Clinton News-Record, 1960-10-13, Page 6Mr, and Mrs, H, Lewis and
Jack Price, London, closed their
cottage last weekend.
Donald Thane and family,
London, were at their home :in
tee village for Thanksgiving,
Don Xi/wet/my,18rantford,
spent the long weekend with
his wife and Douglas,
Mr. and Mrs. ee, Alkenhead,
London, spent ThanksgiVing
their cottage on Delevep.
Mize Rhea and Edna Stirling,
London, were the guests of
Mrs. Keith Gemeenhaedt on
Mrs. Graham Vance and four
boys, John, Don, Ron end Leon,
Willowdale, spent the holiday
weekend at their cottage.
Mrs. Keith Pruss, Janice and
Charles, London, spent the
Thanksgiving weekend with her
mother, Mrs. J. el. Parker.
Community Hall
Friday, October 14
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carter
(nee Dorothy Cook)
021E1 1ST
Court of Revision
The Council of the Town-
ship of Hallett will hold a
court will hold its First Sit-
sessrnent Roll for 1961. The
court will hold it's First Sit-
ting on November 1st at 3
o'clock p.m. in the Commun-
ity Hall, Londesboro,
Any Person wishing to
Appeal his Assessment may
notify the Clerk of the Muni-
cipality in writing within 14
Days after the 30th Day of
September, 1960.
RR 1, Londesboro, Ont.
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every. Afternoon
PHONE HU 2-9421
'At other times contact
Local Representative—Tom Steep—HU 2-3869
thanks to
Esso 011 Heat is your surest way to a warm, pleasant
home. And there's a safe, dependable Esso fuel that's
exactly right for your heating unit. Whether you use a
space heater, floor furnace or automatic furnace, your
Imperial Esso Agent can introduce you to a wonderful
world of warmth. He'll help you spend a comfortable,
,carefree winter,
Are You Confused ?
Get the Facts See The Difference
,, eeeee,seseaeiiejeeeieeseeseee„ae.„..
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Popcorn —,-, Peters Famous Hof Dogs
• s
Thursday fit Friday Night tick up a Ticket for the Whole FaMily
while visiting Our lot. Children Must be
accompanied by parent. OCTOBER 13 - 14
Township of Tuckersmith
TENDERS are invited by the Township of
ROADS in the winter of 1960-61 under the super-
vision and direction of the Road Superintendent.
Two outfits required: V-type, 8-foot plow
(plow and wing to be hydraulically operated), mount-
ed on at least a 5-ton truck. All requirements to be
supplied by the contractor, he to carry public liab-
ility insurance and Workman's Compensation in-
surance. Tender to state a flat rate per hour (no
standing time allowed).
Tenders plainly marked 'Snowplowing' to be
in the Road Superintendent's hands' by October 15th,
1960, Tenders will be considered on October 18th,
1960, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at 9.30 p.m.
This tender subject to approval of the De-
partment of Highways of Ontario. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted,
RR 4, Seaforth, Ont.
Township of Tuckersmith
TENDERS are invited by the Township of
Tuckersmith for the !Construction of the McKENZIE
ship of Tuckersmith under authority By-Law 11 /60,
The work consists of:
(1700 cu. yds.)
Tender to cover completion of the whole
work; all requirements to be furnished by the con-
tractor. Work to commence as soon as possible after
letting of contract—starting dote to be specified in
tender; work to be completed in fall of 1960.
Marked cheque for 10% of tender to ac- •
company tender or tender will not be considered,
Tenders to be plainly marked 'Drain Tender'
and be in the Reeve's hands (RR 2, Kipper), ,Ont,),
by October 15, 1960, Tenders will be considered
October 18, 1960, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ont.,
at 9 p.m. Plans and specifications may be teen at
either the Clerk's office or at the Reeve's.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
RR. 4, Seaforth, Ontario.
