HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-12-22, Page 14extedileg do raw Pt a kappy 1961/ We lope mew 013 pkuutt itektiettiltip &lig tie ea* fen Bartliffs akery LTD. and STAFF [ Starts Tuesday, January 3 See these better quality suitings at real values. Save up to $25.00 on a suit WARREN K. COOK'S LAST LENGTH SALE FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton F Telegraphed Anywhere ACCOMMODATION. FOR RENT HOUSE on "county road" near RCAF Station Clinton. Apply to Eldon O'Brien, 51-2p 2 APARTMENTS, selr-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682, 40tfb TRAILER for rent, 41'x10', fully furnished. Becker's Trailer Court. 45tfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT, unfur- nished. Phone HU 2-3855. 49tfb COSY APARTMENT, •gas-heat- ed, furnished. Adults. Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton. 48p-hila 41-ft. TRAILER TO RENT, reasonable. Fully equipped. Apply North End Store, or ph- one HU 2-3323. 50tfb ONE 3-BEDROOM DUPLEX house, located in Holmesville, available immediately. Phone HU 2-9678 or HU 2-7162. 51-2b LARGE 3-BEDROOM apart- ment, available January 1. Ap- ply 190 Albert Street, Clinton, phone HU 2-3892. 52-b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, outskirts of Auburn, bathroom, all mod- ern conveniences, available im- mediately. Phone 19 r 6 Auburn. 51-52-1p ONE BEDROOM Apartment, newly decorated, furnished and heated, private bath, available now. Phone HU 2-3329. 52p4tb 1 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, $35 a month. Water and hydro included. Apply 55 Albert St- reet, or phone HU 2-9304, 520 2-BEDROOM apartment, com- pletely self-contained, oil fur- nace heating, on ground floor. Contact H. F. Wettlaufer, 48 Rattenbury St. E., phone HU 2-9778 or HU 2-9792. 52b 4-ROOM APARTMENT, kit- chenette, 3-piece bath, unfur- nished, located corner of Beech and Whitehead Streets, avail- able January 1. Phone HU 2- 7016. 51tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE 2 QUARTERS OF BEEF, dres- sed. Phone HU 2-9808. 52b Carefree Heating — Champion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb LARGE OIL STOVE, Fess, price $40, complete with pipes. Phone HU 2-7804. 45tfb ET.FCTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. • Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb COME INTO WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC and ask for a dem- onstration of the famous Mc- CULLOCH Chain Saws. We'll be glad to advise you of the model for your particular need. 40tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE -4444.* ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb CHILD'S RECORD PLAYER and radio combination. Small doll's cradle and highchair. Ph- one HU 2-3389 evenings, 51.tfb ONE ONLY Check Writer FOR SALE See It On Display At Clinton News-Record and ARE ON DISPLAY AT OUR SHOWROOMS Immediate Delivery Check Our Prices Before Buying — Open Evenings Till 9 p.m T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 CUSTOM WORK CLINTON JANITOR SERVICE house, Shop or office. Dial HU 2-7674. 51-52-lb FOR, YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb WELDING—Repairs, Ornamen- tal Railings, Flower Stands. John Hamilton, 293 Albert St- reet, Clinton. 38tfb MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes. 60 cycle convers- ions, Reasonable prices. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 35tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOP Rayfield 52b BARGAIN SALE starts Tues- day, January 3. Look for artic- les to be sold at HALF PRICE. HOLLANDIA IMPORTS, HU 2-9304. 52b USED KITCHEN RANGE, with Quebec fire box preferred, in goad order, to burn coal or wood. Apply Box 521, Clinton News-Record. 52p EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE BABY SITTER, available any time. Tiny child- ren preferred, Phone HU 2-9652. 52b PIANO PUPILS WANTED — openings an Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school and evenings, Apply Mrs. Gordon Swan, 6 Dunlop Street, phone HU 2-7314. 52-1-b HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be receiv- ed by the undersigned for the position of Caretaker of Ontario Street United Church. Applica- tions to be received until Jan- uary 10, 1961; state salary ex- pected. Duties to commence February 1, 1961. For further particulars contact property committee. George Lavis, chair- man, property committee. 52-1-b 11111MIONIMINII, HELP WANTED MALE Wanted One Automobile Mechanic with License A and One Body Man with license B, $75 per week, 51/2 days, year-round employ- ment, for modern economy car dealership in Sarnia, Ontario. Apply Box 491, Clinton News-Record 49to2b $12,500 FOR THE RIGHT MAN IN THE CLINTON AREA Take short auto trips to contact customers. Write A. T. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. READ CAREFULLY If you are looking for steady work . . no lay-offs, write us immediately. Your large profits in our business will permit you to earn from $4,000 to $6,000 and more yearly. Car necessary. No capital needed. Age must be between 25 to 55 years old. Some good rural localities still vacant as well as city districts. Write RAWLEIGH'S, Dept. L-169-TA, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 52b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repair. Work guaranteed; reasonable prices; one Week service. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414, 34tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES'and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696 r 2, collect, 16-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb Do-It-Yourself RENT These Machines 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug ,Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb NOTICE Colborne Municipal Telephone System Notice of meetin g of the subscribers of this system ad- journed from December 15, 1990, to allow of representatives of the Bell Telephone Company to be present as requested in the resolution. Calling for ad- journment to Thursday, Janu- ary 5, 1961 at 8 o'clock in the evening at the Township Hall, Carlow. All subscribers are urged to attend. M. F. CLARK, Chairman R. J. Moore, Sec.-treas. .51-2-3-h Notice To Creditors In the Estate of COLIN CAMPBELL, late of the Town- ship of Stanley in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward particulars to the undersigned by the 10th day of January, 1961, after which date the assets will be distributed, Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy, 13 The Square, Goderieh, ()Marie. Solioltors for the 5state, 52-1-2b NOTICE ONTARIO Department of Public Works NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1952, Chapter 193 The Honourable Thomas Ray Connell, the Minister of Public Works for the Province of On- tario hereby gives notice that he has under Section 7 of the said Act, caused to be deposited with the Minister of Public Works, Canada, at Ottawa, and in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, a description of the site and the plans of the sanitary sewer out- fall proposed to be constructed in Lake Huron opposite parts of Lots 13 and 14 Lake Range Concession, in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the publication of this Notice, I, Thomas Ray Connell, Minister of Public Works for the Pro- vince of Ontario will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to 'the Minister of Public Works, Canada, for approval of the said site and plans. DATED at TORONTO this 28th day of November, 1960. Thomas Ray Connell, Minister of Public Works for the Province of Ontario. TENDERS WANTED DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION (1951) LIMITED PROJECT: Construction of Standard R.C. Chapel with Outside Services, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ontario. File 122-7-C2-46 SEALED TENDERS, marked as to content addressed to the undersigned will be received until 3.00 p.m. EST., THURSDAY, January 19, 1961 Plans, specifications and ten- der forms will be on view at Builders' Exchanges at London, Hamilton, Toronto and DCL To- ronto Branch Office and may be obtained by General Con- tractors only from DCL Plans Section, Room 158, at the ad- dress below on deposit of $100.- 00 payable to Defence Construc- tion (1951) Limited. A security deposit of $8,000.- 00 or a 10% bid bond must ac- company tenders. J. D. Jennison, Secretary, e/0 Tender Opening Room, No. 4, Temp. Bldg., 56 Lyon Street, OTTAWA, Ontario. 52b Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that JOSEPH GEORGE MARCEL RAYMOND MADY of the City of St. John's in the District of Iberville in the Province of Quebec, Airman, now stationed at the Royal Canadian Air Force Station at Saskatoon in the Province of Saskatchewan, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the present, next or following session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, LOUISE CATHERINE LUCIL- LE MADY (nee Nagy) of 3156 Carrol Street, in the City of Victoria in the Province of British Columbia, waitress, on the ground of adultery. DATED at Ottawa, Ontario, this 9th day of December, A.D. 1960. J. A. Enstone, 56 Sparks Street, OTTAWA 4, Ontario, Solicitor for the Petitioner. 51-2-1-2b SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, in which The Corporation of the County of Huron is Plain- tiff and Hariett Lawson, Edwin Crawford Judd and Lillian Honour, the Administrators of the Estate of Morwennow Judd are the Defendants, and to me directed, against the goods and chat i is, lead; anet tenements to the said Morwennow Judd, deceased; I have seized and taken in execution and will of- fer for sale by Public Auction at my office in the Court House, 'in the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, on Monday, the 9th day of Jan- uary, 1961, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Morwennow Judd, deceas- ed, in and to: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of lands and premises situate, ly- ing and being in the Town of Clinton in the County of Hur- on and being composed of Town Lots Numbers 658 and 659 on Gordon Street in the said Town of Clinton; contain- ing each by admeasurement One-fifth (1/5) of an acre, more or less. On these premises there is said to be erected a storey and one-half, instil brick dwelling. HARRY L. STURDY, Sheriff Of the County of Huron. 