HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-27, Page 4Sauce
1 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon lemon' juice
% teaspoon' nutmeg
Combine these three ingredi-
ents. Serve over. Peach Cob-
bler Supreme.
St. Andrew's WMS
Thankoffering Has
Seaforth Speaker
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church held their Aut-
umn Thank Offering meeting
at the home of Mrs. John Sni-
der. Mrs, R. W. McKenzie gave
the call to worship. Responsive
reading from part of Psalm
106 was read, followed by pray-
er by Mrs. Ed. Farquhar.
Mrs. D. J. Lane introduced
the guest speaker Mrs. Leslie
Elder, Seaforth, who spoke of
ordinary acts in Christian lives
becoming extraordinary by the
power of God.
Miss Cathy Haig and Miss
Kay Snider contributed an en-
joyable duet. The offering was
received and dedicated: The
president closed the meeting
with a meditation on the or-,
igin of Thank-offering meet-
ings and prayer.
Mrs. J. R, Makins assisted
Mrs, Snider and her daughter
Kay in serving refreshments.
You're Right Up On Top!
with the Exclusive
system that dries clothes
faster, at lower, safer
temperatures . .
the system that sends a
strong flow of fresh, warm
air directly into the
tumbling clothes for
maximum drying effic-
iency. Available in
either gas or electric.
D. W. Cornish, Proprietor
(Makes 4 to 6 Servings)
2 (15-ounce) cans pie cher-
ries, drained
% cup brown sugar
1/,,, cup cherry juice
4 cup butter, melted '
3 cups soft bread crumbs
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons orange juice
1 teaspoon grated orange
1 teaspoon cinnamon
dash of salt
Combine drained cherries, 1/2
cup brown sugar, and cherry
juice in a saucepan. Simmer
5 to 7 minutes and coal. Pour
melted butter over bread
crumbs and toss with a fork.
Add cup brown sugar, or-
ange juice, orange rind, cinna-
mon and salt and mix well.
Add cooled cherry mixture and
blend. Spoon into a lightly but-
tered 1-quart baking dish. Bake
in a hot oven (400° F.) for 20
to 25 minutes or until lightly
browned on top. Serve with
cream, if desired.
(Makes 6 to 8 Servings)
2 cups sliced peaches
1/4, cup sugar
% cup peach juice
juice of % lemon
2 eggs, well beaten
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1% cups sifted pastry flour
2% teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon soda
h. cup dairy sour cream
Place peaches on bottom of
a buttered, 11/2 quart baking
dish. Sprinkle le., cup sugar on
top. Pour on poach and lemon
juice. Beat eggs thoroughly
and add 1 cup brawn sugar
gradually, beating well after
each addition. Stir in vanilla.
Sift together flour, baking
powder, salt, and soda and add
alternately with sour cream.
Pour batter over fruit and bake
in a moderate hot oven (350°
F.) for 35 to 40 minutes. Gar-
nish with peach slices, maras-
chino cherries, and coconut.
Serve hot with sauce.
Stratford .Collego
talolki ReM140111
Graduates of Stratford Tea-
chers College, formerly the Nor-
Mal School will note that the
alumni association plans the an-
nue], autumn reunion on Novem-
ber 5, with a banquet in the
Victorian Inn at 6:p.m., and the
ball in Stratford Armoury at
9 p,m. that night
Specially Omen to be hon-
oured are graduates in years
ending in 0 or 5, that is 1910,
1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935,
1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, and 1960,
with their escorts,
Tickets are available from the
secretary, Marylou Howey, 170
Charles Street, Stratford,
SEE OUR Albums
of Choice Design,
Portraits Commercial
Photography, etc.
Jervis Studio
130 Isaac St, HU 2-7006
15th SERIES YIELDING 4.71% TO NOVEMBER 1st, 1970
Everyone has something to save for — education, travel, retirement,
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For further information, just visit, write or call:
Members: The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada
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Open Every Afternoon
PHONE HU 2-9421
At other times contact
Local Representative—Tom Steep—HU 2-3869
Take her out tonight!
Driven the new Volkswagen yet?
She's loads of fun.
More and more people are having
the time of their life driving the new
VW. There's 10% more power. The
new Volkswagen leaps away at lights
as if it was going to a fire. You can
put your foot down anytime you like,
in any gear you like, and really take
off. The engine torque is increased
too. There's more power to call on in
everygear—passing is saferand faster.
And now that first gear is synchronized,
the Volkswagen's easier than ever to
drive. You con shift straight down to
first gear without stopping the car.
