HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-27, Page 10Page 10--,Clinton News-Recoid Thursday, 00, 27,1,960 Cierle$ Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists u-1960 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY . . County of Huron Notice is hereby .given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act ,and I have posted up in my office at Varna on the 27th day Of October, 1960, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at municipal elections and that such lists remain there for inspection, And, I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 12th day of November, 1960. Dated at Varna this 27th day of October, 1960. JEAN ELLIQTT, Clerk of the Township of Stanley. 43-4-b new and exciting for '61 THE COMPACT CAR WITH THE 66 ,riebigta44.s.,4r'4 GET TOP TRACTION FOR YOUR TRACTOR SURE.GRIP by GOODAEAR Dependable Performance ... Low Cost--Straight lugs assure deeper bite . . . firmer hold on soil for. greater pulling power . . longer, more even wear. Husky 3-T Cord body resists' bruising. For Easy Steering TRIPLE RIB by GOOD"'EAR Better Control . Longer Wear— Popular front tractor tire has exclu- sive 3-rib design for better steering control. 3-T cord body gives longer life, greater bruise resistance. WE HAVE NEW GOODYEAR AUTO T1RES•AS LOW AS $10.88 RAYS' Sunoco Station 11 HURON ayHoggarth,Prop. 192 STREET H U <12 -tak01(3 CLINTON H U. 2-6661 • 4.4:04•46,,,,,usigoof.,:emvoIrAzmkva A Pioneer chain saw adds off- season earnings to the farmer who harvests his woodlot—a perfect farm maintenance tool in fence and building construction and in the cutting of firewood. PIONEER ler ROBERT GLEN 410 OCTOBER CHEESE FESTIVAL one of the best buys ever made for Marketing Board States Packing Is Separate Project The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has announc- ed that the establishment of a province-wide co-operative in the meat packing industry would bring about many not- able changes in the present compulsory marketing scheme. Recent announcement hi the press that the Ontario Hog Producers' Association is spon- soring a co-operative meat packing plant has brought many inquiries from producers as to the relationship between the new proposed meat packing co-operative and the present marketing scheme. The Board has clearly indicated that there is no connection between the co-operative and the Ontario H o g Producer's' Marketing Scheme. The Board makes clear in its statement that any group af persons, can form a co-operative for the processing of hogs un- der The Corporations Act, 1953. The Department of Agriculture has recognized for many years the important place of co-op- eratives and there is no conflict between a co-operative and a marketing plan. The view of the Board is ex- actly the same as the view ex- pressed in the director's report of the annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-op- erative and the representatives of the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board dated Septem- ber 15, 1960, where it is stated "For the OHPC to be the buyer as well as the seller would, iii our opinion, be unethical and would also present serious dif- ficulties in administration." The Board also noted and agrees with an editorial in "The Market Place" which is the official monthly publication of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association in its issue of Sep- tember-October, 1960, on page 4 "No part of the compulsory levies authorized under The Farm Products Marketing Act and its regulations, will be used to finance the new undertak- ing." The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board expects to im- plement shortly further chang- es in the marketing scheme that were approved by the On- tario Hog Producers' Market- ing Board and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board. port of a debenture issue of at least $1,000,000 and Preferably $2,000,000 or $3,000,000. This background money would, ac- cording ;to present plans, sup- port the central organization and provide operating capital, while funds raised in areas throughout the province where local ca-operatives are to he located would finance the build- ing of the plants, Within a year the organization !hopes tto raise at least $10,000,000. While the delegates and lead- ers were prepared to do battle with the large packinghouses, they were reminded that small packers had been on their side in the past. "It's a poor man that doesn't remember his friends," said Charles McInnis, association