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Clinton News-Record, 1960-12-22, Page 3
Brucefield Couple Wed Mr. and Mrs. Robert William Speir exchanged wed- ding vows in Bayfield Baptist Church on November 19. The bride, Suzanne Cornelia, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John imonse, RR 1, Varna, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford Speir, RR 1, Varna. The couple will reside near London. PETE HU 2.9731 . . Shaddick—Powell Large white potted 'mums and two lighted candelabra formed the setting in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, December 3, when Nancy Marilyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Powell, RR. 3, Clinton, became the bride of John Lewis Shadclick, Clin- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Shaddick, Londesboro. The Rev. Grant Mills, Clin- ton, performed the double ring ceremony. Nelson McClinchey was organist and accompanied The funeral service was con- the soloist, Harry Lear. ducted on Thursday, Decent- Given in marriage by her ber 15, at the Ball and Mutch father, the bride was lovely in funeral home, by the minister white organza with beaded Of St. Andrew's Church, Rev. medallions, over net and taf- D. J. Lane and inteement was feta, with beaded coronet, and made in Clinton Cemetery. waist-length veil, Her bridal .The pall-bearers were K. W. bouquet was one dozen red car- Colquhoun, Frank Mulch, Clar- nations. ence Neil ans and Howard Mrs. Muaray Maltby, Fergus, Cowan. . was matron of honour for her Among the relatives and sister. She woe red velvet, and many friends who attended the 6arr;ezi: T.'lrge. white 'mums. Bridesmaids; Miss. S r o n funeral were, Mrs. Charles Kahn and. Mr. and Mrs. HartyThompson, London, and Miss Clucas of St. Louis, Mo. Sharon Jackson, Blyth, were bridesmaids, also in red velvet and carry in g large white 'mums. Wayne Jackson, Blyth, wee (tIonsall Correspondent) groomsman and ushers were Lawrence Powell and William Mrs. James A. Paterson, a Shaddiek. resident of Hensel], most of her, The auditorium of the church life, passed away in Clinton was decorated in red and white Public Hospital on December 15 in her 74th year. When health permitted she was ac- tive in organization of Carmel Presbyterian Church of which she was a member, a former member of the Women's Mis- sionary .Society and of the chair. She was a former mem- ber of Hensel], Women's Insti- tute and one of the first mem- bers when it was organized. She was the former Lilly Dora Ortwein and had spent most of her life at Hensall. Surviving are her husband, one brother, Al.011Z0 Ortweln, Gross- well, Mich.,_and one sister, Mrs. G. M. rysdale, Hensel]. Public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral chapel on Sunday, December 18 by the Rev. G, C. Vais, Galt, a former minister of Carmel Church, Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery, and pallbearers were Clarence Reid, George Hess, Walter Spencer, Howard Scene, Norman Jones and James A. Foster. cussed them all. She was a life-long Presby- terian and for many years, a member of St Andrew's. Pres- byterian Church, Clinton. Her church meant a great deal to her and she supported it gen- erously. She was a life member of the Monica's Missionary Society and a member of the Women's Association, She is survived by one neph- ew, Harry Clucas and two nieces, Mrs. Morey Diven and Mrs. Charles Kahn, all of St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Mrs. J. A. Paterson ' Strokes are no lorrre , less, necordin, to medical spokesmen. Invalidism result- ing from strokes now Can be reduced or prevented through prompt treatment. Peace on. Earth... Good Will Toward Men. Jervis Studio '130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 kerommrpresuzporpowirmanomouirormargeaarwawreqmokomono. 