Clinton News-Record, 1960-12-15, Page 6SELL AND PROFIT..7 BUY AN AVE ...GET A „BETTER JOB ...1111IRE GOOD HELP! For the sake of clarification, the Coun- cil of the Town of Clinton wishes to draw to the attention of the public the fact that the Interpretation Act in the Statutes of Ontario provides that when Christmas and New Year's days fall on a Sunday, the next following day shall be observed as a public holiday. In view of this provision, Monday, December 26, 1960, and Monday, January 2, 1961, are considered to be public holidays. PROCLAMATION By resolution of Council, I hereby proclaim a CIVIC HOLIDAY on BOXING DAY Tuesday, December 27, 1960 and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. (Signed) HERB BRIDLE, Mayor, 'town of Clinton, ARTICLES FOR SALE ORDER YOUR Dressed Ducks now, for Christmas or New Years, Phone HU 2-7548, ,s0.11.) ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhotin, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb FINEST OF GIFTS for all the family. Bayfield Woollen Shop, Bayfield, 50-lb CHILD'S CONSOLE. COM- bination radio and record play- er„ 3 speed record player turn over cartridge; record storage decorative cabinet, twin doors. pink enamel with colourful decals. Must be seen, Small doll's cradle and high- chair. Phone HU 2-3389 even- ings, 47tfb HELP WANTED MALE Page 6—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Dec. 15, 1960 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ATTENTION FARMER! BARNS CLEANED and disin- fected for Brucellosis, also cat- tle sprayed for lice. Jim Leish- man, Seaforth, phone 655 r 2. 49-50-1b ARTICLES FOR SALE _ . ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts, Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store, 20tfb WHO IS INTERESTED mak- ing $10 to $15 a day selling quality products of a reliable firm, over 70 years in business? Write W. T. Rawleigh, Dept, L-109-013, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 50b FRESH FROZEN, oven ready, Turkeys. Phone HU 2-7527. John Taylor, Erucefield. 50-1b APARTMENT, self - contained. Phone HU 2-9928. 40-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE (Licensed). Highest cash prices paid for dead, sick or disabled horses and cattle. Clinton customers call Atwood Zenith 34900, out of Clinton call Atwood 153 collect. Sev- en day service. 38tfb KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repair. Work guaranteed; reasonable prices; one week service. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414. 34tfb LEEDY and LUDWICK snare drum for parade or concert use, one year old. For parti- culars phone HU 2-9552. 49-50p HOUSE FOR RENT, or sale, in )3ayfield. All conveniences. Phone Bayfield 53 r 2, 40tfb FOR RENT SHREDDER FOR CORN STALKS. George Wraith, Mont- real Street Goderich, phone JAckson 4 - 9934; residence: JAckson 4-7002. 44tfb FOR SALE 1,000 BALES OF HAY for sale, Al Sherwood, Dungannon. 50-lp DRAIN TILE 4", $55 per M delivered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 de- livered, Prices, 10", 12"', 14" on request. Rydall Brick and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Wanted One Automobile Mechanic with License A and , One Body Man with license B, $75 per week, 51/2 days, year-round employ- ment, for modern economy car dealership in Sarnia, Ontario, Apply Bqx 491, Clinton News-Record 49to2b 2 APARTMENTS, self-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 40tfb ALUMINUM DOORS, WIN- laws and grills. Excellent Christmas gifts. Earl R. Dou- cette, Clinton, phone HU 2- 9741, 49-50-51b FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale, Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensel] 696 r 2, collect. 16-tfb ATTENTION FARMERS!High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All other stock pick- ed up free of charge. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 42C60. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Sea- forth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11 to 28p-tfb TRAILER for rent, 41'x10', fully furnished, Becker's Trailer Court. 45tfb FOR SALE A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand, Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r 15. 13tfb ELECTRIC TRAIN complete with transformer, tracks, four cars and engine, including ex- tra accessories. Bargain price. Phone HU 2-3468. 50p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, unfur- nished, Phone HU 2-3855. 