HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-08-04, Page 5Sunday, August 7 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Holmesville 9.45 a.m.-Morning Worship 10.45 a,m.-Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENHAM Sunday, August 7 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Lifted Above Patriotic Sentiment" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service. "The Bread of Immortality" Wed., S p.m,-Prayer Meeting. You are cordially invited to these services. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 ant-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr.. and Mrs. Cornelis Trefters, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest ,deughter, Connie, to Mr. Jacob de Ham, Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Age de Haan, Dryber, Holland. The wed- ding to take place at 3 o'clock, Saturday, August 27, 1960, at Christian Re- formed Church, Clinton. Sip CHARLES House of Beauty • Hair Styling -0 Cold Waving Open Monday to Scittirda.y 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings lay Appointment .1-1U 2406S 74 Victoria Street CLINTON 31-tfls Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services Daylight Saving Time - CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Ceremony at Turner's MR. and MRS. REGINALD TAYLOR LAWSON, RR 1, Clinton, were married on Saturday, July 23, by the Rev, G. L. Mills, Clinton, in Turner's United Church, Tuckersmith Township, The bride is Helen Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Turner, RR 3, Seaforth, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, RR 1, Clinton. Dale Reunion At Seaforth Park The Dale reunion picnic was held at Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday, July 31, with an. at- tendance of 94. 'Officers in charge were Arnold Jamieson, president; Mrs. Arnold Jamie- son, secretary-treasurer; Doug- las Jamieson and Harvey Dale, sports conveners. Races were won as follows: six year's and under, Roger Bowes, Kathleen Lillian Dale; eight years and under, Roger Bowes, Nancy Dale; 12 years and under, girls, Dorothy Jam- ieson, Suzanne Dale; boys, Leonard Jamieson, Danny Kerr; 16 years and under, girls, Eileen Dolmage, Amy Stewart; boys, Bruce Dale, Al- fred Dale; young ladies, E, Dol- m,age, A. Stewart; young men, B. Dale, Douglas Jamieson; married ladies' eace, Mildred Johnston, Donelda Flynn; mar- ried men, Keith Dale, Harry Nesbitt; kick-the-slipper, lad- ies, Mrs. Keith Dale, Bonnie Stewart; men, Harry Nesbitt, Wayne Dolmage; rolling ball through pipe, Neil Crazier, W. Dolmage. There was a peanut scramble. for the children. Following a delicious picnic supper, served with lunch convener Mrs. Ken- neth Stewart and her commit- tee in charge, prize-giving took place. Man gaining least at supper, Verne Dale; birthday nearest picnic date, Kathleen Lillian Dale; oldest person present, Mrs. James Barron; most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale; per- son coming farthest, Earl Ne- well; man with least hair on head, Christopher Dale; gues- sing number of beans in jar, Keith Dale. Officers for 1961: president, John Flynn; first vacepresi- dent, Theodore Dale; second vice-president, George Camp- bell; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. A. Jamieson; sports conveners, Gordon' Dale, Harry Nesbitt; lunch conveners, Mrs. Verne Dale, Mrs. Reg. Smith. The picnic will be held the last Sun_ day in July at Seaforth Lions Park. Everybody Reads The Classifieds Hunter Picnic at Jowett's Grove The Hunter picnic was held 'at jowett's Grove on Saturday, July 30 with an attendance of 67. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hab- kirk, Port Credit, won the prize for coming the farthest. The mystery prize was won by Gregory Campbell; clothes pin race, Tommy Morgan, Sharon Mabee; pie plate race, Brad Dutot, David Habkirk; shoes and socks race, Kenneth Campbell, Sharon Mabee; gues- sing beans in a jar, V, Morgan; kicking-the-slipper, M, Dutot. There was a peanut scramble for the children. Thursday, Aug. 4, 1960--Clintao News-Record Page 5 welcome the jolly vrttlarnan with a great Parade on S'attlre day, November Se., A total .of Seaforth town's .camber ctt $200 is being offered in ban4 Prize. money,with possibly commerce has mado a date • trophy as well. Prizes are ,41" with Cant?, Claus, ,and will so planned, for 7loatts. Santa Invited To. Town Of Seaforth NEWCOMBE'S ALKA-SELTZER_ 35c Size FREE with 78c size 2-LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE - Reg. 59c ........... Special 2 for 79c 3-BATH SALTS-5 lb. bag „, 98c 4-TURN TAN FOR QUICK TAN 5 oz $1.98 5-"CHRISTMAS IN JULY" COLOGNE $1.75 -CAMERAS and FILMS CU NTON RING