This eliminates a lot of unnecessary
stopping and starting. (Women drivers
especially will like this change).
All four gear ratios have been modi-
fied to take advantage of the new
engine's output. You can thread your
way through heavy traffic or give it
its head on the highway. In any gear,
the new Volkswagen's a lot more fun
to drive.
There's more luggage space in the
new car too; 10 cubic feet in all. A
full .5 up front and another 5 behind
the back seat. Some of these improve-
ments in the De Lute Volkswagen are
also in the Custom model.
There's so much to say about the new
car, why not get it first hand. Take her
out tonight; she's waiting, bright and
shining, at your VW dealer.
When late fail brings us clos,
er to a good old Canadian win-
ter . „ and you wonder what's
good about it . . , come into our
parlor and you'll find out,
'Cause this is our day to dish
out Crisps, Bettys and Cobblers,
and with a trio of brand new
recipes, we're anxious to share
them with you, (dot and hearty,
your family will vote them in
at the top of the dessert roster,
and you'll keep 'em there be-
cause they're so downright
easy to make.
Fruit flavored, you'll find the
three of them use in turn some
of our wonderful crop of apples,
some of the peaches you put
down earlier for just such oc-
casions, and some of the cher-
ries which "went down" for the
same reason. Their tasty top-
pings vary from the crunchy
goodness of an oatmeal crisp
covering, through a spiced up
bread and butter topping, to a
cake-like top that owes part
of its fine flavor to dairy sour
In fact, with these desserts
it's a case of sugar and spice
and other things nice . . oth-
er things like fruits of the har-
vest, staples from your cup-
board, and that golden dairy
food butter, which gives them
unmatched flavor. By name
these new desserts are Cran-
Apple Crisp, Cherry Brown
Betty and Peach Cobbler Su-
preme—and we hope you and
your family are as enthusiastic
about them as we are!
(Makes 6 Servings)
4 cups sliced apples
1% cup sugar
1/2 cup cranberry sauce
1/2, cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2, teaspoon nutmeg
% teaspoon salt
1/2 cup quick-cooking oats.
5 tablespoons butter
Place apples in a buttered,
11/2 quart size baking dish.
Sprinkle le cup sugar on topc
Dr, B. C. Weir Turns First Sod For
Auburn% $15,000 Memorial Ha I
Page 4—.4Iintan News-Record Thursday, Oct. 21,1960
Six year old Judy proves that a blind child can have
fun. With her older brother's help she learns to roller skate.
Judy and her family have discovered through the Pre-
School Department of the Canadian National Institute for
the Blind that blindness need not deprive her of a happy,
normal life, You help blind children like Judy when you
support CNIB's multi-service program. Give generously to
the current appeal for funds. You are the Eyes of the blind
through CN1B avenues of Service.
Tri-County Campaign For The Blind
Send your donation to-day to:
Friendship Club
Lays Out Plans
The Friendship Club of St.
Paul's Anglican Church met in
the Parish Rail on Wednesday,
October 19. Further details
weie outlined concerning the
catering to a. wedding party and
for the up-coming bazaar.
The next meeting' will be hold
on Wednesday, November 9.
The members are asked to note
the change in date,
On Wednesday, November 2,
confirmation service and open-
ing of the new basement room
will be held, Light refreshments
will be served at the close of
the ceremonies and all the
members are requested to be
present to help serve. -
Articles for the various
booths are to be brought to
this meeting.
Sometimes I have the darnd-
est experiences. I pulled,, a tele-
gram blank from the esk in
the parlour car, intending to
clash off ten words announcing
my arrival in Drumheller, Alta.
Instead, the• lined blank con-
jured up a memory. Mentally I
was hundreds of miles away,
in the Communications Depart-
ment of the Canadian National
Railways in Toronto,
I suppose it is because wo-
men are, for the most part,
completely oblivious of mech-
anical operations, that we are
usually fascinated with any-
thing more complicated than
an ironing cord, or a carpet
The day I was given the
"tour treatment" was, accord-
ing to heads of the various
operations, just an ordinary
one as far as rush of business
was concerned, As I watched
the pattern of traffic, I thought
perhaps Russia had launched a
man into space, the stoek mar-
ket had let loose a flood of
bears, or the world was about
to come to an end and every-
one's friends and relations were
being notified of the disaster by
wire. If this was "just an ev-
erage day" what would this
"Barney Google" jungle of ma-
chines and operators look like
in a national emergency.