president, when someone asked how such firms might fare in the battle ahead, But for the moment there Were no formal guarantees of protection for the little pack- ers. There were, on the other hand, battle cries from Mr. Mc- Innis •and his marketing con- sultant, Dr. David D. Monieson. There was encouragement, too, from H, H. Hannam, presi- dent of the Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture, who said he felt the type of vertical in- tegration being offered (with control in the hands of the farmer) was as step toward pre- venting such control getting in- to the hands of those outside agniculture. The association launched its appeal for pledges to buy de- bentures almost as soon as the meeting had come to a halt. The drive will continue until slaugh- tering and packing plants are built and the FAME (Farmers' Allied Meat Enterprises) stamp appears on the finished prochict on grocery shelves. It was suggested by J. A. Courteau, general manager of the Co-operative Federee de Quebec, that slaughtering plants be put up around the province, with a main packinghouse in the Toronto area. The initial sum, Mr. McInnis told the delegates, was to pro- vide the necessary funds for the period when "the big boys" Quick Canadian. Quiz 1. The steamship Royal William miSeafatfed for what achieve, 2, IP the Canadian population is the proportion of males 60.6 percent, 50,7 percent, or 44,3 percent? 3, To create one job in heavy industry a n n v in ° eat m4 dean tnocr h ro eW ." much for plant and equip- 4. Tn net value of production, agriculture is the leading in- dustry in which provinces? 5, The average payroll cost of fringe benefits per worker, per year in Canada now is $313; $572 or $1,036? ANSWERS: 5. A survey of half a million Canadian empley- ees shows average fringe bene- fits cost as $1,036 per worker per year. 3, More than $20,000. 1, The Royal William, built at Quebec City, was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic. 4, Agriculture is the leading industry in P,E.I, and Sask., manufacturing is the leading industry in the other eight pro- vinces. 2. Proportion of males in the population is 50.7 percent. Material prepared by the edi- tors of Quick 'Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts about Canada. might put on the squeeze. Packers have, as yet, made no comment on the move but are expected to give the co- c9erative packing organization plenty of competition. "But they couldn't stop Que- bec," said Mr, Courteau, "and they can't stop Ontario. Some day there will be a chain of co operative abbatoirs across Canada." He backed up his words of confidence with a $5,000 cheque for FAME debentures. He said that last year the Quebec co- operative had shown a profit of more than $1,000,000 and had returned $900,000 to farm- er members. Mr. McInnis claimed that at present farmers have $18 in- vested in each hog compared to the $1 capital investment of the packing industry. "If every farmer will do his part we can build a new meat packing industry where people, not corporation profits, are the objective," he said. Mrs. John Cairns visited with Mr. and Mrs. V, Hargreaves. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Cornish, Mrs. William Wright, Sea- forth spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Scott. Miss Mary Gordon, Goderich, is visiting 'a few days with Mr. and Mrs, T, B. Baird, Robert Watson is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Jack Broa.dfoot, Guelph, vis- ited' over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bloodroot, Mrs. B. Menerey, Bayfield; Mrs, E, Turner, Detroit, were weekend guests of Misses Kath- leen and Marie Elliott, Miss Mary Gibson, Hensall, formerly of Brucefield, is a patient in South Huron District Hospital, Exeter. Guests with Mrs. H. Berry, and attending the anniversary services were Mrs. William Sin- clair, -Clinton; Mrs. Alton John- ston, Seaforth •and Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Parry Baer, Sr., Mr. •and Mrs. Parry Baer, Jr. and family, Croswell, Mich., visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Hender- son, The Woman's Association will hold the annual bazaar on Sat- urday, November 5 at 2.30 o'- clock. All ladies are asked to contribute and attend, Also lad- ies of neighbouring churches are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinnin and Kathy, Petrolia; Vic Din- nin, Zurich, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin on Saturday evening. With Mr, and Mrs. Dinnin. on Friday