HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-20, Page 10Seeks Markets Abroad Ontario's Agriculture Minister, W. A, Good- fellow, is shown above while visiting a display erect- ed in London by the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute. Mr. Goodfellow toured the giant food fair during the recent visit overseas by an Ontario-sponsored marketing study group, Upon his return to Canada this week, Mr. Goodfellow predicted a sizeable in- crease in exports for Canadian goods such as the processed peaches, pears and plums promoted by the Tender Fruit Institute. 00440 farmers have caught ula to and paSsed their big-eity cousins in the consumption of .electricity. Presiding at the official open- jng of the 1960 International plowing Match in Elgin County Tuesday, Ontario Hydro Chair- man James S, Duncan said that the farmers. of Ontario have doubled their electrical con- deGruchy Gets Appointment To Farm Credit Corp. W. Ralph deGruchy, private secretary to former minister of agriculture Douglas S. Hark- ness has been appointed chief of ,administrationendsecretary, it,reasurer of the Farm Credit Corporation, T. J. Rutherford, corporation chairman, announc- ed today. (Mr, Harkness has taken over the portfolio of National Defence), Mr. deGruchy, 40, is a for- mer regional supervisor of the Veterans' Land Act for West- ern Quebec. He is an accredit-. ed appraiser of the Canadian Appraisal Institute, and lectur- es periodically at McGill Uni- versity on real estate. Born in Gaspe, Que„ Mr, de- Gruchy served overseas for five years with the Royal Canadian Artillery, and was awarded the M.B.E. in 1945 for service in the field. From 1947 to 1959 he served 'as Lieutenant-Col- onel in the Militia. Mr. deGruchy is married to the former Doreen Miller, of Gaspe, and they have two sons. IS TO Pw' ‘,..0 Fells trees up to 3 feet in di- ameter. Cuts 18" trees in 18 seconds. Only 18t pounds. Famous Homelite quality. Have a FREE DEMONSTRATION fleas bar and chain New Idea Distributors Goderich, Ontario Tel: Carlow 2821 Shop now pay later! This year, buy better with an HFC Shopper's Loan. Shop at any store you wish, and buy exactly the right gifts for everyone on your list. You'll like doing business with HFC, the instalment loan com- pany backed by 82 years experience. Drop in or phone. Arrange an HFC Shopper's Loan up to $2500 and take up to 36 months to repay. ,. you 'l et. more .` • 'ri l' ' ''';:!,,;.? " sc. ay& is AL . " ` tha n' minim 4 , kr AMOUNT LI MONTHLY mln2tirs mgtbs PAYMENT months PLANS — renter $100 500 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 $ 9.46 46.73 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 $ 6.12 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 30.01 $ 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 $..... ..... ..... ..... ... . 83.71 95.12 H AMERICAN DEALER •,,,te•sss, • VICTORIA and MARIA STS. CLINTON, ONTARIO Lloyd Francis extends a sincere invitation for you and your family to visit him at his modern, new B-A Service Station. There, you'll find Lloyd and his staff ready to serve you with the finest petroleum products and service available. So make it a date now to drop in during the opening celebrations . . you will enjoy the attention you get from your new neighbourhood "Mr. B-A." Aik..tM"1"%itm*. FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES PREE H.O, WINDSHIELD SCRAPERS TO ALL DRIVE IN CUSTOMERS FREE WHEEL BALANCE TEST 1st PRIZE 50 Gallons Velvet 98 Gasoline 2nd PRIZE Oil Change—Grease Job--Tire Rotation 3rd PRIZE Car Wash and Polish 4th PRIZE Wash and Grease Job FREE Oct. 19th SPECIAL! HOUSEHOLD FINANCE M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH ATT w2/14:r PA /an • 4, .`,:'''' Y...i.• i''''k Learn mare about the profits in form woodlot operation: Millions of dollars are made each year by Canadian farmers who know how to convert their woodlots into extra off-season profits. TREE information available Upon request, Yisit us tomorrow and learn haw it's done. These booklets give the details on harvesting woodlots and, In addition, we will provide a list of names of local buyers. w YEARN THE FACTS OF PROFITABLE WOODIOT 1MRVESTING-. PICK UP YOUR BOOKLETS AY ROBERT GLEN PIONEER RR 5, Clinton, Ont, Phone HU 2-9909 Page TO---9inton. News-ReTd7Thurs.., ,Oct. 20, 1960 q Agriculture Minister Sees .Boost Farmers Use More Hydro Per Capita In Farm. Product