HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-12-22, Page 5MERRY CHRISTMAS From our entire staff to our many friends . Sincere Wishes to you and yours for a happy holiday season, H.F.SwanGroceries Thurs., Dec, 22,, 1960—Clinton News-Record Pape 5 0 Trousseau! Tea For Susan E. McEwing Mrs. John McEwin enteSain- ed at a trousseau tea in her home on Saturday in honour of her daughter, Susan Elizabeth whose marriage will take place on December 27. Welcoming the guests were Mrs. McEwing, the bride-elect and Mrs. Joseph Read, Clinton, mother of the groom The tea table was centred with an arrangement of pink and white carnations. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Elmer Dale and Mrs'. Maurice Bateman, Clinton, and later the bride's two grandmothers, Mrs. Susan McEwing, Seaforth, and Mrs. Earl Bernard, Brussels; and in the evening, Mrs. Car- man Dale and Mrs. Reginald Smith, Clinton, both aunts of the groom. Tea was served in the after- noon by Miss Shirley Knox and Miss Lenore Hamilton, and by Miss Marguerite Lyon and Mrs. Robert Reid in the evening. Assisting in the kitchen were 14Irs. Ernest Knox, Mrs. Wesley Roe, Mrs. Watson Reid, Mrs'. David Anderson, Mrs. Leonard hobbrook and Mrs. Harold East; also Mrs. James McEwing d Mrs. Leslie Reid. The trousseau and gifts were sh'o'wn in the afternoon by Miss Lois Ann Sommerville, Miss Ida Leiper, Miss Marjorie Mc- Ewing, Miss Noreen McEwing and Mrs. Ward Knox and in the evening by Mrs. James MeEw- ing, Mrs. Leslie Reid, Miss• Mary Lou Roe, Misses Marjorie and Noreen McEwing. In charge of the guest book were Donna Lyon Shabbrook and Karen McEwing. 0- Tuckersmith Club Elects Slate For Coming Year The Tuckersmith Ladies Club held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Johns with 16 members and five visitors present. The sec- retary's report was read by Mrs. E. Layton, and the treas- urer's report by Mrs. Ernie Crich: Roll call was answered by paying of fees for 1961. The imaginary bake sale was postponea until a later date. It was der!Sed to donate ri to the T.13, fund. The mystery sift was woo by Miss Ruth Crich. prosrem consisted of a resslins by Mes. H. Johns, a rouo,iro on! l vcAt by Mrs, Ernie Csish wSSelt vas; won by Moat, •' A word con- , • !, ,!/ c,' 1w hf'r. Donald C is ro ,dilvied by Ruth SS'S.% by Mrs, Wig- lL.ra !loppas, Mvs. A, Crich, a !IS' Mas Alars, Lawson. Mrs, S. Johns conducted a blind- fold contest which was won by Ruth Crich. The refiring president, Mrs. William Pepper thanked the committees and all members for their co-operation during the past year, The nominating Committee report was read and after a few changes were made, it was approved. .. Officers for 1961 are, presi- dent, Mrs. Victor Sytnick; vice-president, Mrs, Howard Johns; secretary, Mrs. Walter Pepper; treasurer, Mrs. Ernie Crich; .assistant secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Stanley Johns; social committee, Mrs. Walter Pepper, Mrs, Warren Whit- more; , Mrs. Alden, Crich, Mrs. Ed Layton, Mrs. William Rog. erson; flowers and cards, Mrs, Eldon 013rieri; and Mrs, Alice Lawson; sewing and buying,. Mrs. Norris Sillery and Mrs. Prank Walters; pianist, Mrs. William Rogerson. voiees, directed by Mrs. Alan Sbaddiels, The story was read by Rev. ,Funge, The program was enjoyed. a fair attend- ance. The Woman's Association held their December meeting last Thursday With the 'presi- dent Mrs. Crawford in the chair, Roll call was answered by "naming your favorite hymn" and a donation for the Child- rows Shelter.'Mrs. Robert Fair- 'service contributed a fine reeds ing, Lunch was salved at the close by the hostesses, Miss Anna Fairservice, Way- ne University, Detroit, is opend-. ing the Christmas vacation with her parents. r4 vening Auxillsry Londesboro Evening Auxil- iary melt on Monday, December 12 at the home of Miss Edythe Beacom, The