HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-06-23, Page 8Page+- 1.110'b0+ i4ews,Recerd-ThursdoY, June 2301960 New$ of Hens Hensa (Mrs, Maude elredden, Corxespq lf$) Cassie Doo a Miss C ie who has. is g., 11 ti leen •a patient at Clinton Pubs lie Hospital, has returned home, M. L, $hnpson spent the e members weekend inti w'it'h memdbe . of her family 'in Detroit, Mich, Tlhe annual Baby Band Party will be held in the United Church school room, Thursday afternoon, June 23, et 3 p.m. Constable and Mrs. E. R. Davis will observe their 25th wedding anniversary this Sat- urday, June 25. ' Miss Eleanor Fisher, Graven- burst, and Mr, end Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Brucefield, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs'. J. E. McIewen, George Parker left Monday for Newfoundland and the East Coast in the interests of the General Coach. Mr. end Mrs. Harold Soruton, Port Dover, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mc- Naughton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Shad'diek, Mr. Staffer Faber was taken by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tra- quair, Brian end; David, Wood- stock, were weekend visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nornnin- ton, Shower Held On Saturday, June 18, • a shower was held at the home of Mrs. Eldon: Jarrott and Mar- ie, in honor of her friend Miss Erma Hay, Zurich, whose mar- riage to Eric Smale, Hensali, will take place this Saturday, June 25, Miss Hay is on the staff of the London Life. Head On Crash A head-on collision Saturday at Crediton side road, one and one half miles east of Crediton, caused $1,700 damages and sent one driver to hospital. Drivers of the cars were Lawrence Baynham, 46, Hensall; and Nicholas: Russell, 25, RCAF Station Centoralia. The latter was admitted to the station hospital with leg injuries. Baynham was not injured. Charges are pending stated OPP George Mitchell of Exe- ter detachment who investi- gated Mr, and Mrs. J. E, McEwen will attend the Goodman -Jen- kins wedding at the Protestant Chapel, RCAF Station Central- ia on Saturday, June 25. The bride -elect was a former LAW at Centralia Station before be- ing posted to Southport, Mani- toba, and the groom to be is stationed' at Aylmer RCAF Station. Proceeds from the two trav- elling baskets, project of the Hensel]. Women's Institute net- ted $51. Miss Dianne Reid spent Sat- urday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Rob - are Drive a Yolks-- • manoeverable • economical • comfortable THE CAR for YOU! Don Smith. Motors VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service 9 Ontario Street, Clinton PHONE HU $-9088 emt Talbot and family, Harry, Steve and Connie, at Clinton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mns, Ale. Hyde, Kippers, were Alex their daughter, Miss Jean H3- de, Reg.N., Oshawa, and their son-inlaw and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Stephenson, Toronto. Mrs. George Parker and Mrs. John Baker, leaders of the lo- cal Guide Association, the for- mer Captain for two years, and the latter Lieutenant for one year, at a recent meeting ten- dered their resignations. New leaders will. be appointed. Pupils of grade 5 and 6 of Hensall Public School held a white elephant sale at the school Friday afternoon, and proceeds of $7,12 will be for- warded to the World Refugee Fund. Mrs. Mary Haugh is the. teacher. Miss Betty Jean Tuckey, London, g'r andaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Sr., grad- uated as a Reg.N., at 'Elgin Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, and was presented with a spec- ial award for patient care. At- tending graduation exercises were Mr. and Mrs. Kyle; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle and Nan- cy; Mr. and Mrs. Byran Kyle and Susanne. Mrs. Alice Joynt had a visit. last weekend from her son, Laird and his wife, from Toron- to. Mrs. Joynt returned to To- ronto for a short visit, espec- ially es attend the graduation of her only grandson, Larry Joynt, from University of Tor- onto, Faculty of Medicine. In- terested guests at the Convo- cation were Dr, and Mrs. Harry Joynt. Harry, also a son of Mrs. Joynh, is a surgeon at .the Toronto Western Hospital. Wendy Moir, Colleen Bayre ham, Flora Lee Johnston, Sus- anne Kyle, Joyce Flynn and Heather Reid, members of