afternoon were the RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson (nee Helen Turner) Saturday, October 29 in Constance FORRESTER'S HALL SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME lady's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoneman, Cromarty. Anniversary services were held in the Brucefield United Church on Sunday with a very large .attendance morning and evening. Special music was pre, sented by the choir, directed! by Mrs, John Murdoch, or- ganist, In the morning they were assisted by an Exeter ou- artet made up of Miss Marion. Triebner, Mrs. P. Jolly, Mr. Grant and Stewart Triebnexl who sang beautiful numbers, In the evening Miss Gale At- wood, St, Marys was gue4t soloist, The Rev. C. Wirilaw, Hensall„ was guest speaker at both services. All of Canada's early news- papers were named the Gazette, as were papers elsewhere, be- cause the price of one of the world's first papers, published in Venice, was. a small coin cal, led a gazet, FUEL OIL For a treat in Modern Heating Dial HU 2- 9411 and have your tank filled with clean burning "CHAMPION FUEL OIL". Enjoy carefree heating because "CHAMPION FUEL OIL" is insured against explosion and is never carried in a truck hauling other high explosive products. A. G. GRIGG and SON Phone HU 2-9411 Clinton "We Specialize in Fuel Oil" 38tfb PROVINCE WIDE PACKING Hog Men Go After $1,000,000 Debenture NEWS OF BRUCEFIELD Correspondent; MRS, H. BERRY (By pup-PQN nommovsp in the Globe and Nall) The Ontario Hog Producers' Association on October 19, pre- pared' for an all-out attack in the meat-packing field, butt With a hand of friendship still extended to friends of the past —the small packinghoese. At a meeting of county ex- ecutives in Toronto, the pro- vincial organization not only voted unanimously to move into the packing field—but to do so , in a big way with a chain of plants across. the province that would handle not only pork, but beef, lamb, and veal, The association will ask sup- SCRATCH PADS At News-Record 10 for 40c FEEL, BIGGER WHERE IT COUNTS BIG in "Feel" . . . a solid. "let's go" feel that's yours as soon as you get behind the wheel . . a "feet-on-the-ground" feel that laughs at crosswinds, corners without swaying. Big in Safety . .. rigid. steel construction, oversize brakes . . . natural posture seating, safety crash-pad . . undistorted, wide vision—say goodbye to transport cringe! BIG in Roominess... Here's where the Lark is a big car in EVERY way—' Urijest of the compacts, roomier than most standard cars. High, wide doors for easy entry and exit ... ample front and rear knee and head room . deep. breathing space for 6 passengers. Big in Performance... miles-to-the-galls or. miles-to-the-minute—whatever your interest—the ark's got it in all models—in the brand new Skybolt Six or the Dynamic V-8 and—get this— the new 6 with automatic has power to spare! COMPACT WHERE IT'S SENSIBLE COMP4CTfor Driving Ease... compact design and light-finger steering assure you first-try parking even in tight spots ... let you take quick advan- tage of traffic breaks. Compact for Economy . . you'll get more for your dollars, and spend less, with the new Lark ... in initial cost, running costs and maintenance. Famed. Studebaker engineering at its finest—need we say more. ASK ABOUT STUDEBAKER'S 12,000 MILE OR 12 MONTH WARRANTY 0•41141•••••••• 00•06041900•0•000000001 • a ID a • e She needs an EXTRA pphone a a • s * in the kitchen! a • • a a a s a • -14-- a s a • • • a ow I • a • I F-1 1 • • a • e a a • • • a • > a s a • DO YOU? To order—call your 8 •• • telephone business office. 0 • a • a 11041111••••••••••••••••••••••0116000011 FOLKS! PLEASE TAKE THIS LITTLE TIP: CALL US NOW FOR TW Rifest irONAWKI#P1 MODEL 400 $1159" complete with 12 inch attachments MODEL 600 $212" complete with 16 inch attachments Mal ..... 111°M =1.11111111111111111111111.11111•1 NM NMI 111110.111101011110111. ...... 1.1•111111111.1111011,6 111111111111•11111111M NM MI 1111101.1.11111.1111.1111111, MUM MN NMI IIIIIIIMMOINNIIIIIIP21WW: IIMMIMINWININIIMI IMO 11011M110111111Cair,' MIIIMI1111111•1111. NMI ININNINIMINI 4:' =la =MIMI MI= 1111/1111111101.111MMIlm. .". fIMMINNEW1111111111•Milimiasi, .111.14. RR 5, Clinton, Ont. Phone HU 2-9909 215 Victoria St. HU 24021 enjoy the thrill of owning the STUDEBAKER MERRILL TV SERVICE P.1%.0 and g'-door sedans; 2 and it-doer *wpm an'VeraW Plit-it-door .terlaN 2-door hardtop; 4-deer wagon; comertige; 4.440 &Isiah you, have to drive it to believe it! W. DALRYMPLE .& SON, Brumfield,. Ont.