HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-08-25, Page 4Have you ovie SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SIAVvE GET A ,BETTER JOB ...MIRE GOOD HELP Page 4—Clinton News-Record—Thursday, Aug, 25, 1960 ARTICLES FOR SALE PEACHES ---:bett for canning now, Ering containers at Ted Van Eyk, formerly Goven- lock's Orchards, Forest, 34p AGFA "SILETTE" L 35 mm camera—f2,8, lens speed to 1/500. Built in light meter, Ev- er Ready case. AGFA flash at- tachment with cave, All in brand new condition. Call HU 2-6620. 34p HELP WANTED MALE AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from the home of Mr. ,Joseph A. Kelly from the corner of Clan Gregor Square and Howard Street Bayfield, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 at 2,30 p.m. the following: 3-piece Chesterfield suite; Chesterfield; Dominion piano and stool; Wilton rug 12'47'; walnut settee (antique); 6 parlor chairs (antique); walnut oval table; cherry drop leaf table; several small tables and. stands; 3 dining room tables; 6 dining room chairs; large pine harvest table; 3 double beds, dressers and wash stands; mattresses; 4 metal single beds (like new) with inner spring mattresses; day bed; chez lounge; bronze figurine; coal and wood enamel range; oil burner; full size pine door (new); windows and window sash (new); quantity of pine plank; 18-ft. step ladder; 10- ft, step ladder; invalid's wheel chair; lawn swing; ice-box; 4 bundles asphalt roofing shing- les; quantity of piping; pictur- es; sealers; numerous other ar- ticles. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Fergus McKay would like to extend their sincere thanks and ap- predation to their friends for floral tributes, messages of sympathy during their sad be- reavement, - 34p ATTENTION FARMERS! ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ACCOMMODATION WANTED PAINTER and paper hanger, must be good mechanic, to cone," xnence work immediately, Ap- ply 193 Mary Street, Clinton, 34p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, unfur- nished, Phone HU 2-385.5 34b . SMALL APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton. 34p DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, Heated and furnished, all con- venience% Central location. Ph- one HU 2-9005, 46 Princess St, W. 34p YOUNG MAN Wanted to work on production control, typing essential, must be accurate with figures. Pleasant work- ing conditions. Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth, Ontario. 34-5b FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE I would like to express sin- cere thanks to all those who sent flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital; special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes and the nurs- es. —MRS. DONALD CART- WRIGHT. 34b TWO UPSTAIRS APART- ments, furnished, at 12 King Street, Available by July 18. Apply at Clinton Cab for infor- mation. 27-tfb FOUR ACRES of second cut alfalfa hay. Apply 'John Mc- Guire, RR 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9993. 34b 300 RED COLUMBIA PUL- LETS, started to lay. Apply Murray Forbes, HU 2-3334. 34p APARTMENT in Brecefield. Unfurnished. Available now, Phone 677 r 4, Hensall. 34p-tfb 41 FOOT TRAILER, all equip- ped. North End Store. Reason- able. Phone HU 2-3323. 34b HOME FREEZERS 15 cu, ft. RCA Whirlpool with interior light, lock and key, 5 year warranty, price only $238 picked up at our warehouse. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brumfield, open evenings till 9 p.m. 32tfb 125 SEX-A-LINK PULLETS for sale, five months old. Ph- one Lloyd Medd, RR 1, Clinton, HU 2-9836. 34b SALES AND SERVICE MAN to represent Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company. Salary, com- mission, medical benefit and pension plan, transportation sup- plied, good opportunity for right man. Apply Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, write or phone JA 4-8431, 31-tfb A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r 15. 13tfb DRAIN TILE-4", $55 per M delivered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 de- livered. Prices, 10", 12"', 14" on request. Rydall Brick and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, freshly decorated, av- ailable September 1. Apply Mrs. Swinbank, 45 Mary Street, Clinton, 34tfb READY TO LAY PULLETS— Red x Sussex and famous Hon- egger Layers, Also May hatch- ed pullets same breeds, now 13 weeks old. Special price. El- zee" 1VIousseau, Kippen, phone Hensel]. 694 r 5. 34.5-p 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED heat- ed apartment, Apply McEwan's Store, 22-tfb Sincere and grateful thanks to all who were kind and help- ful during the illness and death of our mother. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital, and to the Beattie funeral home. —JOHN and CATHERINE PLUMTREE 34x SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb APARTMENT, HEATED, un- furnished, downstairs, 205 Rat- tenbury Street East. 1 bed roein, large living room, kitch- en and' bath. Available Sept. 1. Phone HU 2-7009. 34-tfb 2 APARTMENTS, self-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 12-tfb Knitter Mechanic We require a knitter me- chanic with experience on KOMET L.G. machines. Annual salary of $7,500.00 to a top notch man. Plant located in Montreal. All replies held in strict confidence. Reply: Box 345, Clinton News-Record. 34-5-b LARGE COMFORTABLE bed- sitting room. Phone HU 2-3436. 34b WANTED COLEMAN OIL SPACE HEA- TER with blower and small tank attached and pipes, 51,000 BTU's, will heat 5-6 rooms, new condition; also McClary (Royal Clarm) coal and wood cook stove, high back and res- ervoir, white enamel, very good condition. HU 2-7459 after 1 p.m, 34b 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished and 'heated, private entrance and bath, washing fa- cilities, gas cook stove. Avail- able now. Phone HU 2-9869. 34-5p THE NEW "VERSATILE" swather available in ten, twelve, fifteen and eighteen foot widths, The steering mechanism is as simple as op- erating your car. This is the only self-propelled swather with steering wheel control of the main drive wheels. A per- fect swath is guaranteed under all conditions with the vari- able speed drive on canvasses. The swather may also be con- verted from a swather to a sprayer in one easy operation. Distributed by George Wraith of Goderich. 33-4-b CUTTING BOX, in good work- ing condition. Phone HU 2-3347. 35p HOUSE—for sale or rent in Bayfield. All coiwenieces. Ph- one Bayfield 53 r 2. 34-5b The family of the late Mrs. Emelia (Emma) McClinchey wish to express sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown them in the loss of their mother; special thanks to Drs. F. M. Newland and W. A. Oak- es and nursing staff during her long sickness; thanks to special nurses Mrs. Bert Glidden, Mrs. Walter Forbes, Mrs. Jan Bre- eze; also thanks for the beauti- ful floral tributes and the kind messages of sympathy received; special thanks to Ball and Mutch funeral home, pall-bear- ers and all those who helped in any way. 34-b TERMS — CASH Joseph A. Kelly, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 33-4b WANTED—Live Turkeys, ducks geese and hens, Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb 6 ROOM APARTMENT—three bedrooms. Central heating, sep- arate entrances. E. 13. Menzies, HU 2-9752. 29-tfb FIVE ROOM HOUSE on Prin- cess Street, reasonable to re- liable party. Write Mrs. L. Whittington at 54 Clemens St., London, Telephone GL 5-3933. 34-5b SPECIAL — 17 Cu. Ft. ADMIRAL DEEP FREEZE Reg. $349.00 for $249.00 Terms Also Clearance of 1960 TV's at 3 ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated. Close to up- town. Phone HU 2-3844. 30-tfb AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects from the home of Mrs. Emma Jenkins, 102 Huron St- reet, Clinton, on Saturday, September 3 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Household Effects-2 parlor chairs (antique); rug 9'x9'; din- ing room table; 5 rocking chairs; several small tables; book racks; table and bed lamps; electric fireplace; mir- rors; pictures; mantel clock; hall rack; studio couch; 4 beds, dressers, wash stands and mat- tresses; enamel combination coal and electric range; Quebec cook stove; oil heater; kitchen cupboard; kitchen table and numerous kitchen chairs; fold-' ing camp table and chairs; me- tal utility table; quantity of new tile flooring; 2 complete sets of dishes (one blue an- tique); other dishes and glass- ware (including fancy and an- tique); cooking utensils; seal- ers; lawn mower; garden tools; approx. one cord of maple wood; toboggan; sleigh; mops, brooms and numerous other articles. Property—consists of a large lot with garden. On this lot is situated an .8-room frame house with asphalt siding, a 3-piece bath, and basement. This ,house is fully insulated. Also on this property is a small barn converted into a one car garage and workshop. Terms on Household Effects, Cash. Terms on Property — 10% cash on date of sale, and bal- ance in 30 days. Property will be sold subject to reserve bid. Mrs. Emma Jenkins, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 34-5b Can Accommodate and care for number of cattle on accredited premises for winter. Owner of cattle to supply feed. Steel stabling, waterbowls and box stalls. Apply Box 331, Clinton News-Record. 