the First Hensel]. Brownie Pack, accompanied by Brown Owl, Mrs. E. T. Rowe, will spend the weekend of June 24, at the Anglican Church Camp, Bay- field. Mrs. T. Lavender, camp advisor for Huron, will also at- tend. Miss Evelyn Hyde, nurse -in - training at the general hospital, Oshawa, is spending three weeks vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kipper. At present she is vis- iting for a few days, with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde, Windsor. Congratulations are extended to Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth, Hensall, on the occasion of her 90th birthday, which was cele- brated at South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter. Up until four weeks ago Miss Hoggarth has been enjoying her usual health, but since has been confined to hospital. Relative. from Sea - forth, Mitchell, Grand Bend and Hensall, including her brother, Henry Hoggarbh, Sea - forth, celebrated the occasion with her, floral bouquets and congratulatory messages were received. Lunch included' a birthday cake, til y Tour Goderich Approximately 100 pupils from seven rural schools of Hay Township, accompanied by their teachers, went by bus to Goderich, June :22, for a con- ducted tour of the museum, courthouse, Bissets, and other places of interest. There were two bus load . Kinette Club President, Mrs. William Mike- kle, chaired' the meeting of the Kinettes for which Mrs. George Beer was hostess at her home',' on June 14. 100 percent atten- dance was recorded. The closing meeting for the summer months on June 28, will be a social evening, when, the group will be entertained at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Mrs. Jack Drysdale won the FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm, Pleas PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE , 19th BIRTHDAY? -keep insurredN kEAb YOUR r; ONTARIO I: HOSPITAL INSURANCErt,m4 fl GUIDE ,f you haven't one, disk your employer r r write You're no longer insured under your parent's Hospital • Insurance Certificate. When you became 19, separate premiums me re, 'quired, Application forms available from hospitals, most banks or any office of the Coaltnissioi . ONtARIO HOSPlrAt tekViCES COMMISSION TORONtd 014TAP4O Scoufs Have Station For New 0lub House The Boy Scout -Group Com mittee at 'W nghaan 'has come by a pleasant situation in the receipt of the key to the for- titertheir town. mer CPR; station in ow Wingham town bought the building from the CPR, and will provide it for use by the i ee icing _ it group0o t as ass , g is properly maintained. raffle, Wednesday morning, June 29, two top students (boy and girl) of grade eight of the Public School will be presen- ted with $25 scholarships, with Mrs. Mickle, making the pres- entations, This is an annual project of the club, To Niagara Falls Under ideal weather condi- tions, 37 ladies including mem- bers of Fiensall Women's Insti- tute and guests enjoyed a most delighted bus trip on June 13, to Niagara Falls, and report a most enjoyable and informative day of sight-seeing and very pleasant memories. Their itinerary included the Burlington Skyway, birth place of Adelaide Hoodless at :Stoney Creek, The Locks at Thorold, lunch at Prudhome's Garden Hotel at Vineland, Brack':s Monument at Queenston Heigh- • tits, a conducted tour of Nia- gara Generating Station, The, Canadian Horseshoe Falls, Am- erican Falls, Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Parks School of Gard- ening (beautiful), Hydro Flor- al Shop, evening meal at the Refectory Niagara Park res- taurant, Tussaud's English Wax Museum, and the coloured lights from Oakes Gardens, Mrs. Bruce McGregor was hostess for Historical Research and Current•Events meeting of Kippers East Women's Institu- te, Wednesday, June 15, with guest speaker, Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth, on "Vaca- tion Time." Mrs. Verne Alderdice and Mrs. Robert Bell were appoin- ted to take the Leaders Course on "The Third Meal" which the branch will takethis fall, A picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth, was planned for July 7. Mem- bers answered the roll call by relating an incident of pioneer times. Mrs. Alex McGregor commented on the motto and Mrs. J. Sinclair reviewed cur- rent events, Mrs. Stanley Jackson. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, former members, provided vocal duets, with Mrs. Bruce McGregor ac- companist. A contest, "the oldest picture of yourself," was enjoyed. President, Mrs. Jam- es Drummond chaired t h e meeting and Mrs. Robert Gem- mell was co -hostess. Lunch committee was' Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, and Mrs. William Kyle. Rebekah Officers The following officers were elected on. June 15, for the next term at the Amber Rebekah Lodge. Noble Grand, Mrs. Glenn Bell president. Noble Grand, Mrs. Ernest Ch'ipchase; vice grand, Mrs. A. R. Orr; re -- cording secretary, Mrs'. John Ingram; financial secretary, Mrs. Clarence Voll and treas:- urer, Mrs. Archie MacGregor. The charter was draped in memory ' of the late Mrs. May, Ralston, past president of the Rebekah Assembly. Mrs. Chip - chase, vice grand, reported vis- its, cards and boxes of fruit sent to shut ins. Thank you cards were re- ceived' from Mrs. John Rich- ardson and family; Mrs. Ken Elder and Mrs. Wes Verner. The report of the DDP Mrs. Harold Parker was read by the recording secretary, Mrs. Ing- ram. This was a detailed and complete report. The district secretary -treasurer's report by Mrs. William Cardwell was pre- sented. An invitation was received from Huronic Lodge, Clinton, to attend the holiday dance in Bayfield pavilion, July 2, to raise funds for their new hall. June 29 was suggested for the IOOtP and Rebekah picnic, A pot Iuok supper will be served following the opening meeting in September. Carmel W MS Mrs, H. Herzn.ansate Toronto, missionary on furlough from Formosa, addressed the Wom- en's Missionary Society of Cars mel Presbyterian Church, on the occasion of their 70th an- niversary, Tuesday evening, June 14, telling of the work of the Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of the Presbyterian Chur- ch of Canada in Formosa. She told of the different aspects of Mission Work in Formosa. The Presbyterian. Church in Canada works with the Presby- terian Church in Formosa. It has been established for over 90 years and the first Canad- ian Missionary was t>r. George Leslie MacKay. Mrs. Herrnanson who, hat served as a missionary for 28 years was born in Sweden, She lived there until four years of age and later trained as a nur- se in Saskachewan. She show- ed slides of Formosa work and of her trier home through the far east. The speaker was in- irodueed by Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor and thanked by Mrs. Il.. Y. McLaren., Members and guesta the WMS and Evening Auxiliary, Hensel United, and St, Paul's Anglican Churches, Ca v e n Presbyterian, ',peter; hayfield Presbyterian, and Arnold Cir- cle of Carmel 'Church, were welcomed by presldeti't WS, ,. NEWS OF KIPPEN wax i 94 (G9tregpnr;td�t, MRS. N. I.�DNG, "Phone Heri ( 6 r1'a) Mrs. Tom Slavin, is a. patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, visitedSundayMr. on with . and Mrs. James Armstrong and AI - ice, Staffa. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Cooper visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Harkness and family, Parkhill. Mrs. William Gibson, Wrox- eter, i visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. John Doig, Grand Rapids, Mian., were weekend guests of the fornzer's mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister Janet. Dr. John Stewart of Western, Reserve University, Cleveland,• Ohio, and Mrs, Marion Gents, Pawley Island, Connecticut, visited Monday with their aunt, Mrs. James Wright, Mrs, James Wright and two nieces, Mrs, Norris Sillery, Sea - forth, and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Walton, visited during last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilson, Barrie. Mrs. Clarence Priestap, Mit- chell, visited during last week with her father, Robert Thomp- son, and on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stokes and Larry, London, were visitors. Bus 'Tour On Friday, June 17, 50 stu- dents and three teachers from SS 1, 7, -end 10, Stanley Town- ship, took a bus tour to Niag- ara Falls. The tour included a stop at Welland Canal and Brook's monument at Queen- ston, where they had lunch. They then went on to Sir Adam Beck generating station .. They visited For George and then the Falls, dining at the cafeteria there, A pleasant day was spent by all, Neil Be -union The Neil picnic was held .at Riverview