HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-20, Page 5Wed At St. Andrew's
Wingham, were married in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Clinton, by the Rev. D. J. Lane,
on October 1. The bride is Corrie Russila, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arie Verhoef, RR 5, Clinton, and
her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nix-
on, RR 7, Lucknow. (News-Record Photo)
Huron County Cream Producers
Tuesday, October 25 at 8.30 p.m.
Agricultural Office Board Room
11111A11111111111141 110AIIRD
Clinton 4-H Merry Maidens Club
Elects Officers; Hold Two Meetings
The first meeting of the
Clinton 4-H Homemakers Club
"The Club Girl Entertains" was
held on October 4, Officers el-
ected were: president, Helen
Livermore; vice-president, Ly-
nda MacDonald; press secre-
tary, ret.ye Johnston. Ten girls
were present and the two lead-
ers were Mrs. Rob: MacDonald
and Mrs. Hartley Martaghan,
The rhetsbers pamphlet was
given out and the girls de-
cided to keep the name of
"Clinton Merry Maidens", A
Vim') 'discussion was held on
cleanliness and a demonstration
on flower arranging. Each
member took part in reading
about hospitality in the home.
Home assignment was to start
a record book,
On October 11 at the home
of Mrs. Managh.an nine attend-
ed, The president opened the
meeting with the pledge. Shar-
on Brown gave a. demonstra-
tion on how to arrange a table
bouquet, Roll call was answer-
ed by stating "ohe thing I would
appreciate in a guest room,"
The group discussion was held
on hospitality in entertaing a
house guest after which each
rnetnber wrote out an invita-
tion to a Hallowe'en party. Mrs.
Monaghan demonstrated hew to
peek an overnight bag. Home
assignment was to write an in-
vitation and thank-you note.
Alma Grove, Clinton
Each Tuesday at 830 p.m.
Starting November 1
20 GAMES — 15 for $5.00
4 Share-the-Wealth
1 Jackpot $55
Admission 50c; Extra Cards 25c each or 5 for $1.00
Sponsor: Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association
Want to do your wash the easi-
est, quickest, most economical
way? Come in here!
King Street
Special Aid for
Fall Cleaning!
And a trained
competent staff.
Thurs., Oct. 2Q, 1960 Clinton Nows,Rocord Page
Young Clinton Couple Marry
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Frederick Thompson,
Clinton, were married last Saturday, October 15, in
Ontario Street United Church by the Rev. Grant
Mills. The bride is Irene Ruth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin, Clinton, and her husband
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson., New
Port Station, Nova Scotia. The young couple will
live in Clinton where the groom is employed with
Canada Packers Ltd., and the bride is on staff
with the Bell Telephone Company of Canada.
(Jervis Studio)
Seaforth Rebekah installation Team
Instals Officers of Huronic Lodge
The installing team from
Seaforth led by Mrs. Lillian Gr-
ummett, District Deputy Presi-
dent, installed Mrs. John Ham-
ilton as noble grand of Huronic
Rebekah Lodge for the coming
year. This' meeting was held in
the Fish and Game Club House,
Other officers Installed were:
vice-grand, Mrs. Albert Shad-
dick; warden Mrs. Len Bow-
man; conductor, Mrs. Harold
Johnston; secretary, Mrs. Ben-
son Sutter; financial secretary,
Mrs. Ab Orpen; treasurer, Mrs.
Wes Holland; chaplain, Mrs.
Elmer Hugill; inside guardian,
Mrs. George Currie; outside
guardian, Mrs. Vi Habgood';
Bowling League
(By Mrs. Dolly Kenny)
Thursday and Friday even-
ings saw the RCAF Ladies
Bowling League in full swing
with some good scores recorded.
Weekly prizes went to Mrs.
J. Dubuc for high triple of
565; and to Mrs. P. Cameron
for high single of 279,
Other scores over 200: Mrs.
