HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-20, Page 1Low Rental Homes Ready
Broadview Acres Completed
Cost of building these houses
was born jointly by the provin-
cial and federal governments,
along with the town. of Clinton.
The Dominion of Canada coe-
tribueed 75 percent; the proo-
ince of Ontario, 171/2 percent,
and the town put in 71/2 per-
cent. Total cost was estimated
at $112,639.20,
The homes were built by Alf,
Erickson Contracting, Hyde
Park, for Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation, On com-
pletioa they are now _controlled
by the Clinton Housing .4.111-
ilty, an appointed body, made
-up of chairman Tom - Steep,
Mrs, George F, Elliott, Robert
N. Irwin, Douglas Freemen,.
aid John Livermore. This- plth-
oity is in charge of rentals,
repairs, etc.
Amortised for a period of 59
years, rental rates are set to
recover the entire cost of build-
ing, including cost of land, tax-
es, repairs, installation of -Sew-
erage, water, etc. The town of
Clinton has -been given five
years to raise the 'seven and a
half percent contribution on the
initial cost. Then as, the cost of
the project is recovered through
the years, this money will be
(Continued on Page 12)
Broadview Acres- brings to Clinton for the first time,.
row-type housing, more often seen amid crowded city con-
ditions. Each of these buildings is a duplex, with living
and kitchen accommodations downstairs, and sleeping ac-
commodation and bath up. Each front door is modernly
equipped with a letter slot, for house-to-house delivery of
mail, probably far in the future for Clinton residents.
Erected as one of the Federal-Provincial "low rental"
-housing projects, each of these residences Will rent for $73
per month, including taxes, Application to- rent them should
be made at the town hall to John Livermore, secretary of
the Clinton Housinf, Authority.
The homes are ready for occupancy. They are on
John Street, west of Clinton Public Hospital, Considerable
work is yet to be done on landscaping.
linton News-Recor
No. 42—The Home Paper With The News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960
$3.00 Per Year-10c Per Copy— 12 Pages
kW g4
Queen's Scouts Renew Scout Promise
Solemn moment for three Boy Scouts marked the renewing of the Scout
promise last Friday night before their Scout troop and families prior to receiv-
ing their Queen's Scout Badges. Paul Bateman, above is repeating the promise
before ex-Scoutmaster Bob Mitchell. Next to him is Peter Thompson, and hid-
den by Mr. Mitchell, is Steven Cooke. All three boys are now Queen's Scouts.
Mel Cleave (left) holds the Troop Flag. (News-Record Photo)
Hockey Night In Canada
Danny GalliVan (top inset) and Bill Hewitt (bottom
inset) will keep CBC-TV viewers and CBC, radio list-
eners fully informed during the 1960-61 National
Hockey League games at Montreal and Toronto.
Gallivan is the play-by-play commentator for Mont-
real Canadiens home games. Hewitt, assisted by
his father, Foster, describes the action of Toronto
Maple Leafs' home games. Both announdert do the
commentary for radio and television.
Highest Scouting Award
To Three Clinton Boys
• *
ceived verbal request that
something be done •about get-
ting the skating arena open for
Hallowe'en night . . . but no-
thing in writing . . . We've
taken this up before . . . and
feel that we have covered the
situation quite fully in past
years . . . However, for the
benefit of new-comers to town
we would state this: the Lions
Club is hard-pressed to make
arena business come out even
at the end of the season .
If they operate for any part
of October, we understand it
costs as much as the full
month . , The result is that
they start flooding November
1 and have ice .as soon as pos-
sible . . . it helps out with
financing for the year . . . * * *
the late Mrs. George Saville
were quite aware of her at-
tention to details . . . her me-
thod of living "her way of life"
in the way she had done
throughout her life . . . She
was a kindly person . ap-
preciative of the help others
gave her in her declining years
. . She had been: quite active—
a member of the Woman's As-
sociation and Missionary • Soc-
iety of her Church, and of the
Women's Institute . . . and a
life member of the girls club
of her church , . She left
this life, as she lived it , . .
