HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-20, Page 9$50, Won In Dairy Contest
Lorne Hern, RR 1, Woodham (right), won $50 in a recent contest sponsored
by the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. Others are, from the left, Peter
Hannam, the second prize winner. Joe Dunbar, president, Waterloo Cattle Breed,
ing Association; Sheila Linton, Ontario Dairy Princess, who mode the presenta-
tions; Roy G. Snyder, manager, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association.
Side doors open a full 49" wide.
Loading height is a low 14".
vftkveifse. ee.,,,,ee;ssseeisssiMeeSeia:e4szsee'
• :Feeeei.•
• .. .... .
RAMPSIDE — Rolf out the heavy
loads — nothing to it in this one!
Here are trucks that are a full 2 feet shorter
than conventional half-tonners — yet hold
more payload! (Corvan, for example, has
191 cu. ft. of cargo space!) Trucks with
one-piece body-frame design, independent
4-wheel suspension and near constant weight
distribution. You get light-touch manoeuvra-
bility plus the economy of a gas-saving air-
cooled rear engine. Your Chevrolet dealer
has them.
Whitewall tires optional at extra cost
Chevy's '61 fleet brings you the latest editions
of the trucks that proved the overwhelming
worth of independent front suspension.
They're here with the most advanced com-
fort features ever found inside a truck cab.
And When yott add the all-neW rear-engine
Corvairs, you'll find a Chevrolet trait
custom-Made for you and your job. You find
new rugged qualities in every size Chevy, —
pickups, tilt cabs, tandems -- all of them. See
your Chevrolet dealer today. Try the totally
new rear-engine Corvair trucks, and the
•work-whipping, work-proven Chevrolet
trucks for '61!
Model Illustrated i CO Chassis and Cab
Ontario Street
Clinton, Ontario
„emir, Veeeeeeteekt4A:Mee*.
' .. ...........................
t l'reeeetAlei::::espeSe:esesee2eVis4:eee4 leee eekee "geee,.te• • NeeeteMleke•ebAk&el.eseesS:We: 4seiesee.
11,4 tioths from trsfolver& or for eask,
Ot arm branch of iliteRotior
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 773
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
Township of Goderich
Notice is hereby given that I have complied with
section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have
posted up at my office on the 10th day of October,
1960, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the
said Municipality at municipal elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected
according to law. The last day for appeal being the
31st day of October, 1960.
DATED this 10th day of October, 1960.
R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk.
Clinton News-Record
56 Albert Street CLINTON, ONTARIO
Phone tliinter 2-3443
Did you bear the story about
the young graduating college
student who rushed out with
his diploma shouting, "Look
world, I have my BA", and the
World replied, "Sit down son
and we'll teach you the rest
of the alphabet."
A couple of items in the Ot-
tawa Report leaves me in ab-
out the same state of frustra-
tion as this story must have
left the young college graduate,
For the past 20 years i have
been fairly active in farm or-
ganization; the last four of
which have been intensive acti-
vity„ During this time I
thought I had. gained a wide
understanding of farm pro-
blems and was beginning to
think that I was gaining some
understanding of manufactur-
ing industries related to farm-
Now I read two .items from
this Ottawa report, quote:
"Canada's markets in New
Zealand may be expanded by
that country's liberalization of
quotas beginning .4.041i417
1961. Increased quotas were
provided for agricultural ma-
chinery, canned fish, nails,
spirits And other products."
I turned the page over and I
read "Nail manufacturers in
Canada have recommended
sheep increases in the tariff on
wire nails," The increase was
roceiested to be from the Pre,
sent five percent ad valorem
to 15 percent or 20 percent
in the British preferential
section and from the present'
seven percent to 25 percent or
27,5 percent in the most fav-1
awed nation section.
Reading these two items so
close together immediately I
raises the question as to bow
a Canadian manufacturer can!
profit from an increased export
outlet when lie is demanding
more protection in order to
compete with foreign imports
on the Canadian market?
It would lead us to believe
that somehow by keeping the
domestic price extremely high
the Canadian manufacturer is
able to subsidize an export of
surplus. In the case of farm ma-
chinery the farmer is being
forced by tariffs to 'subsidize
the manufactured product and
thereby increase his own costs
of operation.
Farm products too are being
subsidized into export, (ie.
