HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-12-08, Page 11News of Auburn Correspondent; nips. W. BRAorvocK PI QNE AUBURN 53W Culligan Water Conditioning 32 Hamilton Street (just off the Square) Goderich 41 itiAlp451110 jp::•pcma ril.TartS' I f alma! A cordial invitation is extended to everyone when in Goderich to drop in at our office and see the many different Water Softener Units and. Filters on display there, and for a Free Wafer Analysis Call Us—No Obligation. SPECIAL WATER SOFTENER SALT DELIVERED There is no Substitute for Dependability and Service CALL CULLIGAN FOR THE BEST Phone Collect JAcicsan 4-9571 •••-ataaile.agegqtaaaew " -.11,ggvaaaattea 11•11)1A • AT SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. , For The Home — CHINA—COOKING WARE—CARVING SETS--KITCHEN SETS ELECTRIC FRY PANS—ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES—ELECTRIC DRY & STEAM IRONS TV TABLES—FIREPLACE TOOLS—And Many More Useful Items for the Home For Him — TOOLS — RAZORS For Her — RAZORS—SEWING BASKETS FLASHLIGHTS — Etc. SHOPPING BASKETS--Etc.,MIRMIfliTIAI.MINIMSOIMMONS1.1 ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL DECORATIONS and LIGHTS Available At SUTTER PERDUE LTD. STORE LAST CALLI‘dir IT ALL OUR TOYS GOING NOW at 1/2 Price Enjoy the Beauty of Your Home Decorated with Christmas Lights from Our Store tedatatadaata,a41141.1. 15:Light Strings For Exterior Decorating Listed at $8.40 Special Offer $5.4Q SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. Quality Hardware tIf Housewares Electrical Appliances & Supplies PHONE HU 2.7023 CLINTON HOLME.SVILliE T410 Docking and family, St4.04 visited with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Lobb on Saturday afternoon.- Kenneth Gaunt, Londesboro, and his sister, Mrs. Harold Dal- rymple and baby, Egmondville called at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb. Mrs. E. Phillips Auburn's Oldest Lady Dies at 89 (Auburn Correspondent) Many friends and relatives paid loving tribute to the mem- ory of Auburn's oldest lady, Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, on Mon- day, December 5, at the funeral service in St. Mark's Anglican Church. The rector, Rev. Robert Meally was in charge, assisted by •a former rector, Rev, R, M. Weekes of Church of the Epi- phany, London and by Rev, R. M. Sweeney of Knox United Church. Rev. Meally's message, "If we die shall we live again?" was answered by "Christian watchwords, love in absence, trust 'in silence, and faith in reunion," The pallbearers were Thomas G. Sheppard, Sarnia; John R. Weir, London; William J. Craig, Charles Scott, Roy Finnigan and Robert Arthur, The floral tributes were carried by And- rew Kirkconnell, Wesley Brad- flock, Fordyce Clark, Frank Raithby, Harry Beadle and Al- vin Plunkett. Interment was in the family plot at Ball's Cemetery. Friends and rela- tives were present from De- trdt, Toronto, Welland, Lon- don, Ilderton, Mitchell, Bright's Grove, Sarnia, Granton, Bramp- ton, Petrolia, Whitechureh and the surrounding towns and district. Mrs. Phillips passed away in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Satur- day, December 3, where she had been a patient for the past seven weeks. She was the for- mer Margaret Ellen Medd anal was born in West Wawanosh, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Medd and was in her 89th year. She was the last surviving member of a family of ten, She was married in 1895 to Ezekiel Phillips and moved to White- church, After residing there for 12 years they moved to Auburn, where she has since resided. Her cheery disposition made her a friend of young and old who lovingly called her "N aan". She was a member of St. Mark's Anglican Church and a charter member of the Auburn Women's Institute. She was al- ways interested in the life of the church and the community despite her failing health for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips observed their diamond wedding in 1955. Mr. Phillips passed away in March, 1959. She is survived by one son, Robert J. and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Ellen) Johnston and Miss Laura at home. To The Electors Of Clinton: Sincere thanks for your support in electing me a Councillor of the Town of Clinton for 1961. — WALTER C. NEWCOMBE To the Electors of Clinton I wish to thank all those who supported me at the polls on Monday. Wishing all ratepayers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. — NORMAN LIVERMORE To The Electors, Town of Clinton: Sincere Thanks to you, the voters who supported me at the polls on Monday. I will do my utmost