president, Mrs. Harry Lear opened the meeting with an essay of Padre Young, "What Will You Get From Christmas?'" Twelve members answered roll call. Mrs, George Wright had stewardship reading, "The Liv- ingroom on Sunday Afternoon." T h e nominating committee brought in the new slate of of- ficers for 1961: President, Mrs. Don McNeil; vice-president, Mrs. Hugh Millar; secretary, Mrs. Clare Vincent; treasurer, Miss Edythe Beacom; pianist, Mrs. Harry Lear; temperance convener, Mrs. Elgin . josling; supply secretary, Mrs. Charles Merrill. Mrs, Lear thanked everyone for their co-operation during the past two years, Christmas. hymns were sung. The guest speaker was Miss Dorothy Marquis, Clinton, who told a- bout a new hospital at Burns Lake, B.C., and also of her ex- periences there a few years ago. Mrs. Bert Lyon thanked the speaker. The evening closed with the benediction and the members made favours for the patients at Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mrs. G, Neal Wins Draw Mrs. Graydon Neal, Clinton, won the Christmas draw con- ducted by the Kinette Club of Clinton, for a Catalina beauty kit. Draw was made in the News-Record office on. Wednes- day by Mrs, Jack Van Egniond, Members of the Kinettes ap- preciate the assistance given them in this project, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, (MRS. CLARE Mission Band Goshen Mission Band held its December meeting in, the agsh- en United Church Sunday School 'School rooms on Sunday even- ing with parents and friends as guests, Jacqueline Peck presid- ed over the program with Don- na peck at the piano, Barbara Ann Keyes gave a short poem entitled "A. Tot," dressed in a long blue dress and poke bon- NEWS Of GOSHEN LINE MORI DE aorrespondont) net. The worship was conducted with Gerald Hayter giving the Scripture reading with prayer by Judy McBride, A poem in unison was given ,by Larry and Dale Peck, Terry Steven Keyes and Robert McClinchey. A quartet was sung by Karen and Diane McKinley, Bob McBride and Wayne Peek accompanied by Mrs, Clare McBride, John McKinley gave a .comic reading on "jest 'Fore Christ- raas", Cheryl and Brian Peck sang a, song "Up, on the Hoese- top," accompanied by their sis- ter Diane. A Christmas greet- ing was given by nine 'girls, Judy McBride, Karen McKin- ley, Donna Peck, Diane McKin- ley, Mary Margaret Armstrong, Linda Armstrong, Patricia Rob- inson, Carolyn Robinson and Marilyn Keyes, -Bonnie Armstrong gave a re- citation "Tell Us Again of Jesus" and little Tommy Robin- son' played a medley on the piano. The business was con- ducted with Diane McKinley reading the minutes. Roil call was' answered by 38 members. Two members, Carolyn Rob- inson 'and Cathy McKinley vis- ited' the birthday piggy bank. Marilyn Keyes gave the treas- urer's report, Gregory and Bob Hayter :book up the offering. Cathy McKinley gave a short s poem, "Christmas Song." This year i,nstend of having a film, Mrs. John Robinson read a story called • "The Littlest Angel." The meeting closed with the singing of a Christmas carol and benediction by Mary Arm- strong. The ladies served sand- wiches, cookies, candy and chocolate milk. VMS Meets The Woman's Missionary So- ciety met at the home of Mrs. John Robinson on Thursday evening, December 15, with 24 members and two visitors pres- ent. The theme was "The Star Still Shines'." Mrs. Robinson took charge of the worship with Scripture readings by Mrs. James Keyes. Mrs. Melvin Elliott and Mrs. Roy McBride conveyed the Christmas message. Mrs. Elmer Hayter sang "Bethlehem," ac- companied by Mrs. Bruce Key- es, Calls to sick and shut-ins totalled. 