HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-07-21, Page 9SPECIAL -- MIXETTE Food Mixer gu arantee5 year Hamilton c, $16.95 Featu Another re Value 24" Bar -B - Cue $7.08 CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID 32 oz. 69c New SIZ Lighter, 16 oz. 98c CHARCOAL in 5 lb. and 15 lb. Bags Folding Picnic Table, 24"x60" $13.95 Folding Picnic Stools ea. $2.85 Cold Chests from $19.50 Also Bar.R.Cue Tools Reg. 12.95 BALL & MUM PHONE HU 2-9505 CLINTON SWIM KING Swim Accessories • Goggles • Masks • Fins • Snorkels • Nose Clips • Ear Plugs (Auburn Correspondent) Congratulations to Mrs. An- nie Wolper who last wee cele- bruited her 90th birthday at. Clinton, Mrs, Walper was An- nie Youngblut, daughter of the late George Youngblut and Eli- zabeth. Plaetzer, and was born in the Maitland Block in Hul- lett Township. She received her early edu- cation at SS 9, Hullett. She was married in 1908 to the late Peter Walper who passed away 27 years ago, and lived on their farm in Hullett Town- ship on the Auburn-Blyth road until moving to Auburn in 194Q. She resided in the vil- lage until 1956 when she went to Clinton, She has one daughter, Mrs. John (Florence) Deer who with her daughter, Mrs. Nor- man 1VICClinchey and her daughter Cathy visited with Mrs. Walper on her birthday. She has five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. She is a member of the Au- burn Baptist Church and was a member of the Women's Insti- tute. The good wishes of the community are extended• to Mrs. Walper on this occasion. CHAPMAN'S Barber - Beauty SHOP WILL BE CLOSED FOR Annual Holidays from Monday, Aug. 1 until Friday, Aug.15 29-30-P 1 "The Car King of Huron County" "The Car King of Huron County" "The Car King of Huron County "The Cdr-King of Huron County" The King Has The Truck For You AT THE PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY u mo a l u aj J ad 0 1 . 10 Pe r Ce n t Do w n 10 Pe r Ce n t Do w n 10 Pe r Ce n t Do w n um oa l u a3 J ad 0 1 UM 0 ( 1 l a) J ad O i CD it) 1959 Chevrolet 31/2 TON GMC STAKE, equip- ped with super taskmaster en- gine, 14' Brantford racks, air- conditioned heater, used by GM Products of Canada for only 9,000 miles. ONLY 1/2 of Original Cost 1959 GMC Pick-up 1/2 -TON—in 'excellent condition, with low mileage, spare tire never used. 1957 GMC Milk Van 3%2 -TON—This excellent 6-cyl. unit has D.P. rear end, 8.25x20 -tires, and was carefully driven for only 50,000 miles, equipped with aluminum insulated 14 ft. milk van. 1956 Merc. Pick-up y3 -TON — Driven- only 30,000 miles by Mr. Harry Smith, of Hensall. 1953 Willys 1-Ton Civilian Pick-Up—Four-Wheel Drive, all new tires, equipped with rebuilt motor and hydraulic snow plow. IMMIIMMIOS 1953 Ford 3-Ton With excellent motor, 4-speed syncro transmission, 3-speed rear axle, 14' racks, 6' high, and loading chute. onwinsiounmammimoodamernmorenniammakeromemincrisi 1953 Ford Pick-up 1/2 -TON — In good condition, both mechanically and bodily. Ready To Go To Work For You! A FARMER'S DREAM! 1952 Dodge 1-Ton In excellent condition, 7' x9' stake platform and racks, nearly new tires. (This unit has a hy- draulic hoist). A FARMER'S DREAM! 1951 GMC 1-Ton STAKE—with 7'x9' platform, in excellent condition. SPECIAL -- SPECIAL — SPECIAL Elcombe Automatic Garbage Disposal Unit mounted on Ford Chassis with call new tires, and driven only 32,000 miles, This unit is priced at One- Fifth of Original Cost, and has been completely over- hauled by our mechanics. 8 Sparkling Convertibles 56 METEOR 55 FORD 53 LINCOLN 53 BUICK 56 BUICK 55 CHEV. 58 AUSTIN HEALEY 51 FORD EACH ONE A BEAUTY! 