HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-12-22, Page 8Huron Street Clinton .\\\ k° U\ .._,...: . ............... Ztt tbit4 Voly fteaoon it it4 prinaege to tienb ebriamafs Oreetino to our many frienbl. J. & T. Murphy Ltd. and Staff Styles change, but our Christmas Greetings to you still convey the same old-fashioned best wishes! ells toto Electric r ORIGINAL 0? "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" r Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON PARTS Helen and Bill Wells Don Ellwood — Eugene MacLaren "IS.11A.:411.7167.1.01.:ISFE141AVAILI Nine Carol Service Rev. E. J, B. Harriso Conducted By Rat Trinity church $40 May all the many wonders of this Holy Season be yours! A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ail our Friends F INETTLAUFE FEED MILL Phone HU 2-9792 Mary Street Clinton, Ont. Harold and Donna Wettlaufer and Arnold Dole they were accompanied by Virginia. Formerly Mrs. John eamseree (./fierryariantaa'everyone! SAW MILL and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone HU 2-6655 — Clinton Christmas Concert Enjoyed By Bayfield United (Bayfield Correspondent) There was a good attendance at St. Andrew's United Church on Friday evening for the Sun- day School Christmas concert in the basement. The pastor, the Rev. W. C. Smith was chair- man for the varied program. The primary and junior clas- ses gave recitations including a welcome. The intermediate and senior classes presented a play "When Christ Was Born," There was carol singing by the congregation with Mrs. Ray Scotchmer at the piano. Ellen Lindsay gave two pianoforte solos. Rev. W. C. Smith conducted a short quiz on people of the Old Testament. In the midst of this old St. Nick bounded in and surprised everybody. Santa helped the teachers distribute the presents and candy bags off the Christmas tree.. Teachers are: Ted Dunn, superintendent and teacher of senior and intermediate grades; M-e. Gladwin Westlake, junior cless; Mrs. Kenneth Scotchmer, primary class; Miss Kathleen Porter, beginners. le we're:See eeeeeeses Here's our chance to say, "Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday." W. N. Dakynvpia aid Son 13rticofield bial Clinton HU 2.9211 Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men. aal iliia•A a. a 6. a MILT Os MARL'S RAMCH Milt and Mabel Schreiber and Noreen Garrow Highway 4 -- South of Town I Seceice Electric May you and your family be blessed with peace and contentment this Christmas! A Prayer For Your skeppiang... Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRY DE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Repvesentative—Tom Steep—HU 2-3869 24tfb ••=1•11111•10•1111aa0=111•1•11111111••••11111111MIR 4' s, 46. Fink Plum erng eating HENSALL CLINTON Page 8,0101911. Neefe,ReeCordke,Thuesa Dec, 22, 190 And From Us: MERRY CHRISTMAS We take sincere erasure in extruding to you our DUST WISHES for a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr attended, the funeral of a cous- in, Mrs. Earl Wall, in, Forest on Tuesday. Brian Grimes, U.W.O., Lon don, spent the weekend with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Bellehamber. Mr, and Mrs. A. G, Molitoy, Straithroy, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fergus- on on Saturday, Miss Ethel Blair, London, was with her parents for the weekend. Her sister, Brenda, who visited her east week re- turned home with her. Mrs. Malcolm Toms enter- tained her, staff of telephone operators at a delightful party on Tuesday afternoon. After refreshments, they exchanged gifts. Christmas services in Trinity Church, Bayfield, will be as fol- lows: Christmas Eve: Holy Communion commencing at 11.30 p.m. Christmas Day: Family Service and Holy Com- munion 9.