Park, Exeter, on June 19, opening with a peanut scramble, Races were as' fol- lows; five years and under, Tommy Roberts; eight -and un- der, nder, Jimmy Roberts, Cathy Ro- berts; 12 and under, Marian Roberts, Jimmy Roberts, Cathy Roberts, Young people's race, men, Clayton Kooy, Ron Wilson; la- dies, Helen Cole. Three-legged race, Helen Cole and Marion Roberts; Jimmy and Cathy Ro- berts, The curiosity contest was a tie; guessing corn in jar, Mrs. Harry Cole; mystery con- test, Clayton Kooy; sampling contest, Bev. Turner, After a sumptuous supper, a business meeting followed with Harry Cole as president, Bev. Turner, secretary-traesurer. It was decided to hold the Neil Reunion the same date next year at Riverview Park, 0 HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb vis- ited with their uncle, Urbane Moore, celebrating his 85th birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb, Bruce= field. News of Londesboro Correspondent; --- MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r5 Miss Maxine Hunking spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngblut spent Sunday at Goderich with their son and family. Mr. and Mrs Jack Armstrong spent Saturday and Sunday in Brampton with the latter's brother and family. Harold Beacom and Miss, Edythe Beacom visited on Sun- day with a cousin, William Beacom, in Stratford. Misses Flossie and Esther Jamieson, Clinton, called on a few friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ken- yon, Utica, Mich., spent Mon- day and Tuesday with the Bert Aliens. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston en- tertained a number of their old friends from Dorchester on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs., Joim Daniels, Grimsby, have'been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Sr., recently. • Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Gloria and Leland, and Miss Lillian Adams, Clinton, attend - Earl Campbell, who presided. Guest soloist Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins, SaByfield, chose for her selections, "The Lord's Pray- er" and "Entreat me not to Leave Thee." Mrs. Malcolm Dougall was her accompanist. Mrs. G. Vais had charge of the devotional on the 23rd Psalm. Luncheon was served' in the church schoolroom. Mrs. James Wright, Kippen, oldest member of the society, cut the anniversary cake. The tea table was lovely with lilies and snowballs. Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs. Vais formed the reception com- mittee, and Miss $•annah Mur- ray and Mrs. Harvey Hyde were ushers, Mrs. R. Y. Mc- Laren expressed curtesy re- marks to the speaker and solo- ist.. Brownies and Guides Many parents and friends at- tended closing meetings for Brownies and Guides for the summer, last Friday evening, in Hensall Uivited Church. Miss Laurette Siegner, division com- missioner enrolled the follow- ing Brownies, Janice Bonthron, Beth Cook, Lynda Fuss, Linda Hoy, Dorothy Kipfer, Jane Smith. Pauline Bell was en- rolled as •a Guide. Golden- Bars Were presented to Betty Cameron, Arlene Chip. chase, Carolyn Cook, P -a t Hume, Linda Keys, Sharon Lavery, Cheryl Mousseau, Pa- tricia Parke; Golden Hand, to Linda Tenaghan. Minstrel badges went to Colleen Baynham, Lynn Faber, Receiving Brownie Wings and flying up were Colleen Baynh'atin, Joyce Flynn, Flora Lee Johnston, Suzanne' Kyle, Linda Lenaghati, Wendy Moir and. leather Reid. Guide awards were as fol. lows: second cless, Suzanne Rennie, Nancy Kyle, Marcia Lititle; laundress, Sharon Skid.. more; skater's, Sharon Hume; needlewoman's, Sharon Skid- more; cook's, Linda Noakes, Mary Payne, Sharon. S•kichnore; Child nurse, Linda Noakes, Patsy Schwalm, Cathy Seamy Sharon Skidmore, Brownies • demonstrated two singing games and formed the fairy ring. Guides pres'entedd a skit on a nature hike. Miss Siegner showed slides on Guid- es of the Royal Family; Browno le mid Gude songs were sung, llefreshntents were served by the Indies of the local essociaa lion, A most entertaining ev- ening closed With: the sdiigitig of the t tteert: and Brownie ,a�rA�wr ed the Aberdeen Angus picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday. The junior choir of 40 child- ren, under the training of Mrs. Alan Shaddick, sang two fine hymns, "Come with the Happy Children" and "God is Love." Mrs. John Vincent, Goderich, who has been