P. Ellis, 270; Mrs. M. Wotta,
261; Mrs. A. Tompson, 247;
Mrs. B. Cottreau, 226; Mrs. P.
Ansell, 225; Mrs. H. Rauch,
223; Mrs. C. Gray, 216; Mrs. J,
Dubuc, 214; Mrs. B. Terry, 214;
Mrs. G. Hopaluk, 210; Mrs. M.
Linford, 205; Mrs. J, Barnes,
205; Mrs. H. Hayward, 204;
Mrs. T. Halward, 203; Mrs. M.
Babcock, 203.
Country Fair
and Tea
Wesley-Willis United Church
Auspices of Woman's Association
Saturday, October 22
3 to 6 p.m.
Afternoon Tea
Turkey and Salad Plate
Bread and Butter, Relishes
Cake and Tea
Two Good
Used Cars
1955 PLYMOUTH 2-Door
MOCLEAN CAR only $795.00
IrGI8OD CONDITION only $445.00
One Only
New 1960 PLYMOUTH Sedan
1. & T. Murphy Ltd.
Huron Street Phone HU 2.,94IS
DRAPES—Phone us between
9 and 10 a.m. Our driver
will take your drapes off
your windows and deliver
them cleaned the same dayl
Ready for you to hang.
Clinton and District Weddings
CLINTQN .$011-10QL
The .Clinton Unit of the Fed-
erated Women Teachers Mete-
iation of Ontario will meet in
the lounge of the -Clinton Public
School on Tuesday eVerling,
October 25, at 8 p.m. The
Vest speaker will be D. 'Total
Cochrane, principal of Clinton
District Collegiate Institute.
Council Chambers
1 to 4 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 29
Items will be displayed at
9 Ontario Street
WEEK IS 1314
Check Your Calendar. if
the numbers match take the
calendar to our office and
claim your $3.00 credit.
A quiet atmosphere
in pleasant
Love - Conway
(Kippen Correspondent)
Westboro All Saints Anglican
Church, Ottawa., was the set-
ting for a charming autumn
wedding, Saturday, October 8,
1960, when Ingrid Aclelia Con-
way, Bovvmenville, and Robert
Fairbairn Love, Hensall, exch-
anged wedding vows •before the
Rev. T, Downey, amid a set-
ting of yellow bronze and white
'mums and potted fern,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Maurice J, Con-
way, Bewmanville, and the
groom's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Love, Hensall. J.
Gush, Ottawa, presided at the
organ console for the wedding
hymn by Handel, and accomp-
anied the choir boys who sang.
The bride, given in marriage
by .her father, chose a floor
length gown of white peau de
sole, The shallow scooped neck-
line was trimmed with argen-
tine lace, which was appliqued
with ice blue seed pearls, A
huge butterfly bow gave a bus-
tle effect to the gown, falling
gracefully to a short chapel
train. She wore a Queen's cr-
own of pearls and rhinestones
from which fell a French il-
lusion veil, and she carried a
cascade 'of white' and gold
'mums with pastel shaded roses..
Maid of honor Miss Pat Con-
way, Ottawa, bridesmaids Miss
Marilyn Hall and Miss Lois
Neth.ercott, Ottawa and London
were gowned identical in cock-
tail length gowns of gold peau
de sole with cumberbund of
gold silk velvet, matching head-
dresses of flowers and band of
gold silk velvet. The maid of
honor carried' a semi cascade
of white and gold 'mums and
the bridesmaids cascades of yel-
low and white 'mums.
Flower girl was Charity
Leigh Conway, Bowneenville,
frocked in gold silk velvet with
matching head band and she
carried a dainty basket contain-
ing yellow and white 'mums.
Master Douglas McKay, Kippen
was ring bearer.