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Hutch- ings held a Christmas dinner last Sunday for his brother-in- law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith, Komoka, who leave on December 22 to spend a month in England. Mr. and Mrs. Smith spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser spent the weekend with their child- ren, J. Fraser and family and Mrs. William Parker and fam- ily, London. On their return, their grandson, Charlie Parker, who is spending this week with them. Sergeant and Mrs. J. May- man and Jeffrey, Aylmer, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. MacMillen. They celebrated Mr. MacMil- len's birthday which was on December 19, on Sunday, Mrs. Maelleillen returned to Aylmer with them and Mr. MacMillen will join them on Friday for Christmas. Emerson Heard received word on Sunday of the death of a cousin, William E. Young, son of the late ,Annie Eagle- son and Harry Young, Aber- deen, S. Dakota (formerly of Clinton). The funeral was held Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Heard and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham visited Mr. Young last summer in Aber- deen. Adding to the Christmas spirit in I3iayfield, Ken Fergus- on's son Bill set up a record player with the speaker outside on an upstairs west window, Monday evening Mrs. Ferguson played carols, and the school children heard the sweet strains n3 they walked to school on Tuesday morning. They are not long-playing records, but Mrs. Ferguson is occupied at various times each day this week play- ing seasonal records. Friends here learned on Sun- day of the death of Mrs. Jean Wilson in Norfolk Hospital, Pugh, Goderich Township and Clinton, the deceased Woman visited in Bayfield. every sum- mer h company with her sop Clarence with whom she resid- ed in Hickory, Virginia, While in Bayfield she Was a euest of Mrs. George Lindsay and her son. Carl Pugh, Royal Oak, Mich., who maintains a sum- mer home here, Members of the family of Al- fred A. Scotchmer held a pre- CIhristmas party at his home on Saturday evening. They were all present except his daughter Vera who lives in Calgary and she telephoned that .night. Each one wished her a Merry Christ- mas. Present were Mr, and Mre. F. P. Arkell, Mr. and Mrs, Alf. F. Scotchmer, Michael and Cal- vin, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G, Scotchmer, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don D. Scotchmer, Mrs. J. Cluff and Miss Jacqueline Cluff. Cal- vin played the part of Santa Claus and presented gifts to his grandfather and grand:- mother, In London, England Rev. and Mrs. Ivor Bod'enham have received word that their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.'asman, Robert and Brien, who sailed aboard the Empress of Britain on October 24 for England are nicely set- tied in, London. J. Pasmani was sent over by the Canadian De, partment of Immigration and they expect to be there for three years. Their first guest for late dinner, just two weeks after they arrived was Cecil Toms, Owen Sound, who was in England on a business.. trip and gave them a pleasant sur- prise. He is the father-in-law of Mrs. Pasman's. sister Ivy. Trinity Guild The' December meeting of Bayfield Trinity Church Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Merton Merrier. Rev. E. J. B. Harrison conducted' the opening exercises. Mrs. Percy Weston presided. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. R. Roy nes- simons, the minutes were read by Mrs. A. M. Bassett. Mrs. William E. Parker gave the financliel report for Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner. Arrangements were made to hold the annual Sunday School Christmas party. The election of officers for 1961 too place. They are: hon- orary president, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner; past president, Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer; president, Mrs. Percy Weston; vice-presi- dents, Mrs. R. J. Larsen and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer; secre- tary, Mrs. A. M. Bassett; treas- urer, Mrs. Merton Merrier; card secretary, Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston; visiting committee, Mrs. Fred Weston, Mrs. Percy West- on; flower convener, Mrs, A. M. Bassett. The rector closed the meet- ing with prayer after which the hostess served lunch. (Hayfield Cone Trinity Church had been de- corated with cedar and spruce by the Chancel Guild and cedar wreaths with red bows hung in each window. The wreaths were made by Mrs. A. M. Bas- sett in memory of her mother, Mrs. Hugh Mackay, who made them for the church each