33-4p ARTICLES FOR SALE HELP WANTED FEMALE TWO SELF - CONTAINED Apartments, one furnished, one unfurnished, Phone HU 2-9928. 9-tf b ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb GROVES ELECTRIC LIVE STOCK FOR SALE WAITRESS WANTED for day shift, 7 to 4. Also waitress from 4 p.m. 'to closing. Apply to Box 341, Clinton News- Record. 34p WANTED: Flockowners to sup- ply us with hatching eggs. All breeds required. Eggs taken from some breeds every week in the year. We •pay up to 35c per dozen more than the market price for good hatch- ing eggs. For full details, write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ltd., Fergus, Ontario. 34, 5, 6, 8b SMALL MODERN COTTAGE, perfect for 2. Spacious grounds, complete privacy. Phone HU 2-9768 or 7086. 34tzlib HU 2-9414 OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT, $2.99 per gallon; interior La- tex paint, $4.44 per gallon. Call this number HU 2-3232. 28tfb NUMBER OF LITTLE PIGS for sale. Apply James Turner, HU 2-9671. 33-4p AUTOS FOR SALE The family of the late Mrs. Ruth Woolley wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to all the many friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympa- thy, floral tributes and those who helped in so many ways during their recent sad bereave- ment; also thanks to Rev. John- ston and the Ball and Mutch funeral home. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses at Clinton. Hospital, and the many friends for the cards, flowers 'and visits during her lengthy stay m hospital. 34p NOW IS THE TIME to secure a good AVON' territory, and be prepared for big Christmas Selling season. Write Miss Mosher, P.O. Box No. 86, Owen Sound, stating telephone num- ber. 32, 3, 4, 5b SERVICES 4-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated, private bath and entrance. Phone HU 2- 3837. 34b 1 9 5 8 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, in good condition, can be fin- anced. Phone HU 2-9383. 34b DAVENPORT DAY-BED; wal- nut buffet. D. S. Cantelon, 133 Raglan Street, HU 2-9483. 34b ATTENTION FARMERS — Brush spraying of fence bot- toms, also barn cleaning and White washing. We use carbola, a product that keeps flies and cob webs out from season to season. .T. M. Baeker for esti- mates, 95 Brussels. 29to34b 1946 DODGE Coach, good mo- tor and tires. Apply Gerald Hunking, Rattenbury Street, East. 34p THREE TRAILERS for rent- 8x24, 8x35 and 10x41. Fully furnished. Becker's Trailer Court. 34b CIRCULAR GAS HEATER, automatic, price $75. Apply 103 Walker Street, Clinton. 33,4,5,6p Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Truck, Farm Im- plements, Cattle, Farm Pro- ducts, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, Lot 7, Con. 3, Stanley twp., 1% miles West of Bruce- field, 214 miles South, or 11/4 miles West of Kippen, 1y2 miles North. The undersigned Auctioneer received instruction to sell by Public Auction on-- FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 At 12 p.m. SHARP: Tractors »and Truck — John Deere 420 Standard Utility Tractor, equipped with hydrau- lic and live power take-off, in guaranteed new condition; also 3-point hitch 12-inch bottom 3- furrow plow. Allis Chalmers "G" Standard Tractor on rub- ber, extra equipment including power driven mower, scuffler and bean puller. Studebaker 1947 21/2-ton truck with D.P. axle, equipped with side dump beet box. Farm Implements Cock- shutt No. 11 power lift grain and fertilizer drill; Cockshutt 4ibar side rake; Peter Stanton beet lifter; Cockshutt No, 4 beet and bean cultivator; M-H 36- plate tractor disc, like new; M-H push bar hay loader; 2 sets 3-section Diamond har- rows; Berm 91h-ft. cultipacker; Cockshutt No. 3 4-section sp- ring tooth harrows; McDeering power-take-off 10-ft. grain bin- der; Fleury Bissell tractor man- ure spreader; Gehl hammer mill with corn and hay cutter attachment; Myers Silver Cloud orchard sprayer, equipped with filling pump, 20-gal. per minute capacity, 800-lb. pressure, in brand new condition; M-H 41/2 ft. cut one-way disc, like new; heavy duty rubber tire wagon, 16-ft. hay rack; 75-ft, hammer mill belt; 2-row transplanter; Briggs-Statton 4-cycle power mower; Drisston 2-cycle 9 H.P. chain saw; platform scales; 40 ft. mesh wire; 34-ton chain hoist; roll fence wire; aluminum wheel-barrdw; 4 electric mot- ors; emery and motor; large anvil; Jack-All jack; 5-ton jack; Ship anvil, like new; quantity 7/3 -in. plywood; quantity of lumber and masonite; oil tank and pump; galvanized barrels; logging tongs; quantity steel roofing; steel track emery; var- iety of tree pruning equipment and spray material; G.E. air compressor; McDeering cream separator; electric blower and forge; beet forks; ensilage forks; 5-gallons barn paint; snow fence, corn crib; new