WITH 774
New SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed gives your pigs
the best start in life.
introduce them to Creep Feed at day-old and
keep it fresh daily . . encouraging them to
eat early.
Remember, getting your pigs on solid feed
early means better feed conversion and faster
For more and heavier pigs at weaning . new SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed in pel-
lets or meal is available from our mill . where feeds are always fresh and
formulated with your profit in mind,
1'.4soe .6 Clinton News-Rf3.cordl,Thpre,f Oct. 13, 1960
News of Bayfield
By MSS XXVII' W0.91:1$
(Correspondent MRS, N. LONG, Phone lienpil 694053
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth
visited Dr, and Mrs. Hugh
Ferguson and family in Ada,
Ohio, over the long weekend.
•Ced. Feed Sherman and
faintly, RCAF Station Clinton,
are occupying one of the Jow-
ett cottages.
James Higgins, Toronto, was
with his parents, Mr. .and Mrs,
J, B. Higgins from Wednesday
to Saturday.
Mrs. A, F, Flirter, London,
spent the Thanksgiving week-
end with her brother H, A.
Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Hughes,
Detroit, were at their cottage
in the Jowett area for the
Mr, and Mrs. William Bar-
ber and four children, St, Tho-
mas, were at their cottage ov-
er the holiday weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright,
London, visited their daughter,
Mrs. Arnold Makins and fam-
ily on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Chap-
man returned to Detroit on
Tuesday after having spent the
weekend at their cottage.
The Rev. and Mrs. F. H.
Paull, Listowel, and Miss Cars
rie Dixon, Brantford, were the
guests of Mrs, R. H. F. Gaird-
ner over Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphries
and son Carl, Port Stanley,
visited' .her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Kerr over the
Thanksgiving weekend'.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oates,
Tommy, Mazy, Joan, Wood-
stock, eeeePled his mother's
-cottage over the long Weekend,
Miss Mary Hevey returned
to London on. Monday evening
after having spent the long
weekend with her brother, J.
E. and MM. Hovey,
Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Leckie,
London, spent the Thanksgiv-
ing weekend with then' daugh-
ter, Mrs. Etigene McLaren and
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Leon-
ard and six children, Willow-
dale, visited her parents, Mr,
And Mrs. E. A. Featherston,
over Thanksgiving,
Miss Madeline Re/dr:lick, Lon-
den, was the guest of her bro-
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S, Roddick, "Century
House" over Thanksgiving
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. R, Wil-,
lock, Douglas, Cathy and Aires-
lea, Stratford, were at their
cottage over the Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pound-
er and family, Stratford, spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Pounder at their cot-
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter,
Sally Beth and Mrs. Charles
F, Rogers returned' •to Toron-
to on Tuesday after having
spent Thanksgiving at their
home in the village,
Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith
visited' Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Hendrick, Grand Bend on Sat-
urday evening to hear a mis-
sionary on. furlough, Mrs. M. M.
Irwin, Korea, speak,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Watson
went to visit their daughtee,
Mrs. William Leering 'and
family, Walton, for Thanksgiv-
ing and are spending this week
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tel-
ford and two children, Julia
and Scott, Siracoe, visited Mrs.
Telford's parents, Mr. and Mm.
William R, Talbot, Sr., over
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sager
and three children, Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner,
Phillip and Gayle had Thanks-
giving with the ladies' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simp-
son, Sandra, Jackie and Cathy,
London, visited Mrs. J. Cluff
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Scotebrner and family on
Thanksgiving Day.
Cpl. Lloyd Westlake, OPP,
Mrs, Westlake and three chil-
dren, Kitchener, spent the
Thanksgiving weekend with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mal-
colm Toms.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers
attended the Lough-Flowers
wedding in London on Satur-
day and the reception at "Sev-
en Dwarfs". The bride is Mr.
Flower's niece.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Baughner
and daughter, London, spent
the Thanksgivingtide at the
William L. Metcalf cottage.