Ontario wheat and white
beans) hut the cost of the sub-
sidy is borne by the producer
through an equalization fund
deduction. If farm surpluses
exports are subsidized by de-
duction from the sale of the
product with only token pro-
tection through tariffs then let
manufacturers subsidize the ex-
days with friends in St. Gather-
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Faber
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Edmund Oesch, Zurich, spent
Sunday at Tavistock.
Mr. and Mrs. James Drum-
mond, Toronto, spent Thanks-
giving weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. James Drummond and
family, Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren
spent the weekend with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Smith and fam-
ily, Grimsby.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Lave included, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Richmond, Miss
Annie Randall, Mrs. Beth Mil-
an, Piattsville, 'and Mrs. Mae
Hall, Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stog-
dill, Toronto, visited a few days
with the latter's brother 'and
sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. El-
ston Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fisher,
Brantford, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar' Mc-
Bride and Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roes Love, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth MacKay,
Douglas and Diane, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Love, attended the
Love-Conway wedding at' Ot-
Mrs. Russell Consiitt wan un-
fortunate in having a fall at
the farm (when some steps
gave way) causing injuries to
her back. She' was taken to
Clinton Public Hospital.
Anniversary services at St.
Andrew's United Church were
well attended at both services.
In charge of the morning ser-
vice wasRev. H. M. Hunter,
M.A. Mitchell and in the even-
ing Rev, E. Roulston, Clinton.
Miss Dorothy Parker, Chisel-
hurst, was guest soloist 'at both
WMS Meets
The Woman's Missionary so-
ciety of St. Andrew's United
Church, Kippen, met October
11 in the school room of the
church, Mrs. Etru•nerson And-
erson was' in charge of the wor-
ship period using a Thanks-
giving theme.
The president, Mrs. John An-
derson chaired the business
meeting, Roll call was answer-
ed with a verse from 2nd Thes-
Delegates appointed to the
Presbyterial at Thames Road
church, October 20, Six pro-
gram committees were selected
to prepare for 1961 meetings.
Plans were made for the Birth-
day Party on, Wednesday, Nov-
ember 2. Mrs. John Sinclair
reported for the visiting com-
mittee. The offering was taken
by the hostesses, Mrs. Wilmer
Jones 'and Mrs. Archie Parsons.
The first chapter of the study
book "The Turning World" en-
titled "Witnessing Together",
was presented by Mrs. Robert
Elgie. The members were re-
minded of the bale to be packed
the last part of October, Mrs.
A. 1V1c1Vturtie gave the 'courtesy
remarks. A social hour followed
when lunch was served by gr-
oup one.
(Too Late For Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Pent-
land, North Bay, spent the
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
Charles Straughan,
Postmaster and Mrs. Kenneth
Scott and. Mr. and Mrs, Wes.
Bradnock spent the holiday with,
relatives in Detroit.
Representatives of all the
church organizations attended
the special Thankoffering 'meet-
ing at Westfield last Friday
night. Mrs, Fred Slater, Lake-
side, was the guest speaker.
Those taking part in the pro-
gram were Miss Jeanette Snell,
Mrs. Norman McDowell and
Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs, Hugh
Blair presided and Mrs. Arnold
Cook introduced the aPeaker
who gave an inspiring message
on Thanksgiving. Ameng those
taking part in the program were
Mrs. James Leddy, Donnybrook
and a trio sung by Mrs. W, J,
Craig, Mrs. Gordon McClinchey
and Mrs. Norman McClinchey,
Mrs. Norman Wightman presid-
ed at the organ.
91 Years Old
Congratulations are extended
to Mrs. William Tabb who cele-
brated her 91st birthday at
,her home on the Base Line,
Hullett Township. She was born
DR October 4, 1869, the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Witmer and was mar-
ried to William Tabb in 1899.
He passed away six years ago.
Following their marriage they
took up residence at Westfield,
in East Wawanosh Township
for seven years. They went
west and farmed for many
years 'at Maple Creek, Sask.
Returning to Ontario they farm-
ed on the 10th of Colborne
Township for six years. In 1943
they moved to the farm home,
where Mrs. Tabb still resides.
Mrs. Tubb is •a member of the
Auburn Baptist Church and
loves to reminisce of younger
days spent in the Canadian
West. She resides with. her son;,
Torrance and is still able to do
her own housekeeping. Besides
her son she has a daughter, Mrs.