John Rathwell, Lindsay, at-
tended the groom and Gary
Conway, Bowmanville, brother
of the bride, and Keith Love,
Zurich, brother , of the groom
For receiving at the reception
in the Parish Hall, the bride's
mother wore a beige silk dress
with jacket featuring a shawl
collar, and hat complimented
with feathers and colours of
autumn leaves.
The groom's mother wore gr-
een silk brocade and matching
peau de sole forming tire em-
pire line and falling into side
drape. Both wore corsages of
talisman rses.
For their wedding trip to
Northern Ontario and Quebec,
the bride travelled in a green
English wool suit featuring the
swagger coat with a sapphire
mink collar, accessories in bl-
ack and corsage of yellow and
bronze 'mums. They will reside
in London until Christmas,
then in Palo Alto, California.
The bride is a graduate of
St. Michael's Hospital School
of NurSing, Toronto, and of the
University of Western Ontario
Public Health Course, The
groom graduated in mechanical
engineering from University of
Toronto, following which he co-
mpleted his Masters Degree in
Business Administration at 'the
University of Western Ontario.
After the new year he plans to
attend Stanford University,
California, where he will begin
studies, towards a Ph. D. degree)
The bride was feted at many
pre-nuptial presentations in her
honor. Mrs. H. Conway, Bow-
manville, entertained at a trou-
sseau tea for her daughter In-
grid. Receiving the guests were
Mrs. Conway and Ingrid, as-
sisted by the groom's mother
Mrs. Ross Love, Hensail.
Tall candelabra and stand-
ards of bronze 'mums formed
the setting in Ontario Street
United Church on. Saturday,
October 15, for the wedding orf
Irene Ruth, daughter of Mr,
and M.s, Lloyd Batkin, Clinton
and Everett Frederic Thomp-
son, Clinton, son of Mr, and
Mrs. J, T, Thompson, New
Port Station, N,S,
The double ring ceremony
was performed by the Rev, Gr-
ant Mills, and Mrs. Bert Boyes.
presided at the organ. "My
Prayer" and "Because" were
sung as duets by Budd and
Bev. Boyes.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a full
length gown of pure silk organ-
za with long lily point sleeves,
sabring, neckline hand 'beaded
with irridescent sequins and
pearls, fitted bodice arid full
skirt, A crown shaped tiara
of rhinestones and pearls held
her shoulder veil and she car-
ried a white Bible crested with
Miss Janet Batkin, Clinton,
was maid of honour for her
sister, wearing gold peau de
sole with matching headdress
and bouquet of 'mums. Brides-
maids were Jane and Ruth
Ann Batkin, in green and cof-
fee peau de sole of similar sty-
le and with matching headdress
and shoes.
Groomsman was Rick New-
man, Toronto, and ushers were
Douglas Batkin, brother of the
bride, and Clayton Groves, both
of Clinton.
The wedding dinner took pl-
ace in the church hall, which
was beautifully decorated in
autumn colors. The bride's mo-
ther wore a blue brocaded
dress with pink carnation cor-
The bride's travelling cost-1
ume for a trip to Nova Scotia
was a brown figured dress'
with brown accessories and
rose corsage. On their return
the young couple will live in
Baskets of shasta daisies,
pink-edged 'mums, candlelight
and ferns made a pretty set-
ting in Ontario Street United
Church, Clinton, for the wed-
ding of Ruth Jeannette Mc-
Farlane and Lawrence Malcolm
Selves on Saturday evening,
October 8, The bride is the
daughter of Mr; and Mrs. John
1V1cFarlane, Clinton, and the
groom's parents are Aar. and
Mrs. Wallace Selves, RR 1,
Science Hill, Rev. Grant Mills
officiated. Organist was Miss
Lois Grasby, and Mrs. Rae Mc-
Knight was soloist.
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father, and wore
a gown of peau de sole design-
ed on simple lines with the full
skirt flowing into a chapel train.
