HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-08-25, Page 5Happy Workers
Regular Meeting
Mrs,, Kenneth Williams was
hostess on Thursday evening,
August 11 for the Happy Work-
ers Club when roll call was' an-
swered by telling "Something
I learned from my grandmoth-
er' .
The president • Mrs. William
I-Iollend was in c'h'arge, All ap-
rons are requested turned in at
the next meeting. Debbie John-
son drew Mrs. Elmer Dale's
ticket for the lucky draw, Mils.
William Holland conducted a
contest won by Mrts, Wilfred
Glazier. Lunch was served by
the hostess,
The next meeting will be at
Mr. Henry Kalver'shome in
Home Auxiliary
Plans For Bazaar
The ,August meeting of the
Huron County Home Auxiliary
was held in the auditorium of
the Horne with Mrs. F. G.
Thompson in the .chair. Reports
were read and adopted. More
plans for the Quietens bazaar
for t'he residents were discus-
As the auxiliary was to put
on the monthly birthday party,
arrangements were completed
for that, Meeting was closed
and the usual social half hour
was enjoyed.
the evening. Roll call will be
answered by telling "how to
postpone old age",
This Sunday
Attend Your Church
— All Services Daylight Saving Time --
Pastor: JOHN AGULJAN, B.Th..
10,00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Joint Service with the St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Congregation.
Topic: "How Can We Have More Faith?"
A Cordial Welcome To All
Ies1ep-0i; ittis igttiteb
C hurcb
REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A.
MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director
Sunday, August 28
9.45 a.m. Sunday School
11,00 a.m.—Minister's final
9.45 a.m.—Morning Worship
10.45 a.m.—Sunday School
Let us use the Lord's Day to
strengthen our Christian Faith
Maple Street
Sunday, August 28
9.45 a.m.—Worshio Service
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School
7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service—
Speaker: Mr. William Thain,
Tuesday, 8 p.m. --Prayer & Bible
An Welcome
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above
hall Invite you to come and hear
the Gospel, the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love.
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows:
11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m.—Wednesday--Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, August 28
11.00 a.m.—Church Service at
Clinton Baptist Church
Christian Reformed
Sunday, August 28
10.00 aan. service an English
2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, August 28
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service.
Guest speaker for both ser-
vices: Rev. Chambers, Bay-
field, returned missionary
from .the Congo.
Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting.
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Anglican Church
of Canada
St. Paul's -- Clinton
REV. C. S. INDER, Rector
Charles Merrill, Organist
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday 'School withdrawn
Church Service at Wesley -Willis United Church
Turner's Church
Church Service and Sunday School withdrawn.
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BEDARD In Qlinton Public
Hospital, on. Tuesday, August
23, 1960, to. Mr. and Mrs,
James Bedard, Zurich,, a
COOPER — In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Sunday, August
21, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Cooper, RR 5, Clin-
ton, a son.
HACKING—In Scott Memorial
Hospital Seaforth, on Mon-
day, August 15, 1960, to Mr.
and Mrs, Wallace Hacking,
RCAF Station Clinton, 'a son.
HU13EL — In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Saturday, August
20, 1960, to LAC and Mrs.
Dale IS Hubei, Clinton, a
KENNY — In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Monday, August
22, 1960, to Corporal and
Mrs. R. C. Kenny, 373 James
Street, Clinton, a son.
McLEOD--In; Alexandra Mar-
ine and General Hospital,
Goderich, on Sunday, August
14, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McLeod, Bayfield, a
son (William John) .
SAGER — In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Tuesday, August
23, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Sager, Mary Street,
Clinton, a son.
WYNJA — In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Sunday, August
21, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs.
Gerrit Wynja, RR 4, Seaforth,
a daughter.
United Church manse at
Churchill, Ontario, on Thursr
day, August 18, 1960, by the
Rev. F, Hewitt, Mrs. May
Dailey, Orillia to Mr. De-
war Norman, R R3, Clinton,
(Holmesville) .
United Church, on Saturday,
August 20, 1960, by the Rev.
Sweeney, Wanita Worthy
Young, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Worthy Young, Auburn,
to Douglas Alexander Pearce,
Willowdale, son of Mrs. Eric
W. L. Pearce, Willowdale and
the late Mr. Pearce.