74. Thank-you cards were receiv- ed from Mrs. McMichael of Walton and Miss Gwen Mc- Bride. Reports were received from the larthday fund by Mrs. Elgin McKinley; tea fund by Mrs. James Keyes, and card fund by Mrs. Keith McBride. Mrs. Kenneth Parke gave the treasurer's report. Rev. T. J. Pitt conducted the election of officers: president, Mrs. Bruce Keyes; vice-presi- dents, Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Mrs. Allan Arm- strong, Mrs. Anson McKinley and Mrs. Robert McKinley; Treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth. Parke; recording and press see- retary, Stirs. Clare McBride; corresponding, Mrs. John Rob- inson; literature, Mrs. Clarence Parke; supplies, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, Mrs. Jack Eckel, and Mrs. Walter Eckel; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Bert McBride; associate help- era Mrs. Minnie Hayter and Mrs. Bert McBride; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Russell Er-, ratt; temperance and citizen- ship, Mrs. T. J. Pitt; commun- ity friendship, Mrs. Clarence Parke, Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Mrs. Rus- sell Errata and Mrs, Richard Robinson; Baby Band, Mrs. Jack Eckel; organists, Mrs, Russell Erratt and Mrs, Elmer Hayter; birth- day fund, Mrs, Elgin McKinley; card fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; tea fund, Mrs. James Keyes; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Arn- old Keyes, Mrs. Floyd Arm- strong and Mrs. Jack Eckel. Officers for 1961 in the Wo- nan's Association are: presi- dent, Mrs. Arnold Keyes, with vice-presidents, Mrs. Anson Mc- Kinley, Mrs, Robert Peck and Mrs, Keith McBride; treasurer, Mrs. Roy McBride; secretary, Mrs, James Keyes and organist, Mrs, Melvin Elliott, die „.. To all our friends Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas! Hotel Clinton FRANK and ENA COOK find STAFF Hoping your Christmas will both* hest ever! From 'Hie Mwogomenf and Statist at MEN'S — LADIES' & BOYS" WEAR Opposlie Post Office Clinfon LE Have a Gay Holiday! CLINTON MARKET GARDEN Church Street, Oltriton Juno and John Steele Smith jlerty Christmas/ Epps Sporting goods conton HU 2-9622 George Beattie, David Beattie., penal Steep° Vecv pa 4et eiC q,czy aft lta kw ¢d VeW4 qoteday4/ ELLWOOD EPPS and STAFF V'S'IORM For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. rF HELL Our greetings ring out loud and clear: Merry ChrisfITICIS Everyone! DEPT. ar STORE Mr. and Mrs. Web Martin and Staff on the following days over the Christmas New Year's Period: Sunday, Dec, 25 Monday, Dec. 26 Wednesday, Dec. 28 Sunday, Jan, 1 A. Joyous Christmas to all of our friends and patrons The staff at Fairholme Dairy wish to thank their patrons for allowing us to observe part of this holiday period. Fairholme Dairy Ltd. . PHONE HU 2-9342 News of Londesboro Qosrespendent,, MSS. paw 4144444. Phone 04th r A special .Christmas service was observed in the United Cantrell. on Sunday morning. The church was tastefully de- aerated with evergreens and .poirssettas and two 'Christnias trees, The choir rendered a fine mas Carol"', an inspiring ser- mon, "Putting Christ into Christmas" was delivered by Rev. Henry Flange, The Christmas candlelight canasta "Joseph and the Na- tivity" was presented by the - -- -- " ii .,..,.;, „w, 9L4 ' .t, st. At, . From oit you. . . Best Holi3ay Season Christmas ,Joy and and Ball and Staff FURNITURE ,.....! ''''•I'' ..' Wakagnti ' ' /.0 A s;„. ... , . each all Doug . -.. ..$ / a us to for a ',Pith Match Cheer! Mutch / 'Wishes anD HARDWARE Bill N • all of fille ,.. ' .A{. s :, ' , >o• ii,.. f G t es , ,,,---. ..---,......_ , `` t f 4, • dronufsmiafr ,- .. As , William 4 i 4 . . , 0ti d 4 Ser. As •• t:4- e "' ri, --- — All McLean Jewellery John WOO , 3- • to Anstett Mrs. Helen Greetings Anstett Season's r Mr. and Mrs. Bakelaar —.................... "SS A wish that's old, yet ever-new.,. this greeting we extend to youl Lovett Specialty Shop 17 Albert St. CLINTON HU 2-9364 ERRY CHRISTMAS K. W. Colquhoun Phone HU 2-9747 Isaac Street - - Clinton K. W. "Danny" Colquhoun and Mrs. E. "Mari," Collins