Lace appliques and tiny seed
pearls trimmed the scalloped
neckline and three-quarter
length sleeves. A small crown
held a veil trimmed with lace
rosebuds and seed pearls. Her
bouquet was a cascade of light
pink roses,
Miss Jane McFarlane, Clin-
ten, was maid of honor for her
sister. Miss Nancy McFlarane,
London, another sister of the
bride, and Miss Muriel Selves,
Sombra, sister of the groom,
were bridesmaids. All three at-
tendants ware sea-green chif-
fon velvet frocks with fitted,
bodices and waltz-length bouf-
fant skirts. Their hats were
sea-green velvet bows and they
carried white shasta daisies
trimmed with white ribbon.
Miss June Hodgins, RR 3,
Ailsa Craig, was flower girl
dressed in white and carrying
shasta daisies edged in sea-
Douglas Waghorn, London,
was groomsman. Keith Selves
and Thomas Sawyer, RR 1,
Science Hill, were ushers.
A reception was held in the
church parlours, which were
decorated with pink streamers
and umbrellas. The bride's mo-
ther wore mink-brown lace with
a matching jacket, beige acces-
sories and corsage of Talisman
roses, while the groom's mother
wore a black and gold flowered
dress with green accessories and
corsage of light pink roses.
Tables were served by Mary
Allan, Brucefield; Darlene Stan-
ley, Ila Grigg, Dawn Grigg,
Grace Harris, Clinton; Marlene
Easom, London and Ruth Mer-
rill, Sault Ste. Marie, Guests
were present from London,
Brantford, Science Hill, Som-
bra, Clinton, Auburn, Exeter,
Ailsa Craig, Hamilton and
The bride's travelling cos-
tume was a biege sheath with
dark brown accessories and a
corsage of orange delight roses.
They will reside on the groom's
farm near Kirkton. The bride
was formerly employed with
Ontario Hydro in Mitchell.
Qualifications For
To Be Changed
Education Minister Roberts
has outlined plans for raising
teaching standards in Ontario
He told the York County
Elementary School Trustees
Association the emergency
shortage of teachers has ended
and from next year new teach-
ers will require higher qualifi-
In future, graduates from
grade 12 will need four instead
of three optional subjects to
enter Teachers' College for the
two-year course. Grade 13 grad-
uates will require both English
papers instead of one for the
one-year course.
Mr. Roberts said in the last
five years the number of grad-
uating teachers had risen to
5,000 from 2,000 a year. Conse-
quently summer courses would
no longer be offered but those
who did their first year this
summer would complete their
course next.
New principals of Ontario
elementary schools of 300 pup-
ils or more will be required to
have university degrees' or equi-
valent, and a first class teach-
er's certificate.
He added the department of
education also is preparing plans
for a now teachers' college in
the Windsor area and has ac-
quired a site for another in the
Niagara Peninsula.
New CDCI Teacher
Hearthside Club
The regular monthly meeting
of the Hearthside Club of On-
tario Street United• Church was
held Thursday evening, Octo-
ber 13. The devote:me with the
theme "Thanksgiving" were
given by UM. Ruth Knox and
Mrs. John Levis.
The business; tneethig was
eonclected by the president Mrs.
Rey Wheeler. Plats Were com-
pleted for the wedding recep-
tion on October 15 and the
bazaar on December 3.
Mrs, Merck Olde introduced
the guest speaker, Robert lItm-
ter, guidance teacher on the
CDCI staff. flit most interest,
frig- talk was divided under, the
headings, "Why Guidance?"
"What Guidance?"
Chocolate Cake, ice.creaniend
coffee were served by grotip 2.
(Mrs. H. F. Berry,
Phone HU 2,7572)
Mrs. H. Berry visited a few
days with friends .at Wingbere,
Bluevale and Erin.
Miss Mary Swan end Mrs.
C, Ham spent Thanksgiving
with Mrs, Ham's son Wesley
Ham and family, Chatham.
