HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-08-25, Page 1Best Flower Garden In Contest First prize garden in, the first such contest to be held by the Clinton Citizens Horticultural Society, was that of Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Ontario' Street. This is only one section of the spacious lawns, flower-beds and seating arrangements which led to the top award. Included here are over 40 rose bushes, and several trees bearing peaches, which were grown from peach stones. Judging was done three times in the year. (News-Record Photo) Hundred Years Old Built in 1860, this stone house was filled with members of the Reid family, On Sunday, at they come home to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Situated obout two miles west of Varna, On the Bayfield Road, the; ancient house is in ex- ken repair. It was built of storie tokeh fr6hi the tiavfield river „ IfklAwnoetwei initiation Held At Monday Night's Legion Meeting linton. News-Record No, 34—The Home Paper With The News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1960 $3,00 Per Year-10c Per Copy-8 Pages Four new members were in- itiated into Clinton Branch. 140 of the Canadian Legion at Mon.- day evening's general meeting at which over 60 members were in attendance. The new legion- aires are; Mayor Herb Bridle, and Gilbert McGraw, Clinton; Harold Elliott, Varna; and Jack Fair, RCAF Station Clinton. George Campbell, speaking for the band committee, report-, ed that his committee was go- ing ahead with the purchase of a new bass drum with Legion crest inscribed on it. The Leg- ion is partially equipping the former Bannockburn pipe band'. This purchase was recommend- ed by the branch some months ago. President Dale reported on the Decoration Service last Sunday at which only about a dozen Legion members showed up for the parade, J. D, Thorin- dike reported that all veterans graves at Clinton Cemetery are now marked with Legion grave markers. District ceme- teries may also have markers for veterans graves by contact- ing the Legion or Mr. Thorn- dike, chairman of the poppy committee. George Cowan thanked the branch for its part in the recent service at Hope Chapel Cemetery, Hullett. R. J. "Bud" Schoenhals, over- all chairman. of the Clinton Community Swimming Pool Committee, thanked the Legion for its efforts, both financially and by volunteer work during the past two years while the swimming pool was being built. The pool was handed over to the town of Clinton last Wed- nesday evening. Joe Wild's name was drawn for the attendance prize of $5; since he was not present, next month's prize increases to $10. CDCI Needs Probably Up To $40,000 For Costs In Building Not Expected THE NEW ERA-95th YEAR THE HURON RECORD-79th YEAR Requirements by the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board will be near $40,000, was the news given Clinton town council Monday night by their representative to the collegiate board, Kenneth B. McRae. It was formerly thought that $25,- 000 might be sufficient. Mr. McRae had just return- ed from holidays, and felt he should appear before council, since the matter had come up in the local newspaper, but ac- tually, he said he was sorry he had no definite facts to put before council. However, according to pre- liminary figures of IL C. Law-, son, secretary of the board, they were already $6,000 short for the building, and another $27,000 would be needed for equipment, Other expenses 'Un- foreseen could possibly mount to $7,000. Mr. McRae recalled that the original suggestion of the On- tario Department of Education was that the building required would cost $328,000. Debentur- es were approved by the muni- cipalities concerned, but they were sold at a discount during a tight money period, and real- ized only $321,000. Tenders re- ceived for the building were much 'higher, so costs had to be pared. If this had not been done,, reported Mr. McRae, the new wing would not have been at the same meeting of Coun- cil." The Deputy Reeve's sugges- tion is that the entire section 46 be struck out, and that 45 read as follows: "Every By-law shall receive its first reading at the meeting wherein it is introduced, and by resolution, council may postpone the sec- ond