With all dettillS taken care of
that she could manage ahead
of time, and instructions left
hi her own handwriting for the
guidance of those clearing her
estate . At 06 she was more
thoughtful of others than many
of us with fewer years behind
uS .
Three Clinton Boys became
Queen's Scouts last Friday ev-
ening in a special ceremony
arranged for the presentation
of this high award. The Sc-
outs are Paul Bateman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bate-
man, 400 James Street; Steven
Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth C. Cooke, 111 Joseph
Street and Peter Thompson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Duff Thomp-
son, 157 Raglan Street,
"The Scouts, 14 and 15 years
of age, have worked long and
hard for the many proficiency
badges needed before they
qualify for the Queen's Scout
Award," commented ex-Scout-
master Bob Mitchell.
Held in the auditorium of
the Clinton Public School, the
public was invited, and inter-
ested parents attended. Mem-
bers of the First Clinton Boy
Scout Troop were on parade,
in full uniform.
In charge of the event was
Duff Thompson, an active
member of the Group Commit-
tee. He noted that the Queen's
Scout Award was created by
Edward VII, the Peacemaker.
It is an award by the ruling
monarch upon the recommenda-
tion of the Scouters Club
(made up of Scoutmasters and
Scout leaders). A Scout is on
six months probation follow-
ing the passing of all required
proficiency tests.
Taking part were Glen- Lodge,
district commissioner, Gocler-
ich, who spoke briefly and Mel
Cleaves, assistant Scoutmaster.
The Rev. C. S. Inder gave
a brief address, noting the
"great signal honour" which
had come to the three Queen's
Scouts. "That title carries wei-
ght in later life, wherever the
Queen's Scout goes, It means
the boy has gone through 'ar-
duous training, has shown good
moral qualities of character,
and has shown quiet unspec-
tacular usefulness. The Queen's
Scout is -a certain sort of per-
son, that honours the Queen,
serves his God and has respect
for his fellow man," concluded
the rector, "Wherever he goes,
it will be said, 'He was a Qu-
een's Scout'."
Mitchael McAdam, president
of the Clinton Lions Club, wh-
ich se-onsets Scouting in Clin-
to b oueht g:eetinge from the
Club aid noted the great pride
;,he Lions felt in having three
scouts presented with this
highest honour,
Ex-Scoutmaster Bob Mitchell
commented upon the -wide scope
of training which the boys re-
ceived including morse code,
6teven Cooke, Queen's 8dou
cross country trips, experience
in service work, and first aid
(a course which covers more
points than the St. John Am-
bulance course).
With members of the Troop
forming a hollow square, the
three honoured Scouts faced
the flag, and ex-Scoutmaster
Bob Mitchell.
Scouter Mitchell took the re-
newed pledge of the Scout Pro-
mise from each of the three
Scouts as they received their
Cheers from the- assembled
Troop voiced- the appreciation'
of the 'boys -assembled.
Also attending the affair was
Henry A. "Bud" Graham, soon
to be appointed Scoutmaster of
the Clinton troop, and Percy
Brown, a former Scoutmaster
here. This was the first time
that Queen's Scout presenta-
tions had been made in Clinton,
since probably 1937.
Of recent years Queen's
Scouts in Clinton have receiv-
ed their awards in other towns.
Over 80 Birthday Club
Mrs. Jacob C. Stoltz celebrat-
ed her 86th birthday on Octob-
er 13. She and Mr. Stoltz live
in Auburn in their own home.
Mrs. William Tabb, Base
Line, Hullett Township, cele-
brated her 91st birthday at her
home on October 4. She lives
with her son, Torrance, and is
a member of Auburn Baptist
'Three ladies at Clinton. Nur-
sing Rome, 69 Joseph Street,
celebrate birthdays next week.