and ZIPPER BINDERS See the Jumbo Zipper Styles for heavy duty service at very popular prices SOME SPECIALS - $1.95 up A wide range of colours Leathers and Finishes GOLD INITIALED FREE --440 Ow Ladies luggage -- smart stew colours and styles by such makers as McBRINE SAMSONITE TRAVELGARD CHRISTIE Sturdy, metal framed fibre luggage, wide assortment of sizes and colours Starting at $2.65 AIKEN'S FOOTWEAR 8 CLOTHING SIMPLY FORGET ABOUT THEM It's our business to know the names, what they represent, how to dry clean each and every fabric. Juest send us all your clothes, including with each garment the new content label you'll find on them, and we'll see that they get the best of care! LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1642 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. c3 cawd .6,& age, CLINTON 9ze HU-2-7064 40111.1111111110, Rexdale POWER MOWER Specials 2 cycle 18" Rotary Reg, 39.95 - Sale 36.50 Quality Economy Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, 8.Th. 10.00 eare-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-joint Service with the St, Andrew's Preibyterian Congregation. Topic--"Preview Of The Future" A Cordial Welcome To All Master David Brock visited recently with relatives 'at Whalen's Corners. Miss Marjorie Hyde and Miss Charlene Cook are holidaying' a week at Port Elgin. Master Earl French, Whal ens Corners, visited e few days with his cousin, David Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneid- er and family, Stratford, visit- ed Monday evening with Ro- bert Thompson. F/S Robert and Mrs. Perkins and boys, RCAF Station Clin- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs, N. Long on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. I, Dickert at Clifford. Mrs. Fred Brock; London, visited a few days with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Brock. Mrs. J. Richardson, Hensall, visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dow- son. Mrs. Bert Faber returned home Friday after ten days in Clinton Public Hospital, and is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan. Wren, Laurie and Mary Falk, Hanov- er, returned home Sunday after spending a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson visited on the holiday with Lloyd and Miss Ella Dowson near Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Morton, of near Seaforth, Mrs, M. llobsori and Miss Robson, Toronto, vis- ited Wednesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce, Aubrey Farquhar had a sue- nessful sale at his farm on Tuesday, July V. Mrs. Alex llitcBeath and Mrs. David' Trieb- ner were in charge of the booth, (The Hanna Herald and East Central Alberta News) A well known farmer of the Dowling district and one time resident of Hanna, Alberta, William "Bill" Brantham pas- sed away suddenly at leis home, July 20 at the age of 77. years. Born in Ontario he came west to this district in, 1911 and has resided here since that time. Besides his wife he is surviv- ed by three daughters and two Sons. They are Mrs, K. Beat- tie, Veneer; Mrs. H. Johnson, Hanna; Mrs, Art Champion, Hernia; Louis, Hanna and Kelly, Calgary. He is also sur- vived by a brother Ray, in. Cal- gary and a sister, Mrs. Lou Lonsway in Toronto, Another sister, Miss Florence Grantham passed away the same day (July 20) in Toronto. (She was buried in Clinton. Cemetery, July 23.) Funeral services which were largely attended by many rela- tives and friends were held from the Church of Christ, Hanna, on July 23 by Rev. W. Brown. Funeral 'arrangements were in charge of Whyte funeral direc- tors, Hanna and interment took place in Mountain View Mem- orial Gardens, Calgary. Mrs, Olive Coghlan, Hamil- ton, spent the past week at the home of Mr, end Mrs. Neville Forbes, 3/TAs, George Murdoch, liag- ensville, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Herman, 34 Kirk Street, last week. Mr. and Mm, William Martin, Ottawa spent 'the Civic Holi- day weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Ferg Cuns- miegs and three boys, Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, Mary Street, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Liver- more spent a day at Grand Bend with their sonsinslaw and daughter, who are spending the summer there, Miss Minnie Easom, Hamilton Road, London, has been visit- ing her brother and sistersite law, Mr. and Mrs. David Ea- sorn, 135 Frederick Street, Miss Jean Morrison, Guelph.. and Norman H, Van Dyke, Richmond Hill, were recent OBITUARY W. Grantham guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, T, Corless, 1.21, Qrange Street, Mrs. Irene Wolsey attended 'the wedding in Eitcheeer on Friday, July 29, of her daugh- ter, Gloria Irene to W, Robert Nicol, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cum- mings motored to Listowel on Saturday and took in the Pee- wee ball tournament. Kincar- dine defeated the Clinton Pee- wees by a margin of one run. Norman Bell, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, E, T. Bell, Clinton ' is in Clinton Public Hospital following injuries re- ceived on Monday to his left thigh, Thursday visitors with Mrs. David Steepe, Clinton, were Mrs. A. J. Mallough and daugh- ters Deanna and Shirley, also Marilyn Orr, all of Godericb. Mrs. Charlie Draper and daughter Ellee and Jean Smith, all of Brussels, were Friday visitors at the home of Mrs. David Steepe. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wiltse were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brooks, Durand, Mich., and Mr. N. J. Conrad, War saw, N.Y. Mm, John G. MacKinnon, Hamilton spent the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. Thomas Hawkins. On Au- gust 22 she sails on the "Sax- artia", from Montreal for the British Isles, where she will spend two months. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Garon, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, also were here to attend the wed- ding. Their sons, Michael and Richard are remaining for two week holiday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garon and daughter Colette, Sher- brooke, Quebec; Mrs. Mat La- chance, Placeville, Quebec were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Garon for the weekend and attended the wedding of Ann Lamsink and their nephew Bob Garen in Seaforth, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bull, Calgary and Excel, Alberta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Nev- ille Forbes and other relatives in the district. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jr Deseck, Steven and Phillip of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brandon, 153 King Street. Dianne returned home with them after spending the past month with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Darville and children, Janis, Paul and Sed,, Greenwood, Nova Scotia, have been holidaying with the lady's father, Ed Wendorf, 131 Rattenbury Street. Mrs. Das.- ville and children flew to Nas- sau in. the Bahamas on July 22, where they joined Mr. Dar- vile and his parents. The fam- ily came to Clinton on July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hugill and sons LeRoy and Larry, 118 Isaac Street, spent last week holidaying at Wasaga Beach on Georgian Bay, accompanied by Mrs. Selena Riley, Miss Doro- thy Stirling and Miss Marie Riley, Londesboro, Weekend visitors at the cottage were son Donald Hugill and Gerald Horn- er, Kitchener. Donald is em- ployed at the Onward Manufac- turing Company. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Porter •and fam- ily, London, also spent the week there. Recently in St. Paul's Church a memorial altar light was &di_ cated to the glory of God in memory of the late Mrs. Harry Ambler (nee Dorothy Rorke), Pontiac, Mich. The light was the gift of the bishop of the state of Michigan and the office staff of which Mrs. Ambler was a member for several years. In the absence of the rector the dedication was made by Allan Fairbairn, RCAF Station, Clin- ton. O St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, August 7 11.00 axe-Church Service at Clinton Baptist Church EVERYONE WELCOME Christian Reformed Church Summer Student Pastor MR. R. 0. BROEKHUIZEN Sunday, August 7 10.00 a.m.-Service in English Speaker: Mr. R, O. Broek- huizen. 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Speaker: Rev. L. Slofstra. Everyone Welcome Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, August 7 9.45 ant -Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service- Tuesday, S pare-Prayer & Bible Study. All Welcome Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Charles Merrill, Organist EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Sunday, August 7 8.30 a,m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Parish Communion and Sermon WI Picnic Held At Community Park The annual picnic of Clinton Women's Institute was held in the community park on July 28 with a good attendance, Mrs. Managhan commented on the fine work done by the 13 girls' of the 4-H Club "Meat in the Menu", held in Londesboro recently. Mrs. G. F. Johnson from England, a guest of one of the members, delighted the ladies by telling of their town branch Women's Guild, much the same as the Institute. A penny sale was conducted. Mrs, Wiltse found the mysterious lady, Mrs. Beuley. Mrs, Mervyn Batten won the bingo prize; Mrs. Glow guessed the rauniber of jelly beans' in the jar. Graceful walking with book on head, won by Mrs, Roy Tyndall; kicksthe-slipper, Mrs. M. Batkin; Mrs. G. F. Johnson won the apron contest. 