Year's
family celebration on Monday
were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gal-
braith and Janis, Mrs. E. Bell,
Sylvia and Norman, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Bell and Mark, Clin-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson
and Kenneth, Goderich Town-
ship; Mrs. Viola Black and Ray-
mond, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Armstrong, Stanley
Mrs, J. Fraser returned from
London on Saturday. With her
were Mr. and Mrs. William
Parker, Charlie and baby Kim-
berley Ann for the New Year's
weekend, Mrs. Parker and chil-
dren remained with her parents,
returning to London on Them-
day with her husband who came
for them, Also with his parents
for the New Year's celebration
on Monday were Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Fraser and two children,
Ricky and Elizabeth, London,
and Mrs. William E, Parker.
Week of Prayer
The week of prayer will be
observed In Bayfield by One
service in Trinity Church on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock,
It Will be in charge of the rec.,
tor, the Rev. E. J. B. Ifarrison
and the speaker will he the
Rev, W. C. Smith, St Andrew's
United Church.
For a treat in Modern. Heating Dial HU 2-
9411 and have your tank filled with clean burning
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A. 6. GRIGG and SON
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Primitive man had it tough—
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or he might have ended up on
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In the early days men com-
peted with earth's other crea-
tures—todey men compete with
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sources. In the process our stand-
ard of living has sky rocketted.
Competition has helped
Canadians achieve one of the
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Take the way it works in the oil
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dreds of other companies com-
pete to supply Canadians with
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Even 3-day-old calves relish it.
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FRIDAY, JAN. b -®-1 to 4 p.m.
Have Your Hearing Scientifically Tested
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E R. Thede Hearing Aid Service
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To All
As I am no longer in business,
equipped to handle all Volks-
wagen service and he will be
happy to have you drop in.
Don Smith
SHUR-GAIII proven for Canadian conditions
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So Order NOW . . . before your lane is completely blocked . . .
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Phone HU 2-3815 28 Huron Street
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guarantee the pic-
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pletely equipped to service all, makes and
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2-9320. Free Calendars. Happy New Year.
This is Ted Ryder.
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This Coupon Is worth $5.00—Limit: One to A Custoinor
Mr. and Mrs, William Carson
Jr, and faintly were at their
cottage on New Year's Pay.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr
visited relatives in Petrone,
from Saturday to Monday night.
Mrs. David Dewar spent the
Christmas weekend with Mrs,
George Wheatley in Clinton,
The Rev, E. J. 13. Harrison
spent Christmas with relatives
and friends in Woodstock.
Miss Ethel Blair, London,
was with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Blair over the New
Year's weekend.
Rev, and Mrs, W. C. Smith
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Miller, Grand Bend, over
New Years,
Miss Diane Cleave, Bronson
Line, spent the Christmas holi-
days with her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Cleave,
Jim Higgins, Toronto, was
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J, B. Higgins from Friday to
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mac-
Leod and Bruce of Port Dover,
also spent the New Year's week-
end with his mother,
Mrs. J. FL Cobb has return-
ed home after spending the
Christmas New Year's season
with Mrs. J. Wallace, Oakville,
Mrs. C. W, Brown was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. A, A.
Armstrong, Bronson Line, from
New Year's Day until Teesday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rathwell
Spent the New Years with their
son, Tom and family, Goderich
Mr, and Mrs. R. Yantis, Lon-
don, entertained guests at their
summer home here over the
Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Paull,
Listowel, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Diehl
over Wednesday night of last
Fred Scotchmer has sold his
home in Richmond Hill and
came two weeks ago to spend
the winter with his sister, Mrs.
Myron Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thain
and three children, London, oc-
cupied their home in the vil-
lage during the Christmas vaea-
Grant Turner returned to
London on Tuesday after har-
ing spent the New Year's holi-
day weekend with his wife and
Mrs. L. Duggan, Miss Patsy
Duggan, Stratford, and William
Norris, Detroit, were at the for-
mer's home on Tuyll Street on
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Arkell,
Port Credit, were with his par-
ents for the New Year's week-
end. Jo Anne and Kenny ac-
companied them home,
Mr. and • Mrs. David Ormand,
Lucy, Stephen and Brian, Liv-
ailoa, Miele, spent the New
Year's holiday weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Miss Brenda Blair left on
Monday with her brother-in-
law Flying Officer David Bat-
tye to spend some time with
her sister and family in Orillia.
Mrs. Charles Toms was taken
by ambulance to Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday morning
she suffered another heart at-
tack on Tuesday night,
Mr: and Mrs, Allan Hutchings
moved into Gordon Heard's
trailer home on Saturday. It
is parked on George Heard's
property. '
Bobby Brandon and family
returned to Beaton on Satur-
day after having spent the vaca-
tion with his brother Kenneth
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker
and Mrs, John Sturgeon were
in St. Thomas for three days
last week with their brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
William Foote.
Mrs. Ernest Parker, Naleam,
who was called to Chicago
shortly after she arrived from
Saskatchewan owing to the ill-
ness of her daughter, returned
on Saturday to be with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Chris Parker.
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Butler
and daughter Lois, Misslinburg,
Pa., left on New Year's Day for
their home after having spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Myron Butler.
With Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod
and daughter Miss Dorothy Ann
MacLeod for the holiday sea-
son were her grandaughter,
Cathy MacLeod, London and
son, John R. MacLeod of Port
Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthews,
Cities Service Station, returned
home on Tuesday of last week
after having been in Port Dov-
er from Saturday for Christ-
Keith Brandon and family,
Stratford, occupied Mrs. Chris
Parker's rolling home over the
weekend. They celebrated New
Years with his father, H. N.
Miss Shirley Brandon, 13.A,,
left on Monday to resume her
teaching duties on the staff of
Essex High School after spend-
ing the vacation with her father,
H. N. Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cleave,
Kitchener, visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Talbot, over the New
Year's weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson
spent the Christmas weekend
with their daughter, Mrs. W.
Learning and family, Walton.
Tommy Learning returned with
his grandparents for the Christ-
mas vacation.
Miss Jacqueline Cluff return-
ed to her teaching duties and
Miss Vicki Cluff to Teacher's
College, London, on Monday
evening after having spent the
vacation with their mother,
Mrs. J. Cluff.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. El-
liott returned home on Friday
evening after having spent
Christmas with their son John
and family, Kitchener. They
also visited relatives in Strat-
On Monday, December 26, at
mid-night friends and neighbors
hour under the auspices of Trin-
ity Church Ladies' Guild which
gives this Christi:nes party for
the Sunday School children
each year.
Bayfield Lions.
Operating Arena
Mayfield Correspondent)
Members of the Bayfield
Lions Club are hoping that
there will be skating for ten
weeks at the arena, Ice-freez-
ing on the newly surfaced as-
phalt floor commenced the
week before Christmas.
Spencer Ervine is in charge
of making the ice and supervis-
ing during skating hours at
Citizens have enjoyed the
lighted Christmas tree in Clan
Gregor Square near the Cairn
this year. It is a revival of a
custom inaugurated a number
of years ago by the village
trustees. This year it was the
Lions club with Russell Kerr
and Cliff Utter setting it up,
James A, Cameron donated the
According to custom, the
Christmas trees and decorations
should all be laid away by Jan-
uary 6, The Epiphany.
They have been many and
varied this year in Bayfield. F.
Mote had Santa's sleigh and
reindeer floodlighted on his
lawn on Main Street East. And
atop the school were Santa
with his sleigh and reindeer.
Merton Merrier cut them out
and the pupils of the senior
room painted them.
Merton Merner, chairman of
the school board, took them
down and stored them away on
Monday. But the window de-
corations remain until later in
the week when the pupils' will
wash away the paintings on the
windows in the senior room,
The scenes this year followed
the T.B. Christmas Seals motif.
From right to left across the
school are: a winter scene,
drawing the Christmas tree
home, Christmas tree and fire-
place, Nativity scene, choir
boys, church, and people at-
tending church. In the teach-
ers' room Christmas bells and
at the other end candles. This
was all done by senior punils
under the supervision of their
teacher, Wilbert Franck.
In the junior room, Mrs. Wil-
liam E. Parker supervised the
making of wreaths out of alum-
inum pie plates and Christmas
cards. They were laced with
green or red ribbon and scenes,
angels, bells and' candles used
most effectively. The pupils
took their wreaths home for
Now that the Christmas trees
have to be disposed of, citizens
could help erosion at Pioneer
Park by tossing the old trees
over the cliff, particularly
where a gully seems to be form-
ing, The trees will become lodg-
ed in the wet clay in the spring
22 Attend Shower
For Mrs, Robert Orr
(Reynold ,Correseendent)
Mrs, Charles Bell entertained
at a miscellaneous shower on
Thursday evening for Mrs. Ro-
beet Orr. Twenty-two friends
and neighbours of the William .
Orr family gathered to honour the bride who was greatly tak-
en by surprise, Mrs. Allan
Hutchings called presumably to
take Mrs. Roberit Qrr to Gode-
rich, and called at the Bell
home instead..
The house was gay with
Christmas decorations.
Mrs. John Lindsay, Mrs. Don and Mrs. Howard Arm-
strong entertained the ladies
with contests, after which Mrs.
Orr was led' to a specially .de-
corated bride's chair. Mrs. Don
Bell read an address and Janis
Galbraith and Ellen Lindsay
carried in a basketful of gifts.
and gradually vegetation will
commence in their protection.
A reader of the Globe and
Mail drew to the attention of
board members the account of
how erosion problems were
slowed in this way by a couple
in Searbero. In this way the
Christmas tree goes on serving
a useful purpose instead of be-
ing burned.
Kenneth Brs ndon
On School Board
(Bayfield Correspondent)
The annual meeting of the
Bayfield school board was held
on Wednesday evening, Decem-
ber 28 at the school. Chairman
Merton Merrier presided, and
Leslie Elliott filled his role as
Grant Turner retired from
the board and Kenneth Brandon
was elected to take his place.
The board consists of Merton
Merner, Jack Sterg9on Jr., and
Kenneth Brandon.
Bayfield Trinity Church Sunday School
Held Lovely Christmas Concert
(Bayfield' OorresPetulent)
Clan Gregor Square and School
Were Gaily Decorated at Christmas
(Bayfield Correspondent)