They are Mrs. J. Shortreed,
Clinton, who will be 81 on Oc-
tober 25; Mrs. .T.ames Roberton,
formerly of Auburn, 88 on 00.,
'tuber 27; and Miss Rachel Sp-
encer, Clinton, who will be 99
on October 29,
Moses the Bear
"OK" Reports
SPCA Inspector
Moses, the -bear at Alma Gr-
ove, is OK.
Fred MacDonald, the mem-
ber of the Huron Fish, -and
Game Conservation Association
in charge of wildlife at -the
club grounds, had -a visit re-
cently from the SPCA inspec-
tor (Society for the, Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals). He
was investigating a complaint
about the living conditions of
the. }girds and -animals.
The club is, pleased to, report
that the inspector gave them
a clean bill of health in all
respects, and was especially
Complimentary to Mr. MacDon-
ald about the condition of
Moses, the bear.
Inquest Attaches
No Blame in
Blyth Auto Death
At an inquest conducted in
Clinton town hall last Tues-
day, October 11 by Coroner
Dr. F. G. Thompson, Clinton,
the jury brought in the follow-
ing: "We, the jury find that
Mr. Ronald Keith met his death
by accident August 18, 1960
on Highway 4 approximately
two miles south of the village
of Blyth, in a car driven by
Mr. Norman Mitchell, and we
attach no blame to 'the said
driver. Signed: J. E. Saunder-
cock, foreman; Leonard Shob-
brook, Edwin Wood, Fred Prest
and Donald McNeil.
Crown attorney J. W. Bush-
field, Wingharn, directed the
crown's case.
Staff Farewell
For Post Office
Man, G. Sutcliffe
A farewell party for Gordon
Sutcliffe was held last Friday
night at the home of the Clin-
ton postmaster, Arthur Ball,
Rattenbury Street, East, At-
tending were the staff of the
post office, rural mail couriers
and mail contractors, and Mor-
ley Counter, former postmaster
at the Clinton post office.
Mr. Sutcliffe leaves town at
the end, of the month with his
family, and will take up the
position of postmaster in Wing-
ham on Tuesday, November 1.
He was- presented with a hand-
some pen and pencil set at the
Kinsmen Meet
In Renovated
Hotel Dining Room
Kenneth Scott, Brucefield,
president of the Kinsmen Club
of Clinton, con:Dieted the meet-
ing in the newly renovated din-
ing room of Hotel Clinton on
Tuesday night, when 22 Kim-,
men attended, as well as two
candidates for the club: Ron
McKay, teacher at Clinton Pu-
blic School, and Ray Behrendt,
with rural hydro.
Guest was Bob Smith, area
circulation supervisor, London
Free Press. DiseuSsion hicluded
the November 14 meeting of
the Retarded Children's Assoc-
iation of Clinton; the possibil-
ity of acquiring a figure skat.,
ing instructor for Clinton and
the annual Kinsmen toy camp-
Twelve members went to
Durhazri on Monday night and
officiated in an initiation of six
new Members into the Durham
and Meaforcl clubs.
Elmer Bell, Q.C., Exeter, was
elected president of the Ontario
Progressive Conservative As-
sociation, 'in Toronto on Mon-
day, at a general meeting of
the association. He was elected
by 'acclamation, as was George
Hogan, Jr., Toronto, as seem.
In an interview following his
election Mr. Bell said it would
be extraordinary if the New
Party backed by the CCF and
the Canadian Labor Congress
gets off the ground under pres-
ent circumstances,
"If it does, it will be much
more harmful to the Liberals
The Clinton Concert Band,
under the directorship of Band-
master George Wonch, and the
committee of the Band, is
making a strong bid for a $100
cheque, -and a trophy at the
Seaforth Santa Claus Parade
late in November.
They need a special cape to
complete their uniform. With-
out it they feel they stand lit-
tle chance in competition with
other better-dressed bands.