a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Adam's and Clifford and family returned home during the week. Mrs. Snell, Wingham, who attended the Snell picnic on Saturday, is spending a few days with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Chester Morris called on friends in the village Saturday last and attended the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. M. Manning. Mrs. Joe Lyon, Brandon, Man,, attended the Lyon -Lear picnic in Exeter on Saturday, and is visiting among the cousins at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Jr., took their son Ricky, to the hospital in Toronto for a check- up and will remain there for a few days. Miss Dorothy Little, Toron- to, and Miss Margaret Tamb- lyn, Leamington, spent the weekend at their respective homes. The community was sadden- ed by the passing during the week of two elderly residents, Mrs.Charles Rud'd'ell and Mrs. Margaret Manning. They will be missed by their many friends and neighbours. Tihe church was well filled on Sunday for the Father's Day service. Rev. Henry Funge preached a splendid sermon from Acts II: 24, "For he was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith," re- ferring to Barnabas. Mrs. Robert Carter (nee Liz- zie Whitely), Assiniboia, Sask., is at present visiting with her cousins, Mrs. 1%. Youngblut and Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whitely, Toronto, accompanied her here for the weekend. Mrs. Lila Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson and children, Riverside, attended the funeral of the late Mr's. Margaret Manning on Saturday and also called on William Manning, Frank Taeriblyn and Bert Hunkings on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Spinney, Alma, Mich., Mrs. Pearl Fran- cis, St. Thomas and Miss Hazel Morris visited the weekend with William Manning, Willows Mountain and Bert Honking, also attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs, M, Manning. ,r Schwalm Reunion At Riverside Part( (Ry Ifensall correspondent) Riverview Park, Exeter, on Saturday, June 18 proved an spoto ideal for the annual Schwal2n, reunion attended by over 00 members of 'the clan, from Burlington, St. Thomas, London, Lambeth, Thedford, St. Marys,rHensel l✓xeteand H...ena A delicious picnic dinner and supper was served. 1901 election resulted as fol- lows; president, Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, St, Marys; secretary. treasurer, Miss Arlene Hansen, Stratford; sports, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Harris, London, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hansen, Strat- ford; table committee, Mm. Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Ro- bert McKenzie, Hensall. A long line of sports were run off under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, London. Win- ners are; races, five and under, Bobby Harris, London; Wendy Love, Thadford; eight and un - ,der, girls, Marjorie Schwalm, Mensall; Susan Harris, London; boys, Wayne Love, Thedford; 12 and under, girls, Linda Pfaff, St. Marys; Barbara Schwalm, Hensall; boys, CharlesSchwalm; girls, over 12, Trudy Pfaff, Burlington; Linda Pfaff, St. Marys, Married ladies race, Mrs. Gorden Schwalm, Hensall; married men, Arthur Pfaff, St. Marys; kick slipper, ladies, Trudy Pfaff; men, Arthur Pfaff; baseball throw, Charles and Patsy Schwalm; three leg- ged race, Barbara Schwann and Linda Pfaff; lucky spot on grounds, Mrs. Charles Harris, London:; man with most colors in socks, Hedley May, Exeter, Closest to birthday, Arthur Pfaff; oldest present, Mrs. Vio- let Schwalm, Hensall; young- est, Dianne Hocigert, Thames Road; greatest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pfaff, Bur- lington; candy guessing, Ray Schwalm, Hensall; lucky spot at supper table, Bob McKenzie, Hensel]. 1961. reunion will be held the third Saturday of June, at Riverview Park, Exeter. 