Mrs, S. McKenzie is spend-
ing sortie time with ber son,
Donald McKenzie and family,
St, Thomas.
Mr, and Mrs. T, A. Ander-
son and daughter Ina spent a
few days with Mr. and Mis.
Alex Pattereon.
Visitors Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. W. V, Dirmen were Mr,
and lee's, Robert Barr, Patsy,
Jeanne, Mary and Dorothy,
Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Dineite Zurich,
A large number of the Bruce-
field United Church attended
anniversary services at Kippen
on Sunday. Next Sunday, Oct-
ober 23, anniversary services
will be held in Brucefield ch-
urch. Special music by the
choir will be enjoyed; they will
be assisted by 'a quartet from
Exeter in the morning and a
soloist from St. Marys in the
evening. Services 'are at 11 .a.m.
and. 7,30 p.m.
(Additional Weddings
On Page 11)
Clinton. The groom is employed
at Canada Packers and the br-
ide has been on the Bell Tel-
ephone office staff.
eaxe do. age. " <
CLIN`TON 9d HU-2-70G4
Diehl Woods.
Mayfield Correspondent)
White chrysanthemums and
anemone graced the altar and
baskets of white chrysanthe-
mums with touches of pink
gladioli, the sanctuary in Trin-
ity Church, Bayfield, on Satur-
day, October 15, 1960, at five
c'clock for a quiet wedding,
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
joined in bonds of holy matri-
mony Miss Lucy Rosamond
Woods, elder daughter of the
late Dr. and Mrs, Ninian Wild-
ridge Woods, Bayfield, and Carl
Elwood Diehl, only son of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Henry Diehl,
fifth concession, Stanley Town-
The bride chose a suit dress
of French wool in Avocado
green with matching feather
headband and corsage of pink
roses. Her only ornament was
a 'sunburst of pearls, a family
heirloom worn by her sister
on her wedding gown, She car-
ried her mother's prayer book.
The couple was unattended.
The bride's nephew, Robert
W. Middleton, Hensail, ushered,
and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowel,
presided at the organ.
Fourteen were seated for
dinner in the gold room at The
Little Inn, The table was done
in white linen centred with the
bride's cake, white net and sil-
ver lace being caught artistic-
ally with sweetheart rosebuds
and sprigs• of fern around the
base. Candle bouquets of pink
and white anemone in tall an-
tique holders flanked the cake.
Multi-coloured roses were used
in the room.
For travelling the bride ad-
ded a Kolinsky cape to her cos-
tume and carried a tapestry
hand bag. After a short honey-
moon, they will reside in Bay-
The Fall Sessions of the
Deanery of Huron will be held
Thursday, October 27 at 2.30
p.m, in St, Thomas Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Earley,
George and Robert, Hillcrest
Angus Farms, Kerwood, and
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freitag,
Meadowbrook Farms Rochester,
Michigan, ° spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle-
ton. Master George Earley was
the 1059 winner of the coveted
Queen's Guineas award at the
Royal Winter Fair,
color bearer, Mrs. Clarence Hu-
gill; pianist, Mrs. Clarence
RSNG, Mrs, Harold Tyndall;
LSNG, Mrs. Douglas Andrews;
RSVG, Mrs. John BroacIfoot;
LSVG, Mrs. Elmer Trick; Ruth,
Mrs. Frank McCullough; Re-
bekah, Mrs. Jim Mair; RSC,
Mrs. Wilfred Freeman; LSC,
Mrs. William Fotheringham;
RSJPG, Mrs.- D. E. Gliddon;
LSJPG, Miss Dorothy Stirling;
JPG, Mrs, Bert Rowden; press
reporter, Mrs. Douglas And-
Following installation, a pen-
ny sale was held to aid the
blinding fund. Lunch was ser-
ved under the convenership of
Mrs. Orrin Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Hill
Varna Town Hail
Friday, October 21
Music by
Pierce's Orchestra
Ladies please bring lunch