50.51-52-lb CARDS OF THANKS Mr. A. A, Livermore and family wish to extend their 'thanks to all relatives, friends. and neighbours for the sym- pathy and many acts of kind- neSs shown during their recent bereavement. 52p I would like to thank my friends for cards and etas re- ceived while I was in Clinton Hospital; special thanks to nurses and Dr, Oakes; also thanks to my teacher, Miss Jamieson and grade 4 class- mates. — TOMMY LEPPING- TON, 52b MR. AND MRS. JAMES HUTCHINGS, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Hutchings wish to thank the Hayfield Fire Brigade and all who helped in efforts to save their home destroyed by fire on Saturday. Also kind friends and relatives for gifts afterwards. 52b .1111110110111.Samil NOTICES PETS BOARDED, by day or week, heated kennels. R. L. Beattie, phone 450 Seaforth. 51-52-1-2p REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5. Clinton, HU 2- 9572. llifb FOR SALE A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r 15. 13tfb 1,000 BALES OF HAY for sale. Apply D. Dayman, Kippen, Hensall 650 W 1. 52p DRAIN TILE-4", $55 per M delivered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 de- livered. Prices, 10", 17", 14" on request. Rydall Brick and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p LIVE STOCK FOR SALE HOLS 11,IN BULL CALF, suit- able for vealing. Apply Dial Taylor, HU 2-9144. 52b HOLSTEIN COW, due Janu- ary 11, Brucellosis tested. Ap- ply to Milton Dale, HU 2- 7537. 51-2-b WANTED WANTED—Live Turkeys, ducks geese and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tflo WANTED: FLOCKOWNERS to start day old chicks in the next four months, to supply us with hatching eggs. Extremely large premium paid. Eggs from some breeds taken every week in the year. Also wanted: Fl- ocks to supply us with eggs now. Apply, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 50, 52, 2, 4b SERVICES ATTENTION FARMERS!High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All other stock pick- ed up free of charge. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 42C60. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Sea- forth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11 to 28p-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE, Plant Licence No, 10R,P.60. Collecting Licence No, 22C60. Highest cash prices paid for dead, sick or disabled horses and cattle. Clinton cus- tomers call Atwood Zenith 34900, out of Clinton call At- wood 153 collect. Seven day ser- vice. 38tfb MITE'S D'UPRE—In St, Thomas Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, December 19, 1960, to Corp- oral and Mrs. William. Dupre, Aylmer, a daughter, Lynne Marie, DE JONG — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, De- ember 28, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon De Jong, RR 1, Brucefield, a daughter. HEARN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, De- cember 28, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hearn, Clinton, a daughter. IWASKOW—In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, De- cember 24, 1960, to Corporal and Mrs. Rudolph Iwaskow, RCAF Station Clinton, a dau- ghter, lVfcCULLOUGH — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 25, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCul- lough, RR 1, Goderich, a son. McDONALD — In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Thursday, De- cember 22, 1960, to Corporal and Mrs. Robert McDonald, Raglan Street, Clinton, a daughter. TREWARTHA — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, December 27, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton, a son. WISE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 24, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Wise, RR. 3, Clinton, a daughter. TRAQUAIR — In Woodstock General Hospital, on Monday, December 19, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Traquair (nee Lenore Norminton), a son (brother for Brian and David). FOR RENT SHREDDER FOR CORN STALKS. George Wraith, Mont- real Street Goderich, phone JAckson 4 - 9934; residence: JAckson 4-7002. 44tfb SERVICES WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Farmer owned and controlled. Service at cost. Choice of bull and breed. Our artificial breed- ing service will help you to a more efficient livestock opera- tion. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 Or Seaforth 96 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 $5.00 and Up PAID FOR DOWN or DISABLED COWS or HORSES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Stock Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE 48tfb MARRIAGES MARTYN-HOFFMAN —In St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on Saturday, Decem- ber 24, 1960, by the Rev. D, J. Lane, Bonnie Elizabeth, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hoffman, 125 Huron Street, to David MacIntyre Martyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mar- tyn, Ripley. IN MEMORIAM WESTON—In loving memory of our son WO1 R. V. (Dick) Weston, killed in action on January 2, 1945: "There is still an ache in our hearts to-day That countless years won't take away. We smile with the world but never forget In our garden of memories he lives with us yet," —Always remembered by Mum, Dad, Brothers. 52-p TUCKERSM ITH LADIES TO MEET JANUARY 4 The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Pep- per on Wednesday, January 4 at 2 p.m. 0 LONDESSORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone myth 37 r 5) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells sp- ent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Pipe, London, are spending the vaca- tion week with the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunk- ing had a family gathering on Sunday. Harold Beacom and Edythe spent Christmas with the Bert Beaccm family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergil and children spent the weekend with her parents at Listowel. Mrs. Bill Andrews and chil- dren, Toronto, spent the past week with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood. MT. and Mrs. John Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and children spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and family spent Saturday with the McKenzie's at Lucknow. . Mr. and Mrs. John Burr and children, Hyde Park, were with her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es McCool for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp- son and daughters spent Sun- day and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton at Moorefield. Miss Dorothy Little, Toron- to and Mrs. Bentham, Oshawa, are spending the vacation week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Funge entertained Rev. Ronald and Mrs. Sweeney and children of Auburn on Sunday evening. Mrs. Thomas Fairservice and Dave Ewan and the Chris Ken- nedy family spent Christmas with the Bagaents of Ingersoll. Mrs. Earl Gaunt and Kenneth who have enjoyed a three weeks holiday returned after spending a few days with her sister in Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt and Jack spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Howatt's mother and family at Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear went to Toronto last Saturday for a few days visit with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. George McVittie and Ruby spent Monday with the John McCowan family at Porter's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Grant and children, Port Colborne, sp- ent a week with Ted Peckitt and Mr. and Mrs. John Jevvitt Happy Workers New Officers Named for 1961 Mrs. Jack McCabe was hos- tess for the December meeting of the Happy Workers Club on December 5, when ten members attended, A thank you card was read from Reg. Simth. Mrs. Elgin Dale held the lucky ticket of the evening. Christmas gifts were exchanged, and euchre and lunch enjoyed. New officers for 1961 are: president, Mrs. Kenneth John- ston; vice-president, Mrs, El- mer Dale; secretary, Mrs. Cliff Glazier; treasurer, Mrs. Ken- neth Williams; quilt committee, Mrs. William Holland and Mrs. Wilfred Glazier; flower commit- tee, Mrs. Elgin Dale. The •next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clifford Gla- zier on Thursday afternoon, January 12. Roll call will be answered by giving a New Year's resolution and paying fees. 0 (MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. John Heal and family spent Christmas with re- latives in Wingham. Ed Burns spent the Christ- mas holiday at his home at Brampton. Miss Beth Goddard, Guelph, visited over the Christmas holi- days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard and family. Mrs. Elsie Case and Miss Wendy Moir spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sol- dan, Pat and Mike. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and Caroline spent Monday with the lather's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hildebrand, Wheat- ley, Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong were Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. Love and Jahn, London; Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear and family, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Robert and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, Le on ard Wilson, all of Centralia and Miss Amy Lammie, London, spent Christmas Monday with Miss Greta Lammie. Guests on Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mervyn and Douglas, were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee and Brian, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Laur- ence Eyre and Brenda, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keyes, Steve, Allan and Marjorie, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole, Donald and Jean, Cromarty; Miss Paul- ine Adams, Seaforth. Page 4--Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Dec. 29, 1960 ARTICLES WANTED Wkinkoot DRYERS Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 2.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scala Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE CORM', Sales Manager BOB 1VIcNAIR, Auctioneer W, COLMHOUN, Clerk ATTENTION ( FARMERS! Ise EXT A P order your new suit now, while selections are at their best. on W. JOHMST(Yd'j 7riP D RH'S (o 2U% VSCOU'it TS FR Jacket Clearance SPECIAL RACK SHORT LENGTH CASUAL COATS ii Du5.iip TO ea. Pickett & Campbell Ltd.