100 USED CARS IN STOCK ! Nearly All With Written Warranty - All of These Units Can Be Purchased with Only 10 Per Cent Down, up to 36 Months To Pay. Demonstrators 1960 PONTIACS We are Clearing Out Eight of These Units "WE GUARANTEE T' MAKE YOU A DV%L. OR FREE GAS HOME" PEARSON MOTORS PONTIAC BUICK G.M.C. TRUCKS — ZURICH VAUXHALL BEDFORD VANS EXETER Drive a SAFE CAR! Most' of last year's traffic fatalities could have been avoided! Many of the cars involved were unsafe! Before YOU go out on the highways for your summer holidays, drive in for a complete safety check-up. A little time may save a life . yours! KEEP IN MIND that; Wells Auto Electric shop and gar- age will be closed from Monday, August 8 to SaturclaYr August 20. Pump service only during above holiday period for your Blue Sunoco Gas and Oil needs. .0 END OF SEASON CLEARANCE OF 0 USED and NEW POWER. LAWN 0 0 MOWERS 0 1 Only—USED GARDEN TILLER ' Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON AUTO•LITE SERVICE PARTS Buy Where You Are Assured of Service—We Service Everything We Sell. CAMPING TRAILER— The same trailer as illustrated by some mail order houses as reduced from $395 to $365. We have ONE ONLY TO CLEAR AT $3 35.00 $39.95 Several USED BOATS— From $99.50 to $225.00 WAR SURPLUS BELL TENTS Approx. 12 ft. diameter USED BICYCLES 1—Girls' 28", Maroon $15.00 2—Boys' 28"—good condition $15.00 ea. 1—Boy's 28" as is $10.00 CAMPING? Have a look at what we have in: CAMP STOVES COOKING KITS BARBECUES LANTERNS ICE BOXES SLEEPING BAGS AIR MATTRESSES, Etc. SPAibui .90136 of -21/0" Mr. and Mrs. Farmer We have been building hundreds of Slop Wall Cement Silos for over 25 years throughout Ontario, and have gained many friends through high class work. If you are in the market for a silo, get our specifications and prices now. We are now pleased to announce we have taken on the distributorship of the Fomous JAMES.WAY Push-Button POWER CHOKING EQUIPMENT With the thought of making farming more attractive and pleas- ant to your children. INSTALL: The James Silo Unloader, Gutter Cleaners, Milking Parlors, Milk Coolers, Air Conditioners, Augur Feeders, Poultry Equipment, etc. They are made by the biggest and strongest company in America. Terms and Prices with particulars, can be had with plans and specifications drawn up free of charge by our engineers/ on a new set-up in your old barn or in a new barn, PHONE CLINTON HUnter 24022 from 6 to 0 coni, for personal contact, or write J. E. HUGILL & SON, R.R. 2, HERM, ONT. Ninetieth Birthday News of Auburn For Mrs, Walper Celebrated Here Correspondent: MRS. W. BRActiccit Phone Auburn 43w Forming Report (By D. G. Grieve, assoeisto) Agricultural represenzative for Huron County) Haying is practically comPle- ted, Dry Weather continuing in most parts :Of the eounty and is Showing in. field crops and pasture fields. Wheat bar- vest seems to be only one to two weeps a. WaY, Dr. B. C, Weir is spending this week in London with. Dun, can .Mackay. Many from this district at tended the Orange celebration held at Brussels last week. Rev, and Mrs. James Elliott,. Chesley, visited last Wednes- day with her aunt, Mrs. Maud Frendin and her cousin, Gordon• Taylor and Mrs, Taylor. Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Nelson Hill, Goderich, spent one day last week in the vii- lege, Friends here are sorry to hear that Harold Hilbert, Goderich is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. His many friends in this district wish him a speedy recovery, St. Mark's Guild Mrs. George Schneider pre- sided for the July meeting of the Guild of St. Mark's Angli- can Church held at her home with a large attendance, The children of the Sunday School were the guests of the after- noon. Scripture from St. Luke 5 was read by Mrs. John Deer, The study book was in the charge of Mrs, Lewis Ruddy and she told about the work- shop at Huron College. An interesting topic on "Summer in all its beauty" was given by Mrs. S. Schnei- der. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt pre- sided for the business period. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Davies and the financial statement given by the treasurer, Mrs. Gor- don Taylor. Roll call' was answered by naming a favourite verse in the book of Psalms. The chil- dren. enjoyed races and games under the direction of Shirley Brown and prizes were receiv- ed by all. A successful auction was held with Rev. R. F. Meal- ly assisted by Mrs. Davies. A bountiful picnic supper was en- joyed by all on the lawn. Former Minister Rev. W. R. Alp, B.A., D.D., former minister at Auburn has Entertain C.O.C. Mrs. Donald Haines presided for the July meeting of Knox Presbyterian Woman's Mission- ary Society when members of the C.O.C. were guests in the Sabbath School room of the church. Margaret Haines was at the piano. Prayer was tak- en by Marie Leatherland. An illustrated: address on the mis- sionary journey of the apostle Paul was given, with Mrs. Ed. Davies giving the commentary. A duet "The Beautiful Gar- den of Prayer" was sung by Barbara Mackay and Margaret Haines, accompanied by Mrs. Duncan Mackay. The offering Was received by Joyce Leather- land. Prayer was by Margaret Sanderson. Barbara Mackay accompanied the children's hymn. -MiSS Mary Houston gave an interesting preview of the life of the devoted missionary, Al- bert Sweitzer and pictures were shown of his work in Eu- rope and Africa with Miss Houston giving the comments. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Alvin Leather- land. Roll call was answered by repeating a favourite Bible verse. The meeting was closed with prayer by Margaret San- derson. Ladies Aid Mrs Ed. Davies presided for the Ladies Aid of Knox Pres- byterian Church meeting. Sec- retary, Mrs. Roy Daer gave her report and reports of the centennial luncheon and the wedding dinner were given. Plans were made toy send flowers' and cards to those in the hospital. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland and Mrs. Wes Bradnock, LESS THAN 2 CENTS A BUSHEL STOPS GRAIN INSECTS FOR A WHOLE YEAR Spray Bins With HOWARD BIN TREAT to kill insects in cracks and crevices, Treat New Grain With .HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER Mixes easily With new grain as it is binned—protects it from grain insects for a whole year without affecting feed or seed value. It costs less than 2c a bus- hel to use BIN TREAT and GRAIN GUARD--less than it does to fumigate, On Sale At WETTLAUFER'S Feed Mill Mary Street Clinton HU 2-9792 LONDESBORO Patsy and Barbara BUMP visited with their sister at Kin- cardine for a week recently. Rev. and Mrs. T. White, Springfield; were visitors in. the vicinity recently, Mr, and! Mrs. Cliff Satinder- eock and family spent the weekend at Niagara Falls, Miss Maxine Plunking, Lon- don, spent the weekend at her home. Kenneth Shobbrook, Oshawa, is holidaying with his uncle Mr. and Mrs. Bert ShobbrOok, Connie Howatt returned home after a week spent with her cousins at Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and family are enjoying a week's holidays at Port Albert, Mrs Thomas. Reid, Willow- dale is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen, Leland Adams spent a few days last week with his aunt, Miss Lillian Adams, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arm- strong and family, Stratford, are on vacation visiting with friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pen- found and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt spent last weekend at Lion's Head. Visitors on Sunday with Willows Mountain were Mr. and Mrs. Cal Straughan and Oliver McBrien, Goderich. Joanne, Laurel and Jack Hodgert, Thames Road, spent the past week at the home of their uncle, Gordon Howatt. Rev. and Mrs. Gardner, Al- vinston called on several old friends in the vicinity last Tuesday, Nelson and John Underwood, Wingham, visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Lear for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' Riley and family, Niagara Falls; have bin 'guests with Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Radford and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Thomp- son, Heathcote and Mrs. Ru- pert Smith, 1Vleaforcl, spent Auburn United Church Picnic On School Grounds (Auburn Correspondent) Knox United Church Sunday School enjoyed their annual picnic on the summer school camp grounds. Winners of the sports events were: races, nine and under, girls, Nancy Lapp, Brenda Archambault; eight and under, boys, Wayne Arthur, Billy Millian; 12 and under, girls, Gail Miller, Laura Deer; boys, Ronnie Durnin, Glen Web- ster; 16 and under, girls, Mar- tie Koopinans, Ann Speigelberg; Ladies race, Mrs. Gordon Ohamney, Mrs. Leonard Arch- ,arnba,ult; softball throw, nine and under, girls, B. Lapp, B. Arellarnbault; eight and under, boys, W. Arthur, B. Milli:an; 12 and under, girls, Linda An- drews, Masks; Koopmans; boys, G. Webster, R. Durnin; 16 and under, Koopmans, Speigelberg. Three legged race, girls, M. Koopmans and A. Speigelberg; K. Koopmans and Nelda Camp- bell; boys,. Jim Mills and Allan Webster; G. Webster and R. Durnin; sack race, girls, M. Koopertans, B. Archambault; boys', R. Durnin, Barkley Speig- elberg, Hop, step and jump, nine and: under, girls, N. Lapp, B. Arch- ambault; eight and under, boys, John Koopmans, Larry Cham- ney; 12 and under, girls, L. Andrews, K. Koopmans; boys, R. DUrrtin, G. Webster; 16 and under, M. Koopmans, A. Speig- elberg; kick the-slipper, laid les, Rose Marie Haggitt, K. Koopmans; men, B, Speigel- berg, Allan Webster; nail driv- ing, Mrs, Charles Minim, Mrs. Leonard Archambault; men, Harold Webster, Ted Mills, A. Webster. Sunday with the Robert Thompson family, Centennial Flinn Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer How- att, with their seas Gordon and Jim and families attend- ed a reunion and celebration of the 100th anniversary of the settling at the Christie farm, situated on the 12th concession of Plibbert Township on Sat- grday when 125 relatives and guests met together. There will be a memorial ser- vice held at Hope Chapel at 5,50 o'clock on J14 13gsr. Henry Fume, Londeaboro, will be, the speaker, Mr. and Mrs. john Aotn, strong and Mn and Mrs. Keno. netti Armstrong and. •children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong, Clin- ton.. Miss Doris. Lear, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear and Mr. end Mrs. Stan Chellew enjoyed a five day motor trip through Northern Ontario, returning' by Michigan. Thursdcoy, July 21, 1960,Clinton News-Record,--Pagie retired from the Pastoral eharge of St. Paul's :United Church at Perth, .Ontario, and from the active ministry and is moving to Toronto where he will be 'the assistant minister at St. James-Bond tintted Church, Avenue Road, Dr, Alp has been in Perth for 20 years, being appointed minister in June 1940, :after being an associate minister of Chalmers Church, Ottawa for several years, The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Dr. Alp in May 1955 at the convocation exercises at Queen's T.Iniver- sity, Kingston. Dr, Alp came to Auburn in 1922 and many times. 'has. returned to this dis- trict to renew friendships, honour H. McGee Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott entertained recently in honour of Harvey McGee, North Bay, who has been holidaying with his cousin, MrS. Maitland Al- len and Mr. Allen for the past two weeks. Mr. McGee came to be the guest soloist at the centennial services' of his home church at Knox Presbyterian Church on July 3 and has been renewing old friendships in the village since then, A social evening was enjoy- ed and an old-time singsong was held. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sibthorpe, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs, Mait- land Henry, Blyth; Mr, and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Westfield; Miss Melda McElroy, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs, Norman McDowell, Westfield and Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Those assisting with lunch were: Mrs. • W. Mason, Mrs. Mary Johnston, Mrs. T. A. Lawlor and Mrs. Frank Raith- by.