HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-08-04, Page 6Page 0-,411nten New Record Thursjoy, Aug. 4, 1960. News of Bayfield Li. WOODS PHONE BAWIELD 45r3 HERE'S A FACT YOU CAN'T DISPUTE: OUR Nfilli mpi IS BOUND To'surr! LADS r, HAROLD 111. &RCN HEATING QM-GASOLINE MOTOR 0114.s. GREASES E S0 0111111 H112-3873 295 J/4117E5 ST £11171017 DANCING Every Friday Night AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND Music by —Desiardine Orchestra ADMISSION-75 cents Join The Crowds Mrs. Arkell fetes Son and Bride At Buffet Affair (lReynole Correspondent) In honour of her son Ken- neth and his bride, Mrs, Fred '. .Arkell received some 40 relatives. and friends at her home on Saturday evening. For this occasion the house was' lovely with floral arrarge- ments of ehasta, daisies, roses and gladioli in a pale pink shade. The floral table centre was flanked by pink tapers in sil- ver candelabra, Mrs, Robert Turner project- ed coloured slides of her bro- ther's wedding and also views of Dawson Creek, B.C., where they will reside. Thus, those present felt that they had been at the wedding, Following buffet refreshments, Ken and his bride passed a silver tray bearing pieces of their wedding cake (cut from the bottom layer which they brought with them), to the gueste. They were the recipients of beautiful gifts. Rates Raised For Perpetual Care Bayfield Cemetery (Bayfield Correspondent) The directors of the Bayfield Cemetery Company met at the cemetery on July 25. In' com- plying with the Cemetery Act, a motion was passed raising the perpetual care of two-grave lots from $20 to $21, and four- grave lots from $35 to $42, It was decided to start a fund for the erection of a chapel on the land recently donated by Mrs. Fred leIcEwert, and to open a separate bank account for the same. A public appeal for donations will be made. A motion to lay out more four-grave and two-grave plots on the east side was passed. Ben Rathwell, president con- ducted 'the meeting end other ducted the meeting and others attending were E. A. Westlake, secretary - treasurer; Lloyd Scotchmer, Donald McKenzie, Alfred Hudie, Wilmer Reid, Russel Heard, Elgin Porter. •••• a):4) Orpulaitel • DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT - SAY WE. JUST GIVE US A CALL /_ AND YOU'LL % IS OURSERWCE,i3 NiNCrioefei • $2,000.00 CASH LIONS CLUB BINGO TEESWATER ARENA FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th COMMENCING at 9 P.M. 2 — $500 Specials 2 — $200 Specials 12 Regular Games for $50.00 ADMISSION: $1.00; Extra and Special cards, 25c, 5 for $1 SELLING Wheat Oats Barley Mix Grain CHECK OUR PRICES IT PAYS! STORAGE AVAILABLE FAST SERVICE E. L. Mickle &Son LIMITED Phone 103 Hensall 31-tfb Gone are the days when a farmer could quickly hire all the manpower he needed for work that had to be clone fast to take advantage of right field or weather ' conditions. Today, experienced farm labour is scarce and costly. The answer to this problem is modern farm machinery. It provides an efficient, economical working force that is available at all times. The danger of profits being left lying in the fields because of a shortage of harvesting help is eliminated. The ability of modern farm equipment to handle heavy work schedules at top speed with a minimum of manpower often means the difference between profit and loss on today's farm. Follow the trend that leads to more profitable farming. Team up with Massey-Ferguson machines and imple- ments. They keep labour costs low—provide a wider margin for profits. See your Masee,y-Fergasort dealer'. WHEN CONDITIONS 'ARE RIGHT YOU'RE ALWAYS WITH MODERN FARM MACHINERY Massey-Perguoson Limited VOltONTO ci 3 FREE BELTONE SERVICE CLINIC HOTEL CLINTON SPONSORED BY NEWCOMBE'S DRUG STORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 --1.4 p.m. (August Clink Cancelled Due To Holidays) IF HEARING IS YOUR PROBLEM BELTONE IS YOUR ANSWER! FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT OR LITERATURE PHONE CLINTON HU 2.9511 Have Your Hearing Scientifically Tested And Bring a Friend Along. We Service All Makes of Hearing Aids. Beltone now offers you in addition to the world's most hidden hearing glasses, acid the most powerful hearing Masses, the all new, powerful, and tiny JUBILEE, It fits in your hair or snugly behind your ear. see these and other models soon in the allied' or in your home. li'or a recomniendation