HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1961-01-05, Page 2'Page 2,-Clinton. News-Rporcl,7Thurs., 4anuary 4, 1961
Clinton ews ecord
Est, 1000 Amainatroateal 10 24
4 -0 1, * .Published every Thursday at the
Heart of Heron County *
..!, Clinton, Ontario se Population $,011P
'01 A o •
O A. ts, .COLSW1-1911N, Publisher
is 11 AP ••• - ..... sO WILMA O, OMNI'S, Editor 44 -Oele0 .
SUBSCRWTION RNSTS: Payable in advance — Canada /444 Great Britain; $3,00 a year
united States and Foreign;. $4.00; Single Copies Ten Cents
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Departnlent, Qttawa
"We've given up
for New Year's"
Similar Happy New Year Resolottoos may be pot Info force
far YOUR family Or your neighbourhood branch of the „T,,‘
cowhand:41 January 4, 1941.
Clinton Drench: WILLIAM MORLOK, 1VIanager
Loridesboionali (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & Thurs.
&WOW, ga4ik,,WortetNe WitI4 csANAIMANts IN istekstzne infAtat 01' Work cation IM1,
"Our New Year resolutions this year
have a lot more to do with getting rather
than giving up . . thanks to the B of M.
"Seems that for many Old Years past
our money appeared to just melt away,
when there were so many things wanted
around the house ... a modem stove . a
desk for Dad's den . . . a decent TV. Finally,
it was Dad who put his foot down.
"'Starting with the New Year,' said Dad, 'we're
going to get some of the things we've gone without for
far too long. We're going to finance all the things we
really need under a new purchase plan I've been look-
ing into — the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan.
It's a modern plan that's designed for people just like
us. Come the January sales, we'll get what we need at
bargain prices and do our paying for what we buy with
a single payment each month.'
"So this year, we'll all have to watch our eennics a
little more closely, but it's a challenge and the whole
family is going to pitch le. Mother's the keenest of all.
It's hard to say whether it's the life insurance pro-
tecting the loan, or the prospect of a new stove, that
pleases her most.
"Atyway, we're one family who fig- or
tires we've found the ideal NOW Year's
resolution for 1961. How abaft you?
Isn't it time you considered giving up
going without?"
t, OHIO bikrt!
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
PHONE HU 2-9421
At other times contact
Local Repvesentotive—Tom Steep—MU 2-3869
Business and Professional
Politicians and Farm Leaders
Meet to Ponder Farm Problems
(continued from Page 1)
said, "If the marketing of hogs
is open to suspicion, certainly
the marketing of beef is, too."
There are bad situations, Pack-
ers can.cut corners just about
as fast as anybody, Yesterday
the market in Toronto was dull,
and it was disgusting the way
those buyers acted. An outside
buyer, from. the United States,
or from another plaint, would
have changed the pieture at
"Concerning beans, those
three elevators in Hensel], prac-
tically speak with one voice
when it comes to price, but we
have a processing plant in Lon-
don, and already it is making a
Mr, McGregor said he would
like to see an official weigher
in charge when cattle are sold
off truck, He said the young
farmers are looking for some
protection on marketing. He
is a strong supporter of mar-
keting boards and of planned
production; and is also against
hobby farmers.
"Farmers must have some-
thing better than just hope and
faith," stated Mr. McGregor.
He added that when planning
to enter the meat packing busi-
ness, they should enter with
one voice, for beef, pork and
Mr. Hemingway said it was
high time the government in-
stituted compulsory govern-
ment grades ' on dressed
weights. He said there were too
many complaints on the sale
of condemned cattle, with re-
gard to weights, but he com-
plimented the government on
giving fair compensation for
those animals.
The fieldrnan reported for
the Wheat Producers,
Lloyd Level, Kippen, spoke
for the sugar beets, comment-
ing that they hoped for a sug-
ar policy for Canada In, the
near future, and said that the
board was happy with "the way
you fellows have rolled up
your sleeves and went to work
on the problem of sugar beet
Mr. Cardiff had reported
that as a temporary measure
for the year 1961, the price
would be subsidized up to $13.
Canada imports 80 percent of
sugar used, but though the in-
dustry must be subsidized, they
do not wish to go out of the
business, for a time of war or
other emergency would leave
Canada without any sugar,
Harvey Taylor, Brucefield,
reported for the Bean Board
and for. Co-operative Insurance
Association. He noted that for
the past three years 70 cents
of the deducted 77 cents per
bushel had gone back to the
growers. The seven cents was
used to operate the board, and
to arrange for exporting sur-
plus. "The Seaway has let us
ship to London, England, via
Sarnia, for about the same
price as it used to cost to get
them just to Halifax. It is
hard to plan ,production in
beans, There was only a yield
of 13 bushel to the acre this
year, compared to 20 bushels
some years," Mr. Taylor not-
ed that there are only 4,000
bean producers now, compared
to 9,000 about 20 years ago
when the Bean Board was
Concerning CIA, now 12
year old, Mr. Taylor said it
was a real success, standing
fourth in Ontario for business,
among 200 companies. A new
building in London was to be
occupied by CIA at the start of
Gordon Greig reported for
the land acquisition committee
which had been satisfied with
agreements finalized with On-
tario Hydro. He said that
farmers feel they are being un-
justly assessed for the cost of
education, and for the cost of
administration of justice.
Mr. Hemingway asked for
better supervision of the agents
of Hydro working in the field,
making offers to the farmers
for easements. Mr. MacNaugh-
ton said that the government
would act, if they had specific
complaints. In the past, agents
have been "hustled out of your
area in a hurry" if offers were
not made in accordance with
the teems of the agreement.
Mr. MacNaughton said a
thorough investigation was be-
ing made of assessments, and
that he expected some changes.
40 Years
CLINTON Nmvs-Rmotw.
Thursday, Santiery 6, 1901
An open •whi,ter was being
enjoyed, with weather more
like late March than early Jan-
uary. Robins were seen on the
lawn of Nits. LiiVesnlOre, Sr„
and. on Mary Street among the
trees in front of L. Cree's
Mrs. Jack Glassford rettallgd
to her home in Port Moron
after a fortnight spent with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.,
A transformer buret out on
New Year's Eve leaving all the
business places along the
centre block of main street on
both sides and residences west
of Huron Street in darkness,
Lamps and candles were hunt-
ed out and business went on es
Miss Rhea. McRoberts, of To-
ronto University, visited her
uncles Will and Ezra Pickard
at Holmesville,
SS No, 4 Goderich Township
held their school meeting, with
Bert Lobb, the retiring trustee,
re-elected for another term.
Captain and Mrs. Fingland,
Toronto, spent the holiday with
Rev, R,. J. and Mrs. Ross, Au-
40 Years Ago
Thursday, January G. 1921
The retiring members of the
1920 council were entertained
by their colleagues and other
town officials to an oyster sup-
per at Henderson's Restaurant,
Clinton Pastime Club held a
successful dance in the Town
Hall New Year's Eve, despite
the fact that the hydro was
off. Candles were used to il-
luminate the hall and fine
music was served to the danc-
ers by Phalen's Orchestra.
A recent copy of the Onward
carried a story entitled "A
Christmas Experiment" by Miss
Alta Lind Cook, formerly of
the Ontario Street parsonage
and daughter of the Rev. Dr.
Cook, Methodist pastor. Miss
Cook is a talented story teller
as well as a well known musi-
An organization to be known
as the Huron Pure Bred Live
Stock Association was formed,
with Oliver Turnbull, Brussels,
as president; George Kerr,
Henfryn, vice-president; S. B.
Stothers, Clinton, secretary-
Well, here we go htto another
twelve months of that fascinat-
ing, irritating, horrible, beauti-
ful, tragic and joyous process
known as living. I've seen forty
of these boxes of tricks and
treats opened, and I hope to see
forty more. And the same to
you. * *
I don't remember much about
my first New Year's, in 1921.
It was spent in a small village
in Quebec. I was staying with
my parents at the time, as I
was six months old. The, Great
War had been over for more
than two years. The post-war
boom was still on, and my Dad
had bought his first car, a
Chev. with side-curtains, He
'treated that car, and every one
after it, like a particularly in •
tractable horse, which would
respond only if you yelled hard
enough and swore at it with
enough feeling, * * *
Ten years later, we stepped
into 1931 with the sentiments
of a man about to jump into a
barrel of broken glass in his
'bare feet. The Great Depres-
sion had begun. Business was
terrible. The mortgage prowl-
ed, like a great beast, always
there, slavering, when my Dad
looked over his shoulder. My
parents held long, late-at-night
conversations, and to the small
boy, lying half-awake, uneasy,
they had sinister undertones. *
The hunger of the beast
would not be denied, and in the
end, the mortgage swallowed
everything for which my Dad
had worked so hard for more
than twenty years. What a
prospect that must have been!
Fifty years old, five children to
feed and clothe, home and busi-
ness lost, and thousands of
younger men scrambling for
every job in sight. * *
But the Great Depression
had failed to reckon with my
mother. She was :a bonny fight-
er, with a tough and cheerful
spirit. In the next decade she
took on the Great Depression
and licked it single handed. My
dr4 worked at anything he
could get. My Mother sold home
baking, took in boarders, and
in the afternoons, trudged the
streets, .selling a line of cosy
mates to her friends. Softie
how, we staggered through the
depression, kept off the relief
rolls, and never missed a meal, *
Remember New Year's of
11)41.? That wasn't exactly an
()Wagon Of great rejoicing,
either, The Germans had Over-
rue turope. England and the
Carrittionwealth fought on, back
Another gay, mad, exciting
season has faded into the limbo
of memories. Weeks of shop-
ping, cooking, trimming the
house, wrapping presents and
of fun have assumed the ident-
ity of all Christmases past. The
smell of spruce, pine and stuf-
fing still hangs in the draper-
ies. Now and then the vacuum
cleaner picks up a bit of brok.,
en glass, from where a tree
ornament was shattered by the
too eager hands of the newest
member of the family, or by the
collie Holly's great bushy tail
which knocked it sailing into
the farthest corner of the room,
unnoticed in, the hilarity.
I became aware once more
of the split personality of this
memorable time of the year
When, 'after all the hubbub of
preparation was over, I slipped
into the last empty pew in our
church and bowed my head in
a prayer of gratitude that an-
other year had come and gone
and bestowed on our family the
blessing of peace and plenty.
Stained glass windows reflect-
ed the glow from a myriad
candies while the pungent frag-
rance of cedar and pine mingled
with the odour of burning tal-
low. Sweet, sad, familiar car-
ols, sung by 'this large choir of
parish!:oners, drifted from the
m.ajosty of "Silent Night" to
the hallelujah joy of "Hark the.
Herald Angels Sing."
Only the squeeky sound of
overshoes on newly fallen snow
hail broken the silence of
Christmas eve as. I walked home
at midnight along our country
road. I watched the gaudy
coloured lights that decked
every home dance in the re-
flection of sparkly snowflakes.
As I trudged along, I reviewed
the contents of a letter I had
received which, I felt, gave pur-
pose to my work as a column-.
A year ago I wrote rather
wrathfully about the tremen-
dous popularity of warlike toys
as reflected in a survey of
purchases across Canada. At
the time I made this plea to
parents, I asked them to con-
sider more constructive toys for
their children rather than nur-
ture a taste for destruction, My
correspondent reminded me of
this column and asked if I had
gnaw at. We gnawed for the
next decade, and chewed It
down to a hummock, losing a
few teeth in the process. *
Suddenly it's 1961. Both my
parents have died, slowly and
painfully, in the last ten years.
But the process goes err, always
changing, always exciting
There's a new job, in new sur-
roundings. There is a boy whose
voice is changing to that of a
man, and whose feet are the
same size as his father's. There
is a girl with auburn hair and
a cheeky face who topped the
honor roll in Grade 5. There
are new little cousins springing
up all over the country. There
is 'a brother just gone to Eur-
ope, and, another just coming
back from South America.
* *
The hair is a little thinner,
the glasses a little thicker, and
the day after a New Year's
Eve party something to be con-
templated with real horror, but
there's plenty of life in 'the old
boy yet, and I can hardly wait
to see what's going to happen
to the world, and to us, before
somebody hollers., "Happy New
Year," and I realize that we're
about to totter- into 1971,
heard the result of this year's
toy sale's survey. funs and all
manlier of military toys were
at the bottom of the list, Con-
structive toys, sewing sets, art
supplies and books headed the
survey. "Too bad you can
never asess what good your
editorial might have done to
awaken parents 'across Canada
to the harm 'they might do in
cultivating a warlike desire In
the bosoms of their offspring,
merely through their choice of
toys. I know I, for one, return-
ed a gun after reading your
column", This letter was a gift
I had not expected though every
writer hopes, at some time dur-
ing his or her career, to make a
contribution through the space
at their disposal toward in-
fluencing a better way of life.
And speaking of gifts, there
was one under my tree that
settled forever a family argu-
ment regarding the degree of
respect children' should show
their grandparents, Or in my
case, rile. With the advent of
the new baby girl into the fam-
ily circle, my younger son
claimed he wanted his daugh-
ter to early learn 'that she must
respectfully call me "Grand-
All Types of Life
Term Insurance — Annuities
Clinton, Ontario
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
Phones: Office HU 2-9747
Res. HU 2-7556
Head Office: Seaforth
Officers: President, John L.
Malone, Seaforth-; vice-president,
John H. McEwing, Blyth; secre-
tary-treasurer, W. E.' South-
gate, Seaforth.
Directors: John H. McEwing;
Robert Archibald; Chris Leon-
hardt, Bornholm; Norman Tre-
wartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alex-
ander, Walton; J, L. Malone,
Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Gode-
rich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield;
Alistair Broadfoot, Seaforth.
Agents: Writ. Leiper, Jr., Lon-
desboro; V. 3. Lane, RR 5, Sea-
forth; Selwyn Baker, Brussels;
James Keyes, Seaforth; Harold
Squires, Clinton.
Real Estate & Business Broker
. Hight Street — Clinton
PHONE HU 2-6692
ma". The three bairns fry the
elder son's family have always
exiled me "Dot", I have been
their pal and the image of me
as a grandparent has never en-
tered their minds.
This parcel I speak of was
a bulky creation held together
by fifty or more Santa Claus
gummed seals and tied with
yards and yards of red tinsel
string, 'Taming from it was a
crayon image of the great
Santa himself created by eight-,
year-old Susan and in wobbly
letters an inch high was writ-
ten "For our Darling Dot from
Ricky, Susan' .and Janet", The
parcel contained bright paddy
green leotards size "L",
I had hardly snapped 'the
seals. when I was urged to
model my gift by a chorus of
excited' childish voices. Little
did it matter that the garment
hung off my toes: like a pair
of aquanauts' flippers, hugged
my arm pits and folded in
stretchee nylon drapes around
illy knees and bum-si-daisy,
This was apparel I had craved
according to 'them, They had
remembered for almost 'twelve
months that I remarked', as I
watched the girls dress a year
ago, I wished I had a pair of
leotards as warm, and cozy as
theirs. Their mother told me
they had saved their pennies
for this gift.
This is the kind of love
thought that makes it easy to
face the unknown challenge of
this New Year, What more
could anyone wish for, than
that they might always remain,
in 'the opinion of their grand-
children, young enough to sport
Goderich, Ontario
Telephone Box
JA 4-9521 478
Office and Residence
Rattenbury Street East
Phone HU 2-9677
Eyes Examined
Oculists' Prescriptions Filled
Includes Adjustments At
No Further Charge
Clinton—Mondays Only
9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Above Hawkins Hardware
G. B. CLANCY, 0.17.
For Appointment
Phone JA 4-7251
From Our Early Files
25 Years Ago
9001'sday, Jiangsu 2, TOSS
Miss iisther Trewartha, To-
ronto, was home for the holi-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rober-
ton, Winnipeg, .arrived New
Year's Day to visit the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. D,
A. Benson Carless, St.
Marys,, spent Christmas and
Boxing Day at his home in
W, S. R. Holmes was return-
ed by acclamation for a second
term as mayor. A. S. Inkley
and G. H. Elliott•were contest-
ing the reeve's seat.
Mr. and Mrs.. William P. Tip-
lady were celebrating their
golden wedding anniversary,
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairtiner and
Miss Betty, London, spent part
of the holiday Bayfield.
Mrs. I). A. Smith, West
Lorne, and Brown Higgins,
Sudbury, spent Christmas und-
er the parental roof in Hay-
Miss Mildred Forrest, nurse-
in-training in Victoria Hospi-
tal, spent the holiday with her
parents, Mr, .and Mrs. William
Forrest, TuCkeremitit •
10 Years Ago
Thursday, January 4, 1951
H. Glenn Hays, Seaforth
lawyer and Crown Attorney
for the County of Huron, was
appointed King's Counsel in a
list which contained 60 names
of practising Ontario barristers.
Carl E. Diehl was elected
president of Bayfield Agricul-
tural Society.
Clinton's newest business
was "Clinton Dairy',' operated
by Reg. Cudmore and Stewart
Schoenhals, who had purchased
the business of March Bros,
More than 80 from Huron
County registered for the Short
Course at OAC.
Benson W. Tuckey, former
reeve of Exeter and Warden of
Huron County in 1943, was
elected first mayor in Exeter,
Mrs. D, J. Lane was elected
president of the Clinton Hospi-
tal Auxiliary.
The grain elevator at Hen-
sall was destroyed by fire. The
owner, W. G. Thompson, plan-
ned to build again immediately.
(By W. B, szkroczy)
to the wall. My parents, had
three sons, rape and ready to
be pulled down by the dogs of
war. Three times, they were
to receive one of those dreaded
The first read: "Critically
injured, But eldest brother
fought a hard fight, had a tre-
mendous constitution, end pul-
led through with 'the loss of one
eye. The second read: "Missin,g
in action." But a cannon shell
missed youngest brother's, head
by an inch, and after two days
drifting in a rubber dinghy off
the coast of France, he was
picked up by Air-Sea Rescue.
The third read: "Missing in ac-
tion." But middle brother had
climbed safely out of a crash-
landing in Holland, and a few
months later the word trickled
through that he was alive and
a prisoner.
What did New Year's of 1951
bring? Nothing spectacular for
yours truly. The Cold' War was
on, but the important things in
life were a wife, a small son,
and what turned out to be a
small daughter well on the way.
There was also a mortgage of
mountainous proportions to