HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-07-14, Page 4Inspection At Station Clinton Group Captain K. C. Cameron, Commanding Officer RCAF Station Clinton, far left, here accompanies Air Vice Marshal J. G. Bryans, CBE, CD, Air Officer Commanding, Training Command, at recent general inspection at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, The Group Captain, who has been in charge at the station for the past three years, is completing his term there this August. (RCAF Photo) ALL KINpS AND MAKES OF SUMMER FURNITURE CHAUSETTE FOLDING LOUNGE with Vinyl Mattress RECLINER CHAIRS 3 and 5 Positions CHAIR SIDE ROUND METAL TABLES UMBRELLAS Vinyl Covers UMBRELLA OUTDOOR TABLES 36" $44.00 $ 7.95 $29,,00 $11.15 to $1815 $ 3.95 We Feature ANODIZED ALUMINUM will Not rub off $24.00 & $35.00 $15.00 SUMMER SPECIAL 2 Only - Kroehler 3-piece Two Half Sofas and Chair Reduced from $279.00 to $229.00 Save $50.00 Many Other Specials Throughout The Store Beattie Furniture CHAISE LOUNGES with Spring Mattress ALUMINUM CHAIRS OUR COMPLETE SUMMER STOCK SALE PRICE $19.95 to $24.95 Reg. to $39.50 ...e§;:t.S,z§:*:,13:::*ii;i::";:;;K:3;:i*,:::::::::::;i::::•::::*iiii:::i:::2?..:::•::::t::::::::•:::::i?:::::::•::::::::::::i::•:•:::•'•i':i:04&.'8-:, • .. • ::K. '':: •:1i":i '':. ...., A • : •iiitonfI • • • • •:;•:)..,,,x,..:•:•:.•::,:;:Z, .4.,:':•:*}••••:".•;7:S•x,:0::?•••••••:,:- '' 'SE*iti:.,,f,i,:i;;;E:pi::SX:ii;I:,:§ax::4R..A.::,•,:•:*... ••::-- `,....i:::.A:::.A.:-A,4::*.•-:'"' ' 4*" •\:'• " ••'•• •.:Ke > .,,.......,.. .:... :. GROUP 1 All Sizes Famous Makes NOW $44.95 GROUP 2 A large selection in all sizes Originally $53 to $59 NOW $39.50 Reg. to $69.50 All Sale Items From Our Regular Stock. We Guarantee All' Items To Be First Quality, Name Brand Lines. Terms Cash on All Sale Merchandize 0 e. H.,ery „.eunion At Londesboro Hall The 15th Nethery reunion held at Londesboro Community Park, on Saturday, July 2 had a splendid attendance, Members of the clan were present from Vancouver, Niagara Falls, To- ronto, Hamilton, Tillsonburg, Goderich, Wiagham, Blyth and many other places, Games and races, enjoyed by both children and adults, were handled by Ab- ner Nethery, Wingham. After supper Albert Nethery, Hamilton, took charge of the meeting, He read a list of those who have passed away since the lest gathering: Mrs. Tris Currie, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. Fred Overend, Dunnville; Mrs. David. Johnston, Moosejaw, Sas- katchewan; Mrs, McMillan, WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 FOrt and William Douglas, Lucknow, One minute of .silence was observed in their memory. Letten of good wish- es were read from. Annie Leish- man, Bruce Mines; Lance Ne- thery, Q.C., Ficton; Mrs. Jam- es. Coati, Hanna, Alberta; and Mr. and Mrs. Tully, Kirkland Lake, A presentation was .matle to Henry Leishman, Godericb, inn appreciation of his work on the pioneers of Huron County, This was presented by Abner Ne- • thery, Wingharn. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Percy Barker of the Goderich Salt Co., for their generous gift of salt, and to Alex Nethery, Don Mills, for a donation of watermelon, Prizes were won by the fol- lowing: oldest woman, Mrs. Fo.irservace; oldest man, Chris Nethery; panty coming great- est distance, Mr. and Mrs. J. Babcock, Vancouver; largest family, Mr, and Mrs. Shouldice, Camp Borden, seven children; lucky birthday, Deane Cooper; most newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs, James Fisher, Clin- ton; lucky plate, Brenda Ken- nedy; lucky cup, Grant Bears, Niagara Falls; lucky chair, Brenda Nthery; treasure hunt, Mrs. Ernest Noble. A special feature was the choosing of a beauty queen for 1960. The judges decision was in favour of Miss Marlene Walsh. Glen Vancamp, Brus- sels was elected president and Mary Isabel Nethery, Belgrave, secretary treasurer.. 0 With other fuels taking over from coal, Canada in 1959 pro- duced less coal than at any time in 50 years. The 1959 fig- ure: 10,554,803 tons. Councillors of the town. of Clinton on Monday night pass- ed a by-law authorizing the spending of $3,500 more on roads, to cover work needed on John Street and Mill Street, where the new government housing project is being built, Broadview Acres. Councillor Donald Symons asked if Clinton's dog by-law were as open as the one in Goderich had proved to be, and Councillor George Rumball plans to investigate the by-law existing, with a view to making it as secure as possible. Councillor N. Livermore re- ported that the fire truck (now 11 years old) bad gone for its annual cheek-up, and some work had been done on the springs. Councillor L. G. Winter re- ported that already a new pair of ice edgers had been bought for the grader, to help cope with ice problems next winter. He noted that the drain at the Mackinnon property was now apparently approved, and the dirt piled along the road in that area would be moved. He expected wofk to get underway this week on the storm sewers required on Orange and Prin- cess Streets. Reeve Melvin Crich reported for the welfare committee, which this year has spent more than ever in Clinton. He noted that 'most of it was for nursing home care, and hoped that when the new wing of the county home was open, this cost would drop off again. A motion was passed author- izing - the mayor to declare Monday, August 1, a civic holi- day. Reeve Crich commented that clay was his birthday. Reeve Crich asked when the NO TURN signs would be put up at the corner of Albert and Princess Streets, and was ad- vised the signs were ordered and would be put up as soon as possible. Councillor J. D. Thorndike commented that a sign would be put up at the entrance to the new parking lot, and re- quested Mr. Winter to have the streets department lay a little black top at the entrance, to create a drive-way, Coun- cillot"rhorndike aso suggested putting the words 'No Parking" at the entrance, on the pave- ment, in white. Councillor Thorndike repor- ted that he hoped to have a check made on double parking by delivery trucks on the main street. VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA May 24 to Thanksgiving Pun For All The Family CHILDREN 14 years and under' • accompanied by parent FREE 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE, Bracebridge, Ont. 26-32b r*Oe lifht r, tiews-ReCord Thursday, July 14# 1960 uncil In °Son Tebbutt-Dale Marriage vows were ,exehen- ged by Lavinia Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John, Dale, Toronto, and Lewis Tebbutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, Clinton, on July 2, in the Chapel of Deer Park Uni- ted Church, Toronto. Rev. C. F., Theodore Poulter performed the- double ring ceremony. The .br,140, iv l Ottiglingt by her father, wore a. Waltz- length ,gown of .ivory peau de . Sole, trimmed with ivory lace applique, Her circular veil was held in place by a tiara of pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and stephanotis. Miss Dorothy Stanwick, Tor- ronto was maid of honour, She wore a gown of royal blue chiffon And carried a bouquet of blue cornflowers and step hanotis. Kenneth Wood, Wingham, was. .groornsolon. .Following a.dinner held at the Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, the bride and groom left on a wedding trip to Northern On- tario. On their return the young couple will reside in Landon until September, when they will return to Woodstock where they are on the staff of the Woodstock collegiate. of Choice Design. Portraits Commercial Photo- graphy, etc. I KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY Fair Grounds, KIRKTON, Ontario Wednesday, July 20th, 1960 6.00 p.m.-SNAPPY GIRLS SOFTBALL GAME 7.30 p.m.-BUDDING STARS Juvenile PROGRAM 9.00 p.m.-Sparkling PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking on Grounds Police Protection Adults 75c - Children 25c COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS 11115111MINNIappip0.001131.1PIIIIIIIIIIF 41 MEN'S and BOYS' Polished Cotton Slacks I Men's Summer Jackets In \1_211U S LONG SLEEVE Banlon "T" Shirts $9.95' Now $6.95 ORLON and BANLON "T" SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE - Reg. $6.95 to $8.95 $4.98 NOW MEN'S NAME BRAND NO IRON DRESS SHIRTS SALE STARTS THUR. JULY 14 Shop Early For Best Selection-Open Friday Evening 79c ea. - 2 pr. for $1.50 59c ea. - 2 for $1t0 Men's White "T" Shirts PENMAN'S - MONARCH 79c ea. - 3 for $2.00 Reg. $1.00 ea. MEN'S Nylon Work Socks 'Reg. to $6.95 SHORT SLEEVE Men's Uniform Sets entire range $9.98 SPORT SHIRTS - "T" SHIRTS Men's Underwear Reg. to $9.90 All Sizes 111 Men's Summer Hats Matching Shirt and Pants Grey-Tan-Green SPECIAL $8.45 SHIRTS and SHORTS all from our $5 to $5.95 Range MEN'S Terylene Dress Shirts WHITE or STRIPE All Sizes Reg. $7.95 Now $5.98 GROUP 2-Balance of our Values to $19.95 NOW ONLY - Large Selection of Men's $3.98 - Boys' $2.98 $6.98 GROUP 1 All Sizes Lined or Unlined Reg. to $16.95 To Clear tos Only $1.95 Group 2 :1PaOTteT BSIXIT • S $3 95 Group I THundredseo fF rSohmi r t s 95 Reg. $3.95 to $5.95 OPENING SALE SPECIAL LIMITED QUANTITY - ALL SIZES "T" Shirts -Sport Shirts 98,1% iinammommiimmommorminoisamommonomerameimminummilimmelemiummur AT TIMELY SUMMER SAVINGS! SLACKS SLACKS AU Sizes- Free Alterations Reg. to $19.95 SALE SPECIAL )6.95 - $9.95 CLINTON HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HU 24351 OPEN FRIIMY EVENINGS Whife-Plain-Check All Sizes Reg. $5.95 SPECIAL SALE $3.95 Amisammiminiain