49tfb FOR RENT 20-ton Mobile Crane Harry Adams, Contractor 309 Huron Rd., Goderich, Ont. Phone JAckson 4-8451 43to50b ONE ONLY Permanent Position For Clinton Man Here's one of the finest oppor- tunities offered to a man over 45 who wishes to make a per- manent connection with a maj- or company. The man we want is neat, con- scientious, owns a car and can take short trips to the sur- rounding area. Earnings are open, depending on ability, but we consider this opening 'to be worth up to $14,500.00 IN A YEAR This is a full-time job . „ it pays mighty well. It is stimu- lating and filled with lelg re- wards for honest effort. Earn- ing checks mailed weekly in advance. If you think you are our man, please write A. G. Swallow, Southwestern Petroleum Co., P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT newly decorated, furnished and heated, private bath, available now. Phone HU 2-3329. 49-50p 18 PIGS, seven weeks old. Also Quebec heater, like new. David Livingston, 50p 3 ONLY 15 cu. ft. home freez- ers RCA Whirlpool, top quality, $229. T. A. Dutton 'Appliances, Brucefield, phone HU 2-3232. Open evenings till nine. 50-1b SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, in .which The Corporation of the County of Huron is Plain- tiff and Hariett Lawson, Edwin Crawford Judd and Lillian Honour, the Administrators of the Estate of Morwennow Judd are the Defendants, and' to me directed, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements to the said Morwennow Judd, deceased; I have seized and taken in execution and will of- fer for sale by Public Auction at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, on Monday, the 9th day of Jan- uary, 1961, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Morwennow Judd, deceas- ed, in and to: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of lands and premises situate, ly- ing and being ins the Town of Clinton in the County of Hur- on and being composed of Town Lots Numbers 658 and 659 on Gordon Street in' the said Town of Clinton, contain- ing each by admeasurement one-fifth (1e5) of an acre, more or legs. On these premises there is said to be erected' a storey and one-half, insul brick dwelling. HARRY L. STURDY, Sheriff of the County of Huron. 50-51-52-1b Check Writer ONE YORKSHIRE SOW, to farrow in six weeks, Phone HU 2-9993. 50p $5.00 and Up PAID FOR DOWN or DISABLED COWS or HORSES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Stock Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS FOR SALE See It On Display At Clinton News-Record COSY APARTMENT, gas-heat- ed, furnished. Adults. Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton. 48p-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb CRISP, JUICY, McIntosh Red and Delicious from our cold storage. Bring your own con- tainers. Phone HU 2-7525, Stew- art Middleton. 46-51p 1 LANDRACE BOAR, seven months old. John Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton, HU 2-9197. 50p NORTH END OF DUPLEX, 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, avail- able now. Phone HU 2-3807. 48tfb AUTOS FOR SALE ONE REGISTERED HOLS- tein cow, due December 21, vaccinated and accredited, Bru- cellosis free herd, also 12 gauge pump shot gun in excellent con- dition: Don Campbell, Bayfield, phone 58R41 49b hader.**.ommetilidimsoingranalaitmeatessgam COME INTO WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC and ask for a dem- onstration of the famous Mc- CULLOCH Chain Saws. We'll be glad to advise you of the model for your particular need. 401,11 1952 CHEVROLET CAR IN good condition, reasonably pr- iced. Phone HU 2-9570. 49-50b 2-BEDROOM Apartment, coal furnace heating; available Jan. 1, 9 John Street, Clinton, phone HU 2-7133. 50p Septic Tanks Cleaned MODERN EQUIPMENT USED. All work guaranteed. Quick service. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 31-50-p 1954 WILLYS JEEP, new cab with hydraulic plough. Apply Roy Mann, Supertest Garage, phone HU 2-9079, 49-50p 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, with oil heating, available January 1. Apply at Levis Contracting of- ffice or phone HU 2-6694. 50b WANTED BRUCE MARLATT SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb WANTED—Live Turkeys, ducks geese and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels, 46-tfb 1955 FORD k CUSTOMLINE Sedan, fully equipped, small down payment and take over payments, or can be bought for cash. Phone HU 2-7739. 50p 24 HOUR SERVICE 48tfb 41-ft. TRAILER TO RENT, reasonable. Fully equipped. Apply North End Store, or •ph- one HU 2-3323. 50tfb Do-It-Yourself WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days. 