and third readings until the following meeting." New Subdivision A motion was moved by Councillor Rumball, seconded by Councillor Donald Symons, that council be authorized 'to sign a sub-division agreement with Councillor L. G, Winter, covering Pinecrest sub-division, This was passed without any discussion, There was no dis- sent. Sewers In Councillor L. G. Winter re- ported good progress with the sewer project. Mayor H. Bridle commented on the good for- tune at the high crown in front of Tom Herman's place be- tween High and Kirk Streets, where quicksand hindered pro- gress, and caved in, but only after the tile was laid. It was a particularly deep trench. Councillor Winter reported that other town foremen were coming to Clinton to find out how the men were getting speeds of 100 feet per day. "In Blyth," he said, "with a bigger Machine and more men on a similar project the speed was 50 feet per day." Paving Tender Motion of Councillor Winter seconded by Agnew, was pas- sed accepting the 'tender of Lavis Contracting Company for paving certain' streets in -town for the price of $1016. This was the lowest of three tenders received, litetting Plans COtinciller GeOrge Beattie ready for occupancy next month, because time required for approval of additional de- bentures would have held up construction. The CDCI board representa- tive stressed that his figures were not definite, and further information would have to be arrived at before they could be merle definite. He promised to return at the next meeting of council with complete de- tails. Mr. McRae said he felt all of the town, and district would be proud of the building when it was completed. Town council listened sympa- thetically, and agreed it was a matter of deciding how the money was to be raised. They favoured having a joint meet- ing with representatives of all of the municipalities involved to help arrive at this decision. Debentures could be raised, and paid off over a period' of 20, 10, or 15 years, whatever was thought best. Another sug- gestion was a loan at the bank, to be paid off in five years, or whatever could be arranged. Mr. McRae reported that some of the extra cost not an- ticipated had gone into the re- routing of a drain (in which Clinton had assisted' by assum- ing half of the costs), and an- other $4,000 for footings, when soil conditions were found 'to be different than estimated, reported that 'his committee favoured accepting the tender of Wise Plumbing and Heating to install a three-unit gas fur, mace in the town hall, at $1, 895. This was the lowest of three tenders. The other two are for $2,643 and for $3,375. The Wise tender did not in- clude repairs to the building, where cold air registers would need to come •out. Both Councillors J. Douglas Thorndike and Donald Symons objected to the idea of a three unit furnace, contending, and quoting from others, that too much heat loss would be found. Councillor Beattie said that with several areas to be heated', each at a different tempera- ture, three units was, the more practical. The tender was not 'accepted, pending further information from heating experts connect- ed with the Wise firm, The motion of acceptance will be presented again at the Septem- ber 12 meeting. "Funny" Relief Reeve Crich prefaced re- marks concerning relief with the remark, "This relief is a funny business." Mayor Bridle commented, "That's 'an under- statement," Little Money Deputy Reeve Agnew com- mented briefly when called for a fhiance committee report, "We've got a little money left, and we intend to keep it, too." His remark was' 'accompanied by a chuckle from council, The Cut Line Councillor Winter noted that now that it was definite the provincial hospital was going up, it was time to request, action from county council on fixing up the Cut Line, 130th the mayor and deputy reeve agreed, but felt little could be accomplished` by talking about lit at. town tottntil Meeting,. Garbage Defined! "What is garbage?", asked Reeve Melvin Crich, at Mon- day's town council • meeting. "It is any material which will rot or burn," offered: Coun- cillor L. G. Winter, "not gravel nor mud." "Are old furnaces garbage?" asked Reeve Crich. "No," said the clerk. "That's jenkl" 0 Swim Display And