Needed is $900. They are mak-
ing an appeal throughout the
next month through a tag day,
and personal calls on all busi-
nesses, professional people, etc.
requesting financial assistance.
The band to date, since be-
ginning a little over a year
ago, has received a $300 grant
from the town; inherited $150
from the old band (dissolved'
several years ago), and have
raised themselves a total of
$315.42. Out of this they have
spent $508 on uniforms and
other expense; and $203.89 on
repairing horns, advertising,
etc. Balance on hand is $53.53.
The Band members have
shown a willingness to work,
and a goad record of atten-
dance at practices. Continually
the quality of their music has
improved. Very few new in-
struments have been purchas-
ed. Many of the bandsmen
have provided their own in-
At present there is a short-
age of cymbals, Since 'these
are expensive to buy, the band
is trying to unearth the cym-
bals used by the former Clinton
Band. Somewhere, they feel,
these pieces are rusting away
than the Conservatives," he
said, "because the history of
third parties' is that they draw
from the weaker party, and
they are the Liberals,"
Recent by-elections in Simcoe
Centre and Temiskarning indi-
cated the Conservative party
was in excellent shape in Ont-
ario. Mr. Bell did not antici-
pate any basic change in the
Progressive Conservative app-
roach to the electorate.
Mr. Bell is a past president
of the Huron and Western On-
tario Conservative associations
and has been active in the par-
ty since 1935.
in an attic or cellar, of no
use to anyone. They. would
appreciate having these to use.
The Uniform Cape Blitz
which is outlined in advertise-
ments in this issue of the
News-Record is a small pro-
ject in comparison to that of
past financial campaigns in the
community. It is expected that
the citizens of town and coun-
try will get together and co-
operate with the Band (which
has quite a few' members from
outside of Clinton), in this at-
tempt to cloth themselves in
full uniform.
Clinton Legion's
Annual Banquet
On October 24
Clinton Branch 140 of the
Canadian Legion are holding
their annual nomination and
sports banquet on Monday, Oc-
tober 24 at the hall, Kirk
Sports guest will include the
Legion-sponsored baseball team
which went to the Ontario
Juvenile "C" finals this sum-
mer, and last winter's WOAA
Midget "B" hockey champions.
A popular Western Ontario
radio and TV sportscaster will
be the guest speaker.
This annual banquet is not
restricted to Legion members
only, but all veterans' in this
area are urged to contact a
Legionaire and secure a ticket
for the -affair.
Born in 1910, Mr. Bell is an
graduate of the University of
Toronto and Osgoode Hall. He
was appointed a King's Counsel
in 1948. Mr. Bell is an active
curler and golfer and a former
baseball -player.
He practised law at Seas
forth -and Brussels before going
overseas during World War
Two. In Exeter now, he is
-senior partner in the firm of
Bell and Laughton, where he
has practised law since the
Prime Minister John Diefen-
baker speaking at the general
meeting, said the Progressive
Conservative party will mobil-
and extend its information
service on a national basis to
tell Canadians the role the
government is playing in the
country's development.
Mr. Diefenbaker, on his way
to Ottawa following a visit to
his home constituency of ;Prince
Albert, Sask., told the nearly
1,100 delegates that "We intend'
to mobilize" and tell Canadians
what is being done in govern-
ment and what will be done in
the future to advance national
He praised Premier Frost's
efforts on behalf of the PC par-
ty in the 1957 and 1958 federal
election- campaigns.
"Had- it not been for his de-
votion, -the results would not
have been as they were," he
said, adding that this co-opera-
tion on behalf of the party
would continue.
Both Mr. Diefenbaker and
Mr, Frost paid -tribute to A. D.
McKenzie, association president
who died last May, and Fred
Cawthorne, secretary, who re-
tired this month because of
failing health.