0 Silver Anniversary Celebrated By Hensall Couple (Hensall Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Funk, RR 2, Hensall were honoured at a presentation held for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Selves, RR 1, Hensall, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, July 30. 30 rela- tives, friends 'and. neighbours attended and presented an electric fry pan. The address was read by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, and gifts presented by Mrs. Glenn, Perriam of Park- hill. The immediate family presented a silver tea service and tray. The tea table was centred by a three-tier 'anni- versery cake flanked by white carnations, whil e summer blooms formed a floral back- ground for the house decora- tions. A social hour was held and luncheon served, Mr. and Mrs. Funk who have a family of three came east from the western provinces some 18 years. ago. #0111/1•11YOMM.11011•1111111M. JO' ETT'S GROVE Bayfield Beautiful Picnic Grounds Covered Tables - Swings Good Water - Ball Park Ponies - Swimming ' Refreshment Booth DANCING every Friday night from 9.30 p.m. to 1 0.m STEW and His COLLEGIANS - Door Prize - HOW TO COPE WITH THE OVER 150 FABRIC NAMES PLASTIC JUICE JUG REG....7904 90 Untroakohlo polyothyhina sturdy easy. to. hold hoed!. . Snap on leak proof coyeto and drip proof spout with hinged cap, Graduations in cups and ounces. 64 oz. Special: Tial. PELICAN COOLER Reg. $2.98 Sale $1.88 CASH and CARRY ONLY - No Phone Orders BALL & MUTCH H A HARDWARE Z9505 CLINTON II ettiteb Cburcb REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director NEWS OF KIPPEN (Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG, Phone Hensall 694r15) Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson, Lucan, called Sunday ,at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Wouda and Harry, Pembroke, are spending a week's vacation with their nephew end niece, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wier- ren and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett and Mrs. Arthur Anderson on July 26 attended the capping exercises of assistant nurses', of which their daughter Ruth Ann was one, at South Huron Has . pital, Exeter. Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and her daughter, Mrs. Ross' Faber, attended the capping exercises of the former's niece, Miss Donna Turnbull, Grand Bend, at South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, on. Tuesday, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. John Doig, Grand Rapids:, Mich., were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister Janet. On Sunday they all at- tended the McWilliams reunion at Riverview Park, Exeter. William. Brock, Welland, spent as few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell )3rbels, after spending two weeks on the east coast. Dante Enjoyed On July 14 at SS 14, Stanley, a surprise dance, was , held in honour of Miss Gail Farquhar prior to her departure for Exes ter, There were 65 young peos ple in 'attendance. Gwen Jones and Karen Talbot, on behalf of those present, presented Gail with two pretty bedroom lamps. After bail had made fitting ra- ply, a delicious lunch was serv- ed. Farewell Party . . . A . fait:Well party for Mr. end Mrs, Aubrey Farquhar, who leave shortly for Exeter was held at SS 141 Stanley, ot ThurSday. evening, July 28, with about 81 families present, The evening was spent playing euchre-, Twelve tables were in play. .. An. address was read by Ern- est Talbert and a floor lamp. presented by William McLau,- ghlirt. Wendy 41bneg presented Lynne with a pyjama delletill. was given: a bersebell by Res' sell Talbot, .. Me. end Mrs, 'F'ar tl u h ar thanked eiretyrele. for gifts and the hire eVebin, Refresh- reins _Were served. ."WhnierS at euchre 'evere, .Sere, Murdoch, Mrs, Tekittle" -meets 3,a6k Ctmslitt,- Potor Ottd. PERSONALS 1 moor 1:knnouncement! Holiday Week at the Clinton News-Record September 8 to 17 inclusive THERE WILL BE NO REGULAR EOITION 0013LISHED ON ttlatEMEIEtt Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday 'School withdrawn Church Service at Wesley-Willis United Church Turner's Church 1.30 p.m.-Church Service 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School Hall Available for ' Receptions and Private Parties 10.1.1411 For Reservations: Call HU, 2-7064 HU 245Si or Bayfield 29 r 3 4 cycle 21/2 H.P. recoil start 18" Rotary Reg. 59.95 - Sale 48.50 4 cycle 2 1/2 H,P. Stand up control 18" Rotary Reg. 74,95 - Sale 58.50 4 cycle B & S Engine 18" Rotary, recoil start Reg. 69.95 - Sale 58.50