SCUBA Club At -0 Pool Opening Hite Feature of the swimming display at the pool opening last week was a demonstration by teams from RCAF Station Clinton organized by LAC Don- ald Hickey. Mr. ,Hickey is a Red Crass examiner, and) well- known throughout the area, as he examines at swim tests. He was assisted by Flight Cadet Margaret Little, and Corporal Douglas Williams. The swim team was made up of Aircraftsmen Colin Layton, Leonard Clarke, Lenn Farrow and Gordon MacDonald, Airwo- men Judy Grayburn, Dianne Belton and Sharon Weaver and also F/C M. Little. Special treat was a display by the newly formed SCUBA Club from the Station. This 30-member club's name stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, and in- eludes the use of fins and snor- kels, oxygen tanks, and under- water swimming; two persons breathing underwater with only one set of apparatus', ets. Rep- resenting the club were Corp- oral William Deane, Mr. Ted Clarke, and Mr. Frank Kelly. The Republic of Congo is very much in the news at this time,. .To some it may seem re- mote from Canada but. to Rev. Gordon Chambers and family it was "home". They are relaxing in Charles Jones' cottage in the Jowett cottage area after a nerve- wracking escape. The following is .a copy of a brief . account of their trip which Mr. Chambers wrote for Prime Minister Diefenbaker. "When Independence Day, dune 30 arrived, and everything was so calm, we little .antici- pated that trouble would break out a leer days later.. When- it did, it was confined to Congo- lese soldiers, and though it spread right across the country, indicating a well organized Movement, it Still. seemed re- mete from us and principally alined 'at the Belgians. „ "Great was the shock then when word came front the Bel- The Week's Weather 1960 1959 High Lew High Low Aug. 18 85 59 76 59 19 83 59 83 54 20 84 63 86 59 21 80 65 85 74 22 77 63 82 69 23 '76 60 85 65 24 7.3 49 85 69 Pain: ,80 hie, Rein: .50 Only Three Replies for Sr, Citizens Housing Only three replies have been received by town clerk John Livermore -to the query about need for senior citizens hous- ing in Clinton. The questionaire was designed to- find out if there was sufficient demand, for the department of planning and development to . enter into an agreement with a local or- ganization to build such hous- ing, 0 Pinecrest To Have 68 Building Lots South Highway 8 Town Council agreed on Monday night to sign an agree- ment with L. G. Winter, cover- ing his Pinecrest subdivision. Negotiations have continued for a long period of time con- cerning this project. Mr. Winter is subdividing the area at the south east corner of town, bordering Highway 8, and reaching three blocks south west of the highway. There are 18 acres involved, and when complete there will be 68 building lots made available. Already built upon is an ex- tension, of Townsend Street, reaching in behind Boyes Tran- sport Ltd. This street will be extended one more block. High Street will be extended two blocks. An earlier sub-dividing plan shows 'another street nam- ed Smith Street, crossing the other two, and leading out to the highway, past the transport firm's parking lot. However, Mr. Winter's' plan calls for crescent drives. Pinecrest is in the area fav- oured by home owners, because it is close to the public school, and also to the collegiate. Mr. Winter reports a waiting list of people wishing to buy and build. The agreement being signed with the town sets forth the reePonsibilitieS Of the sub-di-` eider with regard' to sewers, water mains, roads:, etc., and stipulates- that five percent of the land be set aside for park Purposes. Traffic Accident Totals Released According to E. L. Harris dis- trict inspector, Ontario Provin- cial Police, there has been a reduction in injuries, fatal ac- cidents, and number of 'acci- dents on the highways in this district during the first seven months of the year. However, there were 40 persons who died following accidents, compared with only 33 in the first seven months of 1959. During the month of July alone, there were 210 report- able motor vehicle accidents in the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington. This compares with 207 in July, 1959. In the same month there were seven