'We take sincere plasma in extending toyouour DST WISHEig Lot a HAPPY HOLIOAY WILSON' Clirtlo Electric Shop. HU g.6646 O. W. Cornish, Proprietor dLINTON a Thurs., Dec. 22, 190 Clinton Novo-Record---.P lowappor i Meet Your Neighbour At The Goderich PARK THEATRE JA 7811 Now Playing "Road Racers" and " DaddriD" MON., TUES. and WED. -0-- Dec. 26.2748 PETER SELLERS The current sensation, as a comedy star, on both continents, appears in his latest fun show. "TWO WAY STRETCH" with Wilfrid I-1 de-White THUR.. FRI. and SAT. Dec. 29-3041 MARILYN MONROE with Yves Montand, Tony Randall & Wilfrid H. White "LETS MAKE LOVE" Cinernascope and Technicolor — Romantic comedy as only La Belle Monroe can do it!! Coming — "Cash McCall" with James Garner ge 3 Just slipping in our little wish that your Christmas will be bright and merry the happiest one ever for you and your family. CLOTHING and LUGGAGE WILLARD and ART • •411..VVV$450::, • • '4'V •.4.• n one and gil a vety errs y Ch,ristmo F. B. Pennebaker Your I.D.A. Druggist .0-- Phone HU .2.6626 Prank and Ferrol Pen nebake r Ethel Smith Stan Harrell seaeakkaeassaVeM'Ma. L Mrs, W. Home Frieda Eileen Hume, a forfir,- -Or president of the Women's Institute of Halton County died on Thursday, December 1 in Hamilton after an illness of three weeks. Mrs, Hume Was boon on July 5, 1899 in -Clinton, a daughrter of the late .Charles and Lydia Wallis, Clinton. She married William R. Hume on October 10, 1936 in Clinton. She went to live at RR .6, Milton, in the same year and had lived there since, She was a graduate of Mae- Donald Institute of Guelph. Be- sides the WI, she was active in the WMS, WA, .and the Farm Forum. She attended St, Paul's United Church, Surviving are her husband, William R. Hurne, sons George and David who are attending university, and stepsons Donald in Toronto, Rev. Gordon,. Niag- ara Falls, 'and Sherwood, Mil, ton. Her brothers were the late Wilmer Wallis, Clinton and the late Fred Wallis. in the United State's. Mrs. Gertrude Toronto, was her sister, The funeral ,service from St, Paul's United Church, was held on Saturday, December 3, with Rev. J. L, Graham as officiat- ing minister, Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery, Milton, Pallbearers were 'William Dales, P, Galloway, J. McLen- nan, C. May, Will'i'am Shields, and B. Kerrie, neighbours of Mrs, Hume. Mrs, J. H. Vodden Funeral service was conduct- ed last Thursday afternoon, December 15, in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street,. Clinton., for Alice Verna 'tli'ultilrwaite) Vedder., by !the Rev. Henry A,. Funge, Londes- botro United Church, Pall-bearers were Harry and Grant Londesboro; Fred Vodden, Cliniborq Kenneth Ved- deo, Londesboro;. Lloyd Mc- Belgrave and Murray_ McDowell, Cookstown. Inter— ment was in Clinton Cemetery. Born in Nauett Township at Londesiborei on June 11, 1893, Mrs. Vodden was the daughter of the late Marshall I3raith- wafte and Margaret (MeVittie) Braithwaite, She married Jos- eph Herbert (Bert) Vedden. on June 9, 1915, and they farmed on the ninth concession of Hal- lett Township until retiring to Clinton in October 1948. Their home is at 72 Princess Street West. A member of Londeshoro United Church, Mrs, Vodden was a member of the Woman's Missionary Society there and taught the adults Bible class for a number of years in Lon- desboro United Church Sunday School. Mrs. Vodden suffered a leng- thy illness whidh was ended by a fatal brain herrunorhage dur- ing the night of December 12, Surviving besides her hus- band is one son, Alvin Joseph Vodden, Clinton; one sister, Mrs. Alva McDowell, Belgrave; three nieces and two nephews, London; one nephew in Detroit, Mich. Attending the funeral were persons from Brussels, Goder- ich, Belgrave, Cookstown, Lon- don, Seaforth, Kincardine and Blyth as well as frOm Clinton. Mrs., Neil Fox Mrs. Neil Fox, the former Josephine F. Fair, passed to her reward in the Thamer Nur- sing Home, Seaforth, on