of honesty "and integrity, Call N.kr. W. C. Newcombe, HU 2-9511, E, R. Thede •Hearing Aid Service 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ont. enellenemem 131.101•1111111111nale PASTURES TIRED? ACT NOW to maintain milk production. It's liable to fall off right now simply because your mid-summer pastures are dried up and their feeding value has dropped. Milk production can be kept up by properly supplementing your mid-sum- mer pastures with the nutrients they now lack. This time of the year your Dairy Herd needs extra Vitamin "A" and there's a SHUR-GAIN Feed which will fill this need. SHUR-GAIN 16% DAIRY RATION "A" - fed at the recommended rate will keep your Dairy Herd in full milk. But that's not all. Bodily fitness and health, vital now for future profithble Iactations, will be maintained through this period when essential Vitamin "A" is lacking in most pastures. ADD VITAL VITAMIN "A" TO MAINTAIN MILK PRODUCTION CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street Phone HU 2 481 S Mr.. and Mee Richard Moore, ,Yr,, Detroit, entertained two friencle at "Feirlev.ve" over the weekend. Mr. and Mss. William par- ker and Charlie, Lontlen, vislt- ed his Parents, Mr, and Mrs. %Wane E. Parker for the weekend, Nee. and Mrs. Donald Bell and :baby Mark, Clinton, came on Sundae' to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, Ronald Pone Toronto, spent the Civic Holiday weekend with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs, , Le Roy Poth, Mrs. L. el, Bricker and Mrs. Bricker, Sr„ Waterloo, visited the Rev. Canon and Mrs. H. M. Lang-Ford on ThurOdAY. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Guest, Leaside, spent the weekend with Mr. .and Mrs, Malcolm Toms. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and three children returned to Kitchener on Monday after having spent last week with his parent% Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam R. Elliott. Mrs. le, J. Larson left on Saturday fora motor trip to North Dakota with Mr, and Mrs, L. P. Smith, London, and .Mrs.. Harold King, Sarnia, They left the latter city on Sunday, Miss July Weston; London, is holidaying with her grandper- erits, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wes- ton, Goclerich, who are occupy'- Mg the Malcolm -Toms apart- ment ,adjoining tlie telephone office for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw, Don, D4wpa. and Marilyn Rid- dell, Proton; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Heard and William T. Heard London; Mr. and Mrs. -Russel Herad and William T. Heard enjoyed a family picnic dinner at Bayfield on Sunday, July 24. They also visited other re- latives. Misses Adele Brocklebank, Jean Ernie', Florence Yardley, Marjorie Hamel, Pearl Lamb, Marion Van Sickle, Carrie Dix- on and Jean Millen, Brantford, were guests at Camborne House for the Civic Holiday weekend, Mr. and Mrs. William E. -Perleee Attended the Wi1liaM7, French wedding in Mitehell Pr'es'byterian ChnrCh. on Saturn day. The bride Helen French. is a niece of Mrs. Palter, W. G.eoethwell, -Britigenorthe .Shropshire England, was 'the guest of Mr. and Ws. J. .R. Wi4ocit over the long weekend, Mr, end Mrs. L. Littler, To- ronto, and Mrs, J. Lovie, Ft, Erie, were .also their guests on Friday and Saturday, Recent arrivals at the Jewett eottages. are Mr, and Mrs, J. Acheson, Mr, and Mrs. A. Henry, London; Mr. and Mrs, A. Ling, Stratford; Mrs. R. S. K. Seeley, Toronto, has been the guest of W. and Mrs, Lar- ry Higgins who are occupying a Jowertt cottage until the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Hend- rick, Toronto, came on Thurs- day to spend the Civic Holi- day weekend with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mee, Fred Hendrick, "Weetwind". Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bayley, Lon- don, were also their guests for the weekend. Mrs, Leroy Path returned home last week from a bus trip to the Maritimes and New England States'. It being • conducted tour, she was struck by the number of people sbe encountered who knew people from Bayfield. She was con- stantly being reminded of her native village since there is a Bayfield' in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and P.E,I. In Charlottetown there is also a Bayfield Street, and she saw the memorial there to Admiral Henry Bayfield, the noted ma- rine surveyor for whom this village and the other places are named. Mrs. Lawrence Sprague who has been at her cottage "Hol- ley Lodge" during July has gone with her husband to spend August at his cottage in northern Michigan at Lake Louise, Petosky. Mrs. Spra- gue's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Ste- phenson, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia lett by plane on Monday, August 1, to fly over the North Pole to. Stockholm where he is to read a paper on "Tracking the Satellites" before a group of scientists. While visiting her daughter in Los Angeles, Mrs. Sprague saw and touched the satellite in the laboratory which is now in orbit around the moon: J. A. Cormie in Toronto for a week. - Phillip Turner is at Huron Church Camp. Mrs. Ronald Colernen, Lan- don, spent 'the weekend with her mother,. Mrs. T. Castle, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer re- turned home on Tuesday after having visited her cousin, Mrs. Morris Scott has. bought the house erected on John. Street last year by Goodman. Miss Grace Peck whe has spent six weeks with her moth- er, Mrs. A. Peck, returned. to London on, Monday. Wilfred Fralick has purchas- ed Mrs.. Mabel Cameron's house on the corner of Main and Eu- phemia Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winbold and family, London, spent the Civic Holiday weekend with her father, Thomas W, Castle, Sr. The Ontario Marine and Dredging outfit from Toronto is engaged in &edging the channel in Bayfield Harbour, Mrs. G. Davison and Mrs. L. HOLMESVILLE MRS. F, MccV141-0Upti Phone e-741.0 .Ii.aee T3arel4Y, Point Fortune, Quebec', was a recent guest of Mrs. MacMath, .S0, and Mrs, Donald Collier and Sandra, recently of Ro..E4x. Station, Cold Lake, AlbcrtlEt, have been visiting 'Ws. J, 13„ MacMatli and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ross. The Colliers' sail early in Alegi* 04 the Cerire. thia from Montreal for Eng- land where Sgt, Collier will be in aeronautical inspection, work for the RC.elF. They also visit- ed' Bent Trewartna and Mrs, .Trewartlia who is patient in Clinton, hosPital. G. Bassett, London, called on, friends in the village on Mon- day. Mrs. C. Block, Detroit, came on Monday to be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Little. Rev. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks and daughters.attended a Free Methodist Camp at Tharnesford on Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Beattie and family returned to Montreal on Friday after having spent a holiday with her father, F. G. Scotehmer, 'at his cottage, Mr. and Mrs. James Dewar and Janice returned to King- ston on Sunday morning after having spent two weeks with his mother, Mrs. David Dewar. James Scanlan, Clinton, who purchased the former McEwen Brothers saw mill lot from Mrs. Fred McEwen, is building a permanent home on the site. The Rt. Rev. Wi i am A. Townshend, London and Mr. and Mrs. Douglee McBeth, Windsor, were callers at the Arkell home on Sunday after- noon. William Johnston and three children, Kelvin, Vicki and Terry, Windsor, •are visiting his aunt, Mrs. Malcolm Toms this week. The Rt. Rev. William A. Townshend, D.D., F.C.I.S., Suf- fragan. Bishop of Huron, Mrs. Townshend end two daughters, London, are at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, Toronto, also spent the Civic Holiday weekend visiting his mother, end her mother, Mrs. George Wheatley, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mustard and family returned to Port Credit on Sunday after having spent a month at the family cottage. Miss Luella Burke, Seaforth, is staying with Mrs. Fred Mc- Ewell. J. W. Nicholls who was her guest for the civic holiday weekend returned to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Douglas Varty and two children, Barbara •and Douglas came the same day to 'be with her mother at "BelleVu" cot- tage this month. Mrs. Howard Blanchard came On Wednesday of last week to visit her mother, Mrs. J. Mc- Clure. Mrs. McClure accomp- anied her daughter on her re- turn to Uxbridge on Sunday for a two week's visit. Mrs. Minnie Caber, Winnipeg, has been spending the month of July with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer Sr. The Rev. Peter Renner, Tees- water, will be the guest minist- er at anniversary services in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday, August 14. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith, Robbie and Murray, Brussels., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons and family on Sunday. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison officiated at the committal ser- vice in Bayfield Cemetery on Saturday, July 23,, for Miss Catherine Euphemia (Fayme) Logan, who passeVaway in London on Thursda.„ , July 21. The Rev. Kenneth S. Conyard and his bride of Sit. George's Church, London, called at the rectory on Friday. And Mr. and Mrs. Ewan 'MacLean, Lucknow, were callers on Sat- urday evening. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz- simons were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, Grand Bend; Mrs. Carman McPherson, Clin- ton; Mrs. Elmer Murray, Wat- erloo and her daughter, Mrs. John, Wise, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean and Nancy, Mrs. McLean Sr., end Mrs. John Bryson, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. W. Becketht, Wineltharst, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckett, Kegworth, Sask., spent the weekend at Dashwooti Oldster In Two tar trash (Hensall Correspondent) George Seldunt, 78, R13, 1, Dashwnod is in South Huron Hospital, Exeter suffering fr4ett4Vd right leg, chest in- juries and multiple cuts on his face, Injuries resulted from a two-car crash on Highway .83 about a mile west of Dashwond on Sunday evening. The <Seblurtt ear was making a, left bend turn end struck the right side of a car driven east by Karl Woerns, Stratford, The injured man, was reinov-. ed to hospital and was attend- ed by -Dr. V, Gulens, Dash- INg04. Provincial Constable H. Reid, Exeter, investigated. 50 Black Knights A# Worship (113457fichl Correspondent) The South Huron Chapter of the Black lerrights of Ireland with representatives of the various' chapters, numbering a- bout 50, eittentled divine wor- ship in St. Andrew's United Church on, Sunday. Worshipful Preceptor, Sir -Knight Max Switzer, Woodham, read the second lesson. The Rev. W. C. Smith chose es his test for an impressive sermon on Faith: "You are all children of God by your faith in Christ 'Jesus." The speaker stressed the three evangelical principles of Faith, (1) The authority of the Bible, (2) the headship of Jesus Christ, (3) the power of faith. Following a paxede after the service by the Black Knights, they enjoyed a picnic dinner in Clan Gregor Square. McEweres Cabins. They had come east to attend the cen- tennial celebrations of the Staffa school on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed meeting childhood fniends. It is 67 years since they went west and this is their first trip back. They came by the Trans-Canada Highway end were so taken with the beautiful scenery through Northern: Ontario, es- pecially, that they plan to re- turn by the same route. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston returned last week from a most enjoyable motor trip east, They visited Mont- real, Quebec City, went on through New Brunswick to Charlottetown in. Prince Ed- ward Island, back to Halifax and Nova Scotia, through Maine, Velment and New Hampshire States. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arkell, JoAnne and Ken, Hammond, Indiana, were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell, from Friday to Monday. On their return they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ar- kell who visited with them un- til -today,' August 4. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell held a, fam- ily gathering with the members oftheir family, Mr, and Mrs. T. 'Arkell and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arkell, Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Sager and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner at- tending; also Mrs. Arkell's father and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer, Sr. the Rig FOR HE HOMES! r r reiim.mmnOmOnwrrs1.1,0mimir.11.r...i..monommenownu o rwarom=miklb. FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 Hall Price Sale We need all our store space for Foot- wear, so are offering all lines of DRYGOODS at a Great Reduction. See the Lines offered at HALF PRICE: BATHING SUITS and TRUNKS SPORT SHIRTS — WORK SHIRTS JEANS for Women, Children, Men and Boys DRESS PANTS for Men and. Boys JACKETS, CAPS, PYJAMAS, ODDS and ENDS of Broken Lines. Sale Opens Friday, August 5th The Clifford Lobb Store CLINTON ONTARIO 31p