feed cart wheels; single horse scuf- fler; extension ladder; carpen- ter and garage tools; fruit bas- kets; logging chains; 25 cord Maple and Beech stove woord; post hole augers; set of dies; steel drums; rubber tire lawn mower; milk cans, etc, Cattle—Holstein cow milking, carrying fourth calf due in November; Hereford cow Milk- Ing, due in February; 2 Ayr- shire cows milking, carrying second calf, due in January; part Holstein and Ayrshire heif- er with calf at foot; Durban). cow Milking, due in February; roan Durham heifer, Milking, carrying second calf, due in January; brindle Jersey heifer Milking With calf at foot; HereA ford and Jersey heifer due it Oetober; part Hereford and Holstein heifer due in October. Please note----all cows are hand milked and of good quality. Farm Product4-20 acres Sa- telite beans; 15 acres second cut alfalfa suitable for hay or seed; 8 acres cob corn; 1,500 bales of this year crop choice Alfalfa and timothy hay; 400 balea second eta alfalfa; 20 ten HOUSEKEEPER required for three adults in modern home with every convenience, in Clin- ton. Good home, good wages. Prefer someone to take com- plete charge or would consider capable farm girl. Mrs. W. V. Roy, Box 310, Clinton, HU 2- 9357. 34b BOARD AND ROOM 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, and heated, private bath, available now. Phone HU 2-3329. 33-4p WHITE ENAMEL METAL KITCHEN CUPBOARDS with double sink and counter, reason- able. Phone HU 2-9383. 34b ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE: Highest prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Call long distance Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) day or night. Seven day service, or Blyth 21 r 12. 15tfb ONE OR TWO BOARDERS, sharing. HU 2-7093. 34b ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO or more male roomers or board- ers. Phone HU 2-9376. 34b TWO APARTMENTS: four room downstairs apartment, and three room upstairs apart- ment, both newly decorated, furnished or unfurnished. Ph- one HU 2-7035 or HU 2-9332, 'after 6 p.m. 34p WHITE ENAMEL ANNEX heater, used one winter, good condition. Phone HU 2-9567 af- ter p.m. 34p ARE YOU OVER 50 and Looking for Secure and Rewarding Employment If you' are, we would like to meet you. Leading Cana- dian Company distributing coast to coast name brand product, will select success- ful applicant to service clients in this area. Qualifications require good references, be bondable and automobile. Write immediate- ly, giving particulars of age and previous employment, to Box 833, Port Huron, Michigan. 34-b LOST AND FOUND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GREY GENDRON BABY CAR- RIAGE, in good condition. For information contact K. D. Bou- cher, 84 Kirk Street, Clinton. 34p ATTENTION FARMERS! High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to gi71. and condition. All other stock pick- scl *up free of charge. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Sea= forth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11 to 28p-tfb LOST — THREE KEYS on chain, in Clinton. Finder please leave at police office or News- Record Office. • 34p GENERAL INSURANCE busi- ness for sale in the village of Bayfield. Apply Box 303, Bay- field. 33-4b RECEPTION August 27 LOSTREWARD for tan and white Beagle (12-14" high) fe- male, with tattoo, strayed from Clinton home a week ago. Jam- es East, phone HU 2-7578. 34-5b TED RYDER,STV;145 Victoria. Street, . Clinton. Phone 11U 2- 9320 your authorized dealer for Dumont, Zenith. Fairbanks- Morse and Rogers Majestic Television. . , 26 to 43b CLOTHING FOR SALE WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Artificial Insemination Service is d provided from bulls of all brees. We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days. 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: MISCELLANEOUS for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor (nee JEAN SCOTT) Bayfield Pavilion STU AND HIS COLLEGIANS EVERYONE WELCOME 33-4b F,,T.AerttOLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgalte Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOPPE WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb RED HAVEN PEACHES, ex- cellent quality for eating and cannieg. Bring containers. Ross Middleton Orchard, one mile east of Bayfield, on old Clin- ton-Bayfield Highway. Phone HU 2-9136. 