Tues- day morning, December 13, 1960, aged 97 years. She was the daughter of the late Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Fair, Her father was at one time, the Postmaster of Clin- ton. Mrs. Fox was born in Clinton and in her younger years, assisted her father in his, work and also assisted her br- other, the late W. D. Fair in his bookstore on Albert Street. She married Neil Fox and lived in Morden, Manitoba, and later in Alameda, Sask., where Mr. Fox conducted a news pr- inting business until he - died. Mrs. Fox continued to live in Almeda for some years. Short- ly after her brother (W. D. Fair) lost his wife, Mrs. Fox returned to Clinton to live with him and make her home in Clinton. About 14 years ago, she had the misfortune 'to fracture her hip and since that time had been a semi-invalid. She was confined to Clinton Public Hos- pital. until February 1959, and in the Thamer Nursing Home, Seaforth. until her death. Although a semi-invalid, Mrs. Fox retained her alertness and eagerly conversed with her many visitors, whom, she loved to have call on her. She kept. abreast of both local and world events and intelligently die- Christmas trees, bouquets of rod carnations with white porn pains and candelabra, decorated Londesboro United 'Church on December 10, for the marriage of Myrtle Cindy Adele, daugh- ter .of Mrs, Ernest Knox and the late Ernest Knox, RR Blyth, to CTordon liar old Swan, son of Mr. anid Mits, Harold Swan, Clinton, The Rev. Henry A. Funge of- ficiated at the ceremony, The organist Miss Margaret Jack-. son, accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Pamela Saddler, Given in marriage by her cousin Murray Neal, the bride wore a full-length gown of silk organza over taffeta, The shir- red bodice was designed with lily-point sleeves and a Sabrina neckline edged with coloured sequins and pearls, Similar lace appliques crested the bouffant skirt, A sequin and pearl tiara held her chapel veil, and she carried a bouquet of red roses, Miss Irene Saint was maid of honour, The bridesmaid was Miss Sibyl -Castle and the jun- ior bridesmaid was Shela Barn- sy, They wore identical gowns of red velvet, and carried white carnations. Calvin Garrow was grooms- man, the ushers were Melvin Knew and Donald Swan, The wedding luncheon was served in the church parlor. Receiving guests, the bride's mother wore a cocoa brown lace dress with matching acces- sories and corsage of yellow carnations. The groom's moth- er assisted in light green bro- caded satin with beige and black accessories and corsage of pink carnations. Following a wedding trip to points in Southern Ontario and the United States the couple will reside in Clinton. For travelling the bride don- ned a green wool dress with brown coat and matching ac- cessories, and corsage of yel- low roses and white 'mums. for the reception. The bride's mother wore heathtone lavend- er brocade with white acces- sories and the groom's mother wore brown and beige figured velvet with matching beige ac- cessories. For travelling the bride don- ned a light green knitted sheath, with Persian lamb coat with gray mink collar and matching fur-trimmed hat and shoes. Following a wedding trip to Florida the young couple is living in Clinton where both are on staff of the Clinton branch, Bank of Mont- real. Cli nt on and ,District Obituaries rivni.-rsv, Swan—Knox We hope the blessed joys of Christmas remain with you all year! Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners 57c 5 Bologna Lb. 29c 6 Freshly Ground Hamburg3 Lbs. for99C C"BINI II::VE14 N11)EEigit l ) suers 3 Lbs. for r ram Stewi e 3 Sm odic _ok ed Ten er S eel am 0 "Check These 7 110T SPECIALS and Stock Up f©r the Holy Days" 1 Lb. BOLOGNA ) 1/2 Lb. BACON ) TURKEYS BRETHREN GREASELESS GEESE DUCKS CHICKENS FRESH OYSTERS 0 em Meat Market "The Home of Quality Meats" (Whole or Half) Lb.' 55c . Lb 3c Lb. 99c