Etta Plains, White Rock, B.C.;
four grandchildren and 11 great
Anglican Young Folk
Rev. R. Meally conducted the
study on the Prayer Book last
Thursday evening when mem-
bers of St. Mark's Anglican
Church Young People met at
the home of Mary Kirkconnell.
Prayers were given by Mrs.
Norman McClinchey and the
Scripture lesson' was read by
Bob Deer. A discussion period
was led by Carolyn Clark, Re-
creation was enjoyed and lunch
Was served following the meet-
4-H Club Meets
Shirley Brown, 4-H Club
president opened the meeting
with the pledge and welcomed
the gUest of honor, Miss Bette
Tillman, home economist for
Huron County. Bernice McDou-
gall read the minutes and roll
call was 'answered by "Why I
Like To Entertain."
The leader, Mrs. K. Meehan
outlined plans for a party, tel-
ling the girls they should invite
people their own age, try and
keep in season and never over:
decorate, "If you are a guest
be cheerful and cooperative,
Miss Tillman told the girls
,foritQlhes‘ tlrpuarntoeephae,rthweawny akofinigatoro;druancincyg
people. Mrs, Ed. Davies dent-
eookles, which were later used
lionour Bride-Elect
hoMnoiussreMary L
Tohu luurPsclanykett evetzlags
when friends 'and relatives gath-
ered in the Sunday School room
of Knox United Church to hon-
our her on her appraching mar-
riage, Joan Mills presided' for
the program and Mrs. William
J. Craig was at the piano.
A sing-song was' led by June
Ellis. Readings were given by
Mrs. Walter McLean, Amberley
'and Aantje Bakker. An. inter-
esting flower wedding contest
was held.
Betty Durnin escorted Mary
Lou o rat e and
li r mother tod on' he ticlec-
es and an address of congrat-
ulation was read by June Mills.
Mary Lou thanked her friends
for the many gifts and 'invited
everyone to her new home at
Whitechurch. A. social time was
oenplonyeedd after the gifts had been
Knox United WMS
The Woman's Missionary So-
ciety of Knox United Church
held their Autumn Thankoffer-
ing in •the Sunday School room
of the church with 75 present.
Guests attended from the Nile,
Dungannon and Auburn Baptist
Church. Mrs. Kenneth IVIeDong-
ail opened the meeting with an
appropriate poem and Miss
Margaret R. Jackson presided
at the piano.
Scripture from St. Luke 1.7
was read by Mrs. Harold Web-
ster, 'followed by prayer by
Mrs. William T. Robison. Words
of welcome were spoken espec-
ially to the guests, the speaker,
and the "Craig Trio" which in-
cludes William' S. Craig, Clin-
ton, Mrs, Harry Worsell, Code-
rich and Mrs. George Willdn,
Auburn. They sang two num-
The thankoffering was receiv-
ed by Mrs. Fred Toll and Mrs.
James Craig while Miss Jack-
son played soft music.
Mrs. R. M. Sweeney introduc-
ed the guest speaker, Rev.
Stewart Weber, who was an
oid neighbour and schoolmate.
itev. Weber, his wife and fam-
ily are home on furlough at
present. He has been a mis-
sionary in the Sudan African
mission field since 1948. Rev.
Weber gave a very inspiring
talk on the joys that one re-
ceives working with those pee-
Ole who suffer great hardships.
He gave a. glimpse into their
lives by showing colored slides.
The president Mrs. Oliver And-
erson thanked the speaker. 'qrs.
Rivett, Dungannon, favored
with a solo. A social hour was
enjoyed. 0
A survey of nearly half a
million workers in Canada puts
theaverage payroll cost of
fringe benefits at $1,036 per
worker 'per year.
Farmers Subsidise Their Own Exports
Manufactures Should Do So, Too.
(By J. Carl IlernIngway)
port of their product by a de-
duction from profits and pay-
In closing let me remind .you
that the Farm Forum season
begins October 31. These meet-
ings would provide a good op-
portunity to have discussion of
problems such as the above and
also provide the opportunity to
do something about them.
Mrs, Lou Clark has sold her
farm to Louis D. Clark, Jr.
Mr. Harvey Turner who has
been a patient in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospitai, returned to his
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Verbeek and
family recently spent a few
(Correspondent, MRS. N, LONG, Phone Hensall 694r15)
Thurs., Oct, 20, 190 Clinton Nuws-Recood Pogc 9
News of Auburn.
Correspondent: MRS, W. F1RAONOPK
Phone _Aoborn.