to fulfill the trust you have placed in me. —MEL. CRICH 49b A. I Thursdays Dec. Of 1960,Clinton News-Record, P090 7/ Orange Lodge Holds First Card Party. Huron Loyal Orange Lodge No, 71.0 held a -card party on Tuesday, December 6 with, a full house. Prizes were won by Mrs. William Edgar, high lady; Mrs. Wilfred Coiclough, lone hand; Mrs, MerVYn FaleOttert. eanaolatien; high man, Robert Hattie; lone hands, Thomas O'Connell; consolation, William 13atkin. A draw was won by 1\itr, Card parties will continue in the new year with the :first one to be held. on Tuesday, January 16. Please 1474teh for further notice, THANKS to the Electors of Clinton For returning me to council for 1961. I will endeavour to fulfill the confidence you have placed in me, Wishing all, the Compliments of the Season! —Don Symons 49p My Sincere Thanks to all those who supported me at the polls on Monday. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year — JOHN SUTTER ••••••,a•••••••• PINE and SPRUCE Tree Stands J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies Phone HUnter 2-9612 — Clinton MY SINCERE THANKS To those who supported me at the polls on Monday. — J. Doug Thorndike 4 TIES ... t SOCKS SWEATERS ... SHIRTS... ROBES... Whoever he is Whatever he likes . , Herman's Men's Wear have the gift to send his spirits soaring Christmas mom! GIVE A r Herman's Merits Wear Gift Boxes Gift Cerlificafet HU 2,93S7 CLINTON Used Car Specials 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-door Station Wagon—one owner, low mileage, very lovely con. dition Only $1645 1957 DODGE 2-door Suburban new tires, real dean $1550 1953 DODGE Sedan-.,- real good transportation $ 350 Jrr & T. Murphy Ltd. CHRYSLEtk—PLYMOUTH-4--VALIANT,rARGO Huron Street Phone HU 2.9475 ' visiting nt the heme of her son,. Lawrence Nesbit attended the Leonard, Mrs, .Arehantbattlt and reception held last Friday ev.- fat-41111Y after a four months stay in GOderien hospital. Mrs, William . Pod*, Sr., is recovering from injuries reeeiv,' er in a recent fall at her home. Jack Beadle, Goderich spent last week with. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford .Brown and family, Mrs, Charles Asquith and Mrs, Harold Asquith, Toronto, spent last Wednesday visiting friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac— Kay, Barbara and Johnny sp- ent last weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs.• John Weir, Joan and Bobby, London. Mrs, Mary MeNall and Mrs. Wellington McNeil, Welland, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and attended the funeral on Monday of her aunt, Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Kirk- connell, Mary and Dianne vis- ited last Friday with their daughter, Mrs. Louis Blake, Mr. Blake, Faye and Mary An- ne, Brussels. Mrs, Harry Rinderkneeht and Mrs. Beverley French, Detroit visited last ,Sunday with their mother, Mrs. George Beadle and other relatives. Friends of Dr. Xi. C, Weir will be pleased to learn that he is improving in health in Victoria Hospital, London, wh- ere he was taken by ambulance last Friday, Earl McKnight, Sarnia spent last Sunday with William Hag gitt and Rose Marie, A successful cooking school, "The Third Meal" was held at the home of Mrs. Ed, Davies last week. The leaders were Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, and sponsored bar the Women's Institute. Mrs. William Archambault Last weeCko'sr"licsttioonf contribu- tors for the Memorial Coxu- munitY Hall fund should have read, Thomas Leiper, $20, (in- stead of WiloliIrsteLrseiper). F The members of the Forest- er's Lodge held a euchre party last week in the Orange Hall with Bob and Gordon Deer in charge. Prize winners were; high man, Wes Bradnocig low man, Ed. Davies; high lady, Mrs. Ed, Davies; low ladies, Mrs. W. Bradnock; most lone hands, Wes Bradnoek. Lady with most lone hands, John Maize (playing as a lady), Reception A large crowd of relatives and friends of Mr, and Mrs. ening in their honor in the Blyth Memorial Hall, music was supplied by .Jirrany Pierce's -0,vhestra- David McOlineheY read an address of congratula- tions and Kenneth Patterson presented them with a, verse of Money. Knox COC The COC of Knox Presbyter- ian Church met with the first vice-president, Marian Young- blut, giving the call to worship. The flagbearers were Cheryl Stewart and Wayne Scott, The seripture lesson was read by Darlene Stewart followed by prayer by Mary Sanderson. The •offering was received by Keith Scott. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Eddie Haines. The roll call was answered by nam- ing why each liked Christmas. The story was told by the lea- der, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, and she was assisted by Mrs, Donald Haines. Walkerhurn Cleb The Walkerburn Club met at the home of Mrs. GUY Cun- ningham with a good atten- dance. The president, Mrs. George Schneider was in the chair. Roll call was answered by each member paying a pen- ny for every letter in her name, this was sent to the Children's kid Society, The draw was won by Mrs. Guy Cunningham. The Christ- mas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe VerWey and the program will be sup- plied by Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Percy Vincent. The mem- bers voted $10 be sent to the Auburn Memorial Community Hall and an interesting pro- gram of contests was given by Mrs. Leonard Archambault. Lunch was served by Mrs. Henry Hunking, Mrs. Bert Hunking, Mrs. Ted Hunking `and Mrs.. Lorne Hunking. Candy for the children's treats should be left by December 18 with any member of the committee of Mrs. Joe Hunking, Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. James Mc- Dougall. Knox WA The Woman's Association of Knox United Church held their monthly meeting in the Sunday School auditorium with a. large attendance. The Rose group was in charge of the devotional period with Mrs. William L. Craig as leader and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig at the piano. The Scripture lesson and meditation was taken by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer after which Mrs. Fred Toll led in prayer. My sincere appreciation to thole who supported me at the polls. Season's Greetings —Allan Graham 49p SS 4 Farm Forum (Ay Mrs. Ira Merrill) The SS Na. 4 Goderich Town- $14 Farm Forum met on Ken- day, December 5 at the home of ,Mr, and Mrs. Ira Merrill, with 11 members in attendance, The topic for discussion was "Consumer Protection," The first question was "How Serious Is This Problem In Your Community?" It was de- cided it was a minor problem and could be handled by per- sone./ 'awareness if there were any signs of serious misrepre- sentation, tion. The second question was "What Action Needs to he Tak- en to Protect the Consumer by (a) Your Forum, (b) Your Community, (c) Your Govern, men t," It was decided it is better to buy locally from sales- men whom you know and that the government continue pres- ent laws and increase regula- tions and inspection, It was also suggested that packages. in grocery stores be put up in pounds, half pound, quarter pound weights, not by ounces. Mrs, George Wilicin sang a vocal solo.. Mrs. Arthur Grange president took charge of a short business period. The members made a, motion for the treasur- er to pay off the remaining debt on the furnace and to also pay Auburn's share of the manse expenses for 1960. The committees of the Christ- mas Fair and tea reported a substantial amount had been realized from this annual event. The Rev. R. M. Sweeney presented the new slate of of- ficers for 1961 which read as follows: past president, Mrs. Arthur Grange; president, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall; first vice- presklent, Mrs. Edward East; second vice-president, Mrs. Er - ride Durnin.; secretary, Mrs. Ev- erett Taylor; assistant secre- tary, Miss Elma Mutch; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. James Hembly; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Arthur; Pianist, Mrs. Norman Wight- man; assistant pianist, Mrs. William J, Craig; Christian education convener, Mrs. K. McDougall; kitchen, committee convener, Mrs. William Straug- han; program convener, Mrs. James Jackson; visiting com- mittee convener, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; flower committee for church, Miss Viola Thompson, Mrs. William Seers; steward- ship convener, Mrs. Fred Tall; Christian citizenship convener, Mrs. William T. Robison; aud- itors, Mrs. Charles Milian and. Mrs. Thonos Lawlor. The installation of the new officers followed. Three new groups were formed.;`.. The ten- tative leaders were Mrs, Char- les Straughan, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, and Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The new president, Mrs. Mc- Dougall closed the meeting. Citizens of Clinton: Thank you for your support at the polls on Monday. Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. —J. E. "Eddie" Dale I To the Electors of the Town of Clinton My sincere Thanks for your support at the polls Monday. As one of your Councillors in 1961, my efforts will be to serve you. Season's Compli- ments to everyone. --George Rumba!! 49b