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 BURROWS POOL and Snook.. er table, 6x3', full set of Snook- er and Boston balls, four cues. Excellent condition. Price new $200; will sell for $135. Con- tact Paul Pickett, 211 Princess Street, Clinton, phone HU 2- 9666. 50b 1952 OLDSMOBILE, 2-door, radio, heater, windshield wash- ers, snow tires, good condition. $150. Mr. Duggan, 100 Raglan Street, apply after five o'clock. RENT These Machines Attention Farmers — For the marketing of your eggs at highest prices, 2 cents less for Grade A Large, 2 cents over for Extra Large based on To- ronto market quotations. For further information contact H. P. Roth Transport, phone Shakespeare 36 r 8 or Zurich 97 r 3. 45to5Op 1. - BEDROOM APARTMENT, $35 a month. Water and hydro included. Apply 55 Albert St- reet, or phone HU 2-9304. 49-50-1p You'll Never Know Till You Try This If there is any doubt in your mind whether you can really get into a big money selling position . . . you can find out now at our expense. Don't worry about your past history. Your ambition and ability are more important to us than previous work as a salesman. We can prove this with earnings from $11,000.00 to $28,000.00 in a year paid' to our men in 36 other cities who started without previous ex- perience in our field. This is not a hard job . . . it is a pleasant occupation that offers happy, healthful working conditions at their best with top earnings, liberal bonus incentives, profit-sharing retirement plan, and free life insurance. If this sounds interesting to you, then please get in touch with me 'immediately. Write H. 0. Stephens, Vices-pres., Texas Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth 1. Texas. 50b 'V Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum V Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb 1949 FARGO TRUCK, ee-ton. Apply Keith Layton, RR 5, Clinton, phone HU 2-7594. 50p ACCOMMODATION WANTED NEW 20 ft. DEEP FREEZE, $250; new, 10 ft. refrigerator, $175; 75 new and used freezers, refrigerators. Electric ranges, wringer washers, automatic washers and dryers in stock. Apply Sandy Elliott, Furniture and Appliances, phone Exeter 176. 48-49-50p CUSTOM WORK 'OFFICE SPACE WANTED. About 400 square feet of good quiet office space required by February 1, 1961. Must be on a main thoroughfare, ground floor, heated, with wash up facilities. Clean office operation only. Write Box 501, Clinton News-Record, stating rent re- quired. 50b WANTED: FLOCKOWNERS to start day old chicks in the next four months, to supply us with hatching eggs. Extremely large premium paid. Eggs from some breeds taken every week in the year. Also wanted: Fl- ocks to supply us with eggs now. Apply, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 50, 52, 2, 4b FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb REAL ESTATE DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb SEAFORTH HOUSE FOR sale. Five room white frame with 2 piece bath, oil heated. Good corner lot. Immediate possession to close estate. Con- tact Edwin Bennevvies, Louisa Street, Seaforth. 49-50-1b or CUSTOM SNOWPLOUGHING. Apply Roy Maim, Supertest Garage, phone HU 2-9079. 49-50p Clinton Zenith 9-5650 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW BROTHER sewing ma- chine, in good condition. Phone HU 2,7249. 50-lb WELDING—Repairs, Ornamen- tal Railings, Flower Stands. John Hamilton, 293 Albert St- reet, Clinton. 38tfb NEW 4-BEDROOM RANCH style home, full basement, double lot, located in west end of Clinton, full price $11,500, approx. $3,000 down. Apply Box 482, Clinton News-Record. 48-9-50-1b and Whiftepoot DRYERS carefree Heating — Champion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes. 60 cycle convers- ions. Reasonable prices. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 35tfb GUTS for MU LARGE OIL STOVE, Fess, price $40, complete with pipes. Phone HU 2-7804. 45tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 9572. 11tfb ARE ON DISPLAY AT OUR SHOWROOMS Immediate Delivery Check Our Prices Before Buying Open Evenings Till 9 p.m. — LOST AND FOUND 2 OIL BURNERS, Marchand, and Coleman, $15 each. Phone HU 2-9419. 50-1b To Hear Him Cheer, Choose Here! HELP WANTED FEMALE FOUND—Male Beagle dog st- rayed to the premises of R. Cameron, phone HU 2-9210. Owner may have same by iden- tifying. 50b Gifts from here win cheers from men at Christmas because it's our business to know what men like! OVEN READY, White Rock roasting chickens. HU 2-9159, Harvey Taylor, Varna. 50b CAPABLE SECRETARY—good permanent position for right party. Must have shorthand, accuracy, and a good command of English language. Apply stat- ing salary expected and full particulars of qualifications to Box 500, Clinton News-Record. 