fatal accidents in 1960 compar- ed with eight in 1959; 11 died later in 1960, compared with eight in 1959 and there were 107 injured, compared with 114 the year before. gian ex-officials at our State Post on' July 10 that 'we should be prepared to join with them and other white people in our Territory in en escape -to An- gola if necessary. We complied with their request, but three days later, these same officials ran off by a different road and we were left on our own. - "For the rest of the week We remained at our Tono sta.! tion undecided what we should do, In the meantime radio re- ports told of attacks by Congo- lese soldiers 'on Mission sta- tions, where men were..beaten and women molested. We real- ized then that the movement Was anti-white, and that we Were in considerable danger where we Were, as the nearest company -of soldiers was only 17 miles away. "Still we waited, loathe to make any move that would sep- arate' us from our work, and front those among whore we worked, But Sunday evening, July 17, as we listened itO the news there Caine a knock at the door, and as native from a near-by village asked to speak to IVIr. Dolby, He said, 'You have helped us, and I want to help you, The soldiers at Feshi heed obtained posSeatiOri of their armsawl .arrintation,. and better rietleg, I think you had better In „ fade, of that Warning .We felt we could do nothing else but leave the .PA00-81.. (Middleton Correspondent) Mrs. Fred potter, Orange St., Clinton, was the winner of the special prize of a large silver bowl donated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd, for the most points at the Clinton Citizens' Flower Show on Friday last. Miss Luella Johnsaon, won the Simpson-Sears Ltd. special award of an alarm travel clock in a leather case, awarded for the most first prizes in the show. Miss Johnston also won the Swifts' Canadian Co. Ltd. prize of a 25 lb. bag of Vigoro and a bottle of bug killer for being runner - up for most points. Mrs. T. R. Thompson again won the large white silver alloy vase, the Four Roses Award, for the best bowl of four roses. The President, the Rev. D. J. Lane officially welcomed the large crowd at the Flower Work began this week by Gaffney Construction Co., Ltd., Stratford, on a new building at the rear of Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd., on land owned by John S. Parker. The new structure will be at the rear of the new Public Utilities building, and will face on Mill Street, Though no official announce- ment has yet been made, it is understood that the building will be rented by Breweds Following the great success of •the sunrise bean meeting last fall, the second one is be- ing planned for 8 a.m., next Thursday, September 1, at the farm of Jack Peck, one and one-quarter miles west of Kip- pen. There will be 140 plots to show bean fertility, and the event is organized by the Hu- ron County Soil and Crap Imw provement Association, o f which William Clarke, RR 5, Goderich is president, along with Douglas H. Miles, Clinton, Over 50 descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, gathered on Sunday, August 21 at the old Reid homestead, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Hill (nee Ruby Reid). The occasion marked the 100th an- niversary of the building of the stone house. Guests were present from London, Woodstock, Kitchener, Toronto and local communities. Youngest present was Stephen Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott, Toronto. A stone slab above the front door bears the inscription: "Erected by Robert and Isa- bella Reid A.D. 7860. James Kellas and William Reid, Buil- ders." In the year 1844, Robert Reid and his wife Isabella Nel- son with their five children, Samuel, Isabel, Jane, Lucinda and James (then one year old), left County Tyrone, Ireland, and crossed the Atlantic in a sailboat After the seven-week trip to Canada, they made their way to Lot 12, Bayfield Road North, Stanley Township, Mr. Reid's brothers, John and Andrew, and their sister Mrs. Turner, with their families, came out about the same time and all four settled on adjoin- ing farms. The Reids built a log house to live in, The land was cov- ered, with bush, and for a num- ber of years they had a lot of