CHONG—In Seaforth, on Sat-
urday, August 20, 1960, Tom
Chou Chong, Seafortih, belov-
ed husband of Lore Shee, in
his 68th year. Service from
the Box funeral home, Sea -
forth, to Hamilton Cemetery,
on Tuesday, August 23.
McKAY—Art his home in Lon-
don, on Thursdhy, Augusit 18,
1960, Fergus Joseph Francis
McKay (formerly of Clinton)
beloved husband of Mildred
Adeline McKay, in his 43rd
year. Service from the Ben-
nett and Pincam+be funeral
borne, London, to Woodland
Cemetery, by the Rev. J.
Stinson, Wesley United Ch-
urch, on Saturday, Aug, 20.
PLUMTREE—In Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital an Thursday,
August 18, 1960, Helen Pen-
man McMillan, beloved wife
of the late Thomas F. Pluan-
trlee, G'lenavon, Sask., and
dear mother of John and
Catherine Plumtree, 1,42
Manple ,Street,- Clinntcn. Serve
ice from the Beattie funeral
home, 55 Rattenbury Street,
Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery
on Saturday afternoon, Aug-
ust 20, by the Rev. 3. A. Mc-
QUIGLEY -- In London, on
Thursday, August 18, 1960,
John Anthony Quigley, Maple
Street, Clinton, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quigley,
in his 62nd year. Requiem
High Mass in St. Joseph's Ro-
man Catholic Church on Sat-
urday morning, August 20,
and interment in Clinton
REID — In Victoria Hospital,
London, on Saturday, August
20, 1960, Adelaide Elizabeth
Davidson, widow of +.he late
William Reid, in her 91st year.
Service from St. Andrew's
United Church, Bayfield, to
Bayfield Cemetery, on Tues-
day afternoon, August 23, by
the Rev. W. C. Smith.
ROSS—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, August
24, 1960, Maude Ross, belov-
ed wife of William G. Ross,
RR 1, Londesboro, in her
85th year. Service from the
Ball and Mutch funeral
h o m e, 153 High Street,
Clinton, to Maitlandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth, on Fri-
day .afternoon, August 26,
commencing at 2 o'clock.
Jowett's Grove
September 9
STEW and HiS
Party Staged For
W Gibbings Fmily
Mr. and Mrs. William Hol-
land were hosts on Tuesday
evening for a gathering in hon-
our of Mr, and Mrs, Warren
Gibbings and family, About 90
people attended.
Winners at cards were: high,
Mira Elmer Dale, Hugh Ball;
low, Mrs. Joe Gibson, Joe Gib -
The honoured family were
seated together, and a fitting
address was read by Bill Hol-
land. Gifts were presented by
Roy Jamieson, Mrs. van Den-
dool, Elaine Ball and Mrs, Jack
Smith. Warren gave a fitting
reply and everyone joined in
Singing "For they are Jolly
Good Fellows". Lunch was ser-
The remainder of the even-
ing was spent in music and
dancing with Elgin and Glen
Nott, Paul Lassaline, Bill and
Wonnetta Holland favouring.
Young Folk Attend
Convention Held
At McMaster
Margaret Machan, Wingham;
Linda Jervis 'and Lloyd Hol-
land, Clinton attended the
Young People's Union national
council at McMaster Univer-
sity, Hamilton, as delegates of
Huron Presbytery, London Con-
ference from August 14 to 19.
Approximately 200 delegates
from ,all over Canada attended
the thought-provoking sessions.
Some 44 timely resolutions
were discussed among whidh
was the following: the Council
as a whole decided "that if we
are truly Christian in today's
world, we would' demand Uni-
lateral Disarmament", T h e
themeaddresses were deliver
ed by Rev. David Forsyth, D.D.,
secretary of the board of
Christian education. Other
guest speakers were Dr. Robert
McClure, India; Dr. J. R. Mut-
chrnor, secretary, board of
evangelism and social service,
Dr. Robert Moon, atomic re-
search, University of Chicago.
Closing address was delivered by
Rev. Howard from the United
Church Publishing House.
Frank Fin'gl'and, Ottawa, is
spending August in England
and Central Europe.
Rev, G. G. and Mrs. Burton,
London, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, James Liv-
ermore, 138 King Street,
Mr. and Mrs. W, G, Holies
and family, Toronto, spent the
weekend with the farmer's
mother, infra. W. S. R. Holmes.
