Clinton News-Record, 1960-12-15, Page 11CaRisre „ME at your Jewellery Store WATCHES - DIAMONDS ,-- PEARLS JEWEL BOXES - DRESSER SETS PIN and EARRING SETS CUFF LINKS SHEAFFER PEN and PENCIL SETS TRANSISTOR RADIOS and all lines of Jewellery Take Advantage of Christmas Lay-Away Plan Use Your Credit to Advantage FREE GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE ANSTETT JEWELLERS HU 2-9525 CLINTON Classified Ads Bring Results NEWS FROM GROVES...wow 1961 ADMIRA 23" Consolette Now Offered by Groves' at the . . LOWEST PRICE EVER! REG. $349.00 CH RISTOVES' PRICE $249.00 CHRISTMAS 3 Months Free Service • One Year on Picture Tube [ 5 GOOD USED TELEVISIONS 5 Good Shape - For Sale Cheap Art Groves & Son RADIOS TELEVISION.. & APP,LIANCES HU 2-9414 Huron St., Clinton Young Farm Couple Wed MR. AND MRS. ROBERT LORNE ALTON were married in Dungannon United Church. The bride is the former Elsie Kathlene Smyth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smyth, RR 2, Auburn, .and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Al- ton, RR 2, Auburn. After a wedding trip 'to the United States, the couple will reside at RR 2, Au- burn, (MacLaren's Studio) WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO TAKE PHONE ORDERS FOR DELIVERY ON A CASH BASIS OUR PHONE No. NOW IS HU 2-7621 Don't miss out on Our DOLL DRAW: Mrs. Duncan MacKay; student end press, Mrs, Ed, Davies and Mrs. Charles Stewart; organist, Mrs. Duncan MacKay and Mrs. John Houston; nominating com- mittee, Mrs. A. Rollinson, Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. Frank Raithby; COC leaders, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Mrs. Donald Haines; CGIT leaders, Mrs. W. hradnock and Mrs, 0. MacKay; Ladies' Aid president, Mrs. Ed. Davies; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Roy Daer. Mrs. in. J. Lane presided at the tea tahle for the lunch that followed this special Christmas meeting, Those assisting Mrs. Davies were Mrs. Alfred Rol- linson, Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. F. Raithby. SS 4 Goderich Township (By Mrs. Ira Merrill) Farm Forum. The SS No. 4 Goderich Town- ship Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, with an attendance of tenmembers. The topic for discussion was "Want- ed-A Food Throughway." First question: Do you think we should spend more money (we spent $56 million in the past three years) to assist under- developed countries? Explain (1% of our national income would be $360 million). It was decided that we feel the gov- ernment should definitely in- crease the amount of money being spent to assist under- developed countries. It would not only help the needy in for- eign countries, but also keep down our surplus food supplies in Canada. Second question: Do you think that food surplus distribution can (a) solve the Canadian farm surplus problem, (b) ma- terially help the countries re- ceiving aid? It may not com- pletely solve our food surplus, but such assistance, with cau- tioning against over-production should help greatly, and should also materially help the coun- tries receiving aid. Gaines of "500" were played and lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lobb. Community Club Mrs. Walter Forbes was host- ess for the December meeting of the SS No. 4 Goderich Town- ship Community Club, The president, Mrs. Jack Merrill, conducted the meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs. Stewant Farquhar, also a letter of thanks from the Children's Aid Society for a donation re- ceived. The treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, read the report, show- ing a balance of $70.21. The roll call was an exchange of Christ- mas gifts, with 15 members and one visitor present. Plans were made for a social evening to be held at the school on Friday evening, December 16. Mrs. Jim Lebb and Mrs. Murray Forbes were appointed to plan for a program. Films are to be shown, as well as other items on the program. The remainder of the after- noon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the host- ess with Mrs. William Lobb as- sisting. The officers for 1961 are: president, Mrs, William Lobb; first vice-president, Mrs, Mur- ray Forbes; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Harry Oakes; secre- tary, Mrs. Jim Lobb; assistant, Mrs, Harold Howard; treasurer, Mrs, Lorne Tyndall; assistant, Mrs. Donald Forbes; buying committee, Mrs, Walter Forbes, Mrs, Robert Thompson, Mrs. Morgan Jones, Mrs. jack Teb- butt; quilt committee, Mrs. Jack Merrill, Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar; fruit and flower committee, Mrs. Carmen Tebbutt, Mrs. Fred Lobb; press secretary, Mrs. Ira