hard work clearing 'the land and burning the trees. It was not unusual for these pioneers to walk to Goderich carrying some wheat to have ground in- to flour. In The year 1860 the present house was built, The men dreW the stones with oxen from the Bayfield River behind the farm during the Winter months, Later, these stones were heated in log fires for easier cutting, and the following summer the house was built, Robert Reid died in 1898 at the age of 98, He was buried hi a Ste:all PreSbyteriart church- yard' half a tulle West of his home, where his family Wor- shipped, janiel , Reid had taken the Show and just before its clos- ing, he expressed -gratification at its success, at the splendid quality of the exhibits and at the interest shown by the pub- lic generally. Mr. Lane 'announced the win- ners in the 1960 Garden Com- petition as follows—First Prize, Mrs. T, R. Thompson; Second, Mrs. Fred Potter; Third, Mrs. Waldby Bunton and the Rev. C, S. Inder (tied). The lucky number for the door-prize was 57 and as the holder was' not present, he is asked to contact Clifford Epps to pick up the prize. Public School Exhibits Birdhouse, Harry Cummings, Ricky Tyndall, Allan Wells; large zinnias, Shirley Norman, N. Johnston, Marie Cudmore; small zinnias, Shirley Norman; asters, Bill Tyndall; table bou- quet, under 9 inches, Marie Cudrnore, Clara Martin, Shirley agricultural representative for Huron County.: Guests will include Wen Snow and Dick Franks of the Western Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetawn; Jack Mur- ray, regional soil specialist, London and Darrel Dolson, CIL, Toronto. Over 80 Birthday Club John O'Hara, Clinton, will celebrate his 83rd birthday on Saturday, August 27, •at the Clinton Nursing Home, 69 Jo- seph Street, Clinton. farm over, some years before his father's death. He married Margaret Webster, Lucknow in 1888, and they had seven chil- dren: Nelson, Mamie (Mrs, David Elliott), Tom, Leonard, Fred, Ruth (Mrs. Fred' Mulhol- land) and' Eunice (Mrs. Wilbur Keys). Leonard died in 1911 at the age of 17 and Tom died in 1953 at the' age of 61. Their mother died in 1918 at the age of 53. James Reid lived to be 86, and died in 1930. Owing to her mother's death, a niece of James Reid, came as a baby and resided with the Reid's until her marriage in 1893 to James Whitmore. Some Norman, Nancy Johnston; post- er, Michael Cowan, Judith Wells, N. Johnston. Collegiate Exhibits Treasures 'by the sea, Shar- lene Turner, Barbara Inder, Heather Winter; small nosegay of flowers, Heather Winter, K. Johnston, F. Johnston; novelty display, Karen Sehefter, Bar- bara Inder, Heather Winter. Adult Classes Double' aster, six blooms, Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs. Brock Olde; cosmos, six blooms-, Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton; zinnias, large, six blooms, Mrs. Olde, Mrs. Herb Jenkins.; small, Mrs. George Campbell, Lottie Sloman; petunias, single, plain petals, Ruth Jenkins, Mrs. Winter; frilled' petals, Mrs. R. B. Sutter, Mrs. Geo. Campbell; pansies, Mrs. F. Potter, John Smith; snapdragon, Mrs. Camp- bell, Luella Johnston. 1Vliartgolds, African, L. John- ston, Mrs. George Wilson; French double, L. Johnston, John Smith; phlox, -annual, L. Johnston, Rev. C. S. Leder; perennial L. Johnston, Mrs. Fred Potter; • Gladioli, white, Mrs W. Bur- ton, Mrs. Geo. Campbell; red, Mrs. M. Tyndall, Mrs. Fred Potter; pink, Mrs. Shobbrook; three spikes. different, Shirley Norman, Mrs. Shobbrook; bas- ket, Mrs. F. Potter. Best hybrid tea rose; Mrs. Edith McIntyre, Rev. C. S. Ind- er, Mrs, Herb Jenkins; best un- usual potted plant, M. F. Jam- ieson, Gordon Cudmore, Mrs: W. Burton; best arrangemeht of assorted roses, Mrs. F. Pot- ter, Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Mrs. Burton. Lady's corsage, T. R. Thomp- son, Mrs. Winter, Mrs. H. Jen- kins; wedding anniversary ar- rangement, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Charles Nelson; coffee table bouquet, T. R. Thompson, Rev. C. S. Inder; miniature bouquet, J. Smith, Mrs. F. Potter, Mrs. J. Siicack; Best basket of assorted gar- den flowers, L. Johnston, 1VIrs. J. Smith, Mrs. F. Potter; best bowl of -four roses, Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Mrs. McIntyre, J. Smith, Mrs. W. Burton; dining room bouquet, Mrs. H. Jenkins, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Charles Nelson; display of flowers in container of same colour of flowers, L. Johnston, C. S. In- der, Mrs. Berlemyer; Large dahlia, Mrs. Berkmyer, Mrs. 