Exports To U.K. Than. Ontario's City Dwellers surnption during the , last ten years, "For the first time in the history of Ontario Hydro, the farmer consumes more elec- tricity than the city dweller „ . a situation not unrelated to the fact that the average cost per kilowatt-hour to our farm cus- tomers is among the lowest in the world, and less than the average Cost to residential cus- tomers in the great majority of cities in the United States. "Impressive as Hydro's con- tribution has been to this pro- vince as a whole, it is in the rural areas that it has been the most noteworthy," said Mr, Duncan. Through intensive develop- ment, electrical service has been made available to 95 per- cent of Ontario's farms, in- eluding thousands in remote northern areas. Low-cost power, he added, as- sumes added importance in the face of rising farm costs which are causing serious concern am- ong all those engaged in Agri. culture. Ontario Hydro, Mr. Duncan continued, has been "remark- ably successful" in keeping power rates low in relation to the rising costs of its opera- tion, "Since 1940, the consumer price index shows an increase of 93 percent, whereas the unit cost of electricity to our farm customers has decreased over the same period by 20 percent," he explained. "In looking forward from 1960, it should be evident that all forms of electrical usage on the farm are entering a period of rapid development." Mr. Duncan, who concluded a 46-year-career in the farm implement business in 1956 when he retired as Head of Massey - Harris - Ferguson Ltd., predicted a "splendid future" for agriculture. "Notwithstanding the many problems which are facing the farmer in the present, the long- term future for those engaged in agriculture could not be more promising," he continued. "The basic problem which the world is facing today is not too much food, but too little." The Hydro Chairman said agriculture is not only a basic industry, but one which is in- creasingly recognized as essen- tial to the survival of the four to five billion people who will populate the world within the next 40 years. "Agriculture, which has play- ed such a basic role in the growth of our country, will be called upon to play a role of even greater importance in the Above payments Include principal and I ntere t, and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life Insurance. A sizeable increase in exports of Ontario agricultural pro,. ducts to the United Kingdom is predicted by the Hon, W. A. Goodfellow, Ontario Minister of Apiculture. Mr. Goodfellow issued a, statement on his return from the U.K. where he headed an Ontario agricultural market- ing study group, He said he "couldn't be more enthusiastic" in his outlook for the pros- pects of increasing exports. The study group, he said, plans to convene November 7 to consolidate thoughts and ob- servations into a report. He added that it is intended to have the group continue as a standing committee on export marketing and to act in an ad- visory capacity to his depart- ment on contemplated policies'. He stated that one of the primary purposes of the study group was to determine the possibilities of regaining the strong export market to the U.K. which Ontario enjoyed prior -to the Second World War. It was necessary in a great many cases, he said, to point out what products were avail- able for export, He cautioned that eompeti- don in the United Kingdom was extremely great from oth- er countries, He said that because of high costs involved in producing cer- tain farm products, Ontario growers and exporters would be faced with some difficulties. "However," he added, "one outstanding feature which our Ontario products have, and years to come." To meet this challenge, Mr. Duncan said, "more skills will be required, more experience, more highly-trained and scien- tifically educated farmers, more mechanization, more chemistry, and more abundant, low-cost electricity." 