Merrill. All annual reports are to be given at the :artuary meeting, which is to be held at the home of Mrs, Murray Forbes, 0 A person wrapped up in hint- self makes a anon package, In the past fit/6 years tiettrly half of the generating capacity installed by the Canadian elec- tric power indttatry has been Ste.arti powered. HARRY WILLIAMS III12.6633 RR+2CLINTON -HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR,011S- WHITE ROSE FREE Dec. RIEDMISISMISISISISISSICIDESSIDOMMISSOM Sweaters Choose from our Large Selection of TONY DAY and SHELBY SWEATERS $6,95 to $16.95 Choose Your New Suit for Christmas now. priced as low as $39.50 ALL SIZES TIES ... SOCKS... SWEATERS ... SHIRTS... ROBES ... Dressing Gowns $9.95 to $24.95 S-M-L Car Coats Suburbans ALL SIZES $12.95 to $24,95 • Sport Coats • Slacks • Blazers Herman's Men's Wear Gift Boxes - Gift Certificates HU 2-9351 CLINTON Open Evenings Until Christmas White Shirts ALL SIZES priced from $3.95 to $7.95 And ill • McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW For Every Purpose $254s° MODEL 1-71 - The most powerful direct-drive saw, and so easy to handle, Only 21 lbs. There's a Wells Auto Electric Right here in Clinton, have the three most popular models in stock. Come in for a demonstration and find out how you can make your sawing chores on the farm easier. MODEL 1-41 - A professional saw at a price you can afford. Only 17 lbs., the world's lightest chain saw, 16-inch bar, Super Pintail chain MODEL D-45 The easy starting, easy handling, easy cutting saw. For farm or professional cutting, Weighs only 19 lbs.; will take up to $219 30 inch bar $1695° ORIGINAL WHITE SERVICE PARTS Wells Auto Electric "tHE ORIGINAL *I'VNE4UP 8HOP 0 Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON t . BECAUSE HE HAD FOUND THE BUSINESS IN TOWN THAT FEATURES COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, SAVE CASH Stanley's Red & White Craig; pianist, Mrs, Robert 3. Phillips; auditors, Miss Marg- aret R. Jackson and Mrs. Sid- ney Lansing. Directors who wish to retire, Mrs. C. M. Straughan, Mrs. Edg,a- Lawson and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge; directors until 1961, Mr, Ed. Davies, Mrs, William T. Robi- son, Mrs. John Houston, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Wes. Brad- nock. To retire in 1951, Mr. James Hembly, Mr. William Straughan, Mrs. William Strau- ghan, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Miss Elms, Mutch. A Christmas lunch was serv- ed by Mrs, Frank Raithby, Mrs. Bent Craig and Mrs. James Hembly. Life Memberships The presentation of three life memberships was the highlight of the December meeting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of Knox - Presbyterian Church at the home of Mrs. Ed. Davies. The president, Mrs. Donald Haines gave the call to worship and Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay presided at the piano. Worship service was in the charge of Mrs. Herbert Goviee who was assieted by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry Eve, Leaaide. Thurs., Dec, .1$, 190-Cliators Nows-Wecord.. Page. 11 LONDESBORO A solo, "Dear Little Strang- er" was sung by Mrs. Wes Brad- nock and a meditation of the life of "Mary the Mother of Jesus" was given by Mrs Ed. Davies. The offering was re- ceived by Miss Minnie Wagner. Rev. D. J. Lane was the guest speaker and told how the story of the coming of Christ had been put into song in many countries. He told about the origin of many of the familiar carols of today. Mrs. D. j Lane, life member- ship secretary of the Huron Presbyterial, presented the cer- tificates to Mrs. John Graham and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. Mrs. Harry Eve presented her moth- er, Mrs. Herbert Govier, With a certificate and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. John Houston spoke a few words concerning the presentations. The secretary, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland gave her report and, also the financial state- ment. Tha different secretaries gave their year's reports.. Roll call was answered by a verse from Revelations. The Ladies' Aid held their meeting with the president, Mrs. Ed. Davies in charge and the secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Roy Daer gave her 'report. Plans to fill candy bags for the Sunday School children at the home of Mrs. John Graham were made for the concert on December 23. They decided to purchase Psalm books for the church and to also get flowers. The convener of the nominat- ing comm,ttee, Miss Minnie Wagner presented her report. The officers for 1961 are: hon- orary president, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; past president, Mrs. W. Bradnock; president, Mrs. Donald Haines; vice-presidents, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Mrs. Roy Daer; secretary-treasa. urer, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland; assistants, Mrs. W. Brach:oak and Mrs. E. Lawson; Glad Tid- ings secretary, Mrs. Alfred Rol- linson; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Herbert Gorier; literature and library, Mrs. Gordon Dob- ie; home helpers, Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs. Roy Deer; supply, Mrs, Herbert Gavle c and Mrs. Carl Gorier; flower committee, Mrs. Ed, Davies and Mr. and Mrs. William Seers are opening their new coffee shell on Saturday, December 1?. Mrs. Kenneth Scott was the lucky winner at the draw at Cordon Taylor's store last Sat- tuday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Max Garland and son, Midland, were recent visitors with his aunt, Mrs, J, C. Stoltz and Mr. Stoltz. Friends of Miss Margaret Re Jackson are pleased to see her home after many weeks spent sick in Victoria Hosptal, Lon- don, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bath- well and Janice, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R Taylor, A reception was held last Fri- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gwyn: in Dungannon agri- cultural hall, Jack Armstrong read the address and John Wil- son presented the newlyweds with a purse of money, The annual carol service will be held in Knox United Church on December 18 under the aus- pices of the Bible Societysllev. R M. Sweeney will officiate and music will be supplied by the choirs of all the churches in the community. Evensong Rev. R. F. Meally officiated at the Evensong Service in St. Mark's Anglican Church. Mrs. Norman IVieClinchey presided at the organ for the service of carol singing. Members of the Sunday School took pant in the candlelighting service: Ruth Schneider, Carole Brown, Monica Nesbit, Wendy, Bobby and Cathy Schneider, Ronald Brown, Stephen Rag- e:int Ronald McPhee, Charlotte Nesbit and Diane Kirkconnell. Mrs. George Schneider, sup- rintendent of the Sunday School was assisted .by Mrs. Clifford Brown in the distribu- tion of gifts and treats from the lighted Christmas tree. During the service a duet was sung by Misses Eileen and Ruth Schneider and the offering was received by Diane Kirkconnell and Carole Brown. Candlelighting The Christmas vesper candle- lighting service of the Auburn CGIT was held last Sunday af- ternoon in Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Jannett Dobie led the service and Bar- bara MacKay presided at the organ. Scripture lessons were read by Marjorie Youngblut and, Laura Daer, and Darlene Stewart •and Linda Wilson re- ceived the offering. Rev. D. J. Lane spoke to the girls on the life of Dorcas. The choir, under the direction of the assistant leader, sang two anthems and after the offering was received Margaret Haines sang "0 Holy Night", The leader of the CGIT, Mrs. Wes. Bradnock led in the dedication service and the candlelighters were Margaret Sanderson, Rose Marie Haggitt, Carole Brown an jiitlY Arthur. The Ida White C.O.C. held their white gift service and these will be sent to the Henan- ton Senitorturn for Eeldmo Children. St. Mark's Guild The Ladies Guild of S' Mark's Anglican Church me' for its December meeting at the home of Mrs. Sam Daer with Mrs. Andrew Mrkconnell presiding for the program.' Scripture meditation was giv- en by Mrs. Ed, Davies on "The First Christmas Morning," Prayers were led by Mrs, Clif- ford Brown. Rev. R. Niftily chose "For Unto us a Child is Born" as the text for his Christmas mes- sage. The study book, "The Forward Look," by Canon Dav- ies, was read by Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. President Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt took charge of the busi- ness session. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor gave the financial statement. Roll call was answered by each naming her favorite Christmas carol, Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. Clifford Brown were named to pack the shut-in boxes, A do- nation of $1.0 was' sent to the Indian children at the Muncey Reserve. The election of officers re- sulted as follows; past presi- dent, Mrs. John Deer; presi- dent, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; first vice-president, Mrs. Geo- rge Schneider; secretary, Mrs. Ed, Davies; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; program committee, Mrs. R. F. Meally and Mrs. Fordyce Clark. A euccessrfail auction was held and a lunch was served by Mrs. Sam Daer, assisted by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and Mrs. John Daer. Horticultural Sprigs of evergreen and holly sparkling with thieel, a lighted miniature nativity scene and glowing red tapers formed a pretty setting foe the annual Christmas party of the Auburn Horticultural Society. The president, Mrs. Kenneth Scott was in charge with Mrs. Dun- can MacKay presiding at the piano. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor led in the singing of Christmas carols. The minutes were read by Mrs. Gordon Taylor and ap- proved, Mrs. Ed. Davies gave the Christmas 'message on facts and thoughts of this season and spoke on the way of having a ,sue Christmas and told the members how this religious holiday should be observed. A bird contest was given by Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Winners were Mrs. Arthur Grange and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. A reading "The Origin of the Christmas Tree" was given by Mrs. A. Grange. Roll call was answered by giving a tea towel for the raw hall. A gift exchange was in charge of Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. James Hembly. Mrs. Ed, Davie. :resided for the election of officers. -The convener of the nominating committee, Mrs. William Strau- ghan brought in the 1961 of- ficers: honorary presidents; Mrs. William T. Robison, Mrs. Ar- thur Grange, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; past president, Mrs. Bert Craig; president, Mrs. Kenneth Scott; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ed. Davies; second vice-president, Mrs, James Hembly; third vice-president, Mrs. Duncan MacKay; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; treasurer and corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Bert News of Auburn 9reeseondent; MRS. W, fifiAPROOK - PHONE AUBURN 53W {Correspondent) Allar4 Phone Myth ,37 r 0) On Sunday morning, Decem- ber 25, a joint Christmas ser- vice with Burns' and Constance uniting with Lotulesboro will be held in the Londesboro Unit- ed Church. On Sunday evening, Decenn ber 18 at 7.30 a candlelight service will be observed. A cantata "Joseph and the Na- tivity"" will be presented by the senior and junior choirs, A good •attendance is hoped for, Several ladies from the com- munity visited friends and. ac- quaintances at the County Home on Saturday •afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lee and family and Mrs. Lily Webster visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. MeEwan and family in Chat- ham on Sunday. Mr. Will Gov- ler having spent a week with his daughter and family, re- turned home with them. The Woman's Missionary So- ciety held their December meet- ing on Thursday last art the home of Mrs, Joseph Sbaddick with 17 present. The treasurer gave a very satisfactory report that the allocation had been reached and a nice surplus for 'the G.B.A. Mrs. Shobbroole gave the first chapter of the new study book "The Ship Under the •Cross," Several Christmas readings were enjoyed. Group 3 provided cookies and a cup of tea, the proceeds to go to- wards the expense fund. (,A YoRteg4. EXPERT F EL OIL For a treat in Modern Heating Dial HU 2- 9411 and have your tank filled with clean burning "CHAMPION FUEL. OIL". Enjoy carefree heating because "CHAMPION FUEL OIL" is insured against explosion and is never carried in a truck hauling other high explosive products. A. G. GRIGG and SON Phone HU 2-9411 Clinton "We Specialize in Fuel Oil" Nrionialb. Stanley's Red & White arket 202 Queen Street-Just Behind Hanover Transport CLINTON, ONTARIO YOU WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION AND FAST SERVICE ON DELIVERY Six Beautiful Dolls valued at $15.00 each. You have a Chance with every $5.00 purchase. Draw to be made 24th at 6 p.m. Ha'RE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEKEND: 1. GEM MARGARINE 2. GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 3. LIBBY FANCY TOMATO JUICE 4. AYLMER VEG. SOUP 5. CULVER HOUSE FANCY CREAM CORN MEAT SPECIAL This Weekend: 1. SIRLOIN STEAK CHOICE 2. WING STEAK CHOICE . 3. LEAN HAMBURG STEAK 4. FRESH GROUND SUET Good Setection of GRADE A TURKEYS lb. 69c lb. 69c 3 lbs. for 99c Ib. 19c 15 -o2.-6 for $1.00 48 -oz.-3 for 79c 10-oz.-11c 20-oz.----2 for 35c 4 for 85c NOW !STEN Fouce„ WE WAVE DK TO Ski: OUR SINE,E-D1 SERVICE WILL SAVE 714E DAY/ /fp For the best Christmas yet get PHILIPS TV RADIO or STEREO HIGH FIDELITY at lowest prices with liberal trade-in allowance SEABREEZE Monaural or Stereo RECORD PLAYERS also at great savings MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 Victoria St. HU 2-7021 /15 / SEE IT BY HARRY WILLIAMS'