0 VARNA The annual church service of LOL 1035, will be held in the Anglican Church on Sunday evening, June 26, at 7.30 p.m., with the rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison in charge. The Bannockburn Band will lead the parade. A number from here atten- ded the Webster picnic at Lucknow, on Saturday last, The Goshen -Varna YPU held their anniversary service in Goshen United' Church last Sunday evening when Rev. Dr. R. '.Hiltz, Main Stedet United Church, Exeter, gave a stirring address. The pastor Rev. T. J. Pitt assisted .in the service and the Goshen choir sang two an- thems. The death occurred in Exe- ter hospital on Saturday, June 25, of Mrs. W. Foster, a form- er resident of Hensel) and Stanley Township, IF IT'S TOPS IN SERVICE DAY -OR -NIGHT MY BOSS'S PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT() SEE THE NEW ... PHILIPS PORTABLE RADIOS and T.V.'s For Your Summer Pleasure MERRILL TV SERVICE umninowaronsanolosaminiminnor ,r rr.srr BALER TWINE FARMERS: For Your Supply of Quality Twine for Haying... We have the following: DANCORD BALER TWINE- the famous Danish twine; 10,000 ft. per bale, BRANTFORD BALER TWINE- Cash Discounts Being Allowed Hsl Fsf•WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Phone HU 19i92 Mary Street Clinfbhw'Ont, Boll Reunion The 1060 reunion was held Saturday,. June 18 et the Surnnnerhill Community Hall with 100 relatives present, Guests were present from De- troi,t, Pontiac, London, Mit- chell, it-chell, Caoderich and surround - log districts. The afternoon was enjoyed with a ball game, races and re- lay • e ay games in the school grounds, Following a 'bount- eous supper a short meeting was held with the president, Stanley Ball presiding. The 1961 executive was el- ected as follows; honourary president couple, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Ball; president couple, Mr, ,and Mrs, Warren Gibbing's; vice-president couple, Mr, and Mrs. Melbourne Ball; secretary - treasurer couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maine; executive corn mittee, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mr, and Mrs. Den- nis Penifound. A program was enjoyed. Douglas and Betty Ann Gib- bings gave a violin and accor- dion duet, Other items were a guitar solo by Norma Vodden, solo by Connie Gibbings, read- irng by Dora Shabbroolc and a mouthorgan and guitar selec- tion by Bert Shabbrook. Gifts were presented ,to Kathy Stanbury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stanbury, being the youngest member present; Mrs. Josling, oldest member; Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregor, youngest married couple and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ball, longest married couple. SHun-cAIN: FEED • PELLETED? ? Yesl in response to OW ever increasing demand for pelleted and crumbled. feed, we are installing our, own pellet mill to pro-, vide our customers with, SH U R - GAIN complete feeds and concentrates pelleted right in our own4 mill. Watch our ad for' further announcements.' UNION FEED MILL 28 Huron Street Phone HU 2-3815 NOTICE SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES Effective June 27th Obtain your copy from your Local Agent Bartliffs Restaurant The Western Ontario Motorways Limited Ontario 25-6b Kitchener :A Z`:;! .Next stop in sight? .--- v- reserve reserve ahead ... `ti:eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeesseem v nti:it:}�} �ti!i tis: `•i^';ice rty?: Sk.:i:•::•)v'v::}:. USED CARS 2-1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIRS, automatic, fully equipped $2,495 1959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN, automatic $2,295 2-1958 CHEVROLET STANDARD Sedans $1,995 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN two -door Hardtop, fully equipped, fully pow- ered $2,150 1958 FORD FAiRLANE, 8 -cylinder, auto- matic, fully equipped ' $2,095 1957 METEOR CUSTOM "300", radio, etc. $1,395 1956 FORD CUSTOM, four -door, auto- matic $1,395 1956 FORD COACH, 8 -cylinder $1,195 2-1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS, radio $1,195 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, automatic $1,195 1954 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN, Radio, Automatic $ 895 Various 1954 CHEV. Coaches and Sedans from $650 to $895 A NUMBER OF OLDER MODELS TRUCKS 3-1938 CHEVROLET 1/4 -TON PICKUPS, with Pleetside Bodies $1,495 1958 CHEVROLET 1/4 -TON PICKUP, short box; fully equipped $1,495 1956 CHEVROLET ,1 -TON PICKUP ...... $1,595 1954 CHEVROLET V2 -TON PICKUP ....., $ 395 1951 CHEVROLET 2 -TON $ 650 All Cars Under Cover and Heated, Can Be Seen in Comfort Anytime, Many Older Models Available Oars Oen Be Driven Away of the Prices Listed in This Advertisement Brussels Motors 5rUssells1 Ontario Phone 173 Huron County's Foremost Used Cor' Deafer 4