Their guests were Mr. and Mrs.
E. Kennedy.
Mr. .and Mrs. Len B. Smith,
London; Mrs. Harold King,
Sarnia, were the •guests of
Mrs. R. J. Larson and family
over the Thanksgiving week-
Dr. and Mrs, William Aber-
hardt, London, daughter Helen,
Stratford, ,and _guest, Miss
Cunningham, Vancouver, were
at their cottage for the Thanks-
giving weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. •Douglas Long
and Greg, Ancaster, visited her
parents and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Baker and Gwen,
London, at their'cottage "Wheel
In" over the Thanksgivingtide.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Pounder and
three children returned to Lon-
don on Monday evening after
having spent the Thanksgiving
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd Scotchmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flow-
ers, Kim arid Debbie, Taranto,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray,
Hamilton, visited the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Flowers over the Thanksgiving
Mrs. Glen Brandon and fam-
ily spent last week with her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Peter
Renner, Teeswa,ter, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Renner, David and
Faith visited his parents on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tillinan
and family accompanied by
Mrs. Tillman, Sr., London, were
at their cartilage over the week-
end. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Till-
man joined the family board
on Thanksgiving Day.
Harold Jeffery, Exeter, is
building a home on a lot which
he purchased' from Robert
Rathweil on Keith Crescent.
The latter. has the contract for
the building.
Mrs, A. W. Reid, Miss Kath-
Anglican Bishop
Named For
Huron Diocese
(Hayfield Correspondent)
J. M. Stewart, substitute lay
delegate to Synod for Trinity
Church attended the special
meeting in London on Thera,
day last, Representetives from
St. Jetties, Middleton and St,
John's Chureh, Varna also •at-
tended with the rector the Rev,
E, 3, B, Harrison.
The Venerable H. F, Apple-
yard, M.C. Archdeacon of
Brant was elected Suffragan
Bishop of the Deaneries• of Hu-
ron, Perth, Waterloo, Grey and
Bruce under Bishop Luarton in
the Diocese of Huron, He will
be consecrated next January 6
arid locate at Owen Sound.
leen Reid, accompanied by
Mrs. Walter Helps, Windsor,
were at "Enfield" cottage from
Friday to Sunday, after having
visited 'in Toronto during the
With Mrs. L. 'M. Burt at 'her
home on Sarnia Street for the
weekend were her son Howard
and family, daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otto van
Rennennkampff. They all re-
turned to London on Monday
Mrs. Viola Wurn and Nes-
bitt Woods, Toronto, were the
guests of their nephew, Rev.
Lorne Sparks and family, for
'the Thanksgiving weekend, and
also visited their sister, Mrs.
Alex Sparks, fourth concession,
Goderich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dewar
and Janice, Kingston, visited
his mother Mrs. David Dewar
from Friday to Tuesday, Mr.
and Mrs. David Dewar, Toron-
to, who spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. George
Whc'eley, Clinees, also spent
Sunday evening with his• mo-
Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Mackie
and son, London, spent Thanks-
giving weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma-
kins. On Monday they enter-
tained the family, including
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Makins
and family to a Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D.
Scotehmer, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don G. Scotchmer, Robert
O'Neil, Brown Lindsay and Mr.
and Mrs. Lindsay Smith re-
turned home on Tuesday night
after having enjoyed a motor
trip to Rev. Fred Jewell's cot-
tage at Bracebridge on Fri-
day. They also visited points
north over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cree Cook,
Clinton, were at "Wee Loch
Herne"; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Cook, Donald and Nancy,
Stratford, at their cottage, and
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens
and 'three children, Toronto, at
"Loch Hame" cottage at The
Poplars' over °the' weekend. "
Gordon Westlake repre-
sentative in Clinton and dis-
trict for the Sun Life of Cana-
da, has returned home from a
week-long conference of Sun
Life representatives at Mont
Tremblant, near Montreal. The
conference dealt with new
trends in life insurance, current
under writing problems, mar-
keting techniques and policy
progri.uniiv.. Mr. Westlake is
associated with San Life's Lon-
don Ereneb.