0 Girls Lead in 4-9 Showmanship Competitions Two young ladies shared honours for champion showman in the 4-H classes at Bayfield Fall Fair recently. Miss Bet- ty Ann Gibbings, RR 4, Clin- ton, earned the laurels in the dairy calf section, and Miss Barbara Watkins, RR 1, Lon- desboro was the champion in the beef calf group. Other showmen placed as follows: Barbara Yeo, RR 1, Goderich; Hugh. Lobb, RR 2, Clinton-; Bruce -. Bettles, RR 2, Hayfield; Myrtle Collins, RR 4, Clinton; Merlyn Hough, RR 4, Clinton; James Collins, RR 3, Clinton; Donald McKenzie, RR 1, Bayfield; Lois Rathweil, RR 3, Clinton; James Storey, RR 3, Clinton; Bruce Collins, RR 3, Clinton; Sharon Lock- hart, RR, 1, Goderich; Peggy Ann Betties, RR 2, Hayfield; George Flewitt, RR 3, Clinton; Margaret Semple, RR 2, Bay- field; Walter McIlwain, RR 2, Goderich. Beef, Bud Yeo, RR 3, Clin- ton; Pat Malwain, RR 2, Gode- rich; Bill Blacker, Clinton; Fred Tyndall, RR 3, Clinton; Gerald Hayter, RR 1, Varna; Richard Ostrom, RR 1, Varna; David Orr, RR 2, Goderich; Bev Hill, RR 1, Varna. Placings for animals are •as follows: Holstein, junior, Bar- bara Yeo, Walter McIlwain, Bruce Collins, Peggy Arm Bet- ties, Edgar Hough, RR 4, Clin- ton; Brian Porter, RR 2, Gode- rich; Merlyn Hough, Ronnie Plumsteel, RR 5, Clinton; sen- ior, Myrtle Collins, Margaret Semple, Donald McKenzie, James Collins, Bruce Betties. Jersey, junior, Douglas Mc- Cullough, RR, 1, Goderich; El- aine Brown, Clinton; James Storey; senior, George Flewitt, Lois Rathwell,' Dick Lobb, l3rucefield. Guernsey, Betty Arm Gib- bings. Ayrshire, Hugh Lobb, Sharon Lockhart. Junior beef, female, Richard Ostrom, David Orr; Senior, Gerald Hayter, Pat McIlwain, Fred Tyndall. Steers, junior, Hey. Hill; senior, Bud Yeo, Bill Blacker, Barbara Watkins. which is extremely necessary in the export market, is the high quality of our products." Mr. Goodfellow emphasized that the study group had been made up of younger men- and that well over 500 contacts with wholesalers, retailers and importers had been made dur- ing the 'three-week stay .over- seas. "As a direct result of. these contacts," he said, "a number of U.K, importers have signified their intentions to send representatives rte. Ontario to assess prospects of purchas-. ing some of the 1961 produc- tion," Particular interest w a s shown in Ontario fresh peach- es with a large shipment of two and a half tom being diS- posed of during the group's stay in the ILK, and a further shipment due to arrive thin weekend. Great interest was shown also in canned good* tinned peaches, pears and cher- ries in particular, The avicultural minister al so announced that there would likely be a permanent represen- tative placed in Ontario House an London, England, in the near future to do liaison work with importers. He said On- tario House could very well become "the show window for Ontario agricultural products." Mr. Goodfellow stated that studies were made of agricul- tural -marketing operations in the United Kingdom, Holland Denmark, Germany 'and France. This was done, he said, with the thought that some ideas might be gained which could tition, He said this market study .group wa$ the first step in this policy. He urged co. operative efforts between pro. ducer marketing boards char- ged with selling farm products established exporters, and the Departxnent of Agriculture, "The overseas .inission," he said,. "was the first step in .4 plan of' initiative which will be pursued by the Department of Agriculture, and especially the marketing division, in putting Ontario farm products to the forefront in the eyes of the Ontario consumer and in world markets." assist in improving and streng- thening Ontario's farm market- ing systems. He noted that Britain, gave fine acceptance to Ontario Cheddar cheese and that inn- porters were well aware of 'the excellent work being done by the Ontario Cheese Producers' Marketing Board. He said tobacco marketing board representatives were -still in Europe and would be there for about -another three weeks. "They will visit sever- al countries in -a strong and, we are sure, successful attempt to sell additional quantities of flue-cured 'tobacco and, in particular, burley tobacco." Mr. Goodfellow concluded by saying his department had long recognized the need for initia- tive in attempting to sell On- tario farm products in the midst of present world compe- "0,14111/0,11/4111111r SEE THE NEW 1961 LARK 6 cyl. — With Valve-in-head Motor in our showroom NOW SPECIAL PRICE on I960 Lark 6 cyl., 2-door Some Used Cars 1959 2-DOOR LARK with overdrive 1957 FORD, 4-door with radio 1955 STUDEBAKER 4-door with overdrive 1954 STUDEBAKER 2-door low mileage 1954 STUDEBAKER 4-door, with overdrive 1951 STUDEBAKER coupe W. H. Dalrymple and Son STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE Brucefield Dial Clinton HU 2-9211 1111111W