We started our tour tie force
in the telephone room. Literally
dozens of girls sat at long
tables with head phones fast-
ened on their fancy coiffures,
their fingers flying over the
keys of their typewriters. In
much less time than it takes
me to write it, these messages
were on a conveyor belt travel-
ling into another room.
Here they were sorted into
electrically-operated slots wh-
ich carried them up wire cages
and dropped them within inches'
of the transmitting operator.
Seconds had elapsed and some-
body's message was being re-
ceived far, far away.
This room was divided into
areas, Canada, United States
dan cable points 'abroad. For
the most part, the operators
were out in the open. Row
upon row of them, operating
machines that were as simple
as a typewriter and as complex
at least to me, .as a robot. Only
persons glassed in were the op-
erators of switchboards receiv-
ing quotations from the stock
market. I shivered at their
responsibility. I visioned how a
fraction of a mistake might al-
ter the trading trend of a nat-
ion, even cause a panic! These
operators are the fastest and
most experienced in the bus-
iness of transmission, I was
told, In less than a minute
London knows what a stock is
selling at on the Toronto Ex-
The railway communications
section was fascinating to me.
Beyond the layman's imagina-
tion is the control over traffic
these huge panels, that look
like overgrown telephone swit-
chboards, provide for the safety
of passenger travel and freight
rerouting, Even more impres-
sive, was the enthusiasm and
dedication of men, who sit hour
after hour, watching for a little
red, green and white lights to
pop on and off and the decisions
they make to keep the line
The romance of industry and
invention was evident in the
Telex maChines that are being
used more and more in the
transntission of "Messages. /11
1957, there were only 40 sets
in use in Cartada, Two years
later, 200 sets had been instal-
led. Today the CNR eannot
keep up with the demand for
this equipment by indUstry and
newspapers alike,
But if you really want to
be thrilled and confused, you
want to visit the radio and TV
control room. It was all a maze
to rne, I know I admired be.
Yana theastn-e, the lad with the
snappy bite eyes, who had the
courage to be alone With the
monster boards and madinee
that lined the room and to
knoW hi inatant how to
ath sw CBC from one' progtain
to another. I know Why' COM-
Another milestone in Au-
burn's history was marked
Saturday, October 22, with the
official sod-turning for the new
$15,000 Auburn Memorial Com-
Turns First Sod
A man who has figured
prominently in the community's
welfare, Dr. B. C, Weir turned
the first sod assisted by John
Houston. William Craig, presi-
dent of the Auburn Community
Association, presided at the
Neighbouring township reev-
.es spoke briefly. Attending
were Warden John Durnin of
West Wawanosh, Clarence
mercials are a godsend to such
an operation, for while the local
station is blurting about "the
best detergent to give the wh-
itest wash", this young man
is manipulating plugs and swit-
ches that bring in one network
program on top of another
without an instant's hitch.
I thought such phrases as
"The Jungle" and "The Merry-
go-Round" were apt descript-
ions for the areas controlling
the nation's business, news and
domestic messages by wire.
I knew almost as soon as I
finished writing, "Will arrive
Drumheller 9:30 p.m, Tuesday,
confirm reservations", the room
clerk at the Waldorf Hotel was
replying, "0,K. Tuesday". The
army of operators, always on
the job, is taken pretty much
for granted by the populace.
So is the equipment that in-
volves an investment of mil-
lion's. We ordinary people could
only possibly assess its worth
to our every day living, if to-
morrow it was knocked out of
Hanna, East Wawanosh; Thom-
as Leiper, Hallett Township;
Ralph Jewell, Colborne Town-
Others speaking briefly were
Dr. Weir, Mrs, W, T, Robinson,
Ralph Munro and Bert Craig,
representing the village. Tri-
bute was paid Charles Asquith,
a. chief' promoter of the project
and to Mrs, George Million and
M. s. W. T. Robinson.
Work on the memorial hall
will be a community effort with
much of the work to be done
by volunteer labour. A 40-by-80
prefabricated building has been
purchased from the Arch and
Truss Structures Ltd., of Water-
down. Cost of the building
alone will be 89,000.
New Fall Recipes
Crisps, Bettys, Cobblers
All Better With Butter!
(By Marie Fraser)
051.5E IT
11112-6633 R t'2 CLINTON
Spoon cranberry sauce over
sugar, Sift flour, brown sugar,
nutmeg and salt into a bowl,
Stir in quick-cooking oats, Add
butter and cut in as in making
pastry, Spread mixture over ap,
pies, Bake in a moderate oven
(350° F.) about 50 minutes or
until crust is lightly browned.
Serve with cream, if desired,
Ontario Street, Tel: HU 2-9088