The members of St. Andrew's women's organizations held
their Thankoffering meeting in
the on Thursday after-
neon, of last week', at which.
they had as their .guests groaps.
from Varna arid Ontario St,,
Clinton, churches,
The president of the Woe
man's Missionary Society, Mrs,
H. licenser was in the chair
and, Mrs, W. D. Smith con-
ducted the devotional program,
Mrs. Wiltse, Clinton, gave a
reading .entirtled "The Measure
ing Day" Mrs. T, J. Pitt,
Varna, spoke on "Gratitude".
Mrs. (Rev.) Moote, Goderich,
the guest speaker, chose as her
theme, the title of the new
WMS study book "Into All the
World Together", Around this
subject she wove a stroeg. plea
for increased 'missionary' inter-
est and effort. Mrs, Radford,
Clinton, favoured with an or-
gan medley.
Mrs. Makins, Mrs. C. H. Scot-
ohmer, Mrs. Fralic'k and Mrs
Robert Scotchmer were at the
door, Mrs, Kingsbury at the
organ and Miss A. M. Stirling
introduced the guest speaker.
Lunch was served in the
Sunday School room and a
social hour enjoyed.
Thanksgiving service in St.
Andrew's United Church was
well-attended on Sunday. The
church was decorated with fruit,
flowers and vegetables in
keeping with Harvest Home.
Early in the service the pee-
tor, Rev. W. C Smith, baptiz-
ed Bonnie Marie Makins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arn-
old Makins; Robert James
Mackie, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Mackie, and Paul Mat-
thew Westlake, son of Cpl.
and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake.
Mr. Smith based his remarks
on "0 that men would there-
fore praise the' Lord for His
goodness and His wonderful
waits to the children of men,"
in a stirring address in keep-
ing with the day.
He stressed how much is
owed to the four ships which
brought the Gospel to America.
The choir sang a special
Thanksgiving anthem.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
is attending the clergy confer-
ence of the Diocese of Huron
in Windsor Tuesday to Thurs-
day this week.
Members of Knox Presby-
terian Church and Sunday
School held a congregational
dinner on Friday evening. Ab-
out 50 members attended and
spent a social hour after din-
ner with their minister, the
Rev. George C. Vais, Hensall,
before his departure for St.
Giles Church, Galt. On behalf
of the congregation Robert
MacVean. presented him with a
blanket. Mr Vats- expressed'
'his thanks to all for the re-
membrance and his joy in serv-
ing in this pastorate.
Those things that come to
the man who waits seldom turn
bht to be the things he' has,
been waiting for.
10 for 40c
At News-Record
Mrs. Elzar Motteseau and
Mrs. Ross Faber spent a few
eleye at Port Huron,
Miss Gail Partnthar, Exeter,
spent the holiday weekend with
Miss Joyce Hood.
Harvey Turner was taken by
ambulance to Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McKee,
Ross and Jill, Toronto, Visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Faber and family,
Mr, and Mrs, Ivison Torrence
Mitchell, were Sunday guest's
of Mr, and, Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bride and Sharon,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Wren
visited over the weekend with
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Ivan' Wren, Han-
Mr. and MrS, EICUTL Kerr,
Winthrop, visited Sunday with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elston Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Mellis
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison,
St. Themes,
John Doig, Grand Rapids,
Mich., visited his mother Mrs.
Lydia Doig and sister Janet
during the weekend.
The Women's Auxiliary of
St. James' Church, Middleton
met on Wednesday afternoon,
October 5 'at •the home of Mrs.
Alfred Hudie with 16 ladies
The president, Mrs. Milton
Steepe opened the meeting with
a prayer poem on "Thanksgiv-
ing". The' W.A. hymn "The
Love of Christ Constraineth",
was 'sung with Mre, Edward
Wise at the piano.