'W. Burton., Mrs. S. Mid- dleton; cactus dahlia, Mrs. S. Middleton, Mrs. Clifford Epps, Celia Sloman; three dahlias, Mrs. S. Middleton, Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. W. Burton, of her family still live in Clin- ton and vicinity. In 1922 Fred Reid took over the homestead. He was mar- ried the same year to Rebec- ca Dixon McGowan, Blythe They had ;three daughters, Anna (Mrs. Bruce Keys); Ruby (Mrs. Gordon Hill) and Doris (Mrs. George Cantelon) all of Stanley Township. It was ie. 1952 that Mr. and Mrs. Hill bought the farm and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid moved to Clinton, where they live on Princess Street East. The Hill children, Carol Arm, Bev. and Lynda are the fifth generation of the family to grow up in (Continued an Page 5) Reeve Melvin Crich reported to council at the second meet- ing of the month, held on Mon- . day night, that the county weed inspector, Alex Chesney, Sea- forth, had investigated the sit- uation in Clinton and had authorized the cutting of weeds in various areas. Owners are asked to cut the weed's. If they do not, then a man will be sent in to do the cutting, 'and a bill, based at $3.50 an hour will be added to the taxes. Mayor Herbert Bridle com- mented, "The whole country is alive with weeds. They are a great problem, easily seen al- ong the highways, where even the Department of Highways cannot cope with them." 1922 By-law Change Councillor George Rumball, chairman, and the rest of the by-laws committee, was reques- ted on motion of Deputy Reeve Agnew, seconded by himself, to prepare a by-law to amend Sections 45 and 46 of By-law 5-1922. These two sections, taken from the by-law -passed in 1922 to govern the proceedings of council, reads as follows: "45. Every By-law shall re- ceive its first reading and no more at the meeting wherein it, is introduced unless by ex- press resolutions therefor pas- sed by the council," "46. Every By-law shall re- ceive 'three readings thereof, that Is to say: the first reading on introducing such By-law, the second reading in committee of the whole of the members of Council then present., at which time said By-law Shall be read clause by .clause end a vote of the committee taken on each separate clause as it is read, and a third reading before it is finally pasted and signed by the May' er and Sikh Second and third readings May take place Decoration Day At Clinton Cemetery With a new site this year, the decoration day • affair at Clinton Cemetery, went off smoothly, despite a steady wind, and the lack of loudspeaker. Clinton Citizens Band' was in attendance, seated ora the lawn in front of the mausoleum. The Rev. C. S. Inder, in white sur- plice, conducted the service, and preached the sermon from the steps of the building. A representation of the Clin- ton Legion Branch, led by the Bannockburn Pipe Band, at- tended in a body, and following the main service, Marched to the veterans plot, where the Last Post and Reveille were sounded. The Rev. D, J. Lane, as chap- lain of 'the Legion, arranged the service, although he was on holidays and could not attend. Mayor Herbert Bridle spoke briefly in behalf of the town, thanking the Legion Branch, and the committee headed by J. Douglas Thornlike for their efforts in planning for decora- tion day, and the other groups Flower Show Success Great Display of Blooms Busy At Town Hall Town Council in Action Escaped From the Congo, Rest in Bayfield Resort (Bayfield Correspondent) Start Work On Warehouse Near Park Expect Official Announcement Soon Sunrise Bean Meeting At Peck's With Experts From The Colleges Centennial For House Reid Homestead at Varna Warehousing Ltd. The loca- tion: has been approved by the Liquor Control Board, and a building permit, issued by the building inspector, will be ap- proved at the next council meeting. Gaffney Construction h a s just completed a new building at Lucan for the same purpose. Piles are being driven to sup- port the warehouse.