HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-10-06, Page 3Nixon-Verhoef The Rev. D. J. Lane .con• ducted a ,02010 ring ceremony in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, .Clinton on Saturday afternoon, October 1, for Car- rie Rnssila Verhoef, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arie Verhoef, RR 5, Clinton and William Ralph Nixon, Wingham, son of Me, and Mrs. Isaac Nixon, RR 7, Lucia-Low, Standards of bronze 'mums and white Can- delabra decorated the church. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, and she was lovely in a floor length gown of bridal taffeta styled on princess lines. It featured a chantilly lace bodice with. long lily POiAt sleeves and seal- loped sabrina neckline, sprink- led with irridescent sequins and pearls. The bouffant •sititit fell to a chapel train., Tbe double French veil was held by a crown of lace, edged with pearls and she carried a bou- quet -of Talisman roses. Miss Eva Verhoef, sister of the bride was maid of honour, in street length dress of avo- cado green peau de sole, with. ,bouffant skirt and matching cummerbund, • matching head- piece and gloves made of peau de sole, and matching satin shoes. She carried a bouquet of bronze 'mums. Flowergirl was Miss Ruth Bennett, Wingham, also in green, styled to match that of the maid of honour, and she carried a cascade of bronze 'mums. John Nixon, Belgrave, was his brother's groomsman, and ushers' were Arie Verhoef, bro- ther of the bride, Clinton and Carman Nixon, Scarboro, bro- ther of the groom. Appropriate music included "The Lord's Prayer" during the signing of the register and "0 Perfect Love". Bronze and yellow chrysan- themums decorated the church parlours for the reception, where Mrs, Verhoef received guests in a moss green dress with black and beige accessor- ies. The grooms mother as- sisted in a figured dress of green and yellow with brown accessories. Both wore corsag- es, of yellow carnations, Guests attended from Toronto, Hamil- ton, Sarnia, Wingham, Luck- now, Clinton and district. For a wedding trip into northern Ontario the bride donned a mauve sheath with jacket to match, black acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. They will live in Wing- ham. Living In New Brunswick LAC and MRS. CHARLES E. BLETCHER, 210 Sweeney Lane, Newcastle, New Brunswick, were mar- ried on Thursday, September 15, at the home of the bride's parents, 103 Joseph Street, Clinton, The bride is Marjorie Elaine Martin, only daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Howard Currie, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bletcher, North Surrey, British Columbia. (Photo by Jervis) More Persons Took Huron TB Tests Than In 1956; Eight Were Active On behalf of the Huron County Tuberculosis Associa- tion and the Department of Health, the following results of the recent county-wide mass survey are' submitted by Dr. R. la Aldis, medical officer of health, Godesich, 1. Total number processed, 24,184; 2. No reportable disease or abnormality, 23,650; 3. Pul- monary tuberculosis, 17 (of which eight or 0.03 percent were diagnosed as active); 4. Other diseases and abnormali- ties, 515. These results compare fav- ourably with those of the pre- vious survey in 1956 when 19,- 525 persons were processed. T h e addition of tuberculin testing to the latest survey, in- creased the coverage to all children and was exceedingly well received in most centres. All persons over 40 years of age who attended the survey have had the additional satis- faction of knowing that they were also screened for condi- tions such as irregular heart shadow, possible tumour and other abnormalities which oc- cur more frequently from this age on. Some adults may have in- advertently missed the survey; they are advised that their family physician can test them and refer them if advisable to the monthly free chest clinic in their area. Both the mass survey and the referred clinics are sup- ported by Christmas Seals. SALE OF LIBRARY DISCARDS JUVENILE, FICTION and NON-FICTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 2 to 5.30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. In Reading Room of The Library ALSO FOR SALE: 1 Set of 16 Volumes of Americana 1 Set of 30 Volumes of Encyclopaedia Britannica These may be seen now at the Library and sealed bids left with the Librarian. 