HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-07-21, Page 41 FRESH FROM OUR BAKERY ,g4ir asftnastaso Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only APPLE SAUCE CAKE Req. 40c for 35c ...a" Bartliffs Bakery HU 24727 Limited CLINTON noluiry and Restaurant Page 4—Clinton News- em.d.---Thursday, July 21, 1960 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE HELP WANTED MALE Extensive AUCTION SALE of High Quality Cattle, Trac- tors, Truck, Farm Implements, Grain, Poultry, Household Ef- fects and Miscellaneous Items. On the premises, Lot 9, Con. 2, Stanley Twp., 11/4 miles west of Brucefield, 2 miles south or 11/4 miles west of Klppen, 2 miles north. The undersigned auction- eer received instructions to sell by public auction on Tuesday, July 26 at 12.30 p.m. Dairy and Beef Cattle: 6 choice Holstein cows recently freshened, all rebred; Holstein cow fresh two weeks with calf at foot; Holstein heifer fresh one month with calf at foot; Guernsey cow fresh since May; part Holstein and Durham cow milking, fresh since April; blue roan part Holstein and Durham heifer, due in September; brin- dle, part Durham and Jersey heifer due in' August; top quality milking herd; 3 Here- ford heifers averaging 800 lbs. each; 2 part Holstein and Here- ford heifers, averaging 850 lbs. each; 3 part Hereford and Hol- stein steers, averaging 850 lbs. each; 6 Hereford and Holstein grass cattle; 10 spring calves, all in market condition. . Tractors and Farm Imple- ments: W.C. Allis Chalmers tractor in perfect condition; Al- lis Chalmers "B" tractor, equip- ped with scuffler and bean pul- ler in A-1 condition; 1949 Chev. 1/2 -ton pick-up truck with stock racks; Int. 9 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Cockshutt 4-bar side rake; Otaco 2-furrow plow on rubber; Fluery 3-section drag harrows; Cockshutt 9 ft, cultiva- tor; New Idea tractor spreader, like new; 2-wheel trailer; hay loader; Cockshutt heavy duty rubber tire wagon in brand new condition; 16 ft. hay rack; 7 ft. Case double disc; 10 ft. Mc.-Deering dump rake; Rotary bean harvester; Heat Hawser; 3-section diamond harrows; Mc.-Deering 11-run fertilizer drill; M-H 6 ft. binder, like new; Gehl hammer mill; 50 ft. hammer mill belt; set of bib sleighs; Universal milking ma- chine; 2 Surge single unit pails; 4 milk cans; feed cooker, exten- tion ladder; electric fan and blower; fanning mill; colony house, 10'x12'; ten galvanized self-feeders; 3 automatic chick- en fountains; 3 pipeless oil burner brooder stoves, like new; aluminum wheel-barrow; log- ging chains; forks; shovels; bar- rels; many other miscellaneous items. Poultry: 600 choice Sussex- x-Rhode Island Red, 14 weeks Grain: 500 bushels Rodney oats. Household Effects: Bell piano; Gurney 4-burner heavy duty electric stove; Norge refrigera- tor; 3 complete bedroom suites; chest of drawers; complete din- ing room suite; china cabinet; end tables; kitchen table and chairs, etc. Household effects in new condition. This is an extra large sale and will start sharp on time, Plan to attend. Terms—Cash Aubrey Farquhar, Proprietor Ross Love, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Notice To Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY DOWSON, late of the Township of Stanley in the county of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. All p e rsons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 2nd day of August, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of July, A,D, 1960. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 28-9-30-b ATTENTION FARMERS! WANTED 2-WREEl TRAILErs, 8' x 4', built for heavy loads; 4 ft, rack, Phone HU 2- 9485. 29p MODERN KELVINATOR RE- FRIGERATOR, freezer capacity 50 lbs., excellent condition, good shape, $125 cash. Phone HU 2- 9654, 29b ELECTROLUX Sales arid Sera vice. Cleaners and polishers, Also reconditioned el e a n e r s. Gary Cooper, 126 Gordon Street, Clinton, phone HU 2-7200. 11-tfb Applications will be received for SUPERINTENDENT of the Clinton Cemetery 3 ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, phone HU 2-3855, 296 SMALL APARTMENT, fully furnished and heated, suitable for single lady, reasonable rent L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone HU 2-6692. 27-tfb 2-41'x10' TRAILERS for rent, fully equipped, Apply Becker's Trailer Court, 29b FOR SALE, WANTED—Live Turkeys, ducks geese and hens. Top prices guaranteed, In Varna and Zu- rich district contact Mervyn Hayter, East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb MODERN APARTMENT, heat- ed, unfurnished, three rooms and private bath, all modern conveniences, private entrance. Phone HU 2-9892 after 5 p,m. 23tfb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT— vacant for August 1, private en- trance. HU 2-7070. 29p A GOOD LINE OF JI CASE farm machinery is on hand. Much of it at the old prices at Robbie Burns Garage, Londes- boro, phone Blyth 44 r 15. 13tfb 80 or 160 ACRES, located 2 miles from Clinton, 8-room in- sul brick house, driving shed and barn, 80'x40'. Apply Wes Hoggart, phone HU 2-9878. 29-30-p 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED heat- ed apartment, available July 1, Apply McEwan's Store. 22tfb UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM apartment, for rent, available now. Phone HU 2-9493, 29b SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054, Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb by the undersigned until Friday, July 29 at 5 p.m. Clinton Cemetery Board JOHN LIVERMORE, Secretary 29-30-b AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Furnishings, Main Street, Bay- field, on Wednesday, July 27 at 1.30 p.m. Dishes, crystal, glassware, colored glass (including cran- berry), silverware, 2 antique guns, quilts, doilies, chest of drawers, dresser, beds and mat- tresses, high chair, table cloths, toilet sets, wood and wicker rockers, all kinds of chairs, din- ing table and six chairs, round oak table, easy chair, rugs (in- cluding genuine oriental), lamps, love-seat, sewing machine, books, pots and pans, crocks, dinner set of Austrian china, 2 glass cupboards, wall cupboard, small tables, •electric stove, washer, large and small refrig- erators, chesterfield and chair, wood stove, combination stove, Easy spin-dryer washer (2), child's wardrobe, and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, Bids may be left previous to sale time. Terms—Cash Edward Elliott, Auctioneer Larne A. Sparks, Proprietor COTTAGE FOR RENT, one mile south of Bayfield, 3 bed- rooms, stove, frig. and indoor plumbing. Available July and August. Phone HU 2-9218. 28-9-b SWEET AND MONTMOREN- CY CHERRIES now ready. Bring containers and pick your own at Ted VanEyk's, formerly Govenlock Orchards, 1/2 mile north of Forest on 21 High- way. 28-9-b 2 APARTMENTS, self-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682. 12-tfb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARGARET MATILDA MANNING, late of the Village of Londesboro in the County of Huron, Widow, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 2nd day of August, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of July, A.D. 1960. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 28-9-30-b DRAIN TILE-4", $55 per M delivered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 de- livered. Prices, 10", 12"', 14" on request, Rydall Brick and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p 5 ROOM APARTMENT, cent- rally located, self-contained, near stores and swim pool. Fur- nished or unfurnished, Reason- able. Apply to Box 292, Clinton News-Record. Available immed- iately, 29-30-p SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, suitable for couple. Phone HU 2-9742 after 6 p.m. 28-9b MISCELLANEOUS MINK STOLES, CAPES, Jack- ets, and other furs at reason- able prices. • Save by buying direct from the ranch and be sure of fresh fine quality skins. Styles and fittings to please and compliment the wearer. Phone DU VAL FUR FARM, Wingham, 660W for appoint meat or address your inquir- ies to Du Val Fur Farm, Box 83, Wingham, 27-8-9p ARTICLES WANTED 6 ROOM APARTMENT—three bedrooms. Central heating, sep- arate entrances, E. B, Menzies, HU 2-9752. 29-tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE YORK HOG, 8-months old. Frank Falconer, phone HU 2- 9128. 29p LUDWICK SNARE DRUM — used one year. Phone HU 2-9952. 29b 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, I unfurnished, available August , 15, School Apartment, Ceriel Van Demme, HU 2-6685, 29b FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Recondi- tioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696 r 2, collect. 16-tfb 6-YEAR OLD GRADE HOL- STEIN cow, due to freshen July 17. Apply to Ed. Grigg, phone HU 2-7414. 28-9-b NEW CEMENT SLAB SIDE- WALK. Phone HU 2-9465. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished and heated. Close to up- town. Phone HU 2-3844. 27,8,9,b 29b DESERTBOOTS, Hush Puppies, Moccasins, Sealskin Slippers — Bayfield Woollen Shoppe. 29b SINGER SEWING MACHINE for sale. Phone HU 2-7262, 29-30-b 20 FIRST LITTER SOWS, due in two and three weeks. Bred pure York, Also 30 chunks, ten to 12 weeks old. Albert W. Shirray, RR 2, Hensall, phone 683 r 11. 29b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. ,20-tfb SMALL MODERN COTTAGE, perfect for 2. Spacious grounds, complete privacy. Phone HU 2- 9768 or 7086. 27-8-p WANTED — SMALL TRI- CYCLE. Phone HU 2-9413. 29p WANTED spaterliwimarigsommessokawintatuonwosoaminmaimemorm AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale of the Au- burn United Church shed will be held on Wednesday, July 27 at 8,30 p.m. Shed is timber frame 66'x54'. Terms: Cash George Nesbit, Auctioneer 29b TWO FURNISHED 1-bedroom apartments, available August 1 at the Commercial, Victoria St., HU 2-6685. 29-tfb TWO HOLSTEIN COWS, one Jersey, one Guernsey, due soon; 6 Holstein heifers, springing; 1 Durham heifer and calf; 3 Here- ford calves, 2 months old; two young calves. Sold to satisfy. Phone HU 2-9107 or HU 2-3357. A. E. Townshend and Son. 29-30-b 16" BLADE LAWN MOWER, very good condition, $7. Phone HU 2-7517. 28-9-b 6 QUART BASKETS, by Clinton Market Garden, 182 Church St., HU 2-7168. Fresh vegetables ready soon. John Steele Smith. 29p Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from the home of Mr. Harry Gould, 115 High Street, Clinton, on Saturday, July 30 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Admiral 21" TV; Doherty piano and bench; 3-piece chesterfield suite; oak dining room suite; china cabinet; Axminster rug 9x12; Wilton runner; hall mir- ror; end tables; 2 upholstered chairs; tubular bed, springs and inner spring mattress; wooden bed and inner spring mattress; metal bed and inner spring mat- tress; single bed and mattress; hall tree; foot stool; dressers; chest of drawers; radio; Singer sewing machine electric rang- ette; enamel coal and wood range (nearly new); extension table; kitchen chairs; Kelvinator refrigerator; Simplicity washing machine; wash tubs; rocking chairs; aluminum porch chair; other porch chairs; 6 ft. step ladder; 8 ft. step ladder; elect- trie kettle; electric grill; iron; toaster; curtains; bedding; lin- ens quantity of fruit and pick- les, lawn mower; garden tools; carpenter's tools and tool box; numerous other articles. Terms—Cash No reserve as property is sold, Harry Gould, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 29-30-b WOOD or COOK STOVE, with reservoir, for sale cneap. Mrs. D. Steep, Frederick Street, HU 2-6642. 29b ROUND DINING R 0 0 M TABLE; one buffet, dresser, large size child's crib. Phone HU 2-3328. 29b TWO SELF - CONTAINED Apartments, one furnished, one unfurnished. Phone HU 2-9928. 9-tfb Do-it-Yourself AUTOS FOR SALE RENT These Machines 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 1/ Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 4-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent, 3-piece bath, in Goderich. Overholt Groceries, phone JA 4-8152. 28tfb 1957 CHEV., 4-door, whitewall tires, radio, 28,000 original miles, will sell outright or trade for older car. Phone HU 2-9465. 28-29b SERVICES SCRATCH PADS 10 for 40c At News-Record CUSTOM COMBINING. Lyle Montgomery, phone .HU 2-7231. 29-30-31-p ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. 1-tfb 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, and heated, private bath, available now. Phone HU 2-3329. 29-30-p 1955 METEOR, new engine, new clutch, all new tires (whitewall) good spare with two good snow tires (7 tires in all), 4-door, radio, reasonable. Phone HU 2- 7005. 29b ATTENTION FARMERS — Brush spraying of fence bot- toms, also barn cleaning and white washing. We use carbola, a product that keeps flies and cob webs out from season to season. J, M. Baeker for esti- mates, 95 Brussels. 29to34b TWO 41x10 USED TRAILERS for sale; also new trailers. Ap- ply at Becker's Trailer Court. 28-9-b APARTMENT, Heated and Fur- nished, 3 rooms and bath, pri- vate entrance. Vacant August 7. 95 Raglan „Street. Phone HU 2-9300. 29b CHROME KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs, like new. Will sell reasonable. Phone HU 2- 7210. 29b CUSTOM WORK TED RYDER TWO , UPSTAIRS APART- ments, furnished, at 12 King Street, Available by July 18. Apply at Clinton Cab for infor- mation, 27-tfb FOR TV SERVICE call HU 2- 9320, Ted Ryder, 245 Victoria Street. 26 to 43b TV ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE: Highest prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Call long distance Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) day or night. Seven day service, or Blyth 21 r 12. 15rtfb OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT, $2,99 per gallon; interior La- tex paint, $4.44 per gallon, flan this number HU 2-3232. 28tfb Saks & Service OPEN 'TILL 10 P.M. EVERY EVENING 245 Victoria Street Phone HU 2-9320 • 29-30b FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk GROUND FLOOR Apartment, private bath. Heated and un- furnished. Private entrance. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 High Street, HU 2-6692. 29-tfb FLEETWOOD 21" TV SET — with All-Station antenna, 30ft. mast and lead-in, 2 years old. Only $170 installed. Phone HU 2-7042. 29p WELDING AND REPAIRS, metal fabrication. John Hamil- ton, 293 Albert Street. 6p-tfb \TTENTION FARMERSI High- est cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All other stock pick- ed up free of charge. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Sea- forth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 11 to 28p-tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb CHILD'S ROCKOROL in good condition. Will sell for half price. Apply Mrs. Grace Wight- man, 96 Osborne Street, phone HU 2-3271. 29b Classified Rates NEW OR REPAIR WORK on anything you have in carpentry work. Free estimates. Phone HU 2-9141. 25 to 30p PET STOCK For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS, born in May, off Field Trial stock. Apply to James East, HU 2-7578. 29b MOVING, MUST SELL—RCA Victor 17" table model TV, per- fect condition. Contact F/0 Jones, Commercial Apts., Clin- ton. 29-b MOTORS AND PORTABLE Power Tools Rewound and Re- paired. Parts for all popular makes. New Leland and Wag- ner motors available on short notice. Art Levett, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 13-tfb Durham Well Drilling Contractors WHY TRY THE REST? "WE DO THE BEST" For experience and efficient Service contact Durham Phone Durham Box 299 342W 26-31-p DOG, WELL TRAINED, six months old, innoculated, Re- quires good home in country. Phone HU 2-7154 before Satur- day. 29p JULY SAVINGS REPEATS- TED RYDER'S TV, 245 Victoria Street, Clinton. Phone HU 2- 9320 your authorized dealer for Dumont, Zenith. Fairbanks- Morse and Rogers Majestic Television. 26 to 43b 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS- 1/2 Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. REGISTERED Germany Shep- herd pups. Good quality, Black and silver, black and tan. Females, $20; males, $25, Papers $5 extra. Some ready for delivery Aug, 13, Others Aug. 26. A. Martin, Zurich, Ont., phone 76 r 5. 29b LOST AND FOUND ONE CONTINENTAL BED spring and mattress, $10 com- plete, one wooden bed, spring and mattress, $10 complete — Bayfield Woollen Shoppe. 29b MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES all this week. Shop and Save now for your Warm Weather Wearables at prices you can afford to pay. FOUND—DALMATIAN female, apparently deaf. Found July 14 at the Jack Cluff's farm, Bay- field. Phone HU 2-7100. 29b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between: 7,30 and 9.30 a.m. week days. 6,00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 BILLING CHARGE- 10c added on second bill. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1958 FLEETWOOD Combina- tion TV - Radio - Record Player. Has 21" TV, 4-speed collaro changer and radio, walnut, $225. 7.9 cu. ft. General Electric re- frigerator, $90; 1847 Rogers Brothers silverware, in case, "Remembrance" pattern, setting for 8, plus serving spoons, $20. Phone HU 2-3461. 29b PERSONAL FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths, DEADLINE- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2.3443 Men's Pant Sale OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex To- nic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. 27&29b YOUNG GIRL would like res- taurant work or babysitting, live in or out. Phone HU 2- 7509. 29b Hundreds of pairs to choose from, regular or summer weights. Reduced as much as six dol- lars a pair. Sizes 28 to 42. YOUNG LADY desires houSe- work by the week. Live in, No cooking preferred. Apply to Box No. 280s Clinton News-Rec- ord. 29b REAL ESTATE SALE PRICED From $4.95 up 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, oil furnace, gas facili- ties. 131 Princess Street. Phone HU 2-7238, 28-9p WOULD LIKE TO BABYSIT, children either in own home or out. Will also sit with elderly person. Phone HU 2-9493. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS for sale on East Street. HU 2- 7088. Clarence Potter, 237 Vic- toria Street. 22tfb Sport Coats 29b Mare.aroresesielroseftmgedormrsiminstworomeserinera or Clinton Zenith 9-5650 MONEY WANTED MODERN SIX ROOM COT- TAGE, good location, reason- able, immediate possession, owner leaving town. Phone RU 2-9590. 28-9-b $3,500 ON FIRST MORTGAGE, or $2,000 on second mortgage. Write to Box 291, Clinton News- Record, 29p 0,,,,...s.s.assaassossssassasas,s,=, NOTICES REAL ESTATE Now is the time to buy that new sport coat. Our complete stock is reduced drastically. SALE PRICED From ........ $10.95 up 20 ACRE FARM for sale, near Brucefield, barn, shade and an eight room, two storey brick house. Apply MrS. Leyden Mc- Clung. 28.9p AEI:SDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. EaSy terms. See oar samples, GenOe Lumber, Orangeville, Ontario 18 to 30b BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, RU 2- 9572. 111fb TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER- SMITII Tax Prepayment Re- ceipts for 1960—The Township of Tuckersinith will pay inters east at the rate of 4 percent per annum from June 15 tO December 15 on all prepaid taXes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the clerks office, TuckersMith, RR 4, Seaforth. Signed—Cora phesneys treaSlirer. , , 26tfla SALE ITEMS . . . Sport Shirts — I-Shirts — Jackets Straw Hats, Etc. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! C.D.C.I. BOARD INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR MEN'S DENIM JEANS "". PATIOS all" Faded Blue, 11 pairS only, Special .$3.95 pr. Regularly priced at $5.95 ASSISTANT CARETAKER We Specialize in Making and Laying Patios, and other Concrete ProjeOts, Petersen Concrete Goderich, Ontario Phone JA 44195 DutieS to derailaCirtee August 15, 1960. Apply stating salary and experience. Applications to be in by August 2, 1960. Applications to be forwarded to: Pickett St Campbell Ltd. H. C. LAWSON, secretary.. reasurer, 0-80b OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Main Corner! elintoin home HU 2-9732