34p KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY Expert re -upholstering, re- finishing and repair. Work guaranteed; reasonable prices; one week service. Call Groves Electric, HU 2-9414. , 34p loose hay; quantity of straw; 5 bushel alfalfa seed. Household Effects—G.E. re- frigerator; Acme heavy duty 4- burner electric stove; RCA Vic- tor 21,-in. television; complete dining room suite; 3 complete bedroom suites; 2 toilet sets; Acme kitchen stove; daybed; kitchen table and chairs; end tables; sideboard; chest of drawers; glassware; dishes; Westinghouse washer, combina- tion book ease and writing desk; sheets; pillows; quilts; mats; sealers; crocks; canned fruit. Many articles too numerous to mention. Due to extra large sale, sel- ling will start at 12 o'clock. No Reserve—Everything Will Be Sold TERMS — CASH Philip McKenzie, Proprietor Ross Love, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 33-4-b END OF SEASON FILLER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensel] 696 r 2, collect. 16-tfb CLEARANCE SALE Clinton HU 2-344 I Septic Tanks Cleaned MODERN EQUIPMENT USED. All work guaranteed. Quick service. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 31-50-p or Clinton Zenith 9-5650 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk SEED FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK TETRA-PETKUS RYE (new Variety) for sale, supply any quantity, Phone John W. Smith, HU 2-9808. 32-3-4p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb FOR TV SERVICE call HU 2- 9320, Ted Ryder, 245 Victoria Street. 26 to 43b REAL ESTATE THEY'RE BETTER MADE WITH 141171IFFS ENRICHED BREAD FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb HOUSE FOR SALE, in good location, in Clinton, Phone HU 2-9707. 34b WELDING AND REPAIRS, metal fabrication. John Hamil- ton, 293 Albert Street. 6p-tfb Dolt-Yourself HOUSE FOR SALE, 3 apart- ments, all renting, hot air heat- ing. For information phone Blyth 167. 33-4b DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb RENT These Machines V Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum V Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan, Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 9572. lltfb MEN ONLY READ THIS EMPLOYMENT WANTED 'Pullq aq xis Ja1110 011.1. 's141 Pew illes miss anopecl.aulu pue pa,tpunq Que.' ‘puesnoit auei-Anifila aq Him wain ueutora puesnoin Alai's.' so lno 19 YEAR OLD farmer's son desires, employment, on. farm or elsewhere, Phone Seaforth 657 r 33. 34p Ken Pickett Bob Campbell Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes Town of Clinton County of Huron CO Wit: By virtue Of a warrant issued by the Mayor Of the Town of :Tinton under his hand and the eal of the said corporation bear- ing date the 18th day of July, sale of lands in arrears of tame in the Town of Clinton will be held at the Council Chamber in the Town Hell at the hours of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon on the 10th day of. November, 1960, urilese the taxes and costs are Sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears, of taxes was published in The Ontario Gatette on the 6th day of August, 1960, arid that copies of the. Said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 8th day of August, 1960. JOHN L1VERMORE# Treasurer, 32444) Ad Facts: No. 3 We're only kidding, of course! Actually, some of our best customers are women. Wives who do a lot of their hus- bands shopping for them , . . sisters, aunts and sweethearts who do so much gift-shopping in our store. So to the ladies, we say, "The welcome mat is always out." NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER- SMITH Tax Prepayment Re- ceipts for 1960—The Township of Tuckersrnith will pay inter- est at the rate of 4 'percent per annum from June 15 to December 15 On all prepaid taxes. Certificates and full partidulars may be obtained at the clerk's office, Tuckersnaith, RR 4, Seaforth, Signed---Coaa Chesney, treasurer. 26tfb Shipments a Cana- dian made motor vehicles In May were larger than last year by 9.5%, reaching 43,344 units. Automobile manu- facturers look to the local newspapers at an Important part of their advertising program. FROM OUR STORE ONLY ommootommoriumminsnarimmionmor' THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: Choose from 50 CASUAL JACKETS for the cool fall weather—just the thing for Rack To School Wear 1/3 OFF. [ Our Saturday Special ASSORTED TARTS Reg. 60c doz.—FOR 55c doz. Irk 1908 the New Zealander Ernest Rutherford, who be.' cameBareri Rutherford and died ..dri" England In 1937, Won the Nobel Prize in :chemistry for the work he had done in• kris previous nine years at Mt- Gill, , where he discovered that uratiitun Waal radioactive and that the atedn could be the batia of nutltitir power and the atom bdtieb. CLINTON NEWS RECORD Full Selection available in WHITE "T" SHIRTS, CONTINENTAL JEANS, SOCKS, SPORT SHIRTS, SWEATERS, etc. Bartliffs Bakery HU 24727 Limited CLINTON ,and Restaurant 56 Albert St., Clinton Phone Hi) 23443 or HU 23444