40-1b FREE BELTONE SERVICE CLINIC HOTEL CLINTON SPONSORED BY NEWCOMBE'S DRUG STORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER lth, 14 p.m. IF HEARING IS YOUR PROBLEM BELTONE IS YOUR ANSWER! FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT OR LITERATURE PHONE CLINTON HU 2-9511 Have Your Hearing Scientifically Tested And Bring a. Friend Along. We Service All Makes of Hearing Aids. Beltone now offers you in addition to the world's most hidden hearing glasses, and the most powerful hearing glasses, the all new, powerful, and tiny JUBILEE. It fits in your hair or snugly behind your ear. See these and other models soon in the clinic or in your home. For a recommendation of honesty and integrity, call Mr. W. C. Newcombe, HU 2-9511. E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Service 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ont. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week A A reg. g..ei2uRa 78c s Both For 88c size HINDS Honey and Almond CREAM reg. 750 55c METRECAL 12 for 17.50 1 tin reg, 1.59 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM reg. 35c-2 for 59c reg. 63c-2 for 99c Ruth..McFarlane Is Showered at Home Of Mrs. Ed. Glen On Tuesday evening, Septem- ber 27, Mrs. Ed. Glen, Stanlay Township opened her home for a shower, given in honour of Miss Ruth McFarlane, Clinton, bride-elect of this week, About 22 friends and rela- tives were present, Ruth was seated in a nicely decorated chair, under a can- opy of pink and white stream- ers, centred with colored bal- Unique Photo 2-6626 Service DRUGGIST Clinton — Ontario F. B. PENNEBAKER 'MY BANK' MeNWMCOOMIK MOSS Want to do your wash the easi- est, quickest, most economical way? Come in herel King Street LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1208 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. Already thousands of Canadians are turning their dreams into reality with the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. They've found that bringing all their credit needs under this single comprehensive plan really works wonders for them in getting the most out of their income. Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan loans are putting students through college, paying emergency costs, financing off-season vacation trips and filling all sorts of needs for the home and family—all adding up to easier, happier living. if you have a steady income and can make low- cost monthly payments, this modern plan could help you realize a good many of your dreams. All loans are life-insured, monthly payments can extend over two years —or even three—and you can borrow up to $3,500 de- pending on your income. Your neighbourhood branch of the B of M is the place td go to talk over your needs. Whether you are a cus- tomer or not, the same warm Welcome awaits you. 9eue Sank BANK OF MONTREAL. Finance Piano.. • • • Bring all your personal credit needs under one roof Wir..K.k24.%!•M<•=t4511, with a low-cost B of M life-insured loan Whatever it is, chances are it can come true on the Meet Your Neighbour At The Phone PARK THEATRE .48, 11 MON„ TUES., WED. Oct. 10.11-12 With Narration by ORSON WELLES and WILLIAM WARFIE,LD Authentically recorded—a way of life that is dying out-- Sponsored by King Leopold III of Belgium. "Masters of the Congo Jungle" — In Clnemascope and Technicolor -- Ne story--no politics—but beautifully realistic--,SEE IT. THUR„ FRI„ SAT. Oct. 13444 5 With all the memories and vanishing glory of the big top. "The Greatest Show on Earth" — to Scope and Color — We are offering this last chance to see it because we honestly believe it's the best entertainment ever filmed, James. Stewart — Betty Hutton -- Charlton Heston Dorothy Lamour — Cornei Wilde & Gloria Grahame Filmed in Sarasota, Florida's Circus City. Now Playing—Oct. 6-7-8 — "The Rat Race" Adult Entertainment — In Color Coming—Julie London in "The Third Voice" adult Homemakers Bowling LeagPle. The first scheduled games .of the season for the RCAF Home- makers Bowling League took place last Tuesday and Friday evenings, with some very good scores being recorded. High triple of the week went to Mrs. H. Rausch, 581; and high single to Mrs. P. Mizell, 238. Other scores over 200 were as follows: Mrs., B, Betts, 236; Mrs, FL lieyvvard, 226; Mrs. Dickau, 221; Mrs. J, Hubei, 216; Mrs, M. Daaks, 216; Mrs. M, Burns, 