50b MAN'S TUXEDO, size 36 to 38, just like new, priced reason- able. Phone HU 2-9134. 50b T. A. DUTTON LOST — 2 year old Holstein heifer strayed from Lot 31, 5th con, of Goderich Township, lat- ter part of November, anyone knowing the where abouts of this 'heifer kindly call Ernest Townshend, phone HU 2-9107. 50b LOST — 3 Holstein heifers, weigh between 500 to 600 lbs. last seen near Maitland River, Colborne and Goderich Town- ships. 2 heifers mostly white and the other black. Finder please phone collect Blyth 39 r 12. 50p Gilts for Dad.. CGIT Joint Meeting The Intermediate CGIT of Ontario Street United Church and the Junior CGIT of Wes- ley-Willis United Church held their annual vesper service in the Ontario Street church on Sunday evening. Special CGIT choir numbers were "Bring a Torch", "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" and "Infant Lowly." Miss Darlene Stanley read the Christmas story, "San- dra's Christmas Miracle." Gor- da Skov and Joan Mills were the readers. Candlelighters were Donalda Freeman, Eileen Gar- rett, Faye Johnson, Laurie Bates. The offering was received by Gloria Rumball and Eleanor Durst and will be used for the work among the 40,000 CGIT groups across Canada, ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 45-tfb ROBES SWEATERS for Men, Plaids or Fancies, Rayons, Tootals, Viyellas, Terry .. , from 1 295 to 2995 Stanley Township School Area Board requires a Qualified Teacher in a modern well equipped school, 3 miles south of Varna, on a black top road. Duties to commence January 3, 1961. Please state qualifications, ex- perience and name of last in- spector, if any, also salary ex- pected, in 'application to T. B. BAIRD, see.-treas., Brucefield, Ontario. Closing date, Decem- ber 22, 1960 at 12 o'clock noon. 50b cardigans or pullovers, plains or the popular Shags—S-M-L from 595 to 1695 Gifts for Boys. .. always a perfect gift. See the New Whites, Broadcloth 395 to 795 Terylene 495 to 995 SHIRTS PERSONAL Arrow Whites, Terylene or Broadcloth, sizes 11 to 14. 225 to 395 SHIRTS WE HAVE EVERYTHING you need in Christmas Tree Decora- tions. Right Light Tree Sets only 99c. Steadmans 5c to $1.00 Stores. 50b Light and Dark Christmas Cake I Delicious Christmas Puddings 1 HOLIDAY COOKIES — SHORTBREAD Smart cottons or doeskins. 10 16 yrs. 1 95 to 295 Banlons, Orions, Shags 10 to 16 yrs. Pullovers or Cardigans. 495 to 595 SPORT SHIRTS PYJAMAS Broadcloth, flanelette or Polo styles 395 to 795 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of OLVETTA BRIGHAM, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 19th day of December, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of November, A.D. 1960. 19, B. MENZIHS, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 48-9-50b COUPLE DESIRING transpor- tation to Ottawa Christmas weekend. Will share expenses and driving. Call HU 2-9227. 50b SCARVES Initial' o l s .. Foulard2s95 tWo h7i t9eg SWEATERS Sets, puff links, Tie bars. A perfect gift. 150 to 350 JEWELLERY SOX & TIES SPORT SHIRTS PYJAMAS FsilzaenselleottetoormPoylros.Styles. 295 to 395 Hundreds to choose from 00 up GIFT CHOCOLATES Authentic Tartans. ages 12 to 16 yrs, 495 ea. MITTS & GLOVES rtrarm ,i; 95 to 250 GOWNS Seeing is believ- ing. Dozens to choose from. 395 to 795 by Moirs Smiles'n Chuckles Jenny Lind .......mgimponarestasernao Ken and Bob Suggest . . SPORT COATS, JACKETS, HATS, BELTS, LUGGAGE HANKIES, RIPONS, GLOVES, and all items of Men's Wear Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JOHN W. MeEWAN, late of the Village of Holmesville in the County of Huron, Retired, deceased. All persons having claim's against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the, same with the undersigned Solicitor fox the said Estate, on or before the 19th day of December, A.D. 1960, of Or which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, haVing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED a,t Clinton, Ontario, this 2,5th day a November, A.D. 1960. El. B. NIII3NZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 48 9 r)ob Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only: HONEY DIP DONUTS Reg. 50c doz.—FOR 43c doz. Gift Boxes Gift Certificates LADIES LUGGAGE See the Smart Sets for HER VIYELLA PLAID SHIRTS for a better gift 14.95 ea. CAR COATS & SUBURBANS 15.95 up Bartlifis Bakery Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Open All Day Wednesdays in December Open Friday Evenings HU 2.9727 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Restaurant ,41111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111,.