Oddfellows at
Hensall Stage
Special Dinner
(Hensall Correspondent)
More than 200 Oddfellows
from Huron district attended
a dinner and rally at the Com-
munity Centre, Hensall, on
October 12. Lodge members
heard Harry Yaeger, Fenwick,
grand master of Ontario, exhort
them to "carry your work out
of the lodge rooms and into the
community. Oddfellows was es-
tablished on one of the sound-
est foundations in existence to-
day," Mr. Yaeger said, in trac-
ing the history of the move-
merit and its work at grand
lodge and subordinate lodge
Mr. Yaeger presented a past
district deputy grand master's
jewel to Gerald McFalls, Exet-
The grand master was Intro-
duced by Bob Williamson, Lon-
don, a past grand master. Mas-
ter of ceremonies was Percy
Campbell, district deputy grand
master. Head table guests in-
cluded past district deputy gr-
and masters, and Mrs. Lillian
Grummett, Seaforth DDP for
district 23 of the Rebekah
Amber Rebekah Lodge cater-
ed for the turkey banquet,
The Week's Weather
1960 1959
High Low High Low.
Oct 13 70 38 48 39
14 74 51 45 87
15 65 55 0 40
1,6 60 42 60 43'
17 62 43 59 43
18 52 83 41 86
10 50 88 40 32.
itAit: .86 in, nalit
Exeter Man is Elected
Elmer Bell Heads Ontario PCs
(BY W. D. D.)
field's newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Diehl, following their
wedding Saturday „ . The best
of good wishes go to our Bay
field correspondent, L u c y'
Wood's, and her husband . .
cal happened on the Wingham
radio station programming on
Monday evening . . . a switch
in time fox the Huron Feder-
ation of Agriculture broadcast
resulted in the fieldman pres-
enting his talk as the main
part of a sponsored show by a
private businessman engaged in
doing business with farmers
We find it hard to believe that
the Federation of Agriculture
favours such a situation . .
In actuality it means that they
are paying a man to serve
them . . . and his war& and
thoughts are being used to
promote the product handled
by one firm and sold to the
farmer . . . Some re-thinking
on the part of someone is soon
to be required . .
* *
hear of the passing of a for-
mer Clinton resident , . , some-
times they are folk unknown to
us . . . perhaps having lived in
another place for many long
years . . . Such is the case this
week . , . The Miss Hodgens
whose death notice appears in
this paper . . . was the daugh-
ter of John Hodgens who oper-
ated a drygoods store here ab-
out 80 years ago . . . in the
former PUC building, where
Galbraith Radio and TV now
is . . . Miss Hodgens has lived
in Toronto for about 50 years,
paying visits back to the old
home town at intervals .
Her nieces brought her body
back to Clinton Cemetery for
burial, where others of the fam-
ily lie . . . We enjoyed chat-
ting with them . . . and of hear-
ing about the link with Clin-
ton's past which their family
holds . . . We regret only that
it was a sad occasion which
brought them here . .
* * *
NOVEMBER n IN Goderich
will be a two hour holiday for
stores . . . In Listowel it is an
all-day 'holiday . . . Clinton
council has not yet announced
a decision for' our town, where
the Legion hopes for a full day,
and the merchants request a
half day . Which will win?
Those who truly know what
November n means? or the
merchants. . . The Stratford
Beacon-Herald states editorial-
ly that the day was made a
statutory holiday in the Do-
minion in 1946 . . . so no pro-
blem should exist .
* *
to read editorials will note one
this week which we are re-
printing from 'a neighbour pap-
er concerning a Canadian flag
. . . Be it understood that the
Clinton News-Record does not
favour the suggestions made in
this week's paper by the Exeter
editor . . . However we felt
it fair to give someone else's
ideas on the subject . . . Note
this, the editor to the south
of us aroused some interest, for
he received at least one letter
berating him for suggesting
that Canada needed a new flag
. . . We received verbal ap-
preciation of our own stand
that the red ensign answered
the purpose admirably . . . but
we had nothing in writing
which we could present to the
public . , .
litz to Provide Capes
id ror $100 and Trophy