215; Mrs. M. Watt-a, 208; Mrs. S. Brown, 202; Mrs. T. Dubuc, 202, Will Reorganize Women's Groups In United Church Complete reorganization of women's groups in •the United Church of Canada has received final approval from the 19th general council. The project under study for several years, was described by officials as one of the most important since church union 35 years ago. As of January 1, 1962, women in the work of the Church will be members of the United Ch- urch Women. This new organ- ization will take over the func- tions of the Women's Mission- ary Society and the Women's Association, For the first time women will be represented by a board in the Church. Women's work now is divided between the W.M.S. with 289,- 000 members and the W.A. with 221,000, Both organizations ex- ist in most United Churches and have an overlapping mem- bership. Purpose of the United Church Women is "to unite all women of the congregation for the total mission of the Church and to provide a medium th- rough which they may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian wit- ness, stud, fellowship and service." Church leaders hope to enlist 200,000 women for the new group. Approval also was given for the establishment of two new boards to handle mission work. A new Board of World Miss- ions will combine the overseas missionary programs of the Women's Missionary Society and the Board of Overseas Missions. A new board of home miss- ions will be formed to handle the missionary work done in Canada by current home board and the W.M.S. HMS Pinafore Launches CBC's Festival '61 For the first time, a hit show direct from the Stratford Festival will be presented on television in the 90-minute pro- duction of Gilbert and Sulli- van's rollicking HIVES Pinafore. Launching the new Festival '61 series of prestige dramas, operas and music programs, HMS Pinafore will be seen Monday, October 10, at 9.30 p.m. EDT on the CBC-TV net- work. Dr. Tyrone Guthrie's comp- ahy from Stratford moved into CDC-TV studios for the video- taping of the show late in Aug- ust. Afterwards the company left for New York where, at the Phoenix Theatre off Broad- way, they are now enjoying a successful run. Thurs., Oct, 6, .1900 loons. These were punctured periodically during the :even- ing, showering her with con- fetti, The evening was spent en-, joying violin and piano selec-tions given by Joan and Ann McCowan; contests by the ilea, teas and a humorous reading by Mrs. Elmer Trick. After this. Ruth opened' her many beauti- ful gifts .and' thanked 'all pre., sent. 0 SCRATCH PADS 10 for 40c At News-Record PHARMACY WEEK October 3rd to 8th Your pharmacist is an important man in the health team along with your doctor, dentist and nurse, His professional training, the years of exacting study which were necessary to give him the coveted degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy have prepared your pharmacist :for the precision required in dispensing the miracle medicines of today. As a pharmacist and also as a merchant your I.D,A, druggist is aware of his two-fold task to work hand in hand with your physician to relieve sickness and suffering and to serve you, his customers, sincerely and honestly. You will find your community I.D.A. drug store the economical and dependable place to buy all your health and beauty needs. Money-Saving Specials CeOf_63 °`61idETZAthcal 69c reg 89c "Utility"—reg. 1.99 HOT WATER BOTTLE 3-yrs. guarantee 1.59 J &J BABY POWDER—reg. 75c 2 for 1.35 BABY LOTION—reg. 79c 2 for 1.40 BABY OIL—reg. 79c 2 for 1.40 CHILDREN'S SHAMPOO—reg. 79c ..„ 2 for 1.40 1E2 Bayer‘Aspirin igiplic size Trial size Children's Aspirin with 87c size BAYER ASPRIN wo,s ' Li q uid EIREME SHAMPOO69c reg. 79c ,„. triran igagml,M009B size 1.09 GLEEM TOOTH PASTE reg. 98c 78c CrystaliTiClear or Lotion l-oiion WH ANAPOO PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 2 for 99c reg. 63c ass aasasasa"a ssaiialSa-a,s Goderich reg. 1.25 98c 99c 87c mmtammalwiw~ I 1r Cilla114911* Order Your THANKSGIVING TURKEYS NOW! For the most complete selection of: TURKEYS — CAPONS — CHICKENS DUCKS — ROAST BEEF — HAMS BONELESS TURKEY ROLLS WEEKEND SPECIAL— SMOKED PICNIC HAMS Only 39c 1b. PETER'S Modern Meat Market CLINTON 9e.e. HU .-2-7 G4 PHONE HU 2.9131 "The Home of Quality Meats" BUTTER BALL TURKEYS, WALLACE'S TURKEYS imasoloassassaisomissomusramissassasossisiss