Mrs. Emma Sutter lef t yes-
terday to spend the next two
weeks with her granddaughter,
Mrs, K, W, Strasser, Willow-
Mrs. John Sutter is spending
a few days this week with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs, R. P, Robbins, Rich-
mond Hill.
Mr. and Mrs, James Mor-
rison ,and family, Bruce, Gary,
and Sheryl of Philadelphia, Pa.,
were visiting at the home of
Mrs. Margaret Addison.
Mrs. Ruby McVitttie, Londes-
boro, visited on Thursday with
Mrs, David Easom, 135 Fred-
erick Street, Clinton..
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Osborne,
St, Thomas, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Col-
Mrs, Charles E. Quennell
and her nephew Paul Johnston
visited Last week with the
lady's mother, Mi. Carrie
Johnston, Ontario Street.
Arthur Grundy, Wainwright,
Alberta, visited friends in Clin-
ton for a few days last week,
after an absence of 51 year's.
While here he attended the fun-
eral of Miss Norma C. Bentley.
Recent guests ,at the home of
(Mrs. H. F. Berry,
Phone HU 2-7572)
Mrs. James Sttriefler and dau-
ghter Carol Anne, Downey, Cal.,
are visiting her parents, Mr.
and • Mrs. Walter Moffat and
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Riffe
(nee Anna Caldwell), El Centro,
Cal., visited with Mr. and Mrs.
William Caldwell and Mrs, Har-
vey Taylor this past week.
Clinton and District Obituaries
Tom Chou Chong
Funeral service was conduct-
ed at the Box funeral home,
Seaforth, on Monday, August
22, for Tom Chou Chong, who
passed away in Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Friday, August 19.
He was in his 68th year. Inter-
ment was in a Hamilton Ceme-
Mr. Chong operated a rest-
aurant in Clinton in the 1930's,
and had operated a restaurant
in Seaforth for the past years.
Surviving are his wife, Lore
Shee; amid a son Kong Fay, both
in China; one son Kong Ling
in Central America.
Fergus J. F. McKay
Funeral service was held on
Saturday, August 20, from the
Bennett and Pincombe funeral
home, London, for Fergus Jo-
seph Francis McKay, 90 As-
kin Street, London. Rev. John
Stinson, Wesley United Church,
officiated and interment was
in Woodland Cemetery.
Mr. McKay was born on
September 23, 1917, in Mc-
Killop Township, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKay,
Galt. He was married to Mild-
red Adeline Bailey in 1937 and
lived in Clinton until moving
to London five years ago. He
was employed in the construc-
tion business and was a mem-
ber of Wesley United Church
and Roosevelt Lodge. He died
suddenly on Thursday, while
using a defective electric san-
der at the site of a garage he
was building.
Surviving besides his wife and
parents are six sons, W. Ronald
McKay, Clinton; Larry, Garry,
Fergus Jr., Francis and Craig,
all of London; one daughter,
Mrs. D. (Helen) Dunlop; five
brothers, -Gerald, Clement and
Cecil McKay,
Cec' all of Galt; Ste-
phen, Preston, and Joseph, Kit-
chener; one sister, Mrs. Ken-
neth (Mary) McLean, Galt.
Relatives and friends attend-
ing the funeral were from Pres-
ton, Galt, Kitchener, Clinton,
Toronto, St. Catharines and
K. C. Cooke,
Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
PHONE HU 2-9421
At other times contact
Local Representative—lam Steep ---HU 2-38119
A A.
'Mrs. Ruth Woolley
Funeral service was held on
Wednesday afternoon, August
17; by the Rev. Johnston, Bruce -
field, for Mrs Ruth Woolley,
Who passed away in Clinton
Public Hospital, on Monday,
August 15, after an illness of
aline months. Interment was in
Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Town-
Pall -bearers were Jack Aik-
enhead, Harvey Taylor, Lindsay
Eyreu Norman Baird, Alex Mus -
tart" arid
tar "*'arid 'James MaeDonald,
Flower -bearers were grand-
sons, Wilfred Bezzo, J. G. E.
Jolliffe, Harry Pullen, Joseph
and John Mero, Jr.
Born in 1878 in West Hartle-
pool, England, she was married
to Arthur Woolley, who prede-
ceased her.
Surviving are one son, Harry,
at home; three daughters, Mrs.