The minuts were read by the
secretary, Mrs. Keith Miller,
and' the roll call word was
The rector the Rev. E. 3. B.
Harrison led in a special ser-
vice of Litany and Thanksgiv-
ing, appropriate for this spec-
ial season.
The Pall Session of the Dean-
ery of Huron will be held in
St. Thomas Church, Seaforth,
on Thursday, October 27 at
2.30 p.m. the church-ladies are
urged to attend.
Mrs, 'Stewart Middleton gave
a reading entitled "The First
Thanksgiving Day".
Mrs. Ray Wise read a very
interesting article "Harvest
Time through History" and also
led in the Prayer Partners
prayer. A lovely selection of
Christmas cards' was on sale
and also a variety of plants
seeds, etc.
Fred Istallymont
Phone HU 2-3214)
Mr.- and Mrs...Robert :Rum-
ney, Trudy and Ricky, Victoria
Harbour, spent the holiday
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Orrin Dowson and family.
Mr. •and Mrs. Robert Taylor,
Carol and Don, Mre. Murray
Forbes and Miss Beverley
Bishop, Western University,
London, spent the Thanksgiv-
ing weekend' at North Bay as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Bishop and Jacqueline.
Mission Band
Mrs. Gordon Coleman gave
a very interesting story at the
Mission Band meeting. Kenneth
Coleman read Psalm 66. Col-
lection was taken •by Dale Stir-
ling and Kenneth Coleman.
The band wilI have a candy
booth at the bazaar. Marlene
Coleman read a story.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith and
family, Grimsby, were recent
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Wren,
Mrs. Alvin, Uloh, Windsor and
Mrs, F4, Little, Hensall, vise
itecl Sunday .afternoon, with Mr,
and Mrs. N. Long,
Mre and Mrs, iddie Taylor,
Stratford, visited Miss Mabelle Whiteman on Sunday. Mise
Whiteman returned. with them
for a few days,
Anniversary services at St.
Andrew's United Church will
be observed on Sunday, Octo-
ber 16 at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m.
The Rev, H. NI, Hunter, Mite
chell will be the guest speaker
in the morning and the Rev,
E. Roulston, Clinton, in the
Rally Day service was well
attended at Se. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church, Kipper and a junior
choir of 28 was in attendance,
Joan Sinclair favoured
with a solo. David Turner gave
the Scripture and Robert Coop-
er assisted in the prayers. An
interesting story was given by
Miss 'Margaret Eagle, "The Bi-
ble in' the Pickle Jar". Ushers
were Bill Workman, Don John-
ston, Keith Anderson, and Jim
Thrifty Hippenettes
The seventh meeting of the
4-H Homemaking Club was
held at the home of the leader
Mrs. Alex McGregor on Octo-
ber 8 at 9 a.m. After opening
exercises, roll call was answer-
ed' by 17 naming "one duty of
a pleasing guest". Patricia Har-
ris was' named secretary for the
Invitations' were written to
mothers to attend the next
meeting on October 10, Thanks-
giving Day in 'the afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Ii. Caldwell.
Each girl wrote, inviting her
own mother. Mrs. Caldwell led
a discussion an hospitality and
etiquette, •
At the Monday meeting, gu-
ests were welcomed by the
president. 19 members answer-
ed roll call. Plans were made
for achievement day.
Katheryn McGregor and Jean
McNaughton each played a pi-
ano instrumental. Helena van-
Loon favoured with an accord-
ion selection. A singsong was,
enjoyed. Club members' served
afternoon tea to the guests.
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 773
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
Township of Goderich
Notice is hereby given that I have complied with
section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have
posted up at my office on the 10th day of October,
1960, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the
said Municipality at municipal elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected
according to law. The last day for appeal being the
31st day of October, 1960.
DATED this 10th day of October, 1960,
R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk.