HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-01-05, Page 5Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke, FLORIST Dial HU 24012, Clinton PERSONALS Frank Lobb is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, Mr. and Mr's. Alex Wilson, 1\-.Tapenee, were Christmas visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Labia. Mr. -and Mrs, Ted Clark and son Rieke, Townsend Street, returned from a holiday trip Ito Florida, -and the Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cum- mings spent New Year's Day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, E, Hugill, RR 2, Seaforth. Mr. -and Mrs. Harry J. 'Vic- Ewan, and. children ' Chatham, visited in Clinton during the holiday week. Reg, Cook, London, spent the Christmas ,holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cook, Maple Street, Miss Christine Addison, of the Academy of Dentistry, To- ronto, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. James Comer- ford, Angus, Ontario, were with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ashton over the Christmas holiday. Ken Cummings returned to Fort Erie after spending the holiday week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, 129 Mary Street. Mrs. Catherine Axon, Toron- to is in town to look after renovating her property, and is staying at the home of Mrs, Gordon Scribbins. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Smithen- dorf, Essex, spent several days the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Liv- ermore, 138 King Street. Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. Young, Paul and Peter, Oakville, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lobb, 45 Orange Street. Miss Evelyn G. Hall visited in Toronto for the Christmas week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family, London, spent part of last Saturday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, 177 Spencer Street, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cueing- hame have returned from Sarnia where they were for two weeks Yuletide guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saun- ders. • • Mr. and Mrs. J.-H. Thompson, Kitchener, and family were gu- ests at the Wesley-Willis man- se on Sunday, visiting the lat- ter's parents Rev. and Mrs. Ed- gar Roulston. Mr.. and Mrs. George Hep- burn, Darryl, Janet and -David, Toronto, were with Mr. and -Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun and Mrs. F. Fingland Heads Auxiliary (continued from page 1) travelling cart, which has pro- ceeds of $31.96 for the year. Mrs. Monlok and Mrs. McMur- ray reported for the blood clin- ics on January 13 and July 5 of last year, at which there were 196 donors. Appreciation was extended to the Rev. Grant Mills and the congregation of Ontario Street United Church for the use of the hall, and to all clergy -and many others who assisted at these clinics. Announcement was made that a Blood Clinic would be held on Tuesday, January 24 from 5 to 9 p.m. Mrs. J. A. Addison reported 378 paid up members. Other money-making pro- jects included the April card party $105.56; tag day $203.83; and the penny sale $675.39. Miss Hilda Smith, superin- tendent, thanked the Auxiliary for the gift certificate given her for Christmas. The first baby of the year, a son born to Mrs. Kenneth Brautigan had received a silver mug donated by the Auxiliary. Mrs. Fred Thompson, re- porting for -the purchasing committee noted that Christ- mas favours had been distrib- uted to all patients in 'the hos- pital, and these had been much appreciated. The auxiliary learned with i egret of the retirement of Mrs, Wolsey, who had been housemother at the nurses res- idence for the past year. The secretary was instructed' to wr:te a letter of appreciation to her. More than 1,000 food labels are still needed to go toward the coffee urn. All members are urged to hand them in by Feb- ruary 8, family, 111 Huron Street, last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jardine, St, Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Syd Lansing, Auburn, spent New Year's Pay with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Adams, 146 Isaac St- reet. Earl Mills, Walton, and daughter Jean, Toronto; -his son and daughter-in-4w, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills, Brant- ford and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Buttle, Blyth, visited with Mrs. Ada Adams last Sunday, Judge and Mrs. Frank Flag- land had as their guests for the holidays, Dr. and Mrs. C. K. McKnight, with their chit- clren, Paul and Anne, Pene- tang; Stewart Scott and Ben Case, Georgetown, Miss Alice Beveridge, Regina, Sask, visited with her aunt, Mrs, H, Bartliff over the Ch- ristmas week. Also two sisters- in-law, Mrs. Pinner and Mrs. Steven, Stratford were with her over Christmas. E, S. Livermore, QC, Mrs. Livermore, London and their two small grandsons, Jim and Peter, Burlington, were dinner guests of the small boys great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, 138 King St, on Thursday last. Visitors with Mrs. F, W. Johnston, 20 Ratteribury Street during the holiday season were Mrs. M. Ohler, Mrs. A. Powell, Goderich; Mrs. N. Allin, Ben- miller; Miss Effie Johnston, Windsor; Mrs. R. McCreight, Mrs. A. Brown, Thelma and Evelyn Johnston, Goderich. Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. M. G, D'Arville and children, Janis, Paul and Jed, Green- wood, Nova Scotia, were New Year's guests of the lady's fa- ther Ed. Wendorf, 131 Ratten- bury Street. They are now motoring to their new home at RCAF Station Winnipeg. New Year's visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMichael and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Breneman and girls, Baden; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Loweie, Jane and Jill, Lambeth; Mr. -and Mrs. Ber- nard Semple, Barbara and Jer- ry -and Mrs. Nellie Lowrie, London. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hol- mes, Wendy, Beverley and Marilyn have moved from Lon- don to take up residence at 93 John Street, (Broadview Ac- res). Mr. Holmes is examiner at the Driver Examination Cen- tre established :by the •Depart- ment of Transport in the Cr- edit Union office betiding in November. Mrs. Sturdy Heads St. Paul's Guild As 1961 President The annual meeting of the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church was held in the parish hall on Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. C. Sturdy pre- siding.. The following officers have been appointed for 1961: pres- ident, Mrs. C. Sturdy; vice- president, Mrs. B. Rowdesi; secretary, Mrs. A, E. Fremlin; treasurer, Mrs. E. Nickle; flower mission, Mrs. G. Wal- ker; memorial flowers, Mrs. M. Counter; representative on the 'Huron County Home Auxiliary, Mrs. F. Thompson. Annual reports were read showing that throughout the past year 79 members were remembered with gifts of fruit and flowers; also a chair was presented to a member leaving town. During December a piano was purchased for the Doan-Rum- ball Sunday Schoolroom. The -annual pat-luck supper and penny 'sale will be held at the February meeting in the parish hall. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WMS TO MEET JANUARY 12 The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Wesley-Willis United Church will meet on Thursday, January 12 at 2.30 p.m. at the home of the president, Mrs. F. Fingland. A 'cordial invita- tion is extended to all ladies to attend. 0 HOLMESVILLE MRS. F. McCULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McFar- lane and Bob, St, Thomas, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb over the New Year's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lobb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crich and family, Mr. and- Mrs. Bert Lobb spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pyrn, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb stayed un- til Thursday evening. On Tuee- day they visited with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Docking, Staffa. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ewan Rae% and John Were Mr. ;and Mrs. Don Ruther- ford -and David, Ingersoll; Ron- ald MacLachlan, Point Fortune, Que.; Mrs. J. B. MacMath, Hol- mesville; Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and family, Bronson Line. Ronald MacLachlan, Point Fortune, Queb„ who has spent the past two weeks visiting his aunt, Mrs. I. 13. MacMath, re- turned home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan, Ross and John, -and Mrs. 3. B. MacMath were •guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Armstrong and family, Bronson Line, for New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer had all their family at home With them on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Durnin, Stratford, spent part of the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCool and Bob spent Christmas with their daughter in Toronto. Wesley Vodden and Kenneth spent Christmas day with the Bert Shobbrooks. The annual meeting of the Londesboro congregation will be held the afternoon of Jan- uary 9 in the Sunday school room. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunk- ing spent New Year's Day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Knox and family, Stouffyille, Miss Mina Knox, Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Miss Gwen Fowler spent the holiday week with her sister's family, 'Mrs. Raymond Hog- garth and family. Fred Fowler and Gwen spent Christmas day with Mrs. Dr. Fowler ,and Mrs. Treleaven, Lucknow. David Ewan spent New Year's Day with his cousins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malcolm, Egmendville. Visiting over New Year's Day at the Robbie Burns home were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, Vicki and Jack, all of Kincardine. Monday found Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and family with Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. Mrs. Mac Hodgert and daughters, Thames Road, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt. Christmas Plants May Need Special Care There were so many Christ- mas cherry and poinsettia plants sold this year that you may have received one for Christmas. If so, perhaps you are wondering how to treat it, or even how -to propagate it after it has finished flowering. For the Christmas cherry pl- ant, horticulturalists with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture recommend good light and temperatures in the low 60's, Don't be too anxious to • fer- tilize it, or excessive foliage will cover the berriee. Propa- gation is done by sowing seed in January or February and the seed) needn't be dried first. When the new leaves first ap- pear, transplant them in flats (2" apart). As they progress, they may be placed in 2%" pots and kept at about -55-60° F. When frost danger is past, set them 16" apart in the garden. Bring them back in before the first autumn, frost. Poinsettia puts on its finest show under good light and mid- 60 temperatures. The plant is quite sensitive; leaves yellow and drop off if the tempera- ture falls jest a shade below 60! Drafty conditionsor dry roots might have similar re- sults. Feedpeinsettia every two weeks with a complete fer- tilizer. They may be carried over for next year, in . the fol- lowing way. After flowering, Place the plant in a cool lo- cation and let the soil dry out -not too much, though, since the stein-is shouldn't become so dry that they shrivel. When this is done, place in a larger pot, water and put in a warm- er room (65-70). Cutting the plant back slightly -dust before re-potting is suggested. Will Live In Preston MR. AND MRS. DAVID MacINTYRE MARTYN, Preston, were married in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on Saturday evening, December 24, by the Rev, D. J. Lane, The bride is Bonnie Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hoffman, Huron Street, Clinton, and her husband is the son of Mr, and Mrs. David H. Martyn, RR 2, Ripley. (Wentworth St udio, 126 Huron St., Clinton) News of Londesboro Correspondent -- MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r 5 Will Govier and Mrs. Lily Webster s pent Monday with their brother Lou and Mrs. Govier, Goderich, at a family gathering. WI To Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Londesboro Women's Institute will be held in the Community Hall, Thursday aft- ernoon, January 5 at 2 p.m. Roll call is to be answered with -a tea towel. There will be a demonstration and the program is in charge of Mrs. Art Colson, Mrs. L. Pipe, Mrs. D. Anderson and Mrs. E. Wood. The hostesses are Mrs. M. Lit- tle, Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs. Stanley Lyon and Mrs. A. Clark. CGIT SINGS CAROLS AT NURSING HOME The CGIT of Ontario Street United Church sang Christmas carols- to the patients of Mc- Donald Nursing Home last Thursday night, December 22. Since the wee, with greater and -greater emphasis on land- scaping of homes and new fac- tory locations the growing and shipment of nursery stock has become big business. Figures for 1958 show 495,321 orna- mental trees shipped, of which 381,068 were domestic and 114,253 imported. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums of Choice Design. Portraits Commercial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO DINE POT LUCK The annual meeting of St. Paul's Friendship Club will take the form of -a pot luck supper in the parish hall on Wednesday, January 11 at 6.30 p.m. All members are asked to attend. Patrick-Clark The January 3 issue of the London Free Press reports the marriage in Dresden of Clara May Clark, daughter of Mrs. Ella Clark, -Dresden, to the Rev. john William James Pat- rick, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John W. Patrick, Galt. The Rev. W. L. Newton of- ficiated. Miss Alice Brown, Dresden and Master Sergeant James A. Patrick, Selfridge Air Force Base, Detroit were the attend- ants. The bride is on the staff of Dresden- Public School. The gr- oom was formerly minister of Bayfield United Church. 0 CLINTONIAN CLUB TO MEET JANUARY 11 The Clintonian Club will meet at the home of Mrs. T. Leppington, Spencer Street, on Wednesday, January 11 at 2.30 p.m. Attend. Your Church This Sunday All Services Standard Time CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-"THE HABIT OF PRAYING" Tuesday-7.30 p.m.-Prayer Meeting and Bible Study A Cordial Welcome To All Ontario' Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Chapel Service Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.-Church Service 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School SOUTH HURON YOUTH FOR CHRIST WE GLADLY WORK+, STUDY TM VERY LATE TO KEEP OUR ELECTRICAL KNOWN RINITOP-TTOATE WE'LL MAKE YOUR HEATER "HEAT" JUST RIGHT! AND WITH OUR TIE SINCE YOU'LL DELIMIT! PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SERVICE esleg- ibis 2qattnesilifie pnitett aflurrlito REV. EDGAR J. ROULSTON, MINISTER Sunday, January 8, 1961 - HOLY COMMUNION Sermon Subject: "Spiritual Dress At The Lord's Table" WESLEY-WILLIS 10.40 a.m.-Session Meets 11.00 a.m.-Public Worship and The Lord's Supper 12.15 p.m.-Church School HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.-Public Worship and The Lard's Supper 2.30 p.m.-Church School A Hearty Welcome Awaits You At These Services FIRST RALLY OF THE NEW YEAR . . . with DAVE McKLURKIN, of Galt, and the London Redemptionaires Quintet - Special Feature - High School Bible Clubs Quiz Teams competing in a Bible Quiz, CLINTON LEGION HALL Saturday Evening, January 7 COME AND ENJOY THIS RALLY WITH US mrs, Williarrt. Tabb (4.41)4131 Correspondent) Funeral service was !hew at the J. Keith Arthur ferretriail home on Monday, January 2, 1901, at 2 p.m. with John Agul- inn, minister of Auburn Baptist Church in charge, for Mrs, War tram Tabb. who 'passed away rn Goderich hospital on Dec,. 29. She was born October 4,• 1869, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,. Benjamin: Wit- mer, She was married in 1889 to William Tabb who passed away six years ago.. Following their marriage, they resided Westfield in East Wawanosh Township for seven years, then went west, where they farmed for many years at Maple Creek, Sask, Returning to Ontario, they farmed on the 10th concession of .Colborne Township for six years and in 1943 Moved to their home on the Base Line, one mile south of Auburn. She is survived by one son, Torrance, with whom she made her home, and one daughter, Mrs. Etta Plain, White Rock, B.C.; four grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Also -two sisters, Mrs. Fred (Etta) Tabb, Wolsely, Sask., and Miss Rose Witmer, Milton. Burial took place in Colborne Township with the pallbearers being Fred Wagner, Roy Dae,r, Frank Raithby, Thomas Hag- gitt, Howard Squires and Har- old Squires. Albert Weymouth • Albert Weymouth passed away in Wingham Hospital on Tuesday, December 27, 1960, where he had been a patient since Monday morning. He was in his 92nd year. He was born in Hullett Town- ship the son of the late Wil- Nam Henry WaYMouth and Ann Manning. He was married to Mice Hash, who pre-deceased .hini 31 years ego; January 9. A. daughter I-0'411a, na$Sed away in November„ 1919. Be spent all his life in Hullett Township except one year in Surviving are three sons, William, Windsor; Arthur, Bly- the Charles, Chatham; one dau- ghter, Mrs. Ann Stindereock, Blyth; also one brother, Char- les, Clinton; one sister, Mrs. MarY Peters, Saline, Mich„ also 12 grandchildren end 15 great grandchildren, Funeral service at the home of Mrs. Ann Swells levee* on Friday, December 30, conducted by Rev, H. Funge, Londesboro United Church. Pall bearers were all grand- sons: Dennis, Toronto; Weston, Windsor: Douglas, Hamilton; Donald 'and Ross, Stratford; Murray, Fort Erie. Flower- bearers were Reg. Collar, Wing- ham; Donald Baird, Windsor. Temporary entombment in the chapel at Blyth Union ceme- tery. ONTARIO STREET WMS TO MEET JANUARY 10 The Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street Unit- ed Church will meet in the ch- urch -parlour on Tuesday, Jan- teary 10 at 2.30 p.m. Annual reports' will be given. 0 ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS TO MEET JANUARY 10 The January meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Mutch, 112 Joseph Street, on Tuesday evening, January 10 at 8.15 p.m. LOOK At This Offer SAVE $ 595.00 n A Brand New weeenesenes seeNteeemeeeehn: • 1960 Studebaker Lark Completely Equipped - Ready for the Road! Regular Price - $2,590 Bob's Special --- 1,995 You SAVE 595 WE Can AND Do BEAT CITY PRICES It costs you less to buy from W. H. Dalrymple and Son Brucefield Dial Clinton HU 24211 NEWCOMBE Pharmacy After Christmas Sale All Christmas Cards 2 Price PHC NE. 511 Thum; January 5, 1961,,CIlinton Newo,Racard Page S. Clinton and District Obituaries Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Ferrin, Patricia and Douglas, .Strat- ford, spent the Christmas hot- days with Mr, and Mrs, Frank 1,011b. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D, J. LANE, B.A„ Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 8 9,45 a.m.-Church School 10.45 a.m.-Public Worship "The Flower Fades-God's Word Abides" ALL WELCOMED Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, January 8 9.45 a.m.-Worshin Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 7.30 p.m.-Guest Speaker: Mr. John Aitken, Shel- burne. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer & Bible Study. All Welcome Joseph . Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pxn.-Wednesday--Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. BAYFIELEY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday, January 8 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Grieve Not The Holy Spirit" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service. "Behold The World Is Gone After Him" Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, January 8 10.00 a.m.-Service in English 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch EVERYONE WELCOME Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Charles Merrill, Organist FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY Sunday, January 8 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. D, W. Courtice, was the .guest of his sisters the Misses Hattie and Sybil, 18. Joseph Street, over the New Year holiday,