Bent (Mary) Pullen, London;
Mrs. J. (Dorothy) Mero, Sea -
forth and Mrs. N. (Betty) St,
Louis, at home; also 14 grand-
children and 13 great grand-
Reid Stone House
100 Years Old
(Continued from Page 1)
the old stone house. There are
three generations living now,
that were born on the farm,
represented by Fred Reid,
Ruby Hill and Lynda Hill. •
The years have brought
manychanges. The phone was
installed in 1911. Hydro came
in 1935. A cellar was dug un-
der the main house in 1942 and
a furnace, pressure system and
plumbing installed. One of the
fireplaces was closed in recent-
ly, since it was seldom used
in the dining room, but the or-
iginal stone fireplace continues
to grace the livingroom.
During Sunday afternoon,
members of the family rem-
inisced and recalled many
events of the past years. Sev-
everal spoke of their memories
of the old home. Nelson Reid
claimed to be the first one
born, in the house. Mrs. Wil-
bur Keys, in paying tribute to
her •parents and grandparents,
expressed her joy at being ,able
to have the opportunity to still
conte home.
Although the house is 100
years old, she commended Ruby
and Gordon on the fine state
of repair ih which they have
kept the home and the im-
pm:Wements to the lawns and
driveway. She said she Was
happy to observe rthe same
spirit and good will exists in -
Side, es at did in forreer years.
She also remarked that during
the 100 years, the old home
had never been vacant. "One
Of the ;family has always Re-
ed here, even though the name
has changed, and it gives us
all a sense of pride to see it
so well cared for," she said.
Mrs. Mulholland, after her
rentrarks, read "Bless this
House", and na minute's silence
was observed in memory of
those Who had passed on
Mr. end Mrs Hill were
thanked for the hosrpitsltty
sand each was prretented With
a; Small gift of appreelatiort, A
picnic Supper" was enjwed b1Cl
the spacious fans
Mr. and Mrs. A. IaJ, Frem.bin
were: Mrs.. K. Reeve, Byfleet,
Surrey, England, and Mr, and
Mrs, W. M. Adams and family,
Highland Creek, Ontario,
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Oliver
and Miss Lynne Shipley have
returned from a three week's
vacation through. the Western
provinces to Vancouver, While
in Edmonton they visited with
Miss Barbara Oliver.
Earl Newell has returned to
his home in Oshawa after a
month's vacatiion with his uncle
and aunt, Mr, ;and Mrs. Frank
B. Pennebalter, 173 Rattenbury
Street East,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fothen,
Ingham and Mr, and Mrrs. Har-
ry Verner, Hamilton, spent last
week with Mrs. Fotheringharn's
mother, Mrs. C. Verner and
other relatives,
Weekend guests with John
and Catherine Plumtree, 142
Maple Street, were Mrs. Alice
McMillan, Owen Sound, and
herr sister, Mrs, Adele Van
Lutcking, St. Petersburg, Flor-
Captain. Garnet W. McGee,
216 High Street, has returned
from a month as Spouts Officer
at the National Cadet Camp,
Banff, Alberta, 225 cadets at-
tended from across the Domin-
ion. Officers were from. all
across Canada.
Visiting with Mrs. Charlie
Williams, 225 Albert Street,
this week are Mr. and Mrs,
Elwin Anderson, Brantford;
Mrs, Nellie Coleman, Saska-
toon, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Mayhew, Toronto; Miss
Janet and Joan Williams, Gode-
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter
were hosts on Sunday at their
lakeside home "Suints -Us" for
the Sutter family gathering.
Those present included: Mrs.
Emma Sutter, the honoured
guest, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Sutter, Clinton; Mrs. Clara
Beatty, Miss Joanne Pauli, Mrs,
S. H. Sutter, Mr. and Mrs.
John Smythe and son, all of
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sutter, Mrs, Joan Fielding and
son, all of London; Mr. and
Mrs, Stanley Hallman and fam-
ily, Waterloo; Miss Shirley G.
Sutter, Preston; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Smythe and family,
Waterdown; Mrs. K. W. Stras-
ser, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs.
R. P. Robbins and family, Rich-
mond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Sumter, Brampton; Mrs.
Violet Hardy, Rochester, N.Y.;
and G. W. Harwood, Goderich.