Christmas for many years. This was for the Nine Carol Service which was directed by the rec- tor, the Rev. E. 3, B. Harrison, on Sunday morning. Hymns and parts of hymns sung and lessons read were as follows: "0 Come all ye Faith- ful," first lesson, Isaiah 7: 10- 14, The Promise of the Saviour, Michael Scotchmer; "0 Came, O Come Emmanuel" secondles- son, Genesis 22: 15-18, God con- firms his promise to Abraham, David Carrie; "While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night", third lesson, Isaiah 9; 2-7, Isaiah foretells the birth of the Sav- iour, Maynard Carrie; "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," fourth lesson, Micah 5: 2-4, The extent of the Kingdom, Stephen Scot- chrner ; "0 Little Town of Bethle- hem" was sung verse about as solos by Mary E. Ervine end Gayle Turner, fifth lesson, St. Luke 1: 26-38, The Angel Gab- riel makes known to Mary that she is to bear the Saviour, J. Brown Higgins; The Magnificat, the Song of the Virgin, lesson six, St. Mark 1: 18-23, Joseph Hears of a Saviour, Howard Scotchmer; "Away, in a Manger," seventh lesson, St. Luke 2: 8-16, Adora- tion of the Shepherds, F/L Richard Simons; "The First Nowell the Angels did say," eighth lesson, St. Matt. 2: 1-11, the visit of the Magi, John Stewart, rector's warden; "We Three Kings of Orient," verses sung in solo by Roberta McLeod, Shirley Pier- son and Frieda McLeod with the congregation joining in the chorus and the last verse, ninth lesson, St. John 1: 1-14, The Eternal Word Incarnate in Jes- us, George Bellchamber. "It came upon the Midnight Clear," and in conclusion, "Sil- ent Night, Holy Night," choir spondent), and congregation knceling, Dus- ing the offertory, the junior choir sang, "What Child is This?" The closing prayers. were said by the rector and the recessional hymn was "Carol, Sweetly Cerol." Z)013,7['gIVS. 130,417, taec;,ace-Andrews Young People's Union met in Porter's Hill United Church on Sunday evening, Bruce Harris, conven- er of missions, gavo the call to worship and reed the Scrip. Lure, Ted Dunn led in prayer and a general discussion on missions. followed. A quiz was ,conducted by Douglas Dunn, The meeting closed with the benediction. The next meeting will be January 8 News of Bayfield By LUCY FL WOODS PHONE BAYPTELD. 45r3 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES King Street — CLINTON Phone HU 2-9514 LL-14Z. C J. H. 5. BROEZ Prop, HU 2.9219 Bayfield Baptist Ltd. Young People Hold Carol Sing (Bayfield Correspondent) The Bayfield Baptist Young People held a Christmas carol singing on Friday evening when a group under Wallace Steph- enson of the London Bible In- stitute were present and also contributed numbers. Those taking part from the Bayfield Church were: The Sparks sist- ers, Mrs. Archie Mustard, Ric- ky and Brian, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and three dau- ghters, Kippen; Rev, and Mrs. Ivor Bodenharn, The president of the Young People, Ivan McCowan, Sea- forth, introduced the guest speaker, Jackie Weiner of the London' Bible Institute, wha in her testimony stressed: The things of this world are not everything. Miss Weiner, born and: raised a Jewess in France. left a wealthy home to come to a Christian uncle in Canada. She became a Roman Catholic and is now a Protestant, study- in,: at the London Bible Insti- tute. The meeting was very well attended. 0— IDDLETON There will be a celebration of Holy Communion in St. Tames Church, Middleton, on Christmas Eve at 8.30 p.m. Service in St. James Church on Sunday, December 18 took the form of the traditional nine-lesson carol service under the direction of the rector, the Rev. E. J. P. Harrison. The fellowine laemen inc'se part: ,fame s St:eyes seen Smith, 1*)avid 3fiddletoe, Joao; Dleve;. 7,7delt .si .n:sevea. G no:ere 1, P , IThereeen, ;',ewart. :;.Vee'stoe. 7‘171- Jaraee Seorey wars at Ile, nee .=1 MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 Victoria St. HU 2-7021 It wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't get in touch and extend oar greetings to those we like so very much...Have an old-fash- ioned Very Merry Christmas; Fr ni the Management and Staff at anton Fee will Huron Street