Clinton News-Record, 1960-08-11, Page 6(payfleld Correspondent) Bayfield Fire Department answered` a call on Thursday last :about 7.45 p.m. to the farm of Charles Rau about six. miles Keith of the village on the Blue Water Highway, The roof of the large L-shap- ed barn had fallen in before the firemen arrived' hut they stood: by to protect ether build- liege. Zurich Fire Department also • answered a call. Mrs, Russell Grainger, a neighbour first saw a flame shoot up and then realized -it was a, fire. She called ethe. Bayfield Fire Department and she said that in 11 minutes from the time the alarm was given, the Beyfield fire truck passed their place, The men themselves would hardly be- lieve it. It is thought, that the con- flagration started from bales of straw which were being cut and blown into the barn. It is stated that a small stone could cause a spark from friction in passing through the cutting box and the blower would naturally fan it. About 12 head of cattle were rescued but 4,800 bales of hay end some machinery fell prey to the flames. Charles Rau and boys were working at the barn. The toss is estimated at $15,000. Two Raids Were Carried Out In Hensall Village Ontario Proeincial Police conducted LCA raids on two establishments in Hens all Thursday afternoon, August 4, 2.30 p.m. They were the first staged in this area since the Liquor Control Act came into force. Quantities of beer, ale and liquor were seized from the Commercial Hotel and the Maitland Fish 'N Chips restau- rant, both on the main street. Exact amount of the seizure was not revealed. Constable Cecil Gibbons, head of the local detachment, said charges are pending. Police said Harold Foster is the operator of the Commer- cial Hotel and Dave Field is in charge of the Maitland. , Constables Gibbons and Geo- rge Mitchell were in charge of the raids conducted simultan- eously. Assisting them were Con- stab Reid of the Exeter detach- ment; Chief Ernest Davis, Hen- sail; Sgt, Harry Baker, Cpl. Helmer Snell and Constable Bruce Johnston, Goderich. Times-Advocate ISfacT•Taughteph said, , He Will be sgcceeded by ck-r- *aid Zwicker, item, dir.OF tor of the firm. Mr. Mae-- N4ughton will continuo to be associated with the business in consulting and advisory cap, acity. Under the impact of tele- vision,. motion picture theatre. attendance in Canada dropped from 248 million in 1952 to ab, out 146 million last year. • CLINTON • MARKET • GARDEN FRESH, Clean VEGETABLES Ready Now; BEETS — 5c bunch — 50c 6 qt. basket ONIONS Cooking 50 bunch PEPPERS — Hot Sweet 5c each GREEN BEANS — Special — 10c qt. — 50c 6 qt. basket CARROTS — 2 bunches 15c CUCUMBERS 5c each DILL 5c bunch TOMATOES 100 qt. CUT CLADS. 75c doz. OPEN 9 A.M. — 8 P.M. HU 2-7168 182 CHURCH STREET JOHN — JUNE SMITH WE DELIVER SAVE 20% ON ALL Television Sets IN STOCK For The Month of August This 20% Saving also applies to Radio-Record Players in Stock Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor HU 2-6646 Clinton Lakeview Casino — Grand Bend DANCING — Wed., Fri. and Sat. Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orch, SPECIAL ATTRACTION! TWO NIGHTS! PAUL LONDON Outstanding Young Rock & Roll Vocalist Newest Recording Sensation! and JAY RISSER, of "The CAPERS" With Full Orchestra of Lionel Thornton WED, AUGUST 10 -- and -- WED., AUGUST 17 In Outstanding "TEEN-20" ENTERTAINMENT and JIVE CONTEST See Our... Bargain Table ANY ARTICLE $LOO1 FOR SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Boys' - Girls' Wear Many Back To School Bargains • JEANS • DRESSES • SHORTS • SKIRTS • 'T'-SHIRTS • BLOUSES MARTINS DEPT. STORE • In Our Window This Week Odds and. Ends • CORNER TABLES • STEP TABLES ARBORITE TOPS • END TABLES • COFFEE TABLES • TELEPHONE STAND Wrought Iron • LAWN CHAIRS ALUMINUM • TABLE LAMPS USED FURNITURE: 1 Only 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite 2 Youth Beds All Priced To Clear Quickly Beattie Furniture HU 2-9521 — Albert Street — Clinton BRUCEFIELD STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE Dial Clinton HU 24211 THE COMFORT THE CONVENIENCE THE PRICE BY STUDEBAKER NEW convertible Hardtop AND the New 1960 LARK W H. Dalrymple & Son e-door Station Wagon l\IMAt 4- oOr StAtion Wagon 4111.1.16., I Special This Week Really Good 1954 CHEVROLET 4 ,door True mileage 28,000 Bayfield Men At Beverly Heard Fire in Eleven Honoured at Minutes From Call Trousseau Tea Mrs. L, M, Burt, London, is at her home in the village. George Lindsay, Paris, spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. George Lindsay. Mrs. D. j, Lance, Bill and Justin, Troy, Miele, are at their cottage for a few days, and Mrs. Johe Murray, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage. The Rev. Charles Mustard, Toronto, is here for a couple of weeks. Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner, Teeswater, are vacationing in the village, Their rolling home is parked on the property of their son-in-law, Glenn Brandon. George Dewar, Toronto, is spending this week with his grandmother Mrs. David Dewar. Harry Lawson and son Bruce, Kingston, are visiting his mo- ther, Mrs. H. A. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs, George Centrick and family, Birmingham, Mich., are at their cottage "Birchcliff." Mr. and Mrs. I. Perrin, Lon- don, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sherritt arrived at their cottage on Sat- urday morning from a motor trip to Regina and Winnipeg to visit their daughter. Mrs. Hugh Green, London, England, arrived on Monday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford. Mrs. Thomas Snowden and granddaughter, S hir 1 e y Keys, came on Sunday to visit E. A. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moote and grandson, St, Thomas, moved into Myron Butler's house on Main Street last week, Rev. and Mrs. George Scotch- mer and family, Galveston, Texas, arrived on Wednesday of last week to visit his father, F. G. Scotchmer at his cottage, Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Myron Butler last week were his sister, Mrs, Charles Thompson, Mission City, B,C., niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Corbett and Ricky, Edmonton, Alta. Mrs. Thomas Snowden visited her daughter, Mrs. Russell Grainger and family, Blue Wat- er Highway, Stanley Township, from Wednesday to Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. David Bricker and Terry, London, visited his grandparents, the Rev. Canon and Mrs. H, M. Lang-Ford on Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Yourd, Rox- ane and Charles, Ann Arbor, Mich., are occupying Mrs. Char- les F. Rogers cottage "Char- Mr, and Mrs. Ben Ruston and family, Ftusselldale, called on Mrs. Walter Johnston and family on Sunday. Dr. Garth Hemenway return- ed to Chicago on Wednesday after having visited his aunt, Mrs. J, MacKenzie over the weekend. Joseph Miller and grandson, James Miller, Wallaceburg, are spending this week with his daughter Mrs. Wilfred Heard and family, Owen Scudamore and son John, Toronto, spent last week With his PareettS, Rev, and MM. Setaltanere. Rev. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks motored' to Ramo°, Mich" 011 Sentlay where their two older daughters, Catherine and' 13ev- erleY remained to attend a church summer camp this week. Mr. and Mrs, John MacKen- zie, Margot and John, Toronto, were with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, MacKenzie from Friday to Sunday. Miss Mabel Hoelghis and. Miss Margaret Macdonald, To- ronto, arrived on Saturday to spend this month at the for- mer'e eottage "Stonehaven". Mr. and Mrs, P. Martin, Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Ferguson over the week- end, Della Lou Ferguson ac- companied them on their re- turn to London for a visit. Misses Susan and Sandi Yau- tis have returned to the family cottage here after having been at oamp in the Muskoka Dist- rict for a month, and their sis- ter Cheryl from visiting her grandmother in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bell and baby Mark Anthony returned to their home in Clinton on Sunday after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bell. Mrs, Frank Burch, Janet and Donald, Sudbury, are spending this month at the Mustard cot- tage. Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Love and four sons, of Columbus, Ontario, are at the Mustard cot- tage for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arkell left Melton airport on Sunday for Dawson Creek, B.C. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ar- Roll accompanied them to Niag- ara Falls which they visited en route. Mrs. Donald Sager and three boys, Nicky, Clare and Tommy, Goderich, are spending a few days this week with her par- ents, Me. and Mrs. Fred P. Arkell. William T. Heard spent a few days in Proton. On his re- turn on Tuesday he was ac- companied by his sister,. Mrs. Delbert Haw, who will visit with him for a few days. Mrs. George Lindsay, Sr., and son Brown, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Gerneinhardt, motored to Orillia on Saturday. On their return home on Sunday they were accompanied by Miss Anne Gemeinhardt who had been visiting her uncle for three weeks. Marie, Sandra, Marlene and Natalie McCue, Pamela Trumble and Darlene Big Canoe, all girls from the Georgina Island Indian Reserve are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Simons at their farm on the Goshen Line this week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis and son Richard, Toronto, were the guests of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McFadden on Sunday. Mary McFadden who visited her aunt in Toronto last week returned to her home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid, St. Clair Beach, who accompan- ied their daughter Miss Neta Reid to the Anglican Mission at Moose Factory, James Bay, where they spent a few days, returned to the village last week. They left on Sunday after spending the balance of their vacation with his mother, Mrs. A. W. Reid. Rev, and Mrs. C. E. Peacock, Haileybury, were guests over Wednesday night of last week of Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling. The Rev. and Mrs. H, C. Smith and friends of the congregation gathered informally to spend the evening with them. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock were on their way to Toronto to visit their daughter. Weekend guests of Bishop and Mrs. W. A. Townshend at their cottage were; Peter Corey, Lam- beth; Mr. and Mrs. James Nor- ton, Lynne, Ruth and Billy, and their daughter, IVIrs. R. W. Fos- ter, St. John's Rectory, Winona; daughters, Mary, Peggy ' and Nancy Townshend, sons Bob and James and the latter's wife, Lon- don. On Monday the Rev. R. W. Foster, rector of St. John's Church, Winona, and Thomas Ballantyne also visited them. Check Your Label Is Your Sub. Paid? mayeiteld Correspondent) Mrs. Wilfred Heard wore a white sheath frock with white accessories and a corsage of red 'mums when she entertain- ed at a trousseau tea on Satur- day evening, August 6, for her daughter, Miss Beverly Heard. She was assisted in receiving some 60 guests bee 1Virs. Chaeles Poueder, Goderich (mother of the groom-to-be) wearing a beige sheath dress with yellow accessories and yellow 'mum corsage. Miss Beverly Heard was at- tired in a white and brown flowered sheath dress with brown accessories and yellow rosebud corsage. The home was artistically decorated with baskets of white and Pink gladioli and assorted dalhias. The tea table set in the liv- ing room was done in a pink eyelet embroidered organdy cloth, centred with a low flor- al arrangement of multi-colour- ed roses, flanked by pink tap- ers in crystal holders, with silver tea services at either end. Pouring from 7 to 8.30 p.m. were Mrs Robert Turner and Mrs J. duff; and for the last two hours, Mrs. George Bell- chamber and Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins. Serving the guests during the evening were Miss Aim West- lake, Miss Rosemarie Telford, Miss Shirley Pierson, Mrs. Mil- vena Irwin and Miss' Brenda Blair. Showing the linens, etc., was Mrs. William Reis, Walkerton (sister of the groometoebe), Mrs. Howard Armstrong, Mies Karen Davies and Mrs. Donald Matthews displayed the trous- seau and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Kippen, the shower and wed- ding gifts. In charge of the refresh- ments were Mrs. Charles Bell, Mrs. James Hutchings, Mrs. William E. Parker and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer. Miss Heard was feted at two miscellaneous showers, one by HOLMESVILLE MRS. F.. Mq0k)L.t.01.MH. • Rhone. Hy .2-7410. Mrs.. G. A, Spence. Toronto,. is sPending few days the vest of Mrs. MacMath. Mrs, James Harrison, ft pat- ient in Goderich hospital cele- brated. her 90th birthday on Monday, Her daughters, Mrs. Robert lVfellwain and Mrs. N. W. Heard and Mr, Heard, also Mrs. Bill McIlwain and Mrs. B. 1VeacMeth visited her. Birthday cake and ice cream was served after which photos were taken on the hospital 'wen with her . daughters and grandchildren, Jimmy a n4 Mary Heard,, Jail Term Given For Driving While LicenceSuspended William Clarke, RR 2, Kip- pen, was found by OPP Con- stable Hardy, making a safe- ty check, to be without a driv- er's license. "A person who drives when his license is under suspension is morally wrong," remarked magistrate Glen Hays in Gode- rich court. "You are defying the law and taking a calcu- lated risk." His worship sentenced Clarke to ten days in jail, but on re- presentations from. the defen- dant that he was needed to harvest crops reduced this to six days. A second charge, of oper- ating a vehicle when the per- mit for it was suspended, was set over when the magistrate found that it was the 1954 permit that had been lifted. "I do not 'think the vehicle he was driving ever had its permit suspended," he said. "I will leave this over until the defendant has time to consult a lawyer. Adjourned to August 30." Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Kippen, and on Wednesday evening of last week by Miss Karen Davies, London, C, S. Macklaughton Retires From Seeds Company In a news release issued last week Ito the, weekly Paper in his home town, Charles S. Mae- naughton, Huron M?P an- nounced that he has resigned front active association with Jones, lVf acNaughton Seeds Ltd., of which he has been ad- ministrative head for the past 12 years. Reasons given were mount, ing pressure of his legislature duties and other responsibili- ties related to public office. He indicated that his membership in the Ontario Water Resourc- es ,commeseion, is demanding a considerable portion of his time. "As a result or my resigna- tion, I hope to have more time to devote to the responsibilities of my office and the interests of the people of Huron," IVEr. Mrs. Newman Wins Seaforth Bingo Mrs. Lillian Newman, Clin- ton, won the jackpot of $61 at the Seaforth Legion Bingo, July 30. Other winners included: Wes Vanderburg, Clinton; Mrs . Cliff Ashton, Clinton; Mrs. Norman Baird, Brucefield; Frank Haines, Clinton; Bill Steep, Clinton; share the wealth, Wes 'Vanderburg, Clin- ton. Page NeweeRCCOYeleieThereday, Aug. 1 le 1960 News of Bayfield By MISS WY WOODS PHONE BAYFIELD 451.3 WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. BRUCE ROY R.R. 1, Londesboro — Phone Blyth 28r15 or Clinton HU 2-9357 as your HY-LINE REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS AREA. Please feel free to contact Mr. Roy for Day-Old Chicks or information regarding Started Pullets. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LID STRATFORD, ONT. — PHONE 1910 • 32-38-b