Summerhill Club
At McLean Home
The Summerhill Ladies Club.
met at the home of Mrs, Don-
ald McLean on August 10 with
15 members and two visitors
present. Mrs. George Wright
presided and read the poem,
"Mother Speaks".
Thank you's were received
frlom Mervyn Perafound and
Mrs. Norman Ball. Mrs. Wil-
liam Jenkins and Mrs. Ross
Lovett are to go to the Clin-
ton Hopital Auxiliary meeting
in September, and are to sell
the tickets for the penny sale.
The program started with a
contest by Mrs. Ivan Hoggart
on "Books of the Bible". This
was wan by Mrs. Wilbert Crich.
Mrs. Donald McLean had a
Shakespearean Romance eon -
test won by Mrs. Neville For-
bes. She also had a "cake"
contest won by Mrs. Lloyd
Stewart. Mrs. John Murch had
a "tree" contest won by Mrs.
Donald 1VLcLean. Mrs. Allan
Neal had •a guessing contest
won by Mrs. Clark Ball, The
raffle wag won by Mrs. George
The next meeting will be held
at the home' of Mrs. Allan Neal
on September 14. Those in
charge of the lunch will be
Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs. Ezra El-
lis, Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. Wes
Hoggart and the program com-
mittee will be Mrs. Wilfrid
Penfound Mrs.
Dennis Pen -
found Mrs. James Snell :and
Mrs. j Loyd Stewart.
Bruce Johnston is at present
on the sick liat but is improv -
1 Mr. and M. Fred McCly-
mont spent the weekend at
Port Elgin.
The members of the United
Church and others in the com-
munity extend their congratu-
lations to Rev. and Mrs. T. J,
Pitt en the occasion of their
40th wedding anniversary on
Friday of this week.
Firemen Attend
Grass fire At
Bayfield Cottage
(Bayfield Correspondent)
Mrs. C. B. Hancock looked
out her cottage door on Tuea-
dee afternoon aid saw satioke
coating from a vaoannt lot be-
longing to Canon H. M. Lang
Ford. She roan up" and 'told.
Mrs. Lang Ford and the two
ladies carried pails of Water
to try and prevent it spreading
While Canon Lang Ford drove
to the village to call the Pixel
Department. (There 1S no tele-
phone service to :the 20 cottages
in this subdivision on the for=
over Themes H. Elliott fa'r'm).
Mire Chief Walter Westlake
driving the engine, J. 1J, Hovey,
Robert' Turner and Arnold Ma-
kink answered the alas' n and
were on the scene in a matter
of . rniritites, 'The atire running
soonc until Theca etrrdl.rIt was
tint knoW2 r hOW it started.
Thursday, Aug. 25, 1950—Clinton. Nova -Record -Page 5
August Folk Have
Birthday Party
At County Home
The Auxiliary to the County
Home entertained the residents
to 'their monthly birthday
party, Mrs. Thompson wished
"many happy returns" to the
eight residents whose birthday
le in August, and they all
joined in singing "Happy Birth-
Harvey Johnston, superinten-
uperinteaa .dent showed a film on the
Klondike, also one on fishing
which the residents enjoyed,
Mrs. Pitts .from Blyth gave a
humorous reading; piano selec-
tions from other guests added
to the program.
Mrs, Mitch McAdam and
Huron Dairy Princess
At CNE August 30
Miss Doreen Howatt, Bel
grave, this year's dairy prin-
cess for Huron County, will
compete in the contests at the
Canadian National Exhibition
on Tuesday, August 30. The
milking takes place in the coli-
seum between six and seven
o'clock. Other contestants will
come from Carleton, Heidi -
mend, Welland and Prescott
Mrs, Ken Bennett presented
each guest with a gift, luxlctl
was served, the birthday cake
an all residents received
A sing song -ended a very
enjoyable birthday, an event
which is very much looked for-,
ward to by all of the residents,
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TENDERS on County Forms will be received
by the undersigned until 10:00 a.m. EDT, on
Wednesday, September 7th, 1960
for rented roadbuilding equipment, including
operator and fuel, of the following types:
(1) Crawler tractors (100-150 h.p. )
with scraper ( 12-20 cu. yd, cap.)
(2) Graders (115140 h.p. )
Information to Bidders and Tender Forms are
available at the County Engineer's Office.
County Engineer,
Court Houser
Goderich, Ontario