HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-07-14, Page 7ENSAeEMENTS
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Clinton,Powell, wish to
announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter,
-Catherine Elizabeth, to Mr,
Murray Delmer Maltby,
Fergus, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Maltby,
Harriston, The wedding to
take place Saturday, Aug-
ust 6th in -Ontario Street
United Church, Clinton. 28b
Mn and Mrs. Stanley
Lyon, RR 1, Auburn are
happy to announce the en-
gagement of their eldest
daughter; .Frances Bernice
to John Alexander Balmer,
son: of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Balmer, Pel-
Saskatehewan. The
wedding will take place in.
Garneau United Church,
Edmonton, Alberta, late in
August,. 28b
The Clinton Women's Insti-
tute will meet for their annual
picnic in the community park,
on July 28, instead of the 21st
as before mentioned. Sports
• committee, Mrs. C. Sturdy,
Mrs. F. Tyndall, Mrs. W. S. R.
Holmes, Mrs, H Trewartha and
Mrs. Cummings, Hostesses,
t social committee in charge.
Priced from $4.95 up
6 ONLY - REG. TO $9.95
$335 ea.
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BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS-long or short
sleeves-regularly priced to $5.95
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To Clear
Pickett Campbell Ltd.
Gift Boxes Open Friday Evenings
$4.95 up
Complete Stock, regulars & tails.
Reg, up to $37.50-reduced to clear $10.95 up
$1.50 up
Reduced to Clear
To Clear
Deichert- Grainger
The Evangelical United
Brethren Church, Zurich, was
the setting on Saturday, July
9, when Elaine Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Grainger, RR 2, Zurich, ex-
changed wedding vows with
Edward Albert Deichert, Scar-
borough, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Deichert, Zurich.
The Rev. A. M. Amacher per-
formed the double ring cere-
mony. Mrs. Ray Huether,
Clinton, was organist, and Mrs.
Donald Kingsbury, Bayfield
sang "The Lord's Prayer" and
"The Wedding Prayer."
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was lovely in a
floor length gown of silk or-
ganza with lace insertion, sty-
ed with a fitted bodice, shir-
red brief sleeves and glittered
neckline. The bouffant skirt
with lace insertion flowing in-
to a cathedral train effect was
worn over bridal satin and
hoop. She wore lily point glov-
es and carried -a white Bible
with pink carnations.
Miss Mary Grainger, Zurich,
was maid of honor for her sis-
ter. Bridesmaids were Miss
Helen Grainger, another sister,
and Miss Margaret Deichert,
Kitchener., sister of the groom.
All wore ballerina length
gowns of white flocked velva
ray silk organza over hyacinth
blue silk, with fitted bodice,
bertha collar neckline and full
bouffant skirts. Their head-
dresses were matching tiaras
with face veils and they car-
ried cascades of pink carna-
Claire Deichert, Zurich, was
groomsman for his brother.
Ushers were Earl Deichert,
Zurich, also a brother, and
Raymond Scetchmer, Bayfield,
Cousin of the bride,
A reception was held in the
Sunday School rooms of the
church, decorated with strewn-
Ors and -table Centres of pink
-and white, The bride's Moth-
er received, wearing a sheath
ted jacket dress' in mink-toned
Silk with white spray and cor-
sage of pink carnations, assis-
ted by the groom's mother in
black crepe with' white acees-
sories and corsage a red car-
For a wedding trip to Nor-
thern Ontario, the bride wore
an olive green cotton jacket
dress with white accessories
and pink carnation Cartage. On
their return they Will live 111
10 for 40c
At News-Record
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev, 1-.), J. LANE, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. Z. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 17
10.00 ant-Church School
11,00 a.m.--Joint Service With
Baptist Congregation
Mrs. Denton Taylor, conven-
er of the deaconess training
school campaign fund will
present the progress of the
building fund for the new
school. She will he in Au-
burn at the 9,30 a.m. ser-
Sunday, July 17
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
':Jogging the Memory to
Stir the Mind"
7.30 p.m.-Evening Service.
"As Much as They Would"
Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting.
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Christian Reformed
Summer Student Pastor
Sunday, July 17
10.00 a.m.-Service in English.
Speaker, Mr. R. 0. Broek-
2.30 p.m.---Reading Service •in
Everyone Welcome
Maple Street
Sunday, July 17
9.45 a,n1.-Worship Service
11.00 axle-Sunday School
7.30 pan.-Gospel Service-
Guest Speaker: Mr. John
Rae, London.
Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer & Bible
All Welcome
End of the haying season for
many farmers, this week pro-
ved to be an unfortunate one
for some. Clinton Public Hos-
pital is completely filled, and
at least three patients have
been treated for injuries re-
ceived while haying.
D'Arey leathwell, RR 1,
Brucefiekl, is in fair condition,
following an accident in his
own hay field, on Monday af-
ternoon. Mr. Rathwell fell
from a load of hay, and the
wagon went over his body. He
suffered skull and chest injur-
Donald Dayman, RR 3, Clin-
ton, was hit on the head July
11 with the handle of the hay
loader, and received a deep
heed laceration. He was re-
leased from hospital the follow-
ing day,
Johnnie Shanahan, RR 1,
Clinton, ten-year-old son of
Me, and Mrs. Aloysius Shana-
han, was run over last Friday
by a load of hay, on his fete
er's farm. He received face,
chest and body injuries, and
will be in hospital for some
time. His condition is reported
as good.
Brian Miller, seven-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Mil-
ler, RR 3, Clinton, caught his
left leg July 12 in the power
stake-off of a tractor, and re-
ceived a compound fracture.
His condition is fairly good.
Little Helpers
Picnic On lawn
St. .Pour s Rectory
The Little Helpers of St.
Paul's Anglican Church held
their annual service and party
on Tuesday, June 28, A short
divine service was held in the
church with .the Rev, C. S, In-
der conducting. Mee, Theo
Fremlin was at the organ.
Later a party was held on.
the rectory lawn, where moth-
ers and children enjoyed the
hospitality of Mrs. Leder, Rac-
es and games were conducted
by Mee, Allan White and the
Rev, C.. S. Inder. Lunen was
served by Members of the Girls
Auxiliary and Women's Auxil-
At The Hospital
ALL SIZES $5.95 & $7.95
The engagement is announced of Dorothy inn,
only daughter of Mrs. Mary Johnston, Peterborough,
and the late Roy Johnston, to Joseph Kenneth
Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, James
Street, Clinton, Both Miss Johnston and Mr. Carter
are graduates of Queen's University. The wedding
will take place on Saturday, August 13, at three
o'clock, in Knox United Church, Peterborough. 28x
Ontario St. WMS
Meets on Lawn of
Mrs. VanEgmond
The Ontario Street Woman's
Missionary Society held their
meeting on the lovely lawn et
the horrie of Mrs. Willis Van
Egmond, RR 1, Clinton, on
Tuesday, July 12. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Brock Olde, opened
the meeting with a hymn, fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer.
Roll call was answered by
"Sing, say, recite or pay."
Miss Elva Wiltse was hi
charge of the devotional per-
iod, 35 sick calls were made
last month. Miss Sybil Cour-
tice gave an interesting talk on
the Dominion board meeting
held in Emmanuel College, To-
ronto. The motto was "Into
all the World Together." Mrs'.
W. S. R. Holmes spoke on
Christian stewardship. A pot-
luck picnic lunch, served from
tables on the lawn, was enjoy-
School Picnic A# Baud's Occasion
To Present Retiring School Teacher
holm end Gordon. Glen; Linda
Hicks end Sarah Hussey.
Lucky spot, Johnny McGrege
or; thread the needle, Cam
Colquhoun and Nellie Verhoef;
Ann MeCowan and Bobby Col-
lins; clothespin relay, seniors,
Brian Lightfoot, Ann MeCow-
an, Fred Zwaan; juniors, Billy
McGregor, Gordon Glen, Law-
rence; visitor e, Torn IVIouneferd,
Jim Collins, Ross Sturdy.
Ladies, hammer and nail,
Doris Cantelon, Mrs, Verhoef,
Murial Glen; ballon race, Jr.,
Hazel Collins, Linda Hicks;
senior, Jim Collins, Sharon
Brown; kick-the-slipper, under
20, Bobby Collins, Jack .Colqu-
houn; over 20, Mrs. Verhoef,
Mrs. Don Colquhoun; high
jumping, juniers, Cam ,Colgu-
home Sarah Hussey; seniors,
Nellie Verhoef, Gordon Glen,
Ann McCowan;
Birthday closest to the picnic
date, Elate Hussey; guessing
candies in a jar, Mrs. Mount-
During the supper hours,
pupils and' parents presented
Mrs. Powell, who is retiring
from teaching at SS 1 Stanley,
with a silver tea service.
Thursday( July 14, 1960 Clinton News-Rocord Pa
Everybody Reads
The Classifieds
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
- All Services Daylight Saving Time -
11.00 a.m.-
UNION SERVICE at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
A Cordial Welcome To All
Anglican Church
of Canada
St. Paul's -- Clinton
REV. C, S. INDER, Rector
Charles 1VIerr1ll, Organist
Sunday, July 17
11.00 asm-Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Ontario Street United Church
9.45 a,ni.--Stinda School
11.00 &in.-Morning Worship.
turbot's Church
9.45 a.m.-416ra Worship
10.45 nat.-Sunday School
K. C. Cooke,
Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton
Sale Price from
98c up
Gigantic Savings on everything you need for
Summer Dress and Casual Wear.
Teacher Retires
Norman P. Garrett, Blyth,
was honoured at' a party held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Middleton, RR 3, Bay-
field, at the close of the school
year, Guests were members of
the staff of Clinton District
Collegiate Institute, their hus-
bands and wives.
Mr. Garrett retired this year
after 14 years on the MCI
staff, He was presented with a
platform rocker, and his wife
received roses.
Mr. Garrett commenced tea-
ching at SS 10 Hullett, and
then in his second year was
principal of the two room
school at St. Helen's. The next
three years were at SS 8 Hul-
lett, where he had been a pupil
himself. In 1922 he was ap-
pointed principal of Wroxeter
continuation school, where he
remained for six years. In 1928
he became pridcipal of the con-
tinuation school at Blyth until
1946, when he joined the staff
of the Clinton District Collegi-
ate Institute, when the Blybh
area became pant of that dis-
The presentation address was
made by Brock Olde, Clinton.
Complete rack. Just right for
cool summer evenings 25% OFF
LUGGAGE (Ladies) Reduced 20%
0001, Comfortable
reg. to $6.95--Ta Cleat
SHIRTS, Reg. Priced to $5.95
Sale Priced from
Reg. Priced to $7.95
To Clear from
$2.95 to $4.95
$1.00 up
$1.95 up
Baskets of gladiolus and
white 'alums decorated the
Clinton Christian Reformed
Church on Saturday, July 9,
for the marriage of Helen Ids-
inga and Jack Roarda. The
bride is the deughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Idsinga, RR 1,
Bayfield, and the •groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Roordla, Clinton.
The Rev. A. G. van Eek, Ex-
eter, performed the double ring
ceremony. Jacob Roorda, the
groom's father, provided the
wedding music.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore pure silk
organza in floor length, with
puffed sleeves and fitted bod-
ice. Her elbow length veil was
held by a tiara of rhinestones
and she carried a white carna-
tion bouquet.
Sylvia Idsinga, sister of the
bride, RR 1, tayfield, was maid
of honour in mauve nylon net
over taffeta, and she carried
yellow 'mums,
John Roorda, Clinton, was
geoomsrtran for his brother and
ushers were George Idsinga
end Dick Roorda.
For the reception in the
church -auditorium, the bride's
mother received in beige lade
over taffeta, with white acces-
sories and corsage of white
carnations. The- groom's moth-
er wore printed nylon, two piece
enseinble With white accessor-
ies and corsage of white came-
The young couple left for a
Week's wedding trip into the
United States, The bride wore
beige linen, suit with. white ac,
cessories. Mr. Poor& is a
painter with D. A. day and
Son, Clinton, and the bride is
eleployed with W. A. Slieaffer
Oo., Ltd., Gederich•
The business period was con-
ducted by the president, Mrs.
Jack Yeo, with the minutes
and roll call read by the secre-
tary Mrs. Harry Cudenore. Ar-
ticles on Christian citizenship
were given by Mrs. Elmer Pot-
ter, and Mrs. Barrie Walter.
A discussion on the Federa-
ted Women's Organization, that
is to start in January 1962; was
held, with Mrs. Lloyd Bond as
leader. The chapter in the
study book, "Africa Disturbed"
was reviewed by Mrs. Lloyd
Bond. Closing prayer was by
Mrs. Lloyd Bond.
WA Meets
The Woman's Association
meeting followed, with the
president, Mrs. Reg. Miller in
the chair. Scripture lesson and
comments on it were given by
Mrs. Reg. Miller. The secre-
tary, Mrs. William Norman
read the minutes of the June
meeting, and also gave roll call.
Mrs. Frank McCullough gave
the treasurer's report; and the
financial report of the straw-
James McCullough is atten-
ding the Army Cadet Camp at
Miss Sandra Williams, who is
taking a summer course in To-
ronto, spent the weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul-
lough and David, spent a few
days in Willowdale, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty.
They were accompanied home
by -their daughter, Frances, a
student nurse at Toronto Wes-
tern Hospital, who is spending
her vacation at her home in
the village.
The Woman's Missionary
Society of Hohnesville United
Church, met in the basement
of the church, Mrs. Lloyd
Bond's group was in change of
the program, and Mrs. Bond
opened the meeting with the
call to worship. Prayer was
by Mrs. Kenneth H a x r is.
Scripture lesson 'was read by
Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha and
the thoughts on it were given
by Mrs. Orville Blake. Miss
Cathie. Potter played a piano
The annual Picnic for pupils
and parents of Baird's School,
55 1 Stanley, was held on the
afternoon of June 28, at the
school ground. Sports were
carried out and: winners of rac-
es were;
1.3 and 1.4 years, Nellie Ver-
hoef, Fred Zwaan, Jackie Col-
quiroute 11. and 12 years, Shar-
on Brown, Brian Lightfoot,
Dianne Verhoef; ten years,
Gordon Glen, Linda Hicks, Ar-
lene Mountford; nine years,
Cameron Colquhoun, Billy Mc-
Gregor, Sarah Hussey; seven
and eight years, Jean Glen,
Steven Layton, Steven Hussey;
six years, Bobbie Layton, Robs
Ibie Brewers.
Visitors, ten and over, Tom
Mountford, Bruce Collins, Jim
Collins; six and ten, Lawrence,
Hazel Collins, Dorothy Collins.
Wheelbarrow race, Bruce
Collins and Torn Mountford;
Ross Sturdy and partner; sack
race, 11 to 14, Sharon Brown,
Fred Zwaan, Dianne Verhoef;
six to ten, Cam Colquhoun,
Linda Hicks, Sarah Hussey;
three-legged race, 11 to 14, Ann
1VIcCowan, Nellie Verhoef;
Sharon Brown and Dianne Ver-
hoef; six to ten, Cam Colqu-
Correspondent - MRS. F. McCULLOUGH
berry supper that was held in
Plane' were made for the
baking sale to be held in Clin-
ton Town Hall on July 30.
Mrs. Orville Blake, Mrs.
Lloyd Bond and Mrs. Jack Yeo
were appointed' a committee to
get prices on laying tile over
the basement floor. Closing
prayer was by Mrs. Reg Miller.
HostesseS for the day were
Mrs. Fred Mulholland and Mrs.
Eldon Yeo and Mrs. W. Yeo.
Miss Mary Helen Yeo, ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Clifford and Mr. Bert Clifford,
Clinton, to Montreal, to attend
the graduation of Private Ron-
ald Clifford.
Shower Given
Mrs. Gordon Steepe was the
'hostess foe a "cup and saucer"
shower, honouring Miss Mavis
Steepe, bride elect of July 23.
Contests were enjoyed by the
guests. Little Cathie and Car-
ol Steepe, daughters of the
hostess, brought the gifts in to
the guest of honour, on a pink
and white ,decorated wagon.
Mavis thanked the guests foe
the lovely gifts. A delicious
lunch was served by the hos-
tess, assisted by Miss Sandra
Williams and Miss Frances Mc-
Fred Sloman, genial teacher
of the school car at Capreol is
home for the summer vacation,
Robert Hattie, 118 Mary
Street, is undergoing treatment
at Westminjster Hospital, Lon-
Mrs, Stivins, Goderich, will
ibe 76 on Monday, July 18, She
is a resident of Clinton Nurs-
ing Home,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Car-
ter, London, palled on Mr. 'and
Mrs. Torn Leppington, 177
Spencer Street, on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Stevens spent
last week with her grand-
daughter Mrs. George Dowson
and Mr. Dawson, at Varna.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Bragg, London were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs', M. T,
Corless, 121 Orange Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Taylor,
Belgrave visited at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb last
Kenneth Knights, son of Mr.
and Mrs, George Knights, 10
Dunlop Street, Clinton, has
joined the staff of the Bank of
Montreal, Clinton Branch.
Mrs. W, S. R. Holmes spent
a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. R. L. Carnegie and fami-
ly at their cottage at Port
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Teb-
butt attended the wedding in
Toronto on July 2, of their son
Lewis Tebbutt and Lavinia
Kenneth Van: Riesen, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Van Riesen,
183 Albert Street, Clinton, has
joined the staff of the Bank of
Montreal, Clinton Branch.
Mr. and Mee John Carter,
155 James Street, spent last
week visiting their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
V. F. Martell and family of St.
Hubert, Que.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Farlane and Bob, St. Thomas,
visited last Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lable. Ma's.
MacFarlane and Mrs. Lobb vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Ball, Auburn.
Miss Cathy Haig and Miss
Kay Snider left for Lebanon,
New Jersey, where they will
be joined by Dr. and Mrs. Haig
on a motor trip to Cape Bre-
ton, Nova Scotia, to spend the
summer vacation.
Graduates of Goderkh
ness College, Miss Donna. Murch
and Miss Lois Dykstra, have
joined the staff of Anderson,
Neilson, Ehgoetz, Bell, Dilke,
and Misener, Barristers, Strat-
Mrs, Harold Morrell is visit-
ing with her son and daughter-
in-law Mr, and Mrs. Frederick
J. Morrell, The Kingsway, To-
ronto; and with her son, and
daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs,
Eldon Morrell.
Sergeant anti Mrs. L. V, Nor-
ris, Portage La Prairie, Mani-
toba, 'and their three daugh-
ters, are visiting during duly
with the lady's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kert
Van Riesen,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henley,
Greenwood, N.S.
and children
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Mann and Mr. and Mrs,
George Knights and others ov-
er the last weekend. They are
posted to Winnipeg, with the
Laurence C. Bezeau, Kitch-
ener, has been awarded the me-
dal of merit for his work with
the Boy Scouts. He will be
presented with this award by
the Governor General George
P. Vanier some time this fall.
Laurence is the son of C. Mor-
timer Bezeau, Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs, Reg Clifford,
412 Matilda Street, attended
the graduation of their son, Pri-
vate Ronald Clifford from
RCOC at Longue Pointe, Que-
bec at the end of June. Ac-
companying them were Bert
Clifford and Miss Mary Helen
Yeo. On -their return they visit-
ed in Ottawa. Ron is on leave
until July 18 when he will re-
port to London, 27 C.O.D.
Kenneth Riley, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Riley, Goder-
ich, and grandson of Mrs, Jos-
eph Webster, Clinton, was one
of the 1960 honour graduates
of 'the Ontario Barbering Col-
lege, Toronto. On June 20 he
tried his government -trade test
and last week obtained his
barber's licence. He is now
employed with Lee Kipfer,
barber in the Dentist Arts
Building, Central Avenue, Lon-
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above
hall invite you to come and hear
the Gospel, the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love,
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows:
11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.-Sunday School
7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
11.00 a.m.-Worshipping at On-
tario Street United Church,
Let us use the Lord's Day to
strengthen our Christian Faith
illiss 606
• REV. 3. A. McKIM